

 * Returns {@link IDocument} in the open editor, or null if the editor
 * is not open.
static IDocument getCurrentDocument(IFile file) {
  try {
    IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
    IWorkbenchWindow activeWorkbenchWindow = workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
    IWorkbenchPage activePage = activeWorkbenchWindow.getActivePage();
    IEditorPart editorPart = ResourceUtil.findEditor(activePage, file);
    if (editorPart != null) {
      IDocument document = editorPart.getAdapter(IDocument.class);
      return document;
    return null;
  } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
    //If workbench does not exist
    return null;

public IEditorDescriptor findXbaseEditor(IEditorInput editorInput, boolean ignorePreference) {
	IFile file = ResourceUtil.getFile(editorInput);
	if (file == null)
		return null;
	if (!ignorePreference) {
		if (file.exists()) {
			try {
				String favoriteEditor = file.getPersistentProperty(IDE.EDITOR_KEY);
				if (favoriteEditor != null)
					return null;
			} catch (CoreException e) {
				logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
	// TODO stay in same editor if local navigation
	Decision decision = decisions.decideAccordingToCaller();
	if (decision == Decision.FORCE_JAVA) {
		return null;
	IEclipseTrace traceToSource = traceInformation.getTraceToSource(file);
	return getXtextEditor(traceToSource);

public IXtextDocument getXtextDocument(IResource resource) {
	IXtextDocument result = xtextDocumentUtil.getXtextDocument(resource);
	if(result == null) {
		IWorkbenchPage page = workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
		try {
			IFile file = ResourceUtil.getFile(resource);
			IEditorInput input = new FileEditorInput(file);
			IEditorPart newEditor = page.openEditor(input, getEditorId());
			return xtextDocumentUtil.getXtextDocument(newEditor);
		} catch (PartInitException e) {
			return null;
	return result;

public Object execute( ExecutionEvent event ) {
  IEditorInput editorInput = HandlerUtil.getActiveEditorInput( event );
  IFile resource = ResourceUtil.getFile( editorInput );
  if( resource != null ) {
    if( resource.isAccessible() ) {
      deleteResource( HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow( event ), resource );
  } else {
    File file = getFile( editorInput );
    IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow( event );
    if( file != null && prompter.confirmDelete( workbenchWindow, file )) {
      deleteFile( workbenchWindow, file );
  return null;
源代码5 项目: goclipse   文件: WorkbenchUtils.java

 * Attempts to guess the most relevant resource for the current workbench state
public static IResource getContextResource() {
	IWorkbenchPage page = getActivePage();
	if (page == null) {
		return null;
	final ISelection selection = page.getSelection();
	if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
		final IStructuredSelection ss = (IStructuredSelection) selection;
		if (!ss.isEmpty()) {
			final Object obj = ss.getFirstElement();
			if (obj instanceof IResource) {
				return (IResource) obj;
	IEditorPart editor = page.getActiveEditor();
	if (editor == null) {
		return null;
	IEditorInput editorInput = editor.getEditorInput();
	return ResourceUtil.getResource(editorInput);
源代码6 项目: goclipse   文件: NavigatorLinkHelper.java

public IStructuredSelection findSelection(IEditorInput input) {
  IFile file = ResourceUtil.getFile(input);

  if (file != null) {
    return new StructuredSelection(file);

  IFileStore fileStore = (IFileStore) input.getAdapter(IFileStore.class);

  if (fileStore == null && input instanceof FileStoreEditorInput) {
    URI uri = ((FileStoreEditorInput)input).getURI();
    try {
      fileStore = EFS.getStore(uri);
    } catch (CoreException e) {

  if (fileStore != null) {
    return new StructuredSelection(fileStore);

  return StructuredSelection.EMPTY;

static ITextViewer getViewer(IFile file) {
  IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
  IWorkbenchWindow activeWorkbenchWindow = workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
  IWorkbenchPage activePage = activeWorkbenchWindow.getActivePage();
  IEditorPart editorPart = ResourceUtil.findEditor(activePage, file);

  ITextOperationTarget target = editorPart.getAdapter(ITextOperationTarget.class);
  if (target instanceof ITextViewer) {
    return (ITextViewer) target;
  return null;

public IEditorInput findOriginalSource(IEditorInput input) {
	IFile resource = ResourceUtil.getFile(input);
	if (resource == null) {
		return input;

