

源代码1 项目: uyuni   文件: MonitoringServiceTest.java
public void testGetStatusWithSelfMonitoringRestartNeeded() {
    BiFunction<String, Optional<String>, Optional<InputStream>> execCtl =
            (String cmd, Optional<String> pillar) -> {
                return Optional.of(this.getClass()

    MonitoringService.setTomcatJmxStatusSupplier(() -> true);
    MonitoringService.setTaskomaticJmxStatusSupplier(() -> true);
    MonitoringService.setSelfMonitoringStatusSupplier(() -> false);

    Optional<MonitoringService.MonitoringStatus> res = MonitoringService.getStatus();
    assertEquals(null, res.get().getMessages().get("tomcat"));
    assertEquals("enable", res.get().getMessages().get("taskomatic"));
    assertEquals("restart", res.get().getMessages().get("self_monitoring"));
源代码2 项目: hono   文件: CommandSubscriptionsManager.java
 * Closes the command consumer and removes the subscription entry for the given topic.
 * @param topic The topic string to unsubscribe.
 * @param onConsumerRemovedFunction The function to be invoked if not {@code null} during removal of a subscription.
 *                                  The first parameter is the tenant id, the second parameter the device id.
 *                                  To be returned is a future indicating the outcome of the function.
 * @param spanContext The span context (may be {@code null}).
 * @throws NullPointerException if topic is {@code null}.
 * @return A future indicating the outcome of the operation.
public Future<Void> removeSubscription(final String topic,
        final BiFunction<String, String, Future<Void>> onConsumerRemovedFunction, final SpanContext spanContext) {

    final TriTuple<CommandSubscription, ProtocolAdapterCommandConsumer, Object> removed = subscriptions.remove(topic);
    if (removed != null) {
        final CommandSubscription subscription = removed.one();
        final Future<Void> functionFuture = onConsumerRemovedFunction != null
                ? onConsumerRemovedFunction.apply(subscription.getTenant(), subscription.getDeviceId())
                : Future.succeededFuture();
        final ProtocolAdapterCommandConsumer commandConsumer = removed.two();
        return CompositeFuture
                .join(functionFuture, closeCommandConsumer(subscription, commandConsumer, spanContext)).mapEmpty();
    } else {
        LOG.debug("Cannot remove subscription; none registered for topic [{}]", topic);
        return Future.failedFuture(String.format("Cannot remove subscription; none registered for topic [%s]", topic));
private void createFullPackageMetadataImpl(final BiFunction<String, String, String> function, String packageJsonFilename) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
  try {
    assertThat(BaseUrlHolder.isSet(), is(false));

    File packageJsonFile = new File(NpmPackageRootMetadataUtilsTest.class.getResource(packageJsonFilename).toURI());
    File archive = tempFolderRule.newFile();
    Map<String, Object> packageJson = new NpmPackageParser()
        .parsePackageJson(() -> ArchiveUtils.pack(archive, packageJsonFile, "package/package.json"));

    NestedAttributesMap packageMetadata = NpmPackageRootMetadataUtils
        .createFullPackageMetadata(new NestedAttributesMap("metadata", packageJson),

  finally {
 * Common function to resolve references from key.
 * @param draftBuilder                 {@link ProductDraftBuilder} to update
 * @param resourceIdentifier           resourceIdentifier instance from which key is read
 * @param keyToIdMapper                function which calls respective service to fetch the reference by key
 * @param idToResourceIdentifierMapper function which creates {@link ResourceIdentifier} instance from fetched id
 * @param resourceIdentifierSetter     function which will set the resolved reference to the {@code productDraft}
 * @param <T>                          type of reference (e.g. {@link State}, {@link TaxCategory}
 * @return {@link CompletionStage} containing {@link ProductDraftBuilder} with resolved &lt;T&gt; reference.
private <T, S extends ResourceIdentifier<T>> CompletionStage<ProductDraftBuilder> resolveResourceIdentifier(
    @Nonnull final ProductDraftBuilder draftBuilder,
    @Nullable final S resourceIdentifier,
    @Nonnull final Function<String, CompletionStage<Optional<String>>> keyToIdMapper,
    @Nonnull final Function<String, S> idToResourceIdentifierMapper,
    @Nonnull final BiFunction<ProductDraftBuilder, S, ProductDraftBuilder> resourceIdentifierSetter)
    throws ReferenceResolutionException {

