

public void testCorrectPanelIsShownForFacetedProject() {
  DeployPropertyPage page = new DeployPropertyPage(loginService, googleApiFactory);
  Shell parent = shellTestResource.getShell();
  Composite preferencePageComposite = (Composite) parent.getChildren()[0];
  for (Control control : preferencePageComposite.getChildren()) {
    if (control instanceof SharedScrolledComposite) {
      assertThat(getDeployPreferencesPanel((Composite) control), instanceOf(getPanelClass()));
  fail("Did not find the deploy preferences panel");
源代码2 项目: google-cloud-eclipse   文件: DeployPropertyPage.java
protected Control createContents(Composite parent) {
  container = new SharedScrolledComposite(parent, SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL) {};
  container.setLayout(new GridLayout());

  IProject project = AdapterUtil.adapt(getElement(), IProject.class);

  try {
    facetedProject = ProjectFacetsManager.create(project);
  } catch (CoreException ex) {
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, ex.getMessage());
    return container;

  GridDataFactory.fillDefaults().grab(true, true).applyTo(container);
  return container;
源代码3 项目: tlaplus   文件: SWTFactory.java
 * Creates a scrolled composite 
 * @param parent the parent to add to
 * @param columns the number of columns for the composite
 * @param hspan the horizontal span to take up in the parent
 * @param marginwidth the width of the margins
 * @param marginheight the height of the margins
 * @return a new scrolled composite
public static SharedScrolledComposite createScrolledComposite(Composite parent, int columns, int hspan, int marginwidth, int marginheight) {
	SharedScrolledComposite comp = new SharedScrolledComposite(parent, SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL) {};
	GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(columns, false);
	layout.marginHeight = marginheight;
	layout.marginWidth = marginwidth;
	GridData gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH);
	gd.horizontalSpan = hspan;
	return comp;
源代码4 项目: ice   文件: ScrollClientComposite.java
 * The default constructor. Creates a {@link ScrollClientComposite}
 * constructor. The parent and style are passed to the {@link Composite}
 * constructor. The {@link #minWidth} is set to its default value. The
 * closest scrolled ancestor is determined automatically, but an
 * {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown if one cannot be found.
 * @param parent
 *            A widget which will be the parent of the new instance (cannot
 *            be null).
 * @param style
 *            The style of widget to construct.
public ScrollClientComposite(Composite parent, int style) {
	super(parent, style);

	// Find the ancestor ScrolledComposite.
	while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof SharedScrolledComposite)) {
		parent = parent.getParent();

	// If a ScrolledComposite was found, then set the class reference to it.
	// Otherwise throw an exception.
	if (parent != null) {
		scrolledAncestor = (SharedScrolledComposite) parent;
	} else {
		scrolledAncestor = null;
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("HorizontalScrollManager error: "
				+ "Client Control does not have a ScrolledComposite ancestor.");

	// We need to add a resize listener to reflow the ancestor
	// ScrolledComposite when it's client area is too small.

	// We must ensure the padding is correct for resizing.

源代码5 项目: ice   文件: ScrollClientComposite.java
 * Creates a {@link ScrollClientComposite}. The parent and style are passed
 * to the {@link Composite} constructor. The ancestor is verified, and the
 * {@link #minWidth} is set to its default value.
 * @param parent
 *            A widget which will be the parent of the new instance (cannot
 *            be null).
 * @param style
 *            The style of widget to construct.
 * @param scrolledAncestor
 *            The ancestor scrolled {@code Composite}. Must be a non-null
 *            ancestor (parent, grandparent, etc.), else an
 *            {@code IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
public ScrollClientComposite(Composite parent, int style,
		SharedScrolledComposite scrolledAncestor) {
	super(parent, style);

	// Check the scrolledAncestor parameter for null.
	if (scrolledAncestor == null) {
		this.scrolledAncestor = null;
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("HorizontalScrollManager error: "
				+ "Null ancestor ScrolledComposite passed to constructor!");

	// Find the scrolledAncestor among this Composite's ancestors.
	while (parent != null && parent != scrolledAncestor) {
		parent = parent.getParent();

	// If the correct ancestor was found, then set the class reference to
	// it. Otherwise, throw an exception.
	if (parent != null) {
		this.scrolledAncestor = scrolledAncestor;
	} else {
		this.scrolledAncestor = null;
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("HorizontalScrollManager error: "
				+ "Specified ScrolledComposite is not an ancestor of client Control.");

	// We need to add a resize listener to reflow the ancestor
	// ScrolledComposite when it's client area is too small.

	// We must ensure the padding is correct for resizing.

源代码6 项目: ice   文件: ScrollClientComposite.java
 * The full {@link ScrollClientComposite} constructor. The parent and style
 * are passed to the {@link Composite} constructor. The ancestor is
 * verified, and the {@link #minWidth} is set.
 * @param parent
 *            A widget which will be the parent of the new instance (cannot
 *            be null).
 * @param style
 *            The style of widget to construct.
 * @param scrolledAncestor
 *            The ancestor scrolled {@code Composite}. Must be a non-null
 *            ancestor (parent, grandparent, etc.), else an
 *            {@code IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
 * @param minWidth
 *            The width at which this {@code Composite} will stop getting
 *            smaller, thus forcing its ancestor {@code ScrolledComposite}
 *            to use a horizontal scroll bar. If less than 0, the value 0
 *            will be used instead.
public ScrollClientComposite(Composite parent, int style,
		SharedScrolledComposite scrolledAncestor, int minWidth) {
	this(parent, style, scrolledAncestor);