

private void init() {
    this.basePath = getCacheBasePath(config);

    this.maxCacheSizeInKB = (long) (config.getExtTableSnapshotLocalCacheMaxSizeGB() * 1024 * 1024);
    this.tablesCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().removalListener(new RemovalListener<String, CachedTableInfo>() {
        public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<String, CachedTableInfo> notification) {
            logger.warn(notification.getValue() + " is removed " + "because of " + notification.getCause());
    }).maximumWeight(maxCacheSizeInKB).weigher(new Weigher<String, CachedTableInfo>() {
        public int weigh(String key, CachedTableInfo value) {
            return value.getSizeInKB();
    cacheStateChecker = new CacheStateChecker();
源代码2 项目: orbit-image-analysis   文件: OrbitTiledImage2.java
private static void initCache() {
    logger.info("(re-)creating tile cache");
    long mem = ScaleoutMode.SCALEOUTMODE.get() ? 512L*512L*3*4*200 : Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()/2;
  //  long mem = (512L*512L*3*4*200);
    tileCache = CacheBuilder.
            expireAfterWrite(7, TimeUnit.MINUTES).
            weigher(new Weigher<PointAndName, Raster>() {
                public int weigh(PointAndName key, Raster raster) {
                    return raster.getWidth()*raster.getHeight() * 3 * 4;
public MetaCacheManager(String tableName, long intervalDumpMeta, long maxCacheSize, TableStoreWriter writer) {
    this.tableName = tableName;
    this.intervalDumpMeta = intervalDumpMeta;
    this.cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
            .expireAfterWrite(intervalDumpMeta, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                    new Weigher<TimestreamIdentifier, Long>() {
                        public int weigh(TimestreamIdentifier k, Long v) {
                            return k.getDataSize() + 8;
    this.writer = writer;
源代码4 项目: james-project   文件: CachingTextExtractor.java
public CachingTextExtractor(TextExtractor underlying, Duration cacheEvictionPeriod, Long cacheWeightInBytes,
                            MetricFactory metricFactory, GaugeRegistry gaugeRegistry) {
    this.underlying = underlying;
    this.weightMetric = metricFactory.generate("textExtractor.cache.weight");

    Weigher<String, ParsedContent> weigher =
        (key, parsedContent) -> computeWeight(parsedContent);
    RemovalListener<String, ParsedContent> removalListener =
        notification -> Optional.ofNullable(notification.getValue())

    this.cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
        .expireAfterAccess(cacheEvictionPeriod.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
源代码5 项目: presto   文件: CachingDirectoryLister.java
public CachingDirectoryLister(Duration expireAfterWrite, long maxSize, List<String> tables)
    this.cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
            .weigher((Weigher<Path, List<LocatedFileStatus>>) (key, value) -> value.size())
            .expireAfterWrite(expireAfterWrite.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
    this.tablePrefixes = tables.stream()
源代码6 项目: my_curd   文件: BaseCache.java
 * 权重缓存:缓存数据权重和不能超过maxWeight
 * @param maxWeight                   最大权重
 * @param weigher:权重函数类,需要实现计算元素权重的函数
public BaseCache(long maxWeight, Weigher<K, V> weigher) {
    cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
            .build(new CacheLoader<K, V>() {
                public V load(K k) {
                    return loadData(k);
源代码7 项目: apollo   文件: ConfigFileController.java
public ConfigFileController(
    final ConfigController configController,
    final NamespaceUtil namespaceUtil,
    final WatchKeysUtil watchKeysUtil,
    final GrayReleaseRulesHolder grayReleaseRulesHolder) {
  localCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
      .expireAfterWrite(EXPIRE_AFTER_WRITE, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
      .weigher((Weigher<String, String>) (key, value) -> value == null ? 0 : value.length())
      .removalListener(notification -> {
        String cacheKey = notification.getKey();
        logger.debug("removing cache key: {}", cacheKey);
        if (!cacheKey2WatchedKeys.containsKey(cacheKey)) {
        //create a new list to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
        List<String> watchedKeys = new ArrayList<>(cacheKey2WatchedKeys.get(cacheKey));
        for (String watchedKey : watchedKeys) {
          watchedKeys2CacheKey.remove(watchedKey, cacheKey);
        logger.debug("removed cache key: {}", cacheKey);
  propertiesResponseHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
  propertiesResponseHeaders.add("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8");
  jsonResponseHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
  jsonResponseHeaders.add("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
  NOT_FOUND_RESPONSE = new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
  this.configController = configController;
  this.namespaceUtil = namespaceUtil;
  this.watchKeysUtil = watchKeysUtil;
  this.grayReleaseRulesHolder = grayReleaseRulesHolder;
源代码8 项目: grakn   文件: StandardJanusGraphTx.java
public StandardJanusGraphTx(StandardJanusGraph graph, TransactionConfiguration config) {
    this.graph = graph;
    this.timestampProvider = graph.getConfiguration().getTimestampProvider();
    this.config = config;
    this.idManager = graph.getIDManager();
    this.attributeHandler = graph.getDataSerializer();
    this.edgeSerializer = graph.getEdgeSerializer();
    this.indexSerializer = graph.getIndexSerializer();
    this.temporaryIds = buildTemporaryIDsPool();
    this.isOpen = true;

