

源代码1 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: InternationalBAT.java
public static void main(String[] args) {
    boolean pass = true;

    TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
    try {
        pass &= testRequiredLocales();
        pass &= testRequiredEncodings();
    } finally {

    if (!pass) {
        System.out.println("\nSome tests failed.\n"
                + "If you installed the US-only J2RE for Windows, "
                + "failures are expected and OK.\n"
                + "If you installed the international J2RE, or any J2SDK, "
                + "or if this occurs on any platform other than Windows, "
                + "please file a bug report.\n"
                + "Unfortunately, this test cannot determine whether you "
                + "installed a US-only J2RE, an international J2RE, or "
                + "a J2SDK.\n");
        throw new RuntimeException();
源代码2 项目: coming   文件: Arja_00134_s.java
 * {@inheritDoc}
public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
    if (mTimeZoneForced) {
        if (mTimeZone.useDaylightTime() && calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) != 0) {
        } else {
    } else {
        TimeZone timeZone = calendar.getTimeZone();
        if (timeZone.useDaylightTime() && calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) != 0) {
            buffer.append(getTimeZoneDisplay(timeZone, true, mStyle, mLocale));
        } else {
            buffer.append(getTimeZoneDisplay(timeZone, false, mStyle, mLocale));
源代码3 项目: java-technology-stack   文件: RequestContext.java
public RequestContext(ServerWebExchange exchange, Map<String, Object> model, MessageSource messageSource,
		@Nullable RequestDataValueProcessor dataValueProcessor) {

	Assert.notNull(exchange, "ServerWebExchange is required");
	Assert.notNull(model, "Model is required");
	Assert.notNull(messageSource, "MessageSource is required");
	this.exchange = exchange;
	this.model = model;
	this.messageSource = messageSource;

	LocaleContext localeContext = exchange.getLocaleContext();
	Locale locale = localeContext.getLocale();
	this.locale = (locale != null ? locale : Locale.getDefault());
	TimeZone timeZone = (localeContext instanceof TimeZoneAwareLocaleContext ?
			((TimeZoneAwareLocaleContext) localeContext).getTimeZone() : null);
	this.timeZone = (timeZone != null ? timeZone : TimeZone.getDefault());

	this.defaultHtmlEscape = null;  // TODO
	this.dataValueProcessor = dataValueProcessor;
源代码4 项目: nifi   文件: ParseCEF.java
public void OnScheduled(final ProcessContext context) {

    // Configure jackson mapper before spawning onTriggers
    final SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule()
                                    .addSerializer(MacAddress.class, new MacAddressToStringSerializer());

    switch (context.getProperty(TIME_REPRESENTATION).getValue()) {
        case LOCAL_TZ:
            // set the mapper TZ to local TZ
            tzId = TimeZone.getDefault().getID();
        case UTC:
            // set the mapper TZ to local TZ
            tzId = UTC;

源代码5 项目: openjdk-8   文件: ZoneInfoOld.java
 * Returns true if this zone has the same raw GMT offset value and
 * transition table as another zone info. If the specified
 * TimeZone object is not a ZoneInfoOld instance, this method returns
 * true if the specified TimeZone object has the same raw GMT
 * offset value with no daylight saving time.
 * @param other the ZoneInfoOld object to be compared with
 * @return true if the given <code>TimeZone</code> has the same
 * GMT offset and transition information; false, otherwise.
public boolean hasSameRules(TimeZone other) {
    if (this == other) {
        return true;
    if (other == null) {
        return false;
    if (!(other instanceof ZoneInfoOld)) {
        if (getRawOffset() != other.getRawOffset()) {
            return false;
        // if both have the same raw offset and neither observes
        // DST, they have the same rule.
        if ((transitions == null)
            && (useDaylightTime() == false)
            && (other.useDaylightTime() == false)) {
            return true;
        return false;
    if (getLastRawOffset() != ((ZoneInfoOld)other).getLastRawOffset()) {
        return false;
    return (checksum == ((ZoneInfoOld)other).checksum);
public ComReminder mapRow(ResultSet rs, int i) throws SQLException {
    ComReminder reminder = new ComReminderImpl();
    reminder.setSenderName(getSenderName(rs.getString("sender_name"), rs.getString("sender_company_name")));
    reminder.setSent(rs.getInt("notified") != 0);
    reminder.setLang(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(rs.getString("lang"), DEFAULT_LANGUAGE));

