

源代码1 项目: tracecompass   文件: TreeMapStore.java
 * Constructor
public TreeMapStore() {
     * For the start times index, the "key comparator" will compare the
     * start times as longs directly. This is the primary comparator for its
     * tree map.
     * The secondary "value" comparator will check the end times first, and
     * in the event of a tie, defer to the ISegment's Comparable
     * implementation, a.k.a. its natural ordering.
    fStartTimesIndex = TreeMultimap.create(Comparator.<Long>naturalOrder(),

    fSize = 0;
源代码2 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件: Checksum.java
public ChecksumData computeChecksum(ChunkBuffer data)
    throws OzoneChecksumException {
  if (checksumType == ChecksumType.NONE) {
    // Since type is set to NONE, we do not need to compute the checksums
    return new ChecksumData(checksumType, bytesPerChecksum);

  final Function<ByteBuffer, ByteString> function;
  try {
    function = Algorithm.valueOf(checksumType).newChecksumFunction();
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new OzoneChecksumException(checksumType);

  // Checksum is computed for each bytesPerChecksum number of bytes of data
  // starting at offset 0. The last checksum might be computed for the
  // remaining data with length less than bytesPerChecksum.
  final List<ByteString> checksumList = new ArrayList<>();
  for (ByteBuffer b : data.iterate(bytesPerChecksum)) {
    checksumList.add(computeChecksum(b, function, bytesPerChecksum));
  return new ChecksumData(checksumType, bytesPerChecksum, checksumList);
源代码3 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: MethodGenerator.java
 * Generates random method descriptor
 * @param executable executable used to generate descriptor
 * @return MethodDescriptor instance
public MethodDescriptor generateRandomDescriptor(Executable executable) {
    Combination<PatternType> patterns =
    Combination<Separator> separators =
    // Create simple mutators for signature generation
    List<Function<String, String>> signMutators = new ArrayList<>();
    signMutators.add(input -> input);
    signMutators.add(input -> "");
    Combination<Function<String, String>> mutators = new Combination<>(
            // use only this type of mutators
    return makeMethodDescriptor(executable, patterns,
            separators, mutators);
源代码4 项目: metasfresh-webui-api-legacy   文件: HUEditorRow.java
 * @param stringFilter
 * @param adLanguage   AD_Language (used to get the right row's string representation)
 * @return true if the row is matching the string filter
public boolean matchesStringFilter(final String stringFilter)
	if (Check.isEmpty(stringFilter, true))
		return true;

	final String rowDisplayName = getSummary();

	final Function<String, String> normalizer = s -> StringUtils.stripDiacritics(s.trim()).toLowerCase();
	final String rowDisplayNameNorm = normalizer.apply(rowDisplayName);
	final String stringFilterNorm = normalizer.apply(stringFilter);

	return rowDisplayNameNorm.contains(stringFilterNorm);
源代码5 项目: Singularity   文件: SingularityTestModule.java
public SingularityTestModule(
  boolean useDbTests,
  Function<SingularityConfiguration, Void> customConfigSetup
  throws Exception {
  this.useDBTests = useDbTests;
  this.customConfigSetup = customConfigSetup;

  dropwizardModule = new DropwizardModule(environment);

  LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
  Logger rootLogger = context.getLogger(org.slf4j.Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);
    Level.toLevel(System.getProperty("singularity.test.log.level", "WARN"))

  Logger hsLogger = context.getLogger("com.hubspot");
      System.getProperty("singularity.test.log.level.for.com.hubspot", "WARN")

  this.ts = new TestingServer();
源代码6 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件: ForEachOpTest.java
@Test(dataProvider = "LongStreamTestData", dataProviderClass = LongStreamTestDataProvider.class)
public void testLongOps(String name, TestData.OfLong data) {
    Function<LongStream, List<Long>> terminalFunc = s -> {
        List<Long> l = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Long>());
        return l;

    // Test head

    // Test multiple stages
            terminal(s -> s.map(i -> i), terminalFunc).
源代码7 项目: buck   文件: SourceSet.java
public ImmutableMap<String, SourcePath> toNameMap(
    BuildTarget buildTarget,
    SourcePathResolverAdapter pathResolver,
    String parameterName,
    Predicate<SourcePath> filter,
    Function<SourcePath, SourcePath> transform) {

  ImmutableMap.Builder<String, SourcePath> sources = ImmutableMap.builder();
  switch (getType()) {
    case NAMED:
      for (Map.Entry<String, SourcePath> ent : getNamedSources().get().entrySet()) {
        if (filter.test(ent.getValue())) {
          sources.put(ent.getKey(), transform.apply(ent.getValue()));
    case UNNAMED:
              buildTarget, parameterName, getUnnamedSources().get(), filter, transform)
          .forEach((name, path) -> sources.put(name, transform.apply(path)));
  return sources.build();
源代码8 项目: cyclops   文件: FluxManaged.java
public  <R> Managed<R> flatMap(Function<? super T, cyclops.reactive.Managed<R>> f){

        FluxManaged<T> m = this;
        return new IO.SyncIO.SyncManaged<R>(){

            public <R1> IO<R1> apply(Function<? super R, ? extends IO<R1>> fn) {
                IO<R1> x = m.apply(r1 -> {
                    IO<R1> r = f.apply(r1).apply(r2 -> fn.apply(r2));
                    return r;
                return x;

源代码9 项目: pulsar   文件: PulsarAdminTool.java
private void setupCommands(Function<PulsarAdminBuilder, ? extends PulsarAdmin> adminFactory) {
    try {
        adminBuilder.authentication(authPluginClassName, authParams);
        PulsarAdmin admin = adminFactory.apply(adminBuilder);
        for (Map.Entry<String, Class<?>> c : commandMap.entrySet()) {
            addCommand(c, admin);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Throwable cause;
        if (e instanceof InvocationTargetException && null != e.getCause()) {
            cause = e.getCause();
        } else {
            cause = e;
        System.err.println(cause.getClass() + ": " + cause.getMessage());
源代码10 项目: doma   文件: EmpDaoImpl.java
public Integer stream(Function<Stream<Emp>, Integer> mapper) {
  SqlFileSelectQuery query = __support.getQueryImplementors().createSqlFileSelectQuery(method6);
  query.setSqlFilePath(SqlFileUtil.buildPath("example.dao.EmpDao", "iterate"));
  SelectCommand<Integer> command =
              new EntityStreamHandler<Emp, Integer>(_Emp.getSingletonInternal(), mapper));
  return command.execute();
源代码11 项目: archiva   文件: JcrMetadataRepository.java
public <T extends MetadataFacet> Stream<T> getMetadataFacetStream(RepositorySession session, String repositoryId, Class<T> facetClazz, QueryParameter queryParameter) throws MetadataRepositoryException {
    final Session jcrSession = getSession(session);
    final MetadataFacetFactory<T> factory = metadataService.getFactory(facetClazz);
    final String facetId = factory.getFacetId();
    final String facetPath = '/' + getFacetPath(repositoryId, facetId);
    StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM [");
    query.append(FACET_NODE_TYPE).append("] AS facet WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(facet, [")
            .append(facetPath).append("]) AND [facet].[archiva:name] IS NOT NULL");
    appendQueryParams(query, "facet", "archiva:name", queryParameter);
    String q = query.toString();
    Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
    QueryResult result = runNativeJcrQuery(jcrSession, q, params, queryParameter.getOffset(), queryParameter.getLimit());
    final Function<Row, Optional<T>> rowFunc = getFacetFromRowFunc(factory, repositoryId);
    return StreamSupport.stream(createResultSpliterator(result, rowFunc), false).filter(Optional::isPresent).map(Optional::get);

源代码12 项目: mpush   文件: GatewayUDPConnectionFactory.java
public <M extends BaseMessage> boolean send(String hostAndPort, Function<Connection, M> creator, Consumer<M> sender) {
    InetSocketAddress recipient = ip_address.get(hostAndPort);
    if (recipient == null) return false;// gateway server 找不到,直接返回推送失败

    M message = creator.apply(gatewayUDPConnector.getConnection());
    return true;
源代码13 项目: haven-platform   文件: Esuc.java
void update(String key, Function<String, Subscriptions<?>> factory) {
    Subscriptions<?> subs = this.oldMap.get(key);
    if(subs == null) {
        try {
            subs = factory.apply(key);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Can not update subscriptions for '{}' key, due to error:", key, e);
    newMap.put(key, subs);
public HystrixMethodHandlerFactory(MethodHandlerFactory methodHandlerFactory,
                                   CloudReactiveFeign.SetterFactory commandSetterFactory,
                                   @Nullable Function<Throwable, Object> fallbackFactory) {
    this.methodHandlerFactory = checkNotNull(methodHandlerFactory, "methodHandlerFactory must not be null");
    this.commandSetterFactory = checkNotNull(commandSetterFactory, "hystrixObservableCommandSetter must not be null");
    this.fallbackFactory = fallbackFactory;
源代码15 项目: gcp-ingestion   文件: Pubsub.java
/** Constructor. */
public <T> Read(String subscriptionName, Function<PubsubMessage, CompletableFuture<T>> output,
    Function<Subscriber.Builder, Subscriber.Builder> config,
    Function<PubsubMessage, PubsubMessage> decompress) {
  ProjectSubscriptionName subscription = ProjectSubscriptionName.parse(subscriptionName);
  subscriber = config.apply(Subscriber.newBuilder(subscription,
      // Synchronous CompletableFuture methods are executed by the thread that completes the
      // future, or the current thread if the future is already complete. Use that here to
      // minimize memory usage by doing as much work as immediately possible.
      (message, consumer) -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(message).thenApply(decompress)
          .thenCompose(output).whenComplete((result, exception) -> {
            if (exception == null) {
            } else {
              // exception is always a CompletionException caused by another exception
              if (exception.getCause() instanceof BatchException) {
                // only log batch exception once
                ((BatchException) exception.getCause()).handle((batchExc) -> LOG.error(
                    String.format("failed to deliver %d messages", batchExc.size),
              } else {
                // log exception specific to this message
                LOG.error("failed to deliver message", exception.getCause());
源代码16 项目: simplesource   文件: FutureResult.java
public Result<E, T> unsafePerform(final Function<Exception, E> f) {
    try {
        return run.get();
    } catch (final InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
        E error = f.apply(e);
        return Result.failure(error);
源代码17 项目: sunbird-lms-service   文件: BaseController.java
protected CompletionStage<Result> handleRequest(
    String operation,
    JsonNode requestBodyJson,
    Function requestValidatorFn,
    Map<String, String> headers,
    Request httpRequest) {
  return handleRequest(
      operation, requestBodyJson, requestValidatorFn, null, null, headers, true, httpRequest);
源代码18 项目: teku   文件: ConstantsReader.java
private static Object parseValue(final Field field, final Object value) {
  final Function<Object, ?> parser = PARSERS.get(field.getType());
  if (parser == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown constant type: " + field.getType());
  try {
    return parser.apply(value);
  } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Failed to parse value '" + value + "' for constant '" + field.getName() + "'");
源代码19 项目: cyclops   文件: ReaderWriterState.java
public <R2> ReaderWriterState<R,W,S,R2> flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends  ReaderWriterState<R,W,S,R2>> f) {

        return suspended((r,s) -> runState.apply(r, s)
                .flatMap(result -> Free.done(f.apply(result._3())
                                              .run(r, result._2())
                                              .transform((w2,s2,r2)-> tuple(monoid.apply(w2,result._1()),s2,r2)

private Function<String, PipelineElement> createReplacerFunction(final DittoHeaders dittoHeaders) {
    return placeholderWithSpaces -> {
        final String placeholder = placeholderWithSpaces.trim();
        final Function<DittoHeaders, String> placeholderResolver = replacementDefinitions.get(placeholder);
        if (placeholderResolver == null) {
            throw GatewayPlaceholderNotResolvableException.newUnknownPlaceholderBuilder(placeholder,
        return Optional.ofNullable(placeholderResolver.apply(dittoHeaders))
源代码21 项目: incubator-tuweni   文件: BaseUInt32Value.java
 * @param value The value to instantiate this {@code UInt32Value} with.
 * @param ctor A constructor for the concrete type.
protected BaseUInt32Value(UInt32 value, Function<UInt32, T> ctor) {
  this.value = value;
  this.ctor = ctor;
源代码22 项目: sample-boot-micro   文件: OrmCriteria.java
public CriteriaQuery<Long> resultCount(Function<CriteriaQuery<?>, CriteriaQuery<?>> extension) {
    CriteriaQuery<Long> q = builder.createQuery(Long.class);
    q.where(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[0]));
    if (q.isDistinct()) {
    } else {
    return (CriteriaQuery<Long>)extension.apply(q);
源代码23 项目: digdag   文件: EmrOperatorFactory.java
private void logSubmittedSteps(String clusterId, int n, Function<Integer, String> names, Function<Integer, String> ids)
    logger.info("Submitted {} EMR step(s) to {}", n, clusterId);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        logger.info("Step {}/{}: {}: {}", i + 1, n, names.apply(i), ids.apply(i));
源代码24 项目: besu   文件: GenesisState.java
private static <T> T withNiceErrorMessage(
    final String name, final String value, final Function<String, T> parser) {
  try {
    return parser.apply(value);
  } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
    throw createInvalidBlockConfigException(name, value, e);
源代码25 项目: crate   文件: CoordinatorTests.java
ClusterNode restartedNode(Function<MetaData, MetaData> adaptGlobalMetaData, Function<Long, Long> adaptCurrentTerm,
                          Settings nodeSettings) {
    final TransportAddress address = randomBoolean() ? buildNewFakeTransportAddress() : localNode.getAddress();
    final DiscoveryNode newLocalNode = new DiscoveryNode(localNode.getName(), localNode.getId(),
        UUIDs.randomBase64UUID(random()), // generated deterministically for repeatable tests
        address.address().getHostString(), address.getAddress(), address, Collections.emptyMap(),
        localNode.isMasterNode() ? EnumSet.allOf(Role.class) : emptySet(), Version.CURRENT);
    return new ClusterNode(nodeIndex, newLocalNode,
        node -> new MockPersistedState(newLocalNode, persistedState, adaptGlobalMetaData, adaptCurrentTerm), nodeSettings);
源代码26 项目: akarnokd-misc   文件: A.java
static <T, R> O<R> m(O<T> source, Function<T, O<R>> mapper) {
    return o -> {
        class D {
            class E {


            E e = new E();

        D d = new D();

        return d.e;
源代码27 项目: jaxb-visitor   文件: CreateBaseVisitorClass.java
CreateBaseVisitorClass(JDefinedClass visitor, Outline outline,
                       JPackage jPackage,
                       Function<String, String> visitMethodNamer) {
    super(outline, jPackage);
    this.visitor = visitor;
    this.visitMethodNamer = visitMethodNamer;
源代码28 项目: nifi   文件: JdbcCommon.java
private static void addNullableField(
        FieldAssembler<Schema> builder,
        String columnName,
        Function<BaseTypeBuilder<UnionAccumulator<NullDefault<Schema>>>, UnionAccumulator<NullDefault<Schema>>> func
) {
    final BaseTypeBuilder<UnionAccumulator<NullDefault<Schema>>> and = builder.name(columnName).type().unionOf().nullBuilder().endNull().and();
源代码29 项目: localization_nifi   文件: EventFileManager.java
private ReadWriteLock updateCount(final File file, final Function<Integer, Integer> update) {
    final String key = getMapKey(file);
    boolean updated = false;

    Tuple<ReadWriteLock, Integer> updatedTuple = null;
    while (!updated) {
        final Tuple<ReadWriteLock, Integer> tuple = lockMap.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new Tuple<>(new ReentrantReadWriteLock(), 0));
        final Integer updatedCount = update.apply(tuple.getValue());
        updatedTuple = new Tuple<>(tuple.getKey(), updatedCount);
        updated = lockMap.replace(key, tuple, updatedTuple);

    return updatedTuple.getKey();
源代码30 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: ManagementFactory.java
private static Stream<PlatformComponent<?>>
    toPlatformComponentStream(PlatformMBeanProvider provider)
    return provider.getPlatformComponentList()
                                  (p1, p2) -> {
                                      throw new InternalError(
                                         p1.getObjectNamePattern() +
                                         " has been used as key for " + p1 +
                                         ", it cannot be reused for " + p2);