    this.externalVertexRetriever = new VertexConstructor(config.hasVerifyExternalVertexExistence()); // used to retrieve vertices when vertex ID is provided as a parameter by the user, e.g. getVertex("1234")
    this.internalVertexRetriever = new VertexConstructor(config.hasVerifyInternalVertexExistence()); // used to retrieve vertices, but only invoked by internal methods, e.g. vertexVariable.query().direction(Direction.OUT).labels("link").vertices()
    this.existingVertexRetriever = new VertexConstructor(false); // use to retrieve vertices when we are 100% sure that the vertex exists

    int concurrencyLevel = (config.isSingleThreaded()) ? 1 : 4;
    this.addedRelations = (config.isSingleThreaded()) ? new SimpleBufferAddedRelations() : new ConcurrentBufferAddedRelations();
    this.newTypeCache = (config.isSingleThreaded()) ? new HashMap<>() : new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    this.newVertexIndexEntries = (config.isSingleThreaded()) ? new SimpleIndexCache() : new ConcurrentIndexCache();

    long effectiveVertexCacheSize = Math.max(MIN_VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE, config.getVertexCacheSize()); // this is because of a weird bug with cache, see line above where declared MIN_VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE
    this.vertexCache = new VertexCache(effectiveVertexCacheSize, concurrencyLevel, config.getDirtyVertexSize());
    this.indexCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().weigher((Weigher<JointIndexQuery.Subquery, List<Object>>) (q, r) -> 2 + r.size()).concurrencyLevel(concurrencyLevel).maximumWeight(config.getIndexCacheWeight()).build();

    this.deletedRelations = EMPTY_DELETED_RELATIONS;

    //The following 2 variables need to be reworked completely, but in order to do that
    // correctly, the whole hierarchy Transaction-QueryBuilder-QueryProcessor needs to be reworked
    elementProcessor = elementProcessorImpl;
    edgeProcessor = edgeProcessorImpl;

    // Ideally we should try to remove the dependency IndexSerialiser to Tx (which is why we can only open BackendTransaction here),
    // and find a proper structure so that this Tx and BackendTransaction don't have this awkward coupling.
    this.backendTransaction = graph.openBackendTransaction(this); // awkward!
源代码9 项目: dsl-devkit   文件: MapCache.java
MapCache(final String name, final CacheConfiguration config) {
  this.name = name;