	IEditorInput original = findOriginalSourceForOuputFolderCopy(input);
	if (original != input) {
		return original;

	IEclipseTrace trace = traceInformation.getTraceToSource(resource);
	if (trace == null) {
		return input;

	for (ILocationInEclipseResource candidate : trace.getAllAssociatedLocations()) {
		if (languageInfo.equals(candidate.getLanguage())) {
			IStorage storage = candidate.getPlatformResource();
			if (storage != null) {
				return EditorUtils.createEditorInput(storage);

	return input;

private static IFile extractFileFromSelection( IStructuredSelection selection ) {
  IFile result = null;
  if( selection.size() == 1 ) {
    result = ResourceUtil.getFile( selection.getFirstElement() );
  return result;

private static boolean isEnabled( IEvaluationContext evaluationContext ) {
  Object variable = evaluationContext.getVariable( ISources.ACTIVE_EDITOR_INPUT_NAME );
  boolean result = false;
  if( variable instanceof IEditorInput ) {
    IEditorInput editorInput = ( IEditorInput )variable;
    result = ResourceUtil.getFile( editorInput ) != null || getFile( editorInput ) != null;
  return result;
源代码11 项目: eclipse-extras   文件: ImageViewerEditor.java

private IPath querySaveAsFilePath() {
  SaveAsDialog dialog = new SaveAsDialog( getSite().getShell() );
  IEditorInput editorInput = getEditorInput();
  IFile originalFile = ResourceUtil.getFile( editorInput );
  if( originalFile != null ) {
    dialog.setOriginalFile( originalFile );
  } else {
    dialog.setOriginalName( editorInput.getName() );
  int dialogResult = dialog.open();
  return dialogResult == Window.OK ? dialog.getResult() : null;

public IStructuredSelection findSelection(IEditorInput input) {
	IJavaElement element= JavaUI.getEditorInputJavaElement(input);
	if (element == null) {
		IFile file = ResourceUtil.getFile(input);
		if (file != null) {
			element= JavaCore.create(file);
	return (element != null) ? new StructuredSelection(element) : StructuredSelection.EMPTY;

 * 释放编辑器,同时释放其他相关资源。
 * @see org.eclipse.ui.part.WorkbenchPart#dispose()
public void dispose() {
	// 当该编辑器被释放资源时,检查该编辑器是否被保存,并且是否是同时打开多个文件,若成立,则删除合并打开所产生的临时文件--robert 2012-03-30
	if (!isStore && isMultiFile()) {
		try {
			IEditorInput input = getEditorInput();
			IProject multiProject = ResourceUtil.getResource(input).getProject();
			ResourceUtil.getResource(input).delete(true, null);
			multiProject.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null);

		} catch (CoreException e) {
			LOGGER.error("", e);

	if (titleImage != null && !titleImage.isDisposed()) {
		titleImage = null;
	if (table != null && !table.isDisposed()) {
		table = null;

	if (statusLineImage != null && !statusLineImage.isDisposed()) {
		statusLineImage = null;
	handler = null;

public IStructuredSelection findSelection(IEditorInput anInput) {
	IFile file = ResourceUtil.getFile(anInput);
	if (file != null) {
		return new StructuredSelection(file);
	return StructuredSelection.EMPTY;

public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
	IEditorPart editor = HandlerUtil.getActiveEditor(event);
	if (editor == null) {
		return false;
	IEditorInput input = editor.getEditorInput();
	IFile file = ResourceUtil.getFile(input);
	shell = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindowChecked(event).getShell();
	if (file == null) {
		MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, "提示", "未找当前编辑器打开的文件资源。");
	} else {
		String fileExtension = file.getFileExtension();
		if (fileExtension != null && "xlf".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) {
			ConverterViewModel model = getConverterViewModel(file);
			if (model != null) {
		} else if (fileExtension != null && "xlp".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) {
			if (file.exists()) {
				IFolder xliffFolder = file.getProject().getFolder(Constant.FOLDER_XLIFF);
				if (xliffFolder.exists()) {
					ArrayList<IFile> files = new ArrayList<IFile>();
					try {
						getChildFiles(xliffFolder, "xlf", files);
					} catch (CoreException e) {
						throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);
				} else {
					MessageDialog.openWarning(shell, "提示", "未找到系统默认的 XLIFF 文件夹!");
		} else {
			MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, "提示", "当前编辑器打开的文件不是一个合法的 XLIFF 文件。");
	return null;
源代码16 项目: thym   文件: HybridProjectLaunchShortcut.java

public void launch(IEditorPart editor, String mode) {
	IFile file = ResourceUtil.getFile(editor.getEditorInput());
	if (file != null) {
		IProject project = file.getProject();
		showEmptyError("Unable to determine the project to launch for from the editor.");

 * 释放编辑器,同时释放其他相关资源。
 * @see org.eclipse.ui.part.WorkbenchPart#dispose()
public void dispose() {
	// 当该编辑器被释放资源时,检查该编辑器是否被保存,并且是否是同时打开多个文件,若成立,则删除合并打开所产生的临时文件--robert 2012-03-30
	if (!isStore && isMultiFile()) {
		try {
			IEditorInput input = getEditorInput();
			IProject multiProject = ResourceUtil.getResource(input).getProject();
			ResourceUtil.getResource(input).delete(true, null);
			multiProject.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null);

		} catch (CoreException e) {
			LOGGER.error("", e);

	if (titleImage != null && !titleImage.isDisposed()) {
		titleImage = null;
	if (table != null && !table.isDisposed()) {
		table = null;

	if (statusLineImage != null && !statusLineImage.isDisposed()) {
		statusLineImage = null;
	handler = null;
源代码18 项目: tmxeditor8   文件: ResourceLinkHelper.java

public IStructuredSelection findSelection(IEditorInput anInput) {
	IFile file = ResourceUtil.getFile(anInput);
	if (file != null) {
		return new StructuredSelection(file);
	return StructuredSelection.EMPTY;

public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
	IEditorPart editor = HandlerUtil.getActiveEditor(event);
	if (editor == null) {
		return false;
	IEditorInput input = editor.getEditorInput();
	IFile file = ResourceUtil.getFile(input);
	shell = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindowChecked(event).getShell();
	if (file == null) {
		MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, "提示", "未找当前编辑器打开的文件资源。");
	} else {
		String fileExtension = file.getFileExtension();
		if (fileExtension != null && "xlf".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) {
			ConverterViewModel model = getConverterViewModel(file);
			if (model != null) {
		} else if (fileExtension != null && "xlp".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) {
			if (file.exists()) {
				IFolder xliffFolder = file.getProject().getFolder(Constant.FOLDER_XLIFF);
				if (xliffFolder.exists()) {
					ArrayList<IFile> files = new ArrayList<IFile>();
					try {
						getChildFiles(xliffFolder, "xlf", files);
					} catch (CoreException e) {
						throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);
				} else {
					MessageDialog.openWarning(shell, "提示", "未找到系统默认的 XLIFF 文件夹!");
		} else {
			MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, "提示", "当前编辑器打开的文件不是一个合法的 XLIFF 文件。");
	return null;
源代码20 项目: saros   文件: EditorAPI.java

 * Returns the resource currently displayed in the given editorPart.
 * @return Can be <code>null</code>, e.g. if the given editorPart is not operating on a resource,
 *     or has several resources.
public static IResource getEditorResource(IEditorPart editorPart) {
  IEditorInput input = editorPart.getEditorInput();
  IResource resource = ResourceUtil.getResource(input);

  if (resource == null) {
    log.warn("could not get resource reference from editor part: " + editorPart);

  return resource;
源代码21 项目: goclipse   文件: BuildUtilities.java

 * Causes all editors to save any modified resources in the provided collection
 * of projects depending on the user's preference.
 * @param projects The projects in which to save editors, or <code>null</code>
 * to save editors in all projects.
public static void saveEditors(Indexable<IProject> projects) {
	if (!BuildAction.isSaveAllSet()) {
	IWorkbenchWindow[] windows = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkbenchWindows();
	for (int i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
		IWorkbenchPage[] pages = windows[i].getPages();
		for (int j = 0; j < pages.length; j++) {
			IWorkbenchPage page = pages[j];
			if (projects == null) {
			} else {
				IEditorPart[] editors = page.getDirtyEditors();
				for (int k = 0; k < editors.length; k++) {
					IEditorPart editor = editors[k];
					IFile inputFile = ResourceUtil.getFile(editor.getEditorInput());
					if (inputFile != null) {
						if (projects.contains(inputFile.getProject())) {
							page.saveEditor(editor, false);

