

源代码1 项目: hadoop   文件: SwiftNativeFileSystemStore.java
 * Tell the Swift server to expect a multi-part upload by submitting
 * a 0-byte file with the X-Object-Manifest header
 * @param path path of final final
 * @throws IOException
public void createManifestForPartUpload(Path path) throws IOException {
  String pathString = toObjectPath(path).toString();
  if (!pathString.endsWith("/")) {
    pathString = pathString.concat("/");
  if (pathString.startsWith("/")) {
    pathString = pathString.substring(1);

          new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]),
          new Header(SwiftProtocolConstants.X_OBJECT_MANIFEST, pathString));
源代码2 项目: hadoop   文件: TestReadPastBuffer.java
 * Get a configuration which a small blocksize reported to callers
 * @return a configuration for this test
public Configuration getConf() {
  Configuration conf = super.getConf();
   * set to 4KB
  conf.setInt(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_BLOCKSIZE, SWIFT_READ_BLOCKSIZE);
  return conf;
源代码3 项目: hadoop   文件: TestReadPastBuffer.java
 * Create a config with a 1KB request size
 * @return a config
protected Configuration createConfiguration() {
  Configuration conf = super.createConfiguration();
  conf.set(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_REQUEST_SIZE, "1");
  return conf;
protected Configuration createConfiguration() {
  Configuration conf = super.createConfiguration();
  //set the partition size to 1 KB
  conf.setInt(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_PARTITION_SIZE, PART_SIZE);
  return conf;
源代码5 项目: hadoop   文件: TestFSMainOperationsSwift.java
public void setUp() throws Exception {
  Configuration conf = new Configuration();
  //small blocksize for faster remote tests
  conf.setInt(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_BLOCKSIZE, 2);
  URI serviceURI = SwiftTestUtils.getServiceURI(conf);
  fSys = FileSystem.get(serviceURI, conf);
源代码6 项目: hadoop   文件: TestSwiftFileSystemBlockLocation.java
private void assertLocationValid(BlockLocation location) throws
                                                         IOException {
  String[] hosts = location.getHosts();
  String[] names = location.getNames();
  assertNotEqual("No hosts supplied for " + location, 0, hosts.length);
  //for every host, there's a name.
  assertEquals("Unequal names and hosts in " + location,
               hosts.length, names.length);
源代码7 项目: big-c   文件: SwiftNativeFileSystemStore.java
 * Tell the Swift server to expect a multi-part upload by submitting
 * a 0-byte file with the X-Object-Manifest header
 * @param path path of final final
 * @throws IOException
public void createManifestForPartUpload(Path path) throws IOException {
  String pathString = toObjectPath(path).toString();
  if (!pathString.endsWith("/")) {
    pathString = pathString.concat("/");
  if (pathString.startsWith("/")) {
    pathString = pathString.substring(1);

          new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]),
          new Header(SwiftProtocolConstants.X_OBJECT_MANIFEST, pathString));
源代码8 项目: big-c   文件: TestReadPastBuffer.java
 * Get a configuration which a small blocksize reported to callers
 * @return a configuration for this test
public Configuration getConf() {
  Configuration conf = super.getConf();
   * set to 4KB
  conf.setInt(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_BLOCKSIZE, SWIFT_READ_BLOCKSIZE);
  return conf;
源代码9 项目: big-c   文件: TestReadPastBuffer.java
 * Create a config with a 1KB request size
 * @return a config
protected Configuration createConfiguration() {
  Configuration conf = super.createConfiguration();
  conf.set(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_REQUEST_SIZE, "1");
  return conf;
protected Configuration createConfiguration() {
  Configuration conf = super.createConfiguration();
  //set the partition size to 1 KB
  conf.setInt(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_PARTITION_SIZE, PART_SIZE);
  return conf;
源代码11 项目: big-c   文件: TestFSMainOperationsSwift.java
public void setUp() throws Exception {
  Configuration conf = new Configuration();
  //small blocksize for faster remote tests
  conf.setInt(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_BLOCKSIZE, 2);
  URI serviceURI = SwiftTestUtils.getServiceURI(conf);
  fSys = FileSystem.get(serviceURI, conf);
源代码12 项目: big-c   文件: TestSwiftFileSystemBlockLocation.java
private void assertLocationValid(BlockLocation location) throws
                                                         IOException {
  String[] hosts = location.getHosts();
  String[] names = location.getNames();
  assertNotEqual("No hosts supplied for " + location, 0, hosts.length);
  //for every host, there's a name.
  assertEquals("Unequal names and hosts in " + location,
               hosts.length, names.length);
源代码13 项目: sahara-extra   文件: SwiftNativeFileSystemStore.java
 * Tell the Swift server to expect a multi-part upload by submitting
 * a 0-byte file with the X-Object-Manifest header
 * @param path path of final final
 * @throws IOException
public void createManifestForPartUpload(Path path) throws IOException {
  String pathString = toObjectPath(path).toString();
  if (!pathString.endsWith("/")) {
    pathString = pathString.concat("/");
  if (pathString.startsWith("/")) {
    pathString = pathString.substring(1);