    if (resourceIdentifier == null) {
        return completedFuture(draftBuilder);

    final String resourceKey = getKeyFromResourceIdentifier(resourceIdentifier);

    return keyToIdMapper
        .thenApply(optId -> optId
            .map(resourceIdentifierToSet -> resourceIdentifierSetter.apply(draftBuilder, resourceIdentifierToSet))
源代码5 项目: buck   文件: ConfigDifference.java
/** Format a single config change */
public static String formatConfigChange(Entry<String, ConfigChange> change, boolean truncate) {
  String prevVal = change.getValue().getPrevValue();
  String newVal = change.getValue().getNewValue();
  BiFunction<String, Integer, String> abbrev =
      (value, width) -> truncate ? MoreStrings.abbreviate(value, width) : value;
  if (prevVal == null) {
    return String.format("New value %s='%s'", change.getKey(), abbrev.apply(newVal, 80));
  if (newVal == null) {
    return String.format("Removed value %s='%s'", change.getKey(), abbrev.apply(prevVal, 80));

  return String.format(
      "Changed value %s='%s' (was '%s')",
      change.getKey(), abbrev.apply(newVal, 40), abbrev.apply(prevVal, 40));
 * Given a draft of {@code D} (e.g. {@link CategoryDraft}) this method attempts to resolve it's custom type
 * reference to return {@link CompletionStage} which contains a new instance of the draft with the resolved
 * custom type reference. The key of the custom type is taken from the from the id field of the reference.
 * <p>The method then tries to fetch the key of the custom type, optimistically from a
 * cache. If the key is is not found, the resultant draft would remain exactly the same as the passed
 * draft (without a custom type reference resolution).
 * @param draftBuilder the draft builder to resolve it's references.
 * @param customGetter a function to return the CustomFieldsDraft instance of the draft builder.
 * @param customSetter a function to set the CustomFieldsDraft instance of the builder and return this builder.
 * @param errorMessage the error message to inject in the {@link ReferenceResolutionException} if it occurs.
 * @return a {@link CompletionStage} that contains as a result a new draft instance with resolved custom
 *         type references or, in case an error occurs during reference resolution,
 *         a {@link ReferenceResolutionException}.
protected CompletionStage<B> resolveCustomTypeReference(
    @Nonnull final B draftBuilder,
    @Nonnull final Function<B, CustomFieldsDraft> customGetter,
    @Nonnull final BiFunction<B, CustomFieldsDraft, B> customSetter,
    @Nonnull final String errorMessage) {

    final CustomFieldsDraft custom = customGetter.apply(draftBuilder);
    if (custom != null) {
        return getCustomTypeId(custom, errorMessage)
            .thenApply(resolvedTypeIdOptional ->
                resolvedTypeIdOptional.map(resolvedTypeId ->
                    customSetter.apply(draftBuilder, ofTypeIdAndJson(resolvedTypeId, custom.getFields())))
    return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(draftBuilder);
源代码7 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: CheckedMapReplaceAll.java
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Map<Integer,Double> unwrapped = new HashMap<>();
    unwrapped.put(1, 1.0);
    unwrapped.put(2, 2.0);
    unwrapped.put(3, 3.0);

    Map<Integer,Double> wrapped = Collections.checkedMap(unwrapped, Integer.class, Double.class);

    BiFunction evil = (k, v) -> (((int)k) % 2 != 0) ? v : "evil";

    try {
        System.out.printf("Bwahaha! I have defeated you! %s\n", wrapped);
        throw new RuntimeException("String added to checked Map<Integer,Double>");
    } catch (ClassCastException thwarted) {
        System.out.println("Curses! Foiled again!");
	Flux<Integer> transformFlux(Flux<Integer> f) {
		Flux<String> otherStream = Flux.just("test", "test2", "test3");
//		System.out.println("Providing new downstream");

		Scheduler asyncGroup = Schedulers.newParallel("flux-p-tck", 2);