  CacheBuilder<Object, Object> cacheBuilder = CacheBuilder.newBuilder();
  if (config.isStatisticsEnabled()) {
  if (config.isSoftValuesEnabled()) {
  if (config.getInitialCapacity() >= 0) {
  if (config.getMaximumSize() >= 0) {
    if (config.isArraySizeEnabled()) {
      cacheBuilder.weigher(new Weigher<K, V>() {
        public int weigh(final K key, final V value) {
          if (value instanceof byte[]) {
            return ((byte[]) value).length;
          throw new IllegalStateException("Using array size is only supported for byte arrays"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } else {

  backend = cacheBuilder.build();
源代码10 项目: titan1withtp3.1   文件: ExpirationKCVSCache.java
public ExpirationKCVSCache(final KeyColumnValueStore store, String metricsName, final long cacheTimeMS, final long invalidationGracePeriodMS, final long maximumByteSize) {
    super(store, metricsName);
    Preconditions.checkArgument(cacheTimeMS > 0, "Cache expiration must be positive: %s", cacheTimeMS);
    Preconditions.checkArgument(System.currentTimeMillis()+1000l*3600*24*365*100+cacheTimeMS>0,"Cache expiration time too large, overflow may occur: %s",cacheTimeMS);
    this.cacheTimeMS = cacheTimeMS;
    int concurrencyLevel = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
    Preconditions.checkArgument(invalidationGracePeriodMS >=0,"Invalid expiration grace peiod: %s", invalidationGracePeriodMS);
    this.invalidationGracePeriodMS = invalidationGracePeriodMS;
    CacheBuilder<KeySliceQuery,EntryList> cachebuilder = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
            .expireAfterWrite(cacheTimeMS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
            .weigher(new Weigher<KeySliceQuery, EntryList>() {
                public int weigh(KeySliceQuery keySliceQuery, EntryList entries) {
                    return GUAVA_CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE + KEY_QUERY_SIZE + entries.getByteSize();

    cache = cachebuilder.build();
    expiredKeys = new ConcurrentHashMap<StaticBuffer, Long>(50,0.75f,concurrencyLevel);
    penaltyCountdown = new CountDownLatch(PENALTY_THRESHOLD);

    cleanupThread = new CleanupThread();
源代码11 项目: phoenix   文件: GlobalCache.java
public Cache<ImmutableBytesPtr,PTable> getMetaDataCache() {
    // Lazy initialize QueryServices so that we only attempt to create an HBase Configuration
    // object upon the first attempt to connect to any cluster. Otherwise, an attempt will be
    // made at driver initialization time which is too early for some systems.
    Cache<ImmutableBytesPtr,PTable> result = metaDataCache;
    if (result == null) {
        synchronized(this) {
            result = metaDataCache;
            if(result == null) {
                long maxTTL = Math.min(config.getLong(
                        QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_SERVER_METADATA_CACHE_TIME_TO_LIVE_MS), config.getLong(
                long maxSize = config.getLong(QueryServices.MAX_SERVER_METADATA_CACHE_SIZE_ATTRIB,
                metaDataCache = result = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
                        .expireAfterAccess(maxTTL, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                        .weigher(new Weigher<ImmutableBytesPtr, PTable>() {
                            public int weigh(ImmutableBytesPtr key, PTable table) {
                                return SizedUtil.IMMUTABLE_BYTES_PTR_SIZE + key.getLength() + table.getEstimatedSize();
    return result;
源代码12 项目: tajo   文件: GlobalEngine.java
private QueryContext createQueryContext(Session session) {
  QueryContext newQueryContext =  new QueryContext(context.getConf(), session);