public void testOpenDerivedFileFromBin() {
  try {
    StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
    _builder.append("package mypack");
    _builder.append("class HelloXtend {");
    _builder.append("def void doStuff() {");
    final IFile fileInSrc = this.helper.createFileImpl((WorkbenchTestHelper.TESTPROJECT_NAME + "/src/mypack/HelloXtend.xtend"), _builder.toString());
    StringConcatenation _builder_1 = new StringConcatenation();
    _builder_1.append("package mypack");
    _builder_1.append("class HelloXtend {");
    _builder_1.append("def void doStuff() {");
    final IFile fileInBin = this.helper.createFileImpl((WorkbenchTestHelper.TESTPROJECT_NAME + "/bin/mypack/HelloXtend.xtend"), _builder_1.toString());
    FileEditorInput _fileEditorInput = new FileEditorInput(fileInBin);
    final IEditorInput result = this.redirector.findOriginalSource(_fileEditorInput);
    Assert.assertEquals(fileInSrc, ResourceUtil.getFile(result));
    FileEditorInput _fileEditorInput_1 = new FileEditorInput(fileInSrc);
    final IEditorInput result2 = this.redirector.findOriginalSource(_fileEditorInput_1);
    Assert.assertEquals(fileInSrc, ResourceUtil.getFile(result2));
  } catch (Throwable _e) {
    throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_e);
源代码23 项目: gama   文件: NavigatorLinkHelper.java

public IStructuredSelection findSelection(final IEditorInput anInput) {
	final IFile file = ResourceUtil.getFile(anInput);
	if (file != null) { return new StructuredSelection(ResourceManager.cache.getIfPresent(file)); }
	return StructuredSelection.EMPTY;

public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
	IEditorPart editor = HandlerUtil.getActiveEditor(event);
	if (editor == null) {
		return false;
	IEditorInput input = editor.getEditorInput();
	IFile file = ResourceUtil.getFile(input);
	shell = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindowChecked(event).getShell();
	if (file == null) {
		MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, Messages.getString("handler.PreviewTranslationHandler.msgTitle"),
	} else {
		String fileExtension = file.getFileExtension();
		if (fileExtension != null && CommonFunction.validXlfExtension(fileExtension)) {
			ConverterViewModel model = getConverterViewModel(file);
			if (model != null) {
				// model.convert();
				try {
					previewFiles(new ArrayList<IFile>(Arrays.asList(new IFile[] { file })));
				} catch (Exception e) {
				  // 修改 当异常没有消息,提示信息为空
					LOGGER.error("", e);
		} else if (fileExtension != null && "xlp".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) {
			// UNDO 合并打开的预览翻译有问题,是针对合并打开的文件,而不是针对项目所有的文件 robert 2012-07-12
			if (file.exists()) {
				// IFolder xliffFolder = file.getProject().getFolder(Constant.FOLDER_XLIFF);
				// Fixed Bug #2616 预览翻译--合并打开的文件不能进行预览翻译 by Jason
				XLFHandler hander = new XLFHandler();
				List<String> files = hander.getMultiFiles(file);
				List<IFile> ifileList = new ArrayList<IFile>();
				for (String tf : files) {
				// if (xliffFolder.exists()) {
				// ArrayList<IFile> files = new ArrayList<IFile>();
				// try {
				// ResourceUtils.getXliffs(xliffFolder, files);
				// } catch (CoreException e) {
				// throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);
				// }
				// } else {
				// MessageDialog
				// .openInformation(shell, Messages.getString("handler.PreviewTranslationHandler.msgTitle"),
				// Messages.getString("handler.PreviewTranslationHandler.msg2"));
				// }
		} else {
			MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, Messages.getString("handler.PreviewTranslationHandler.msgTitle"),
	return null;

