

源代码1 项目: tracecompass   文件: ImportTraceWizardPage.java
 * Create the import source selection widget. (Copied from
 * WizardResourceImportPage but instead always uses the internal
 * ResourceTreeAndListGroup to keep compatibility with Kepler)
protected void createFileSelectionGroup(Composite parent) {

    // Just create with a dummy root.
    fSelectionGroup = new ResourceTreeAndListGroup(parent,
            new FileSystemElement("Dummy", null, true), //$NON-NLS-1$
            getFolderProvider(), new WorkbenchLabelProvider(),
            getFileProvider(), new WorkbenchLabelProvider(), SWT.NONE,

    ICheckStateListener listener = event -> updateWidgetEnablements();

    WorkbenchViewerComparator comparator = new WorkbenchViewerComparator();

源代码2 项目: eclipse-extras   文件: CleanupPreferencePage.java
private void createPageControls( Composite parent ) {
  cleanupButton = new Button( parent, SWT.CHECK );
  cleanupButton.setText( "Remove on-the-fly generated launch configurations when no longer needed" );
  cleanupButton.addListener( SWT.Selection, this::cleanupButtonSelected );
  cleanupTypesLabel = new Label( parent, SWT.NONE );
  cleanupTypesLabel.setText( "Select the launch configuration types to clean up" );
  cleanupTypesViewer = CheckboxTableViewer.newCheckList( parent, SWT.BORDER );
  cleanupTypesViewer.setLabelProvider( DebugUITools.newDebugModelPresentation() );
  cleanupTypesViewer.setContentProvider( ArrayContentProvider.getInstance() );
  cleanupTypesViewer.setComparator( new WorkbenchViewerComparator() );
  cleanupTypesViewer.addFilter( new LaunchConfigTypeFilter() );
  cleanupTypesViewer.setInput( launchManager.getLaunchConfigurationTypes() );
  selectAllButton = new Button( parent, SWT.PUSH );
  selectAllButton.addListener( SWT.Selection, event -> cleanupTypesViewer.setAllChecked( true ) );
  selectAllButton.setText( "&Select All" );
  deselectAllButton = new Button( parent, SWT.PUSH );
  deselectAllButton.setText( "&Deselect All" );
  deselectAllButton.addListener( SWT.Selection, event -> cleanupTypesViewer.setAllChecked( false ) );
  notelabel = new Label( parent, SWT.WRAP );
  String text
    = "Note: Launch configurations are considered as on-the-fly generated if "
    + "they were created outside the Run Configurations dialog without further "
    + "manual changes. For example with Run As > JUnit Test";
  notelabel.setText( text );