  // Set default space uri and its root uri

  if (TajoConstants.IS_TEST_MODE) {

  // Set queryCache in session
  int queryCacheSize = context.getConf().getIntVar(TajoConf.ConfVars.QUERY_SESSION_QUERY_CACHE_SIZE);
  if (queryCacheSize > 0 && session.getQueryCache() == null) {
    Weigher<String, Expr> weighByLength = new Weigher<String, Expr>() {
      public int weigh(String key, Expr expr) {
        return key.length();
    LoadingCache<String, Expr> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
      .maximumWeight(queryCacheSize * 1024)
      .expireAfterAccess(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)
      .build(new CacheLoader<String, Expr>() {
        public Expr load(String sql) throws SQLSyntaxError {
          return analyzer.parse(sql);
  return newQueryContext;
源代码13 项目: phoenix   文件: GuidePostsCacheImpl.java
public GuidePostsCacheImpl(PhoenixStatsCacheLoader cacheLoader, Configuration config) {

    // Number of millis to expire cache values after write
    final long statsUpdateFrequency = config.getLong(

    // Maximum total weight (size in bytes) of stats entries
    final long maxTableStatsCacheSize = config.getLong(

    cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
            // Refresh entries a given amount of time after they were written
            .refreshAfterWrite(statsUpdateFrequency, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
            // Maximum total weight (size in bytes) of stats entries
            // Defer actual size to the PTableStats.getEstimatedSize()
            .weigher(new Weigher<GuidePostsKey, GuidePostsInfo>() {
                @Override public int weigh(GuidePostsKey key, GuidePostsInfo info) {
                    return info.getEstimatedSize();
            // Log removals at TRACE for debugging
            .removalListener(new PhoenixStatsCacheRemovalListener())
            // Automatically load the cache when entries need to be refreshed
源代码14 项目: phoenix   文件: GlobalCache.java
public Cache<ImmutableBytesPtr,PMetaDataEntity> getMetaDataCache() {
    // Lazy initialize QueryServices so that we only attempt to create an HBase Configuration
    // object upon the first attempt to connect to any cluster. Otherwise, an attempt will be
    // made at driver initialization time which is too early for some systems.
    Cache<ImmutableBytesPtr,PMetaDataEntity> result = metaDataCache;
    if (result == null) {
        synchronized(this) {
            result = metaDataCache;
            if(result == null) {
                long maxTTL = config.getLong(
                long maxSize = config.getLong(QueryServices.MAX_SERVER_METADATA_CACHE_SIZE_ATTRIB,
                metaDataCache = result = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
                        .expireAfterAccess(maxTTL, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                        .weigher(new Weigher<ImmutableBytesPtr, PMetaDataEntity>() {
                            public int weigh(ImmutableBytesPtr key, PMetaDataEntity table) {
                                return SizedUtil.IMMUTABLE_BYTES_PTR_SIZE + key.getLength() + table.getEstimatedSize();
    return result;
源代码15 项目: hermes   文件: MessageCacheBuilder.java
private LoadingCache<Pair<String, Integer>, PageCache<T>> buildCache() {
	return CacheBuilder.newBuilder()//
	      .removalListener(new RemovalListener<Pair<String, Integer>, PageCache<T>>() {

		      public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<Pair<String, Integer>, PageCache<T>> notification) {
			      if (m_shrinking.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
				      m_shrinkExecutor.submit(new Runnable() {

					      public void run() {
						      Transaction tx = Cat.newTransaction("Message.Broker.Cache.Shrink", m_name);
						      try {
							      int shrinkCount = m_shrinkStrategy.shrink(m_tpPageCaches.asMap().values());
							      tx.addData("count", shrinkCount);
						      } catch (Exception e) {
						      } finally {
	      .weigher(new Weigher<Pair<String, Integer>, PageCache<T>>() {

		      public int weigh(Pair<String, Integer> key, PageCache<T> pageCache) {
			      return pageCache.pageCount() * pageCache.pageSize();
	      .build(new CacheLoader<Pair<String, Integer>, PageCache<T>>() {