public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
	IEditorPart editor = HandlerUtil.getActiveEditor(event);
	if (editor == null) {
		return false;
	IEditorInput input = editor.getEditorInput();
	IFile file = ResourceUtil.getFile(input);
	shell = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindowChecked(event).getShell();
	String tshelp = System.getProperties().getProperty("TSHelp");
	String tsstate = System.getProperties().getProperty("TSState");
	if (tshelp == null || !"true".equals(tshelp) || tsstate == null || !"true".equals(tsstate)) {
		LoggerFactory.getLogger(PreviewTranslationHandler.class).error("Exception:key hs008 is lost.(Can't find the key)");
	if (file == null) {
		MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, Messages.getString("handler.PreviewTranslationHandler.msgTitle"),
	} else {
		String fileExtension = file.getFileExtension();
		if (fileExtension != null && CommonFunction.validXlfExtension(fileExtension)) {
			ConverterViewModel model = getConverterViewModel(file);
			if (model != null) {
				// model.convert();
				try {
					previewFiles(new ArrayList<IFile>(Arrays.asList(new IFile[] { file })));
				} catch (Exception e) {
				  // 修改 当异常没有消息,提示信息为空
					LOGGER.error("", e);
		} else if (fileExtension != null && "xlp".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) {
			// UNDO 合并打开的预览翻译有问题,是针对合并打开的文件,而不是针对项目所有的文件 robert 2012-07-12
			if (file.exists()) {
				// IFolder xliffFolder = file.getProject().getFolder(Constant.FOLDER_XLIFF);
				// Fixed Bug #2616 预览翻译--合并打开的文件不能进行预览翻译 by Jason
				XLFHandler hander = new XLFHandler();
				List<String> files = hander.getMultiFiles(file);
				List<IFile> ifileList = new ArrayList<IFile>();
				for (String tf : files) {
				// if (xliffFolder.exists()) {
				// ArrayList<IFile> files = new ArrayList<IFile>();
				// try {
				// ResourceUtils.getXliffs(xliffFolder, files);
				// } catch (CoreException e) {
				// throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);
				// }
				// } else {
				// MessageDialog
				// .openInformation(shell, Messages.getString("handler.PreviewTranslationHandler.msgTitle"),
				// Messages.getString("handler.PreviewTranslationHandler.msg2"));
				// }
		} else {
			MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, Messages.getString("handler.PreviewTranslationHandler.msgTitle"),
	return null;
源代码26 项目: saros   文件: EditorPool.java

 * Adds an {@link IEditorPart} to the pool. This method also connects the editorPart with its data
 * source (identified by associated {@link IFile}), makes it editable for user with {@link
 * Permission#WRITE_ACCESS}, and registers listeners:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>{@link IElementStateListener} on {@link IDocumentProvider} - listens for the changes in
 *       the file connected with the editor (e.g. file gets 'dirty')
 *   <li>{@link IDocumentListener} on {@link IDocument} - listens for changes in the document
 *       (e.g. documents text gets changed)
 *   <li>{@link EditorListener} on {@link IEditorPart} - listens for basic events needed for
 *       tracking of text selection and viewport changes (e.g. mouse events, keyboard events)
 * </ul>
 * This method will return without any effect if the given IEditorPart does not a.) represent an
 * IFile, b.) which can be referred to using an IPath and c.) the IEditorPart can be mapped to an
 * ITextViewer.
public void add(final IEditorPart editorPart) {
  log.trace("adding editor part " + editorPart + " [" + editorPart.getTitle() + "]");

  if (isManaged(editorPart)) {
    log.error("editor part " + editorPart + " is already managed");

  final ITextViewer viewer = EditorAPI.getViewer(editorPart);

  if (viewer == null) {
    log.warn("editor part is not a ITextViewer: " + editorPart);

  final IEditorInput input = editorPart.getEditorInput();
  final IFile file = ResourceUtil.getFile(input);

  if (file == null) {
    log.warn("editor part does not use a file storage: " + editorPart);


   * Connecting causes Conversion of Delimiters which trigger Selection
   * and Save Activities, so connect before adding listeners

  final EditorListener listener = new EditorListener(editorManager);

   * OMG ... either pull this call out of this class or access the
   * editorManager variables in a better manner
  setEditable(editorPart, editorManager.hasWriteAccess && !editorManager.isLocked);

  final IDocumentProvider documentProvider = EditorAPI.getDocumentProvider(input);

  dirtyStateListener.register(documentProvider, input);

  final saros.filesystem.IFile wrappedFile = ResourceAdapterFactory.create(file);

  Set<IEditorPart> parts = editorParts.get(wrappedFile);

  if (parts == null) {
    parts = new HashSet<IEditorPart>();
    editorParts.put(wrappedFile, parts);

  editorInputMap.put(editorPart, new EditorPartInputReferences(input, file));

  editorListeners.put(editorPart, listener);
源代码27 项目: goclipse   文件: EditorUtils.java

public static IFile getAssociatedFile(IEditorInput editorInput) {
//		if (editorInput instanceof IFileEditorInput) {
//			return ((IFileEditorInput) editorInput).getFile();
//		}
		return ResourceUtil.getFile(editorInput);