          new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]),
          new Header(SwiftProtocolConstants.X_OBJECT_MANIFEST, pathString));
源代码14 项目: sahara-extra   文件: TestReadPastBuffer.java
 * Get a configuration which a small blocksize reported to callers
 * @return a configuration for this test
public Configuration getConf() {
  Configuration conf = super.getConf();
   * set to 4KB
  conf.setInt(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_BLOCKSIZE, SWIFT_READ_BLOCKSIZE);
  return conf;
源代码15 项目: sahara-extra   文件: TestReadPastBuffer.java
 * Create a config with a 1KB request size
 * @return a config
protected Configuration createConfiguration() {
  Configuration conf = super.createConfiguration();
  conf.set(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_REQUEST_SIZE, "1");
  return conf;
protected Configuration createConfiguration() {
  Configuration conf = super.createConfiguration();
  //set the partition size to 1 KB
  conf.setInt(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_PARTITION_SIZE, PART_SIZE);
  return conf;
private void assertLocationValid(BlockLocation location) throws
                                                         IOException {
  String[] hosts = location.getHosts();
  String[] names = location.getNames();
  assertNotEqual("No hosts supplied for " + location, 0, hosts.length);
  //for every host, there's a name.
  assertEquals("Unequal names and hosts in " + location,
               hosts.length, names.length);
源代码18 项目: hadoop   文件: SwiftNativeFileSystem.java
 * Return an array containing hostnames, offset and size of
 * portions of the given file.  For a nonexistent
 * file or regions, null will be returned.
 * <p>
 * This call is most helpful with DFS, where it returns
 * hostnames of machines that contain the given file.
 * <p>
 * The FileSystem will simply return an elt containing 'localhost'.
public BlockLocation[] getFileBlockLocations(FileStatus file,
                                             long start,
                                             long len) throws IOException {
  //argument checks
  if (file == null) {
    return null;

  if (start < 0 || len < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative start or len parameter" +
                                       " to getFileBlockLocations");
  if (file.getLen() <= start) {
    return new BlockLocation[0];

  // Check if requested file in Swift is more than 5Gb. In this case
  // each block has its own location -which may be determinable
  // from the Swift client API, depending on the remote server
  final FileStatus[] listOfFileBlocks = store.listSubPaths(file.getPath(),
  List<URI> locations = new ArrayList<URI>();
  if (listOfFileBlocks.length > 1) {
    for (FileStatus fileStatus : listOfFileBlocks) {
      if (SwiftObjectPath.fromPath(uri, fileStatus.getPath())
              .equals(SwiftObjectPath.fromPath(uri, file.getPath()))) {
  } else {
    locations = store.getObjectLocation(file.getPath());

  if (locations.isEmpty()) {
    LOG.debug("No locations returned for " + file.getPath());
    //no locations were returned for the object
    //fall back to the superclass

    String[] name = {SwiftProtocolConstants.BLOCK_LOCATION};
    String[] host = { "localhost" };
    String[] topology={SwiftProtocolConstants.TOPOLOGY_PATH};
    return new BlockLocation[] {
      new BlockLocation(name, host, topology,0, file.getLen())

  final String[] names = new String[locations.size()];
  final String[] hosts = new String[locations.size()];
  int i = 0;
  for (URI location : locations) {
    hosts[i] = location.getHost();
    names[i] = location.getAuthority();
  return new BlockLocation[]{
          new BlockLocation(names, hosts, 0, file.getLen())
public void testPartitionPropertyPropagatesToConf() throws Throwable {
源代码20 项目: hadoop   文件: TestSeek.java
protected Configuration createConfiguration() {
  Configuration conf = super.createConfiguration();
  conf.set(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_REQUEST_SIZE, "1");
  return conf;
源代码21 项目: big-c   文件: SwiftNativeFileSystem.java
 * Return an array containing hostnames, offset and size of
 * portions of the given file.  For a nonexistent
 * file or regions, null will be returned.
 * <p>
 * This call is most helpful with DFS, where it returns
 * hostnames of machines that contain the given file.
 * <p>
 * The FileSystem will simply return an elt containing 'localhost'.
public BlockLocation[] getFileBlockLocations(FileStatus file,
                                             long start,
                                             long len) throws IOException {
  //argument checks
  if (file == null) {
    return null;

  if (start < 0 || len < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative start or len parameter" +
                                       " to getFileBlockLocations");
  if (file.getLen() <= start) {
    return new BlockLocation[0];

  // Check if requested file in Swift is more than 5Gb. In this case
  // each block has its own location -which may be determinable
  // from the Swift client API, depending on the remote server
  final FileStatus[] listOfFileBlocks = store.listSubPaths(file.getPath(),
  List<URI> locations = new ArrayList<URI>();
  if (listOfFileBlocks.length > 1) {
    for (FileStatus fileStatus : listOfFileBlocks) {
      if (SwiftObjectPath.fromPath(uri, fileStatus.getPath())
              .equals(SwiftObjectPath.fromPath(uri, file.getPath()))) {
  } else {
    locations = store.getObjectLocation(file.getPath());

  if (locations.isEmpty()) {
    LOG.debug("No locations returned for " + file.getPath());
    //no locations were returned for the object
    //fall back to the superclass

    String[] name = {SwiftProtocolConstants.BLOCK_LOCATION};
    String[] host = { "localhost" };
    String[] topology={SwiftProtocolConstants.TOPOLOGY_PATH};
    return new BlockLocation[] {
      new BlockLocation(name, host, topology,0, file.getLen())

  final String[] names = new String[locations.size()];
  final String[] hosts = new String[locations.size()];
  int i = 0;
  for (URI location : locations) {
    hosts[i] = location.getHost();
    names[i] = location.getAuthority();
  return new BlockLocation[]{
          new BlockLocation(names, hosts, 0, file.getLen())
public void testPartitionPropertyPropagatesToConf() throws Throwable {
源代码23 项目: big-c   文件: TestSeek.java
protected Configuration createConfiguration() {
  Configuration conf = super.createConfiguration();
  conf.set(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_REQUEST_SIZE, "1");
  return conf;
源代码24 项目: sahara-extra   文件: SwiftNativeFileSystem.java
 * Return an array containing hostnames, offset and size of
 * portions of the given file.  For a nonexistent
 * file or regions, null will be returned.
 * <p/>
 * This call is most helpful with DFS, where it returns
 * hostnames of machines that contain the given file.
 * <p/>
 * The FileSystem will simply return an elt containing 'localhost'.
public BlockLocation[] getFileBlockLocations(FileStatus file,
                                             long start,
                                             long len) throws IOException {
  //argument checks
  if (file == null) {
    return null;
  if (file.isDir()) {
    return new BlockLocation[0];

  if (start < 0 || len < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative start or len parameter" +
                                       " to getFileBlockLocations");
  if (file.getLen() <= start) {
    return new BlockLocation[0];

  // Check if requested file in Swift is more than 5Gb. In this case
  // each block has its own location -which may be determinable
  // from the Swift client API, depending on the remote server
  final FileStatus[] listOfFileBlocks;
  if (file instanceof SwiftFileStatus && ((SwiftFileStatus)file).isDLO()) {
    listOfFileBlocks = store.listSegments(file, true);
  } else {
    listOfFileBlocks = null;

  List<URI> locations = new ArrayList<URI>();
  if (listOfFileBlocks != null && listOfFileBlocks.length > 1) {
    for (FileStatus fileStatus : listOfFileBlocks) {
      if (SwiftObjectPath.fromPath(uri, fileStatus.getPath())
              .equals(SwiftObjectPath.fromPath(uri, file.getPath()))) {
  } else {
    locations = store.getObjectLocation(file.getPath());

  if (locations.isEmpty()) {
    LOG.debug("No locations returned for " + file.getPath());
    //no locations were returned for the object
    //fall back to the superclass

    String[] name = {SwiftProtocolConstants.BLOCK_LOCATION};
    String[] host = { "localhost" };
    String[] topology={SwiftProtocolConstants.TOPOLOGY_PATH};
    return new BlockLocation[] {
      new BlockLocation(name, host, topology,0, file.getLen())

  final String[] names = new String[locations.size()];
  final String[] hosts = new String[locations.size()];
  int i = 0;
  for (URI location : locations) {
    hosts[i] = location.getHost();
    names[i] = location.getAuthority();
  return new BlockLocation[]{
          new BlockLocation(names, hosts, 0, file.getLen())
public void testPartitionPropertyPropagatesToConf() throws Throwable {
源代码26 项目: sahara-extra   文件: TestSeek.java
protected Configuration createConfiguration() {
  Configuration conf = super.createConfiguration();
  conf.set(SwiftProtocolConstants.SWIFT_REQUEST_SIZE, "1");
  return conf;