		      public PageCache<T> load(Pair<String, Integer> tp) throws Exception {
			      return buildPageCache(tp);
源代码16 项目: titan1withtp3.1   文件: StandardTitanTx.java
public StandardTitanTx(StandardTitanGraph graph, TransactionConfiguration config) {
        this.graph = graph;
        this.times = graph.getConfiguration().getTimestampProvider();
        this.config = config;
        this.idManager = graph.getIDManager();
        this.idInspector = idManager;
//        this.idInspector = idManager.getIdInspector();
        this.attributeHandler = graph.getDataSerializer();
        this.edgeSerializer = graph.getEdgeSerializer();
        this.indexSerializer = graph.getIndexSerializer();

        temporaryIds = new IDPool() {

            private final AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(1);

            public long nextID() {
                return counter.getAndIncrement();

            public void close() {
                //Do nothing

        int concurrencyLevel;
        if (config.isSingleThreaded()) {
            addedRelations = new SimpleBufferAddedRelations();
            concurrencyLevel = 1;
            newTypeCache = new HashMap<String, Long>();
            newVertexIndexEntries = new SimpleIndexCache();
        } else {
            addedRelations = new ConcurrentBufferAddedRelations();
            concurrencyLevel = 1; //TODO: should we increase this?
            newTypeCache = new NonBlockingHashMap<String, Long>();
            newVertexIndexEntries = new ConcurrentIndexCache();

        boolean preloadedData = config.hasPreloadedData();
        externalVertexRetriever = new VertexConstructor(config.hasVerifyExternalVertexExistence(), preloadedData);
        internalVertexRetriever = new VertexConstructor(config.hasVerifyInternalVertexExistence(), preloadedData);
        existingVertexRetriever = new VertexConstructor(false, preloadedData);

        long effectiveVertexCacheSize = config.getVertexCacheSize();
        if (!config.isReadOnly()) {
            effectiveVertexCacheSize = Math.max(MIN_VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE, effectiveVertexCacheSize);
            log.debug("Guava vertex cache size: requested={} effective={} (min={})",
                    config.getVertexCacheSize(), effectiveVertexCacheSize, MIN_VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE);

        vertexCache = new GuavaVertexCache(effectiveVertexCacheSize,concurrencyLevel,config.getDirtyVertexSize());

        indexCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().weigher(new Weigher<JointIndexQuery.Subquery, List<Object>>() {
            public int weigh(JointIndexQuery.Subquery q, List<Object> r) {
                return 2 + r.size();

        uniqueLocks = UNINITIALIZED_LOCKS;
        deletedRelations = EMPTY_DELETED_RELATIONS;

        this.isOpen = true;
        if (null != config.getGroupName()) {
            MetricManager.INSTANCE.getCounter(config.getGroupName(), "tx", "begin").inc();
            elementProcessor = new MetricsQueryExecutor<GraphCentricQuery, TitanElement, JointIndexQuery>(config.getGroupName(), "graph", elementProcessorImpl);
            edgeProcessor    = new MetricsQueryExecutor<VertexCentricQuery, TitanRelation, SliceQuery>(config.getGroupName(), "vertex", edgeProcessorImpl);
        } else {
            elementProcessor = elementProcessorImpl;
            edgeProcessor    = edgeProcessorImpl;
源代码17 项目: caffeine   文件: GuavaCacheFromContext.java
GuavaWeigher(com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Weigher<K, V> weigher) {
  this.weigher = weigher;
public void setMaxCacheWeight(final long weight) {
    final Weigher<DmKey, DmValue> weigher = (key, value) -> 24 + value
    cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumWeight(weight)
源代码19 项目: phoenix   文件: PhoenixStatsCacheLoaderTest.java
public void testStatsBeingAutomaticallyRefreshed() {
    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);

    CountDownLatch firstTimeRefreshedSignal = new CountDownLatch(1);
    CountDownLatch secondTimeRefreshedSignal = new CountDownLatch(2);

    Configuration config = HBaseFactoryProvider.getConfigurationFactory().getConfiguration();

    LoadingCache<GuidePostsKey, GuidePostsInfo> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
            // Refresh entries a given amount of time after they were written
            .refreshAfterWrite(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
            // Maximum total weight (size in bytes) of stats entries
            // Defer actual size to the PTableStats.getEstimatedSize()
            .weigher(new Weigher<GuidePostsKey, GuidePostsInfo>() {
                @Override public int weigh(GuidePostsKey key, GuidePostsInfo info) {
                    return info.getEstimatedSize();
            // Log removals at TRACE for debugging
            .removalListener(new GuidePostsCacheImpl.PhoenixStatsCacheRemovalListener())
            // Automatically load the cache when entries are missing
            .build(new PhoenixStatsCacheLoader(new TestStatsLoaderImpl(
                    firstTimeRefreshedSignal, secondTimeRefreshedSignal), config));

    try {
        GuidePostsKey guidePostsKey = new GuidePostsKey(new byte[4], new byte[4]);
        GuidePostsInfo guidePostsInfo = getStats(cache, guidePostsKey);
        assertTrue(guidePostsInfo.getMaxLength() == 1);

        // Note: With Guava cache, automatic refreshes are performed when the first stale request for an entry occurs.

        // After we sleep here for any time which is larger than the refresh cycle, the refresh of cache entry will be
        // triggered for its first time by the call of getStats(). This is deterministic behavior, and it won't cause
        // randomized test failures.
        guidePostsInfo = getStats(cache, guidePostsKey);
        // Refresh has been triggered for its first time, but still could get the old value
        assertTrue(guidePostsInfo.getMaxLength() >= 1);

        guidePostsInfo = getStats(cache, guidePostsKey);
        // Now the second time refresh has been triggered by the above getStats() call, the first time Refresh has completed
        // and the cache entry has been updated for sure.
        assertTrue(guidePostsInfo.getMaxLength() >= 2);
    catch (InterruptedException e) {
源代码20 项目: incubator-pinot   文件: ThirdEyeUtils.java
public static LoadingCache<RelationalQuery, ThirdEyeResultSetGroup> buildResponseCache(
    CacheLoader cacheLoader) throws Exception {
  Preconditions.checkNotNull(cacheLoader, "A cache loader is required.");

  // Initializes listener that prints expired entries in debuggin mode.
  RemovalListener<RelationalQuery, ThirdEyeResultSet> listener;
  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
    listener = new RemovalListener<RelationalQuery, ThirdEyeResultSet>() {
      public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<RelationalQuery, ThirdEyeResultSet> notification) {
        LOG.debug("Expired {}", notification.getKey().getQuery());
  } else {
    listener = new RemovalListener<RelationalQuery, ThirdEyeResultSet>() {
      @Override public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<RelationalQuery, ThirdEyeResultSet> notification) { }

  // ResultSetGroup Cache. The size of this cache is limited by the total number of buckets in all ResultSetGroup.
  // We estimate that 1 bucket (including overhead) consumes 1KB and this cache is allowed to use up to 50% of max
  // heap space.
  long maxBucketNumber = getApproximateMaxBucketNumber(DEFAULT_HEAP_PERCENTAGE_FOR_RESULTSETGROUP_CACHE);
  LOG.debug("Max bucket number for {}'s cache is set to {}", cacheLoader.toString(), maxBucketNumber);

  return CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
      .expireAfterWrite(15, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
      .weigher(new Weigher<RelationalQuery, ThirdEyeResultSetGroup>() {
        @Override public int weigh(RelationalQuery relationalQuery, ThirdEyeResultSetGroup resultSetGroup) {
          int resultSetCount = resultSetGroup.size();
          int weight = 0;
          for (int idx = 0; idx < resultSetCount; ++idx) {
            ThirdEyeResultSet resultSet = resultSetGroup.get(idx);
            weight += ((resultSet.getColumnCount() + resultSet.getGroupKeyLength()) * resultSet.getRowCount());
          return weight;