

源代码1 项目: FairEmail   文件: Session.java

    * Returns the default Provider for the protocol
    * specified. Checks mail.<protocol>.class property
    * first and if it exists, returns the Provider
    * associated with this implementation. If it doesn't exist, 
    * returns the Provider that appeared first in the 
    * configuration files. If an implementation for the protocol 
    * isn't found, throws NoSuchProviderException
    * @param  protocol  Configured protocol (i.e. smtp, imap, etc)
    * @return Currently configured Provider for the specified protocol
    * @exception	NoSuchProviderException If a provider for the given
    *			protocol is not found.
   public synchronized Provider getProvider(String protocol)
                                throws NoSuchProviderException {

if (protocol == null || protocol.length() <= 0) {
    throw new NoSuchProviderException("Invalid protocol: null");

Provider _provider = null;

// check if the mail.<protocol>.class property exists
String _className = props.getProperty("mail."+protocol+".class");
if (_className != null) {
    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
			   ".class property exists and points to " + 
    _provider = providersByClassName.get(_className);

if (_provider != null) {
    return _provider;
} else {
    // returning currently default protocol in providersByProtocol
    _provider = providersByProtocol.get(protocol);

if (_provider == null) {
    throw new NoSuchProviderException("No provider for " + protocol);
} else {
    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
	logger.fine("getProvider() returning " + _provider.toString());
    return _provider;
源代码2 项目: FairEmail   文件: Session.java

    * Set the passed Provider to be the default implementation
    * for the protocol in Provider.protocol overriding any previous values.
    * @param provider Currently configured Provider which will be 
    * set as the default for the protocol
    * @exception	NoSuchProviderException If the provider passed in
    *			is invalid.
   public synchronized void setProvider(Provider provider)
			throws NoSuchProviderException {
if (provider == null) {
    throw new NoSuchProviderException("Can't set null provider");
providersByProtocol.put(provider.getProtocol(), provider);
providersByClassName.put(provider.getClassName(), provider);
props.put("mail." + provider.getProtocol() + ".class", 
源代码3 项目: FairEmail   文件: Session.java

    * Get a Transport object using the given provider and urlname.
    * @param	provider	the provider to use
    * @param	url		urlname to use (can be null)
    * @return A Transport object
    * @exception	NoSuchProviderException	If no provider or the provider
    *			was the wrong class.	

   private Transport getTransport(Provider provider, URLName url)
				throws NoSuchProviderException {
// make sure we have the correct type of provider
if (provider == null || provider.getType() != Provider.Type.TRANSPORT) {
    throw new NoSuchProviderException("invalid provider");

return getService(provider, url, Transport.class);
源代码4 项目: FairEmail   文件: Session.java

    * Add a provider to the session.
    * @param	provider	the provider to add
    * @since	JavaMail 1.4
   public synchronized void addProvider(Provider provider) {
providersByClassName.put(provider.getClassName(), provider);
if (!providersByProtocol.containsKey(provider.getProtocol()))
    providersByProtocol.put(provider.getProtocol(), provider);

public static TransportStrategy newProviderStrategy(final Provider provider) {
  return new TransportStrategy() {
    public Transport getTransport(Session session) throws NoSuchProviderException {
      return session.getTransport(provider);

private Session buildSession(MailConfig emailConfig) {
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.host", emailConfig.getHost());
    properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
    properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", String.valueOf(emailConfig.getPort()));

    properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", String.valueOf(emailConfig.getPort()));
    properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", "javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory");
    properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false");
    properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", String.valueOf(true));
    properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.ssl.checkserveridentity", "true");

    //we only need to send the message so we use smtps
    properties.setProperty("mail.transport.protocol", "smtps");

    //explicit override stmp provider because of issues with relocation
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties);
    try {
        session.setProvider(new Provider(Type.TRANSPORT, "smtps",
                "flexiblelogin.mail.smtp.SMTPSSLTransport", "Oracle", "1.6.0"));
    } catch (NoSuchProviderException noSuchProvider) {
        logger.error("Failed to add SMTP provider", noSuchProvider);

    return session;
源代码7 项目: javamail-mock2   文件: Providers.java

public static Provider getIMAPProvider(final String protocol, final boolean secure, final boolean mock) {
    if (mock) {
        return new Provider(Provider.Type.STORE, protocol, secure ? "de.saly.javamail.mock2.IMAPSSLMockStore"
                : "de.saly.javamail.mock2.IMAPMockStore", "JavaMail Mock2 provider", null);

    return new Provider(Provider.Type.STORE, protocol, secure ? "com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPSSLStore" : "com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPStore",
            "Oracle", null);