		BiFunction<Integer, String, Integer> combinator = (t1, t2) -> t1;

		return f.publishOn(sharedGroup)
		        .flatMap(stream -> stream.publishOn(asyncGroup)
				                          .scan((prev, next) -> next)
				                          .map(integer -> -integer)
				                          .filter(integer -> integer <= 0)
				                          .map(integer -> -integer)
				                          .bufferTimeout(batch, Duration.ofMillis(50))
				                          .flatMap(i -> Flux.zip(Flux.just(i), otherStream, combinator))
源代码9 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件: Hashtable.java
public synchronized void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(function);     // explicit check required in case
                                          // table is empty.
    final int expectedModCount = modCount;

    Entry<K, V>[] tab = (Entry<K, V>[])table;
    for (Entry<K, V> entry : tab) {
        while (entry != null) {
            entry.value = Objects.requireNonNull(
                function.apply(entry.key, entry.value));
            entry = entry.next;

            if (expectedModCount != modCount) {
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
源代码10 项目: pravega   文件: TableMetadataStore.java
private <T> CompletableFuture<T> applyToSegment(String segmentName, BiFunction<TableEntry, Duration, CompletableFuture<T>> ifExists,
                                                Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>> ifNotExists, Duration timeout) {
    ArrayView key = getTableKey(segmentName);
    TimeoutTimer timer = new TimeoutTimer(timeout);
    return this.tableStore
            .get(this.metadataSegmentName, Collections.singletonList(key), timer.getRemaining())
            .thenComposeAsync(existingData -> {
                assert existingData.size() == 1 : "Expecting only one result";
                if (existingData.get(0) == null) {
                    // We don't know anything about this Segment.
                    return ifNotExists.get();

                // We have an entry.
                return ifExists.apply(existingData.get(0), timer.getRemaining());
            }, this.executor);
源代码11 项目: selenium   文件: UuidCoercer.java
public BiFunction<JsonInput, PropertySetting, UUID> apply(Type type) {
  return (jsonInput, propertySetting) -> {
    String toCoerce;

    switch (jsonInput.peek()) {
      case NAME:
        toCoerce = jsonInput.nextName();

      case STRING:
        toCoerce = jsonInput.nextString();

        throw new JsonException("Unable to coerce type to URL: " + jsonInput.peek());

    return UUID.fromString(toCoerce);
源代码12 项目: atomix   文件: RaftSessionConnection.java
 * Resends a request due to a request failure, resetting the connection if necessary.
protected <T extends RaftRequest> void retryRequest(Throwable cause, T request, BiFunction sender, int count, int selectionId, CompletableFuture future) {
  // If the connection has not changed, reset it and connect to the next server.
  if (this.selectionId == selectionId) {
    log.trace("Resetting connection. Reason: {}", cause.getMessage());
    this.currentNode = null;

  // Attempt to send the request again.
  sendRequest(request, sender, count, future);
源代码13 项目: keycloak   文件: ClientPolicyForm.java
protected BiFunction<WebElement, String, Boolean> deselect() {
    return (webElement, name) -> {
        List<WebElement> tds = webElement.findElements(tagName("td"));

        if (!UIUtils.getTextFromElement(tds.get(0)).isEmpty()) {
            if (UIUtils.getTextFromElement(tds.get(0)).equals(name)) {
                return true;

        return false;
源代码14 项目: rapidminer-studio   文件: ProcessDrawUtils.java
 * Returns a {@link Rectangle2D} representing an {@link Operator}. First tries to look up the
 * data from the model, if that fails it determines a position automatically. Uses the given
 * {@link ProcessRendererModel} to determine layout properties. May use a supplied {@link BiFunction}
 * to check some dependencies
 * @param op
 * 		the operator for which a rectangle should be created
 * @param model
 * 		the reference process model
 * @param checkDependencies
 * 		an optional dependency check
 * @return the rectangle representing the operator, never {@code null}
 * @since 8.2
public static Rectangle2D createOperatorPosition(Operator op, ProcessRendererModel model, BiFunction<Operator, ProcessRendererModel, Boolean> checkDependencies) {
	Rectangle2D rect = model.getOperatorRect(op);
	if (rect != null) {
		return rect;

	// if connected (e.g. because inserted by quick fix), place in the middle
	if (op.getInputPorts().getNumberOfPorts() > 0 && op.getOutputPorts().getNumberOfPorts() > 0
			&& op.getInputPorts().getPortByIndex(0).isConnected()
			&& op.getOutputPorts().getPortByIndex(0).isConnected()
			// see ProcessRendererController#isDependenciesOk
			&& (checkDependencies == null || checkDependencies.apply(op, model))) {
		Point2D sourcePos = ProcessDrawUtils.createPortLocation(op.getInputPorts().getPortByIndex(0).getSource(), model);
		Point2D destPos = ProcessDrawUtils.createPortLocation(op.getOutputPorts().getPortByIndex(0).getDestination(),
		if (sourcePos != null && destPos != null) {
			double x = Math.floor((sourcePos.getX() + destPos.getX()) / 2d - ProcessDrawer.OPERATOR_WIDTH / 2d);
			double y = Math.floor((sourcePos.getY() + destPos.getY()) / 2d - ProcessDrawer.PORT_OFFSET);
			return new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, ProcessDrawer.OPERATOR_WIDTH, calcHeighForOperator(op));
	// otherwise, or, if positions were not known in previous approach, position according to index
	int index = 0;
	ExecutionUnit unit = op.getExecutionUnit();
	if (unit != null) {
		index = unit.getOperators().indexOf(op);
	return autoPosition(op, index, model);
源代码15 项目: zipkin-storage-kafka   文件: KafkaSpanStore.java
GetRemoteServiceNamesCall(KafkaStreams traceStoreStream, String serviceName,
    BiFunction<String, Integer, String> httpBaseUrl) {
  super(traceStoreStream, REMOTE_SERVICE_NAMES_STORE_NAME, httpBaseUrl,
      "/serviceNames/" + serviceName + "/remoteServiceNames", serviceName);
  this.traceStoreStream = traceStoreStream;
  this.serviceName = serviceName;
  this.httpBaseUrl = httpBaseUrl;
源代码16 项目: armeria   文件: RetryRuleBuilder.java
private RetryRule build(RetryDecision decision) {
    if (decision != RetryDecision.noRetry() &&
        exceptionFilter() == null && responseHeadersFilter() == null && responseTrailersFilter() == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Should set at least one retry rule if a backoff was set.");
    final BiFunction<? super ClientRequestContext, ? super Throwable, Boolean> ruleFilter =
            AbstractRuleBuilderUtil.buildFilter(requestHeadersFilter(), responseHeadersFilter(),
                                                responseTrailersFilter(), exceptionFilter(), false);
    return build(ruleFilter, decision, responseTrailersFilter() != null);
源代码17 项目: cyclops   文件: ListT.java
public <T2, R1, R2, R> ListT<W,R> forEach3M(Function<? super T, ? extends ListT<W,R1>> value1,
                                            BiFunction<? super T, ? super R1, ? extends ListT<W,R2>> value2,
                                            Function3<? super T, ? super R1, ? super R2, ? extends R> yieldingFunction) {

    return this.flatMapT(in->value1.apply(in).flatMapT(in2-> value2.apply(in,in2)

源代码18 项目: armeria   文件: ThrottlingStrategy.java
 * Creates a new {@link ThrottlingStrategy} that determines whether a request should be accepted or not
 * using a given {@link BiFunction} instance.
public static <T extends Request> ThrottlingStrategy<T> of(
        BiFunction<ServiceRequestContext, T, CompletionStage<Boolean>> function) {
    return new ThrottlingStrategy<T>(null) {
        public CompletionStage<Boolean> accept(ServiceRequestContext ctx, T request) {
            return function.apply(ctx, request);
源代码19 项目: flink   文件: SimpleAckingTaskManagerGateway.java
public CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> freeSlot(AllocationID allocationId, Throwable cause, Time timeout) {
	final BiFunction<AllocationID, Throwable, CompletableFuture<Acknowledge>> currentFreeSlotFunction = freeSlotFunction;

	if (currentFreeSlotFunction != null) {
		return currentFreeSlotFunction.apply(allocationId, cause);
	} else {
		return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Acknowledge.get());
源代码20 项目: doma   文件: _Dept.java
public String getTableName(BiFunction<NamingType, String, String> namingFunction) {
  if (__tableName.isEmpty()) {
    return namingFunction.apply(getNamingType(), getName());
  return __tableName;
源代码21 项目: sailfish-core   文件: StatisticsService.java
public void manageTagToRows(List<AggregatedReportRow> rows, BiFunction<TestCaseRun, List<Tag>, Boolean> targetAction,
                            List<Tag> tags) {
    List<Object> testCaseRuns = new ArrