

public void validate(DateTime instant, String instantName) {
    Duration age = new Duration(instant, DateTime.now());
    if (age.isLongerThan(MAXIMUM_INSTANT_AGE)) {
        throw new SamlResponseValidationException(String.format("%s is too far in the past %s",

    if (dateTimeComparator.isAfterNow(instant)) {
        throw new SamlResponseValidationException(String.format("%s is in the future %s",
源代码2 项目: ipst   文件: ListOfflineWorkflowsTool.java
public void run(CommandLine line, ToolRunningContext context) throws Exception {
    try (OfflineApplication app = new RemoteOfflineApplicationImpl()) {
        Map<String, OfflineWorkflowStatus> statuses = app.listWorkflows();
        Table table = new Table(4, BorderStyle.CLASSIC_WIDE);
        for (Map.Entry<String, OfflineWorkflowStatus> entry : statuses.entrySet()) {
            String workflowId = entry.getKey();
            OfflineWorkflowStatus status = entry.getValue();
            Duration remaining = null;
            if (status.getStartTime() != null) {
                remaining = Duration.millis(status.getStartParameters().getDuration() * 60 * 1000)
                        .minus(new Duration(status.getStartTime(), DateTime.now()));
            table.addCell(status.getStep() != null ? status.getStep().toString() : "");
            table.addCell(remaining != null ? PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(remaining.toPeriod()) : "");
源代码3 项目: mojito   文件: VirtualAssetPerformanceTest.java
    public void performance() throws RepositoryNotFoundException {
        //      dmojito repo-create -n perftest3 -d "" -l  "ar-SA" "zh-CN" "zh-TW" "cs-CZ" "da-DK" "de-DE" "el-GR" "en-GB" "es-AR" "es-MX" "es-ES" "fi-FI" "fr-FR" "hi-IN" "hu-HU" "id-ID" "it-IT" "ja-JP" "ko-KR" "ms-MY" "nb-NO" "nl-NL" "pl-PL" "pt-BR" "pt-PT" "ro-RO" "ru-RU" "sk-SK" "sv-SE" "th-TH" "tl-PH" "tr-TR" "uk-UA" "vi-VN"
        String repoName = "perftest3";

        Repository repository = repositoryClient.getRepositoryByName(repoName);

        VirtualAsset v = new VirtualAsset();
        VirtualAsset virtualAsset = virtualAssetClient.createOrUpdate(v);

        logger.debug("virtual asset id: {}", virtualAsset.getId());

        DateTime start = DateTime.now();
//        createSourceStrings(virtualAsset);
//        importTranslations(repository, virtualAsset);

        pullSourceString(virtualAsset, repository);

        pullTranslations(virtualAsset, repository);
        logger.debug("total: {}", PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(new Period(start, DateTime.now())));
源代码4 项目: mojito   文件: VirtualAssetPerformanceTest.java
void pullTranslations(VirtualAsset virtualAsset, Repository repository) {
        logger.debug("pull translations");

                .sorted(Comparator.comparing(rl -> rl.getLocale().getBcp47Tag()))
                .filter(rl -> rl.getParentLocale() != null)
                .forEach(rl -> {
                    logger.debug("localized locale: {}", rl.getLocale().getBcp47Tag());
                    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    List<VirtualAssetTextUnit> virtualAssetTextUnits = virtualAssetClient.getLocalizedTextUnits(virtualAsset.getId(), rl.getLocale().getId(), "REMOVE_UNTRANSLATED");
                    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    logger.debug("file generation: {}", PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(new Period(start, end)));

//                    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
//                    objectMapper.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT);
//                    logger.debug(objectMapper.writeValueAsStringUnchecked(virtualAssetTextUnits));
源代码5 项目: beam   文件: SimpleDoFnRunner.java
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Allowed Skew is deprecated for users, but must be respected
private void checkTimestamp(Instant timestamp) {
  // The documentation of getAllowedTimestampSkew explicitly permits Long.MAX_VALUE to be used
  // for infinite skew. Defend against underflow in that case for timestamps before the epoch
  if (fn.getAllowedTimestampSkew().getMillis() != Long.MAX_VALUE
      && timestamp.isBefore(elem.getTimestamp().minus(fn.getAllowedTimestampSkew()))) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Cannot output with timestamp %s. Output timestamps must be no earlier than the "
                + "timestamp of the current input (%s) minus the allowed skew (%s). See the "
                + "DoFn#getAllowedTimestampSkew() Javadoc for details on changing the allowed "
                + "skew.",
源代码6 项目: mojito   文件: VirtualAssetPerformanceTest.java
private void pullSourceString(VirtualAsset virtualAsset, Repository repository) {
                .filter(rl -> rl.getParentLocale() == null)
                .forEach(rl -> {
                    logger.debug("root locale: {}", rl.getLocale().getBcp47Tag());
                    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    List<VirtualAssetTextUnit> virtualAssetTextUnits = virtualAssetClient.getLocalizedTextUnits(virtualAsset.getId(), rl.getLocale().getId(), "REMOVE_UNTRANSLATED");
                    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    logger.debug("file generation: {}", PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(new Period(start, end)));

//                    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
//                    objectMapper.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT);
//                    logger.debug(objectMapper.writeValueAsStringUnchecked(virtualAssetTextUnits));
源代码7 项目: beam   文件: SimpleDoFnRunnerTest.java
 * Demonstrates that attempting to output an element before the timestamp of the current element
 * with zero {@link DoFn#getAllowedTimestampSkew() allowed timestamp skew} throws.
public void testBackwardsInTimeNoSkew() {
  SkewingDoFn fn = new SkewingDoFn(Duration.ZERO);
  DoFnRunner<Duration, Duration> runner =
      new SimpleDoFnRunner<>(
          new ListOutputManager(),
          new TupleTag<>(),
          WindowingStrategy.of(new GlobalWindows()),

  // An element output at the current timestamp is fine.
      WindowedValue.timestampedValueInGlobalWindow(Duration.ZERO, new Instant(0)));
  thrown.expectMessage("must be no earlier");
      String.format("timestamp of the current input (%s)", new Instant(0).toString()));
          "the allowed skew (%s)", PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(Duration.ZERO.toPeriod())));
  // An element output before (current time - skew) is forbidden
      WindowedValue.timestampedValueInGlobalWindow(Duration.millis(1L), new Instant(0)));
源代码8 项目: beam   文件: SimpleDoFnRunnerTest.java
 * Demonstrates that attempting to output an element before the timestamp of the current element
 * plus the value of {@link DoFn#getAllowedTimestampSkew()} throws, but between that value and the
 * current timestamp succeeds.
public void testSkew() {
  SkewingDoFn fn = new SkewingDoFn(Duration.standardMinutes(10L));
  DoFnRunner<Duration, Duration> runner =
      new SimpleDoFnRunner<>(
          new ListOutputManager(),
          new TupleTag<>(),
          WindowingStrategy.of(new GlobalWindows()),

  // Outputting between "now" and "now - allowed skew" succeeds.
      WindowedValue.timestampedValueInGlobalWindow(Duration.standardMinutes(5L), new Instant(0)));
  thrown.expectMessage("must be no earlier");
      String.format("timestamp of the current input (%s)", new Instant(0).toString()));
          "the allowed skew (%s)",
  // Outputting before "now - allowed skew" fails.
      WindowedValue.timestampedValueInGlobalWindow(Duration.standardHours(1L), new Instant(0)));
源代码9 项目: dhis2-core   文件: FileResourceEventListener.java
private void logMessage( String storageId, FileResource fileResource, Period timeDiff )
    if ( storageId == null )
        log.error( String.format( "Saving content for file resource failed: %s", fileResource.getUid() ) );

    log.info( String.format( "File stored with key: %s'. Upload finished in %s", storageId, timeDiff.toString( PeriodFormat.getDefault() ) ) );
源代码10 项目: nexus-public   文件: NexusContextListener.java
public void contextDestroyed(final ServletContextEvent event) {
  // event is ignored, apparently can also be null

  // remove our dynamic filter
  if (registration != null) {
    registration = null;

  // log uptime before triggering activity which may run into problems
  long uptime = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getUptime();
  log.info("Uptime: {} ({})", PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(new Period(uptime)),
      System.getProperty(NEXUS_FULL_EDITION, UNKNOWN));

  try {
  catch (final Exception e) {
    log.error("Failed to stop nexus", e);

  extender.doStop(); // stop tracking bundles

  if (servletContext != null) {
    servletContext = null;

  injector = null;

源代码11 项目: flink-dataflow   文件: FlinkAbstractParDoWrapper.java
protected void checkTimestamp(WindowedValue<IN> ref, Instant timestamp) {
	if (timestamp.isBefore(ref.getTimestamp().minus(doFn.getAllowedTimestampSkew()))) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
				"Cannot output with timestamp %s. Output timestamps must be no earlier than the "
						+ "timestamp of the current input (%s) minus the allowed skew (%s). See the "
						+ "DoFn#getAllowedTimestmapSkew() Javadoc for details on changing the allowed skew.",
				timestamp, ref.getTimestamp(),
源代码12 项目: astor   文件: TestPeriod_Basics.java
public void testToString_PeriodFormatter() {
    Period test = new Period(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
    assertEquals("1 year, 2 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 5 hours, 6 minutes, 7 seconds and 8 milliseconds", test.toString(PeriodFormat.getDefault()));
    test = new Period(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    assertEquals("0 milliseconds", test.toString(PeriodFormat.getDefault()));
源代码13 项目: astor   文件: TestPeriod_Basics.java
public void testToString_PeriodFormatter() {
    Period test = new Period(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
    assertEquals("1 year, 2 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 5 hours, 6 minutes, 7 seconds and 8 milliseconds", test.toString(PeriodFormat.getDefault()));
    test = new Period(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    assertEquals("0 milliseconds", test.toString(PeriodFormat.getDefault()));
 * This method is invoked when a log record is successfully sent to Kinesis.
 * Though this is not too useful for production use cases, it provides a good
 * debugging tool while tweaking parameters for the appender.
public void onSuccess(PutRecordRequest request, PutRecordResult result) {
  if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && (successfulRequestCount + failedRequestCount) % 3000 == 0) {
    logger.debug("Appender (" + appenderName + ") made " + successfulRequestCount
        + " successful put requests out of total " + (successfulRequestCount + failedRequestCount) + " in "
        + PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(new Period(startTime, DateTime.now())) + " since start");
源代码15 项目: spork   文件: Main.java
private static void printScriptRunTime(DateTime startTime) {
    DateTime endTime = new DateTime();
    Duration duration = new Duration(startTime, endTime);
    Period period = duration.toPeriod().normalizedStandard(PeriodType.time());
    log.info("Pig script completed in "
            + PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(period)
            + " (" + duration.getMillis() + " ms)");
源代码16 项目: dungeon   文件: Utils.java
 * Given a duration in milliseconds, this method returns a human-readable period string.
 * @param duration a duration in milliseconds, nonnegative
 * @return a String
public static String makePeriodString(long duration) {
  if (duration < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("duration should be nonnegative.");
  Period period = new Period(duration).normalizedStandard();
  period = withMostSignificantNonZeroFieldsOnly(period, 1);
  return PeriodFormat.wordBased(Locale.ENGLISH).print(period);
源代码17 项目: Elasticsearch   文件: TimeValue.java
public String format(PeriodType type) {
    Period period = new Period(millis());
    return PeriodFormat.getDefault().withParseType(type).print(period);
源代码18 项目: mojito   文件: VirtualAssetPerformanceTest.java
String getElapsedTime(PollableTask pollableTask) {
    Period period = new Period(pollableTask.getCreatedDate(), pollableTask.getFinishedDate());
    return PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(period);
源代码19 项目: sstable-tools   文件: CassandraUtils.java
public static String toDurationString(long duration, TimeUnit unit, boolean color) {
    return wrapQuiet(PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(new Duration(unit.toMillis(duration)).toPeriod()), color);
源代码20 项目: Word2VecJava   文件: ProfilingTimer.java
/** @return a human-readable formatted string for the given amount of nanos */
private static String formatElapsed(long nanos) {
	return String.format("%s (%6.3g nanoseconds)",
			PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(Period.millis((int)(nanos / 1000))),
			(double) nanos);
源代码21 项目: sakai   文件: ValidationLogicImpl.java
private String getFormattedExpirationMinutes() {
	int expirationMinutes = serverConfigurationService.getInt(MAX_PASSWORD_RESET_MINUTES, MAX_PASSWORD_RESET_MINUTES_DEFAULT);
	Period period = new Period(expirationMinutes * 60 * 1000);
	PeriodFormatter periodFormatter = PeriodFormat.wordBased(rl.getLocale());
	return periodFormatter.print(period);
源代码22 项目: kinesis-log4j-appender   文件: FilePublisher.java
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  if (args.length != 1) {
    System.err.println("Usage: java " + FilePublisher.class.getName() + " <file_path>");
    System.err.println("<file_path>\t-\tabsolute path for the input file, this file will be read line by line and ");
    System.err.println("\t\t\tpublished to Kinesis");
  String fileAbsolutePath = args[0];
  File logFile = new File(fileAbsolutePath);
  if (!logFile.exists() || !logFile.canRead()) {
    System.err.println("File " + args[0] + " doesn't exist or is not readable.");

  Logger kinesisLogger = Logger.getLogger("KinesisLogger");
  int i = 0;
  DateTime startTime = DateTime.now();
  BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(logFile));
  LOGGER.info("Started reading: " + fileAbsolutePath);
  String line = null;
  while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
    if (i % 100 == 0 && LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOGGER.debug("Total " + i + " records written to logger");
  long bufferedRecordsCount = getBufferedRecordsCountFromKinesisAppenders();
  while (bufferedRecordsCount > 0) {
    LOGGER.info("Publisher threads within log4j appender are still working on sending " + bufferedRecordsCount
        + " buffered records to Kinesis");
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      // do nothing
    bufferedRecordsCount = getBufferedRecordsCountFromKinesisAppenders();
  LOGGER.info("Published " + i + " records from " + fileAbsolutePath + " to the logger, took "
      + PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(new Period(startTime, DateTime.now())));
源代码23 项目: sakai   文件: ValidationLogicImpl.java
private String getFormattedExpirationMinutes() {
	int expirationMinutes = serverConfigurationService.getInt(MAX_PASSWORD_RESET_MINUTES, MAX_PASSWORD_RESET_MINUTES_DEFAULT);
	Period period = new Period(expirationMinutes * 60 * 1000);
	PeriodFormatter periodFormatter = PeriodFormat.wordBased(rl.getLocale());
	return periodFormatter.print(period);
源代码24 项目: amforeas   文件: Usage.java
 * Calculates the time Amforeas has been running and returns a string representing it, i.e. 2 days 10 hours...
 * @return a string with the uptime.
public String getUptime () {
    Period period = new Period(this.start, new DateTime());
    return PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(period);
源代码25 项目: cloudhopper-commons   文件: UptimeMain.java
public static void main(String[] args) {

        //Period period = new Period(uptime, PeriodType.standard().withYearsRemoved().withWeeksRemoved().withMonthsRemoved().withMillisRemoved());
        //MutablePeriod period = new Duration(uptime).toPeriod().toMutablePeriod();

        long uptime = UPTIME_56_SECS;

        // ah, ha -- this is super important -- need to normalize the period!
        PeriodType periodType = PeriodType.standard().withYearsRemoved().withMonthsRemoved().withWeeksRemoved().withMillisRemoved();
        Period period = new Period(uptime).normalizedStandard(periodType);

        System.out.println("Uptime: " + uptime + " ms");
        System.out.println("Weeks: " + period.getWeeks());
        System.out.println("Days: " + period.getDays());
        System.out.println("Millis: " + period.getMillis() + " ms");

        // print out the uptime
        String uptimeStyleString = PeriodFormatterUtil.getStandardUptimeStyle().print(period);
        String linuxStyleString = PeriodFormatterUtil.getLinuxUptimeStyle().print(period);


        PeriodFormatter fmt = new PeriodFormatterBuilder()
            .appendSuffix(" day ", " days ")
            .appendSuffix(" hours ")
            .appendSuffix(" mins ")
            .appendSuffix(" secs ")

        String str0 = fmt.print(period);

        String str1 = PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(period);
源代码26 项目: sakai   文件: FormProducer.java
 * Converts some number of minutes into a presentable String'
 * ie for English:
 * 122 minutes  ->      2 hours 2 minutes
 * 121 minutes  ->      2 hours 1 minute
 * 120 minutes  ->      2 hours
 * 62 minutes   ->      1 hour 2 minutes
 * 61 minutes   ->      1 hour 1 minute
 * 60 minutes   ->      1 hour
 * 2 minutes    ->      2 minutes
 * 1 minutes    ->      1 minute
 * 0 minutes    ->      0 minutes
 * Works with other languages too.
 * @param totalMinutes some number of minutes
 * @return a presentable String representation of totalMinutes
public String getFormattedMinutes(int totalMinutes)
	// Create a joda time period (takes milliseconds)
	Period period = new Period(totalMinutes*60*1000);
	// format the period for the locale
	 * Covers English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish. 
	 * To translate into others, see http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/apidocs/org/joda/time/format/PeriodFormat.html#wordBased(java.util.Locale)
	 * (ie. put the properties mentioned in http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/apidocs/src-html/org/joda/time/format/PeriodFormat.html#line.94 into the classpath resource bundle)
	PeriodFormatter periodFormatter = PeriodFormat.wordBased(getLocale());
	return periodFormatter.print(period);
源代码27 项目: sakai   文件: PasswordResetProducer.java
 * Converts some number of minutes into a presentable String'
 * ie for English:
 * 122 minutes	->	2 hours 2 minutes
 * 121 minutes	->	2 hours 1 minute
 * 120 minutes	->	2 hours
 * 62 minutes	->	1 hour 2 minutes
 * 61 minutes	->	1 hour 1 minute
 * 60 minutes	->	1 hour
 * 2 minutes	->	2 minutes
 * 1 minutes	->	1 minute
 * 0 minutes	->	0 minutes
 * Works with other languages too.
 * @param totalMinutes some number of minutes
 * @return a presentable String representation of totalMinutes
public String getFormattedMinutes(int totalMinutes)
	// Create a joda time period (takes milliseconds)
	Period period = new Period(totalMinutes*60*1000);
	// format the period for the locale
	 * Covers English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish. 
	 * To translate into others, see http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/apidocs/org/joda/time/format/PeriodFormat.html#wordBased(java.util.Locale)
	 * (ie. put the properties mentioned in http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/apidocs/src-html/org/joda/time/format/PeriodFormat.html#line.94 into the classpath resource bundle)
	PeriodFormatter periodFormatter = PeriodFormat.wordBased(getLocale());
	return periodFormatter.print(period);
源代码28 项目: sakai   文件: FormProducer.java
 * Converts some number of minutes into a presentable String'
 * ie for English:
 * 122 minutes  ->      2 hours 2 minutes
 * 121 minutes  ->      2 hours 1 minute
 * 120 minutes  ->      2 hours
 * 62 minutes   ->      1 hour 2 minutes
 * 61 minutes   ->      1 hour 1 minute
 * 60 minutes   ->      1 hour
 * 2 minutes    ->      2 minutes
 * 1 minutes    ->      1 minute
 * 0 minutes    ->      0 minutes
 * Works with other languages too.
 * @param totalMinutes some number of minutes
 * @return a presentable String representation of totalMinutes
public String getFormattedMinutes(int totalMinutes)
	// Create a joda time period (takes milliseconds)
	Period period = new Period(totalMinutes*60*1000);
	// format the period for the locale
	 * Covers English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish. 
	 * To translate into others, see http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/apidocs/org/joda/time/format/PeriodFormat.html#wordBased(java.util.Locale)
	 * (ie. put the properties mentioned in http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/apidocs/src-html/org/joda/time/format/PeriodFormat.html#line.94 into the classpath resource bundle)
	PeriodFormatter periodFormatter = PeriodFormat.wordBased(getLocale());
	return periodFormatter.print(period);
源代码29 项目: sakai   文件: PasswordResetProducer.java
 * Converts some number of minutes into a presentable String'
 * ie for English:
 * 122 minutes	->	2 hours 2 minutes
 * 121 minutes	->	2 hours 1 minute
 * 120 minutes	->	2 hours
 * 62 minutes	->	1 hour 2 minutes
 * 61 minutes	->	1 hour 1 minute
 * 60 minutes	->	1 hour
 * 2 minutes	->	2 minutes
 * 1 minutes	->	1 minute
 * 0 minutes	->	0 minutes
 * Works with other languages too.
 * @param totalMinutes some number of minutes
 * @return a presentable String representation of totalMinutes
public String getFormattedMinutes(int totalMinutes)
	// Create a joda time period (takes milliseconds)
	Period period = new Period(totalMinutes*60*1000);
	// format the period for the locale
	 * Covers English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish. 
	 * To translate into others, see http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/apidocs/org/joda/time/format/PeriodFormat.html#wordBased(java.util.Locale)
	 * (ie. put the properties mentioned in http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/apidocs/src-html/org/joda/time/format/PeriodFormat.html#line.94 into the classpath resource bundle)
	PeriodFormatter periodFormatter = PeriodFormat.wordBased(getLocale());
	return periodFormatter.print(period);