源代码8 项目: javamail-mock2   文件: Providers.java

public static Provider getPOP3Provider(final String protocol, final boolean secure, final boolean mock) {
    if (mock) {
        return new Provider(Provider.Type.STORE, protocol, secure ? "de.saly.javamail.mock2.POP3SSLMockStore"
                : "de.saly.javamail.mock2.POP3MockStore", "JavaMail Mock2 provider", null);

    return new Provider(Provider.Type.STORE, protocol, secure ? "com.sun.mail.pop3.POP3SSLStore" : "com.sun.mail.pop3.POP3Store",
            "Oracle", null);

源代码9 项目: javamail-mock2   文件: Providers.java

public static Provider getSMTPProvider(final String protocol, final boolean secure, final boolean mock) {
    if (mock) {
        return new Provider(Provider.Type.TRANSPORT, protocol, "de.saly.javamail.mock2.MockTransport", "JavaMail Mock2 provider", null);

    return new Provider(Provider.Type.TRANSPORT, protocol, secure ? "com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSSLTransport"
            : "com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport", "Oracle", null);
源代码10 项目: iaf   文件: MailSenderTest.java

public MailSender createSender() throws Exception {
	MailSender mailSender = new MailSender() {
		Session mailSession;
		protected Session createSession() throws SenderException {
			try {
				mailSession = super.createSession();
				Provider provider = new Provider(Type.TRANSPORT, "smtp", TransportMock.class.getCanonicalName(), "IbisSource.org", "1.0");

				return mailSession;
			} catch(Exception e) {
				throw new SenderException(e);

		public Message sendMessage(Message message, IPipeLineSession session) throws SenderException, TimeOutException {
			super.sendMessage(message, session);
			session.put("mailSession", mailSession);
			String correlationID = session.getMessageId();
			return new Message(correlationID);
	return mailSender;

void process() throws IOException {
    List<String> providers = resources("META-INF/services/javax.mail.Provider")
            .filter(s -> !s.startsWith("#"))

    List<String> imp1 = providers.stream()

    List<String> imp2 = Stream.of("META-INF/javamail.default.providers", "META-INF/javamail.providers")
            .filter(s -> !s.startsWith("#"))
            .flatMap(s -> Stream.of(s.split(";")))
            .filter(s -> s.startsWith("class="))
            .map(s -> s.substring("class=".length()))

    List<String> imp3 = resources("META-INF/mailcap")
            .filter(s -> !s.startsWith("#"))
            .flatMap(s -> Stream.of(s.split(";")))
            .filter(s -> s.startsWith("x-java-content-handler="))
            .map(s -> s.substring("x-java-content-handler=".length()))

    reflectiveClass.produce(new ReflectiveClassBuildItem(true, false, false,
            Stream.concat(providers.stream(), Stream.concat(imp1.stream(), Stream.concat(imp2.stream(), imp3.stream())))

    resource.produce(new NativeImageResourceBuildItem(
源代码12 项目: FairEmail   文件: SMTPSSLProvider.java

public SMTPSSLProvider() {
super(Provider.Type.TRANSPORT, "smtps",
    SMTPSSLTransport.class.getName(), "Oracle", null);
源代码13 项目: FairEmail   文件: SMTPProvider.java

public SMTPProvider() {
super(Provider.Type.TRANSPORT, "smtp", SMTPTransport.class.getName(),
    "Oracle", null);
源代码14 项目: FairEmail   文件: IMAPSSLProvider.java

public IMAPSSLProvider() {
super(Provider.Type.STORE, "imaps", IMAPSSLStore.class.getName(),
    "Oracle", null);
源代码15 项目: FairEmail   文件: IMAPProvider.java

public IMAPProvider() {
super(Provider.Type.STORE, "imap", IMAPStore.class.getName(),
    "Oracle", null);
源代码16 项目: FairEmail   文件: POP3Provider.java

public POP3Provider() {
super(Provider.Type.STORE, "pop3", POP3Store.class.getName(),
    "Oracle", null);
源代码17 项目: FairEmail   文件: POP3SSLProvider.java

public POP3SSLProvider() {
super(Provider.Type.STORE, "pop3s", POP3SSLStore.class.getName(),
    "Oracle", null);
源代码18 项目: FairEmail   文件: GmailProvider.java

public GmailProvider() {
super(Provider.Type.STORE, "gimap", GmailStore.class.getName(),
    "Oracle", null);
源代码19 项目: FairEmail   文件: GmailSSLProvider.java

public GmailSSLProvider() {
super(Provider.Type.STORE, "gimaps", GmailSSLStore.class.getName(),
    "Oracle", null);
源代码20 项目: FairEmail   文件: Session.java

private void loadProvidersFromStream(InputStream is) 
			throws IOException {
if (is != null) {
    LineInputStream lis = new LineInputStream(is);
    String currLine;

    // load and process one line at a time using LineInputStream
    while ((currLine = lis.readLine()) != null) {

	if (currLine.startsWith("#"))
	if (currLine.trim().length() == 0)
	    continue;	// skip blank line
	Provider.Type type = null;
	String protocol = null, className = null;
	String vendor = null, version = null;
	// separate line into key-value tuples
	StringTokenizer tuples = new StringTokenizer(currLine,";");
	while (tuples.hasMoreTokens()) {
	    String currTuple = tuples.nextToken().trim();
	    // set the value of each attribute based on its key
	    int sep = currTuple.indexOf("=");
	    if (currTuple.startsWith("protocol=")) {
		protocol = currTuple.substring(sep+1);
	    } else if (currTuple.startsWith("type=")) {
		String strType = currTuple.substring(sep+1);
		if (strType.equalsIgnoreCase("store")) {
		    type = Provider.Type.STORE;
		} else if (strType.equalsIgnoreCase("transport")) {
		    type = Provider.Type.TRANSPORT;
	    } else if (currTuple.startsWith("class=")) {
		className = currTuple.substring(sep+1);
	    } else if (currTuple.startsWith("vendor=")) {
		vendor = currTuple.substring(sep+1);
	    } else if (currTuple.startsWith("version=")) {
		version = currTuple.substring(sep+1);

	// check if a valid Provider; else, continue
	if (type == null || protocol == null || className == null 
	    || protocol.length() <= 0 || className.length() <= 0) {
	    logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "Bad provider entry: {0}",
	Provider provider = new Provider(type, protocol, className,
				         vendor, version);

	// add the newly-created Provider to the lookup tables
源代码21 项目: FairEmail   文件: Session.java

    * Get an instance of the store specified by Provider. If the URLName
    * is not null, uses it, otherwise creates a new one. Instantiates
    * the store and returns it. This is a private method used by
    * getStore(Provider) and getStore(URLName)
    * @param provider Store Provider that will be instantiated
    * @param url      URLName used to instantiate the Store
    * @return Instantiated Store
    * @exception	NoSuchProviderException If a provider for the given
    *			Provider/URLName is not found.
   private Store getStore(Provider provider, URLName url) 
throws NoSuchProviderException {

// make sure we have the correct type of provider
if (provider == null || provider.getType() != Provider.Type.STORE ) {
    throw new NoSuchProviderException("invalid provider");

return getService(provider, url, Store.class);
源代码22 项目: FairEmail   文件: Session.java

    * This method returns an array of all the implementations installed 
    * via the javamail.[default.]providers files that can
    * be loaded using the ClassLoader available to this application.
    * @return Array of configured providers
   public synchronized Provider[] getProviders() {
Provider[] _providers = new Provider[providers.size()];
return _providers;
源代码23 项目: FairEmail   文件: Session.java

    * Get a Store object for the given URLName. If the requested Store
    * object cannot be obtained, NoSuchProviderException is thrown.
    * The "scheme" part of the URL string (Refer RFC 1738) is used 
    * to locate the Store protocol. <p>
    * @param	url	URLName that represents the desired Store
    * @return		a closed Store object
    * @see		#getFolder(URLName)
    * @see		javax.mail.URLName
    * @exception	NoSuchProviderException If a provider for the given
    *			URLName is not found.
   public Store getStore(URLName url) throws NoSuchProviderException {
String protocol = url.getProtocol();
Provider p = getProvider(protocol);
return getStore(p, url);
源代码24 项目: FairEmail   文件: Session.java

    * Get an instance of the store specified by Provider. Instantiates
    * the store and returns it.
    * @param provider Store Provider that will be instantiated
    * @return Instantiated Store
    * @exception	NoSuchProviderException If a provider for the given
    *			Provider is not found.
   public Store getStore(Provider provider) throws NoSuchProviderException {
return getStore(provider, null);
源代码25 项目: FairEmail   文件: Session.java

    * Get a Transport object for the given URLName. If the requested 
    * Transport object cannot be obtained, NoSuchProviderException is thrown.
    * The "scheme" part of the URL string (Refer RFC 1738) is used 
    * to locate the Transport protocol. <p>
    * @param	url	URLName that represents the desired Transport
    * @return		a closed Transport object
    * @see		javax.mail.URLName
    * @exception	NoSuchProviderException If a provider for the given
    *			URLName is not found.
   public Transport getTransport(URLName url) throws NoSuchProviderException {
String protocol = url.getProtocol();
Provider p = getProvider(protocol);
return getTransport(p, url);
源代码26 项目: FairEmail   文件: Session.java

    * Get an instance of the transport specified in the Provider. Instantiates
    * the transport and returns it.
    * @param provider Transport Provider that will be instantiated
    * @return Instantiated Transport
    * @exception	NoSuchProviderException If provider for the given
    *			provider is not found.
   public Transport getTransport(Provider provider) 
                                     throws NoSuchProviderException {
return getTransport(provider, null);