    ReminderType reminderType = ReminderType.fromId(rs.getInt("type"));
    // No content generation available for unknown or corrupted reminders.
    if (reminderType != null) {
        String workflowName = rs.getString("title");

        // Recipient timezone (if available) or sender timezone (otherwise).
        ZoneId zoneId = TimeZone.getTimeZone(rs.getString("timezone")).toZoneId();
        LocalDateTime startDate = DateUtilities.toLocalDateTime(rs.getTimestamp("workflow_start_date"), zoneId);
        LocalDateTime stopDate = DateUtilities.toLocalDateTime(rs.getTimestamp("workflow_stop_date"), zoneId);

        generateContent(reminder, reminderType, workflowName, startDate, stopDate);

    return reminder;
源代码7 项目: CodenameOne   文件: DateFormatSymbols.java
public String[][] getZoneStrings() {
	synchronized (this) {
		if (zoneStrings == null) {
			String ids[] = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs();
			String newZoneStrings[][] = new String[ids.length][5];
			for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
				newZoneStrings[i][ZONE_ID] = ids[i]; // - time zone ID
				String key = ids[i].toUpperCase();
				newZoneStrings[i][ZONE_LONGNAME] = getLocalizedValue(L10N_ZONE_LONGNAME + key, ids[i]);
				newZoneStrings[i][ZONE_SHORTNAME] = getLocalizedValue(L10N_ZONE_SHORTNAME + key, ids[i]);
				newZoneStrings[i][ZONE_LONGNAME_DST] = getLocalizedValue(L10N_ZONE_LONGNAME_DST + key, ids[i]);
				newZoneStrings[i][ZONE_SHORTNAME_DST] = getLocalizedValue(L10N_ZONE_SHORTNAME_DST + key, ids[i]);
			zoneStrings = newZoneStrings;
	return zoneStrings;
源代码8 项目: astor   文件: MinuteTests.java
 * Some checks for the getFirstMillisecond(TimeZone) method.
public void testGetFirstMillisecondWithCalendar() {
    Minute m = new Minute(40, 2, 15, 4, 2000);
    GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(Locale.GERMANY);
    assertEquals(955766400000L, m.getFirstMillisecond(calendar));

    // try null calendar
    boolean pass = false;
    try {
        m.getFirstMillisecond((Calendar) null);
    catch (NullPointerException e) {
        pass = true;
源代码9 项目: openstock   文件: MinuteTest.java
 * Some checks for the getFirstMillisecond(TimeZone) method.
public void testGetFirstMillisecondWithTimeZone() {
    Minute m = new Minute(59, 15, 1, 4, 1950);
    TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
    assertEquals(-623289660000L, m.getFirstMillisecond(zone));

    // try null calendar
    boolean pass = false;
    try {
        m.getFirstMillisecond((TimeZone) null);
    catch (NullPointerException e) {
        pass = true;
源代码10 项目: uyuni   文件: UserFactory.java
 * Gets the default time zone
 * @return US Eastern Time Zone
public static RhnTimeZone getDefaultTimeZone() {
    RhnTimeZone sysDefault = getTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault().getID());
    if (sysDefault != null) {
        return sysDefault;
    Session session = HibernateFactory.getSession();
    List<RhnTimeZone> allTimeZones =
    for (RhnTimeZone tz : allTimeZones) {
        if (TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset() == TimeZone.getTimeZone(
                tz.getOlsonName()).getRawOffset()) {
            return tz;
    // This should not happen unless the timezone table is incomplete
    return getTimeZone("America/New_York");
源代码11 项目: astor   文件: DayTests.java
 * Some checks for the getLastMillisecond(TimeZone) method.
public void testGetLastMillisecondWithCalendar() {
    Day d = new Day(4, 5, 2001);
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(
            TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/London"), Locale.UK);
    assertEquals(989017199999L, d.getLastMillisecond(calendar));
    // try null calendar
    boolean pass = false;
    try {
        d.getLastMillisecond((Calendar) null);
    catch (NullPointerException e) {
        pass = true;
public void testTimeStampUtc() throws SQLException {

