

源代码1 项目: stategen   文件: DatetimeUtil.java
protected static int dateDiff(Date beginDate, Date endDate, DateType type) {
    //Interval interval = new Interval(beginDate.getTime(), endDate.getTime());
    //Period p = interval.toPeriod();
    DateTime start =new DateTime(beginDate);
    DateTime end =new DateTime(endDate);
    if (DateType.YEAR.equals(endDate)) {
         return Years.yearsBetween(start, end).getYears();
    } else if (DateType.MONTH.equals(type)) {
        return Months.monthsBetween(start, end).getMonths();
    } else if (DateType.WEEK.equals(type)) {
        return Weeks.weeksBetween(start, end).getWeeks();
    } else if (DateType.DAY.equals(type)) {
        return Days.daysBetween(start, end).getDays();
    } else if (DateType.HOUR.equals(type)) {
        return Hours.hoursBetween(start, end).getHours();
    } else if (DateType.MINUTE.equals(type)) {
        return Minutes.minutesBetween(start, end).getMinutes();
    } else if (DateType.SECOND.equals(type)) {
        return Seconds.secondsBetween(start, end).getSeconds();
    } else {
        return 0;
源代码2 项目: beam   文件: TestPubsub.java
 * Repeatedly pull messages from {@link #subscriptionPath()}, returns after receiving {@code n}
 * messages or after waiting for {@code timeoutDuration}.
public List<PubsubMessage> waitForNMessages(int n, Duration timeoutDuration)
    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  List<PubsubMessage> receivedMessages = new ArrayList<>(n);

  DateTime startTime = new DateTime();
  int timeoutSeconds = timeoutDuration.toStandardSeconds().getSeconds();

  receivedMessages.addAll(pull(n - receivedMessages.size()));

  while (receivedMessages.size() < n
      && Seconds.secondsBetween(startTime, new DateTime()).getSeconds() < timeoutSeconds) {
    receivedMessages.addAll(pull(n - receivedMessages.size()));

  return receivedMessages;
源代码3 项目: beam   文件: TestPubsub.java
 * Check if topics exist.
 * @param project GCP project identifier.
 * @param timeoutDuration Joda duration that sets a period of time before checking times out.
public void checkIfAnySubscriptionExists(String project, Duration timeoutDuration)
    throws InterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, IOException, TimeoutException {
  if (timeoutDuration.getMillis() <= 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("timeoutDuration should be greater than 0"));

  DateTime startTime = new DateTime();
  int sizeOfSubscriptionList = 0;
  while (sizeOfSubscriptionList == 0
      && Seconds.secondsBetween(new DateTime(), startTime).getSeconds()
          < timeoutDuration.toStandardSeconds().getSeconds()) {
    // Sleep 1 sec
    sizeOfSubscriptionList =
        listSubscriptions(projectPathFromPath(String.format("projects/%s", project)), topicPath())

  if (sizeOfSubscriptionList > 0) {
  } else {
    throw new TimeoutException("Timed out when checking if topics exist for " + topicPath());
源代码4 项目: Eagle   文件: TestUserProfileUtils.java
public void testFormatSecondsByPeriod15M() throws ParseException {

    Period period = new Period("PT15m");
    Seconds seconds = period.toStandardSeconds();

    long time = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 13:56:12");
    long expect = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 13:45:00");
    long result = UserProfileUtils.formatSecondsByPeriod(time,seconds);

    time = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:14:59");
    expect = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:00:00");
    result = UserProfileUtils.formatSecondsByPeriod(time, seconds);

    time = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:14:59");
    expect = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:00:00");
    result = UserProfileUtils.formatSecondsByPeriod(time, seconds);
源代码5 项目: Eagle   文件: TestUserProfileUtils.java
 public void testFormatSecondsByPeriod1H() throws ParseException {

    Period period = new Period("PT1h");
    Seconds seconds = period.toStandardSeconds();

    long time = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 13:56:12");
    long expect = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 13:00:00");
    long result = UserProfileUtils.formatSecondsByPeriod(time,seconds);

    time = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:14:59");
    expect = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:00:00");
    result = UserProfileUtils.formatSecondsByPeriod(time, seconds);

    time = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:30:59");
    expect = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:00:00");
    result = UserProfileUtils.formatSecondsByPeriod(time, seconds);
源代码6 项目: eagle   文件: TimePeriodUtilsTest.java
public void testFormatSecondsByPeriod15M() throws ParseException {

    Period period = new Period("PT15m");
    Seconds seconds = period.toStandardSeconds();
    Assert.assertEquals(15 * 60, seconds.getSeconds());

    long time = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 13:56:12");
    long expect = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 13:45:00");
    long result = TimePeriodUtils.formatSecondsByPeriod(time, seconds);
    Assert.assertEquals(expect, result);

    time = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:14:59");
    expect = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:00:00");
    result = TimePeriodUtils.formatSecondsByPeriod(time, seconds);
    Assert.assertEquals(expect, result);

    time = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:14:59");
    expect = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:00:00");
    result = TimePeriodUtils.formatSecondsByPeriod(time, seconds);
    Assert.assertEquals(expect, result);
源代码7 项目: eagle   文件: TimePeriodUtilsTest.java
public void testFormatSecondsByPeriod1H() throws ParseException {

    Period period = new Period("PT1h");
    Seconds seconds = period.toStandardSeconds();
    Assert.assertEquals(60 * 60, seconds.getSeconds());

    long time = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 13:56:12");
    long expect = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 13:00:00");
    long result = TimePeriodUtils.formatSecondsByPeriod(time, seconds);
    Assert.assertEquals(expect, result);

    time = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:14:59");
    expect = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:00:00");
    result = TimePeriodUtils.formatSecondsByPeriod(time, seconds);
    Assert.assertEquals(expect, result);

    time = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:30:59");
    expect = DateTimeUtil.humanDateToSeconds("2015-07-01 03:00:00");
    result = TimePeriodUtils.formatSecondsByPeriod(time, seconds);
    Assert.assertEquals(expect, result);
源代码8 项目: twittererer   文件: TimelineConverter.java
private static String dateToAge(String createdAt, DateTime now) {
    if (createdAt == null) {
        return "";

    DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
    try {
        DateTime created = dtf.parseDateTime(createdAt);

        if (Seconds.secondsBetween(created, now).getSeconds() < 60) {
            return Seconds.secondsBetween(created, now).getSeconds() + "s";
        } else if (Minutes.minutesBetween(created, now).getMinutes() < 60) {
            return Minutes.minutesBetween(created, now).getMinutes() + "m";
        } else if (Hours.hoursBetween(created, now).getHours() < 24) {
            return Hours.hoursBetween(created, now).getHours() + "h";
        } else {
            return Days.daysBetween(created, now).getDays() + "d";
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        return "";
源代码9 项目: jfixture   文件: BaseSingleFieldPeriodRelay.java
@SuppressWarnings("EqualsBetweenInconvertibleTypes") // SpecimenType knows how to do equals(Class<?>)
public Object create(Object request, SpecimenContext context) {

    if (!(request instanceof SpecimenType)) {
        return new NoSpecimen();

    SpecimenType type = (SpecimenType) request;
    if (!BaseSingleFieldPeriod.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getRawType())) {
        return new NoSpecimen();

    Duration duration = (Duration) context.resolve(Duration.class);
    if (type.equals(Seconds.class)) return Seconds.seconds(Math.max(1, (int) duration.getStandardSeconds()));
    if (type.equals(Minutes.class)) return Minutes.minutes(Math.max(1, (int) duration.getStandardMinutes()));
    if (type.equals(Hours.class)) return Hours.hours(Math.max(1, (int) duration.getStandardHours()));

    if (type.equals(Days.class)) return Days.days(Math.max(1, (int) duration.getStandardDays()));
    if (type.equals(Weeks.class)) return Weeks.weeks(Math.max(1, (int) duration.getStandardDays() / 7));
    if (type.equals(Months.class)) return Months.months(Math.max(1, (int) duration.getStandardDays() / 30));
    if (type.equals(Years.class)) return Years.years(Math.max(1, (int) duration.getStandardDays() / 365));

    return new NoSpecimen();
源代码10 项目: android-app   文件: BusInfoWindowAdapter.java
private String prepareDate(Date date){
    DateTime busTimestamp = new DateTime(date);
    DateTime now = new DateTime(Calendar.getInstance());

    int time = Seconds.secondsBetween(busTimestamp, now).getSeconds();
    if(time < 60) return context.getString(R.string.marker_seconds, String.valueOf(time));

    time = Minutes.minutesBetween(busTimestamp, now).getMinutes();
    if(time < 60) return context.getString(R.string.marker_minutes, String.valueOf(time));

    time = Hours.hoursBetween(busTimestamp, now).getHours();
    if(time < 24) return context.getString(R.string.marker_hours, String.valueOf(time));

    time = Days.daysBetween(busTimestamp, now).getDays();
    return context.getString(R.string.marker_days, String.valueOf(time));
private Map<String, Object> buildFields(FlowLogMessage msg) {
    return new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
        put("account_id", msg.getAccountId());
        put("interface_id", msg.getInterfaceId());
        put("src_addr", msg.getSourceAddress());
        put("dst_addr", msg.getDestinationAddress());
        put("src_port", msg.getSourcePort());
        put("dst_port", msg.getDestinationPort());
        put("protocol_number", msg.getProtocolNumber());
        put("protocol", protocolNumbers.lookup(msg.getProtocolNumber()));
        put("packets", msg.getPackets());
        put("bytes", msg.getBytes());
        put("capture_window_duration_seconds", Seconds.secondsBetween(msg.getCaptureWindowStart(), msg.getCaptureWindowEnd()).getSeconds());
        put("action", msg.getAction());
        put("log_status", msg.getLogStatus());
public void difference_between_two_dates_joda () {
	DateTime sinceGraduation = new DateTime(1984, 6, 4, 0, 0, GregorianChronology.getInstance());
	DateTime currentDate = new DateTime(); //current date

	Days diffInDays = Days.daysBetween(sinceGraduation, currentDate);
	Hours diffInHours = Hours.hoursBetween(sinceGraduation, currentDate);
	Minutes diffInMinutes = Minutes.minutesBetween(sinceGraduation, currentDate);
	Seconds seconds = Seconds.secondsBetween(sinceGraduation, currentDate);
	assertTrue(diffInDays.getDays() >= 10697);
	assertTrue(diffInHours.getHours() >= 256747);
	assertTrue(diffInMinutes.getMinutes() >= 15404876);
	assertTrue(seconds.getSeconds() >= 924292577);

源代码13 项目: obevo   文件: AseSqlExecutor.java
 * Adding this wait as the Sybase ASE logs can fill up quickly if you execute a lot of DDLs
 * Hence, we put in a periodic check (currently going by every "maxLogCounter" updates executed)
 * to see if the log level exceeds a "stopLogSpaceThreshold". If so, we wait till it gets back
 * down to a "resumeLogSpaceThreshold"
private void waitForLogSpace(Connection conn, JdbcHelper jdbc) {

    // only trigger the check every "maxLogCounter" checks
    if (this.curLogCounter.get() == maxLogCounter) {
        boolean firstTime = true;

        while (true) {
            int percentFull = getPercentLogFullInDb(conn, jdbc);

            int thresholdToCheck = firstTime ? stopLogSpaceThreshold : resumeLogSpaceThreshold;
            firstTime = false;

            if (percentFull < thresholdToCheck) {
            } else {
                try {
                    Seconds seconds = Seconds.seconds(3);
                            .format("Pausing for %d seconds as the log level hit a high mark of %d; will resume when it gets back to %d",
                                    seconds.getSeconds(), percentFull, resumeLogSpaceThreshold));
                    Thread.sleep(seconds.getSeconds() * 1000);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    throw new DeployerRuntimeException(e);

        this.curLogCounter.set(0);  // reset the log counter after doing the check
    } else if (this.curLogCounter.get() > maxLogCounter) {
        // in this case, some concurrent execution caused the ID to exceed the maxLogCounter. In this case, just
        // reset the counter to 0 (the thread that has the counter at the right value would execute this code
源代码14 项目: NaturalDateFormat   文件: RelativeDateFormat.java
private void formatSeconds(DateTime now, DateTime then, StringBuilder text) {
    int secondsBetween = Seconds.secondsBetween(now.toLocalTime(), then.toLocalTime()).getSeconds();
    if (secondsBetween == 0) {
    } else if (secondsBetween > 0) {    // in N seconds
        text.append(context.getResources().getQuantityString(R.plurals.carbon_inSeconds, secondsBetween, secondsBetween));
    } else {    // N seconds ago
        text.append(context.getResources().getQuantityString(R.plurals.carbon_secondsAgo, -secondsBetween, -secondsBetween));
源代码15 项目: RememBirthday   文件: CalendarEvent.java
 * Set the year to the date of event
public void setYear(int year) {
    int secondsBetweenStartAndStop = Seconds.secondsBetween(
            new DateTime(dateStart),
            new DateTime(dateStop))
    dateStart = new DateTime(dateStart).withYear(year).toDate();
    dateStop = new DateTime(dateStart).plusSeconds(secondsBetweenStartAndStop).toDate();
源代码16 项目: onetwo   文件: JodatimeUtilsTest.java
public void testBetween(){
	Date start = DateUtils.parse("2016-12-06 17:35:30");
	Date end = DateUtils.parse("2016-12-06 17:35:33");
	Period period = JodatimeUtils.between(start, end);
	assertThat(period.getSeconds(), equalTo(Seconds.THREE.getSeconds()));
	assertThat(Seconds.secondsBetween(new LocalDateTime(start), new LocalDateTime(end)), equalTo(Seconds.THREE));
源代码17 项目: actframework   文件: JobManager.java
public void on(DateTime instant, Runnable runnable) {
    if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.trace("schedule runnable[%s] on %s", runnable, instant);
    DateTime now = DateTime.now();
    Seconds seconds = Seconds.secondsBetween(now, instant);
    executor().schedule(wrap(runnable), seconds.getSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
源代码18 项目: actframework   文件: JobManager.java
public <T> Future<T> on(DateTime instant, Callable<T> callable) {
    if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.trace("schedule callable[%s] on %s", callable, instant);
    DateTime now = DateTime.now();
    Seconds seconds = Seconds.secondsBetween(now, instant);
    return executor().schedule(callable, seconds.getSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
源代码19 项目: actframework   文件: JobTrigger.java
private void delayedSchedule(JobManager manager, Job job) {
    DateTime now = DateTime.now();
    // add one seconds to prevent the next time be the current time (now)
    DateTime next = cronExpr.nextTimeAfter(now.plusSeconds(1));
    Seconds seconds = Seconds.secondsBetween(now, next);
    ScheduledFuture future = manager.executor().schedule(job, seconds.getSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    manager.futureScheduled(job.id(), future);
源代码20 项目: CloverETL-Engine   文件: DateLib.java
@TLFunctionAnnotation("Returns the difference between dates")
public static final Long dateDiff(TLFunctionCallContext context, Date lhs, Date rhs, DateFieldEnum unit) {
	if (unit == DateFieldEnum.MILLISEC) { // CL-1087
		return lhs.getTime() - rhs.getTime();
    long diff = 0;
    switch (unit) {
    case SECOND:
        // we have the difference in seconds
    	diff = (long) Seconds.secondsBetween(new DateTime(rhs.getTime()), new DateTime(lhs.getTime())).getSeconds();
    case MINUTE:
        // how many minutes'
    	diff = (long) Minutes.minutesBetween(new DateTime(rhs.getTime()), new DateTime(lhs.getTime())).getMinutes();
    case HOUR:
    	diff = (long) Hours.hoursBetween(new DateTime(rhs.getTime()), new DateTime(lhs.getTime())).getHours();
    case DAY:
        // how many days is the difference
    	diff = (long) Days.daysBetween(new DateTime(rhs.getTime()), new DateTime(lhs.getTime())).getDays();
    case WEEK:
        // how many weeks
    	diff = (long) Weeks.weeksBetween(new DateTime(rhs.getTime()), new DateTime(lhs.getTime())).getWeeks();
    case MONTH:
    	diff = (long) Months.monthsBetween(new DateTime(rhs.getTime()), new DateTime(lhs.getTime())).getMonths();
    case YEAR:
    	diff = (long) Years.yearsBetween(new DateTime(rhs.getTime()), new DateTime(lhs.getTime())).getYears();
        throw new TransformLangExecutorRuntimeException("Unknown time unit " + unit);
    return diff;
源代码21 项目: fenixedu-cms   文件: TestCMS.java
protected boolean equalDates(DateTime expected, DateTime result, int eps) {
    if (expected == null && result == null) {
        return true;
    int diff = Seconds.secondsBetween(expected, result).getSeconds();
    return Math.abs(diff) <= eps;
源代码22 项目: gocd   文件: TimeConverter.java
public ConvertedTime getConvertedTime(long duration) {
    Set<Seconds> keys = RULES.keySet();
    for (Seconds seconds : keys) {
        if (duration <= seconds.getSeconds()) {
            return RULES.get(seconds).getConvertedTime(duration);
    return new TimeConverter.OverTwoYears().getConvertedTime(duration);
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public SchedulerJob[] getActiveSchedulerJobs() {
    List<SchedulerJob> activeJobs = new ArrayList<SchedulerJob>();
    SchedulerJob[] schedulerJobs = getSchedulerJobs();
    for (SchedulerJob job : schedulerJobs) {
        boolean active = false;
        Date now = new Date();
        if (ScheduleConstants.ONCE_TYPE.equals(job.getTime().getType())) {
            active = (job.getTime().getRunDate().compareTo(now) >= 0) || job.isRunning();
        } else {
            active = ((job.getTime().getStartActivationDate().compareTo(now) <= 0) &&
                    (job.getTime().getEndActivationDate().compareTo(now) >= 0)) || job.isRunning();
        if (active) {

      Map<String, JobExecutionContext> runningJobs;
try {
	runningJobs = QuartzUtil.getRunningJobs(scheduler);
} catch (SchedulerException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
            JobExecutionContext executionContext = runningJobs.get(job.getPath());
            if (executionContext != null) {  
            	Date fireTime = executionContext.getFireTime();
            	job.setRunTime(Seconds.secondsBetween(new DateTime(fireTime), new DateTime()).getSeconds());
    schedulerJobs = activeJobs.toArray(new SchedulerJob[activeJobs.size()]);

    return schedulerJobs;
源代码24 项目: aws-mock   文件: MockCloudWatchQueryHandler.java
 * Handles "GetMetricStatistics" request, as simple as without any filters
 * to use.
 * @param statistics
 *            Metric statistics.
 * @param startTime
 *            Metric statistics start time.
 * @param endTime
 *            Metric statistics end time.
 * @param period
 *            Metric collection period.
 * @param metricName
 *            Metric Name.
 * @return a GetMetricStatisticsResult for metricName.
private GetMetricStatisticsResponse getMetricStatistics(final String[] statistics,
        final DateTime startTime,
        final DateTime endTime, final int period, final String metricName) {
    GetMetricStatisticsResponse ret = new GetMetricStatisticsResponse();
    GetMetricStatisticsResult result = new GetMetricStatisticsResult();
    Datapoints dataPoints = new Datapoints();

    int dataPointsCount = Seconds.secondsBetween(startTime, endTime).getSeconds() / period;
    DateTime newDate = startTime;
    for (int counterDp = 0; counterDp < dataPointsCount; counterDp++) {
        Datapoint dp = new Datapoint();
        DateTime timeStamp = newDate.plusSeconds(period);
        XMLGregorianCalendar timeStampXml = toXMLGregorianCalendar(timeStamp);
        newDate = timeStamp;

    ResponseMetadata responseMetadata = new ResponseMetadata();
    return ret;
源代码25 项目: presto   文件: TestDateTimeFunctionsBase.java
private static Seconds secondsBetween(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end)
    return Seconds.secondsBetween(start, end);
源代码26 项目: NoraUi   文件: CucumberHooks.java
protected static int getRemainingTime() {
    DateTime now = DateTime.now();
    Seconds pastTime = Seconds.secondsBetween(Context.getStartCurrentScenario(), now);
    int totalTimecalculated = pastTime.getSeconds() * Context.getDataInputProvider().getNbGherkinExample() / Context.getCurrentScenarioData();
    return totalTimecalculated - pastTime.getSeconds();
源代码27 项目: istio-java-api   文件: Duration.java
public void serialize(Duration value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider serializers) throws IOException {
源代码28 项目: soundwave   文件: Ec2InstanceUpdateHandler.java
private MessageProcessingResult ensureInstanceCreated(NotificationEvent event) throws Exception {

    String instanceId = event.getDetail().getInstanceId();
    StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
    MessageProcessingResult result = new MessageProcessingResult(event);
    try {
      //Get EC2 instance
      Instance inst = cloudInstanceStore.getInstance(instanceId);

      if (inst != null) {
        //Create the corresponding EsInstance
        EsInstance esInstance = esInstanceFactory.createFromEC2(inst);

        long version = cmdbInstanceStore.updateOrInsertInstance(esInstance);
        if (version == 0) {
          logger.info("Instance {} is created", instanceId);
          //Created in ES
          DateTime utcNow = DateTime.now(DateTimeZone.UTC);
          DateTime enqueueTime = new DateTime(event.getSqsSentTime(), DateTimeZone.UTC);

          int sinceEnqueued = Seconds.secondsBetween(enqueueTime, utcNow).getSeconds();
              sinceLaunched =
              Seconds.secondsBetween(new DateTime(esInstance.getAwsLaunchTime()), utcNow)

          //First time instance created
          Stats.addMetric(StatsUtil.getStatsName("ec2_creation", "since_enqueued"),
              sinceEnqueued > 0 ? sinceEnqueued : 0);

          Stats.addMetric(StatsUtil.getStatsName("ec2_creation", "since_launched"),
              sinceLaunched > 0 ? sinceLaunched : 0);
        } else {
          logger.info("Instance {} is updated", instanceId);

        logger.info("Create Instance {} in ElasticSearch", instanceId);
        onInstanceCreation(esInstance, result);
        Tag nameTag = AwsUtilities.getAwsTag(inst, "Name");
        if (nameTag == null) {
        } else if (State.PENDING.name().equalsIgnoreCase(esInstance.getState())) {
          //Still pending. Put back to the queue and wait it into running
        } else {
          onInstanceCreation(esInstance, result);
        try {
          syncWithDailySnapshot(event, esInstance);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
          logger.error("Failed to sync with daily snapshot {} with error {}", instanceId,

      } else {
      return result;
    } finally {
源代码29 项目: Mi-Band   文件: NotificationListener.java
private boolean shouldWeNotify(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
    String source = sbn.getPackageName();
    Notification notification = sbn.getNotification();

    if ((notification.flags & Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT) == Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT) {
        return false;

    /* do not display messages from "android"
     * This includes keyboard selection message, usb connection messages, etc
     * Hope it does not filter out too much, we will see...
    if (source.equals("android") ||
            source.equals("com.android.systemui") ||
            source.equals("com.android.dialer") ||
            source.equals("com.android.mms") ||
            source.equals("com.cyanogenmod.eleven") ||
            source.equals("com.fsck.k9") ||
            source.startsWith("com.motorola")) {

        return false;

    App app = AppsSQLite.getInstance(NotificationListener.this).getApp(source);

    boolean passedTime = isAppInQueue(source);

    if(!passedTime) {
        if (lastNotificationMillis != -1) {
            if (Seconds.secondsBetween(new DateTime(lastNotificationMillis), new DateTime(System.currentTimeMillis())).getSeconds() < 5) {
                passedTime = false;
            } else {
                lastNotificationMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        } else {
            lastNotificationMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();

    Log.i(TAG, "passedTime: " + passedTime);

    if (app != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "app.shouldWeNotify(): " + app.shouldWeNotify());

    return !passedTime && app != null && app.shouldWeNotify();
public void creates_instance_of_Seconds() {
    Seconds seconds = fixture.create(Seconds.class);
    assertThat(seconds, notNullValue());
    assertThat(seconds, is(Seconds.seconds(31536000)));