  try (Connection connection = setConnection("&serverTimezone=UTC&useServerPrepStmts=true")) {
    setSessionTimeZone(connection, "+00:00");
    // timestamp timezone to parisTimeZone like server
    Timestamp currentTimeParis = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
    PreparedStatement st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT ?");
    st.setTimestamp(1, currentTimeParis);
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
    Timestamp t1 = rs.getTimestamp(1);
    assertEquals(t1, currentTimeParis);
源代码13 项目: moon-api-gateway   文件: MoonApplication.java
public static void main(String[] args) {
    //SpringApplication.run(MoonApplication.class, args);
    new SpringApplicationBuilder(MoonApplication.class)
            .properties("spring.config.location:classpath:/apps/, classpath:/apis/, classpath:/")

public String getCurTime() {
    String fromTimeZone = "GMT+8";
    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    Date date = new Date();
    String chinaDate = format.format(date);
    return chinaDate;
源代码15 项目: projectforge-webapp   文件: GroovyEngineTest.java
public void preprocesTest()
  final GroovyEngine engine = new GroovyEngine(Locale.GERMAN,  TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
  assertEquals("", engine.preprocessGroovyXml(""));
  assertEquals("<% if (value != null) { %>", engine.preprocessGroovyXml("<groovy>if (value != null) {</groovy>"));
  assertEquals("<%= value %>", engine.preprocessGroovyXml("<groovy-out>value</groovy-out>"));
源代码16 项目: astor   文件: TestMutableInterval_Constructors.java
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    originalDateTimeZone = DateTimeZone.getDefault();
    originalTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
    originalLocale = Locale.getDefault();
源代码17 项目: arcusplatform   文件: PlaceLocation.java
public PlaceLocation(String code, GeoLocation geoLocation, String primaryCity, String state, String county,
   TimeZone timeZone)
   this.code         = code;
   this.geoLocation  = geoLocation;
   this.geoPrecision = Place.GEOPRECISION_ZIP5;
   this.primaryCity  = primaryCity;
   this.state        = state;
   this.county       = county;
   this.timeZone     = timeZone;
源代码18 项目: clickhouse-jdbc   文件: ClickHouseResultSet.java
private Long toTimestamp(ByteFragment value, TimeZone timeZone) {
    if (value.isNull() || value.asString().equals("0000-00-00 00:00:00")) {
        return null;
    try {
        return dateTimeFormat.parse(value.asString()).getTime();
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
源代码19 项目: astor   文件: DateTimeBrowser.java
String getViewTitle() {
    return "DateTime.getXXX() Method Calculations"
        + " : "
        + TimeZone.getDefault().getDisplayName()
        + " : "
        + " Record Count "
        + currFile.getLoadedFileSize();
源代码20 项目: lucene-solr   文件: TimeZoneUtilsTest.java
private static void assertSameRules(final String label,
                                    final TimeZone expected,
                                    final TimeZone actual) {
  if (null == expected && null == actual) return;

  assertNotNull(label + ": expected is null", expected);
  assertNotNull(label + ": actual is null", actual);

  final boolean same = expected.hasSameRules(actual);

  assertTrue(label + ": " + expected.toString() + " [[NOT SAME RULES]] " + 
源代码21 项目: lucene-solr   文件: QueryParserTestBase.java
private String getLocalizedDate(int year, int month, int day) {
  // we use the default Locale/TZ since LuceneTestCase randomizes it
  DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.getDefault());
  Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getDefault(), Locale.getDefault());
  calendar.set(year, month, day);
  calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);
  calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
  calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59);
  calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999);
  return df.format(calendar.getTime());
源代码22 项目: r-course   文件: ByteArrayRow.java
public Time getTimeFast(int columnIndex, Calendar targetCalendar, TimeZone tz, boolean rollForward, MySQLConnection conn, ResultSetImpl rs)
        throws SQLException {
    byte[] columnValue = this.internalRowData[columnIndex];

    if (columnValue == null) {
        return null;

    return getTimeFast(columnIndex, this.internalRowData[columnIndex], 0, columnValue.length, targetCalendar, tz, rollForward, conn, rs);
源代码23 项目: pentaho-reporting   文件: Prd3828Test.java
private DesignTimeDataFactoryContext createDataFactoryContext() {
  return new DesignTimeDataFactoryContext(
      new ResourceManager(), null,
      new DefaultResourceBundleFactory( Locale.getDefault(), TimeZone.getTimeZone( "UTC" ))
源代码24 项目: tracecompass   文件: TmfTimestampFormat.java
 * The fuller constructor
 * @param pattern the format pattern
 * @param timeZone the time zone
 * @param locale the locale
public TmfTimestampFormat(@NonNull String pattern, TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale) {
    super("", locale); //$NON-NLS-1$
    fLocale = locale;
    setCalendar(Calendar.getInstance(timeZone, locale));
    fPattern = pattern;
源代码25 项目: opensim-gui   文件: Quarter.java
 * Constructs a Quarter, based on a date/time and time zone.
 * @param time  the date/time.
 * @param zone  the zone (<code>null</code> not permitted).
public Quarter(Date time, TimeZone zone) {
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(zone);
    int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
    this.quarter = (byte) SerialDate.monthCodeToQuarter(month);
    this.year = (short) calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
源代码26 项目: coming   文件: Time_9_DateTimeZone_t.java
 * Gets a time zone instance for a JDK TimeZone.
 * <p>
 * DateTimeZone only accepts a subset of the IDs from TimeZone. The
 * excluded IDs are the short three letter form (except UTC). This 
 * method will attempt to convert between time zones created using the
 * short IDs and the full version.
 * <p>
 * This method is not designed to parse time zones with rules created by
 * applications using <code>SimpleTimeZone</code> directly.
 * @param zone  the zone to convert, null means default
 * @return the DateTimeZone object for the zone
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the zone is not recognised
public static DateTimeZone forTimeZone(TimeZone zone) {
    if (zone == null) {
        return getDefault();
    final String id = zone.getID();
    if (id.equals("UTC")) {
        return DateTimeZone.UTC;

    // Convert from old alias before consulting provider since they may differ.
    DateTimeZone dtz = null;
    String convId = getConvertedId(id);
    if (convId != null) {
        dtz = cProvider.getZone(convId);
    if (dtz == null) {
        dtz = cProvider.getZone(id);
    if (dtz != null) {
        return dtz;

    // Support GMT+/-hh:mm formats
    if (convId == null) {
        convId = zone.getID();
        if (convId.startsWith("GMT+") || convId.startsWith("GMT-")) {
            convId = convId.substring(3);
            int offset = parseOffset(convId);
            if (offset == 0L) {
                return DateTimeZone.UTC;
            } else {
                convId = printOffset(offset);
                return fixedOffsetZone(convId, offset);
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("The datetime zone id '" + id + "' is not recognised");
源代码27 项目: snake-yaml   文件: TimestampTagTest.java
public void testTimestampOutMap() {
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Moscow"));
    cal.set(2008, 8, 23, 14, 35, 4);
    Date date = cal.getTime();
    Map<String, Date> map = new HashMap<String, Date>();
    map.put("canonical", date);
    String output = dump(map);
    assertEquals("{canonical: !!timestamp '2008-09-23T10:35:04Z'}\n", output);
 * Calculate the AWS CodeCommit password for the provided URI and AWS secret key. This
 * uses the algorithm published by AWS at
 * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-4.html
 * @param uri the codecommit repository uri
 * @param awsSecretKey the aws secret key
 * @return the password to use in the git request
protected static String calculateCodeCommitPassword(URIish uri, String awsSecretKey) {
	String[] split = uri.getHost().split("\\.");
	if (split.length < 4) {
		throw new CredentialException("Cannot detect AWS region from URI", null);
	String region = split[1];

	Date now = new Date();
	SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss");

	String dateStamp = dateFormat.format(now);
	String shortDateStamp = dateStamp.substring(0, 8);

	String codeCommitPassword;
	try {
		StringBuilder stringToSign = new StringBuilder();

		byte[] signedRequest = sign(awsSecretKey, shortDateStamp, region,
		codeCommitPassword = dateStamp + "Z" + bytesToHexString(signedRequest);
	catch (Exception e) {
		throw new CredentialException("Error calculating AWS CodeCommit password", e);

	return codeCommitPassword;
源代码29 项目: snake-yaml   文件: ConfigurableTimezoneTest.java
public void testTimezone() {
    DumperOptions options = new DumperOptions();
    Yaml yaml = new Yaml(options);
    Date date = new Date();
    String output = yaml.dump(date);
    // System.out.println(output);
    assertTrue(output, output.trim().endsWith("+1:00"));
    Date parsed = (Date) yaml.load(output);
    assertEquals(date, parsed);
源代码30 项目: fess   文件: EsAbstractConditionQuery.java
protected String toRangeDateString(Date date, String format) {
    if (format.contains("epoch_millis")) {
        return Long.toString(date.getTime());
    } else if (format.contains("date_optional_time")) {
        final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
        return sdf.format(date);
    } else {
        return Long.toString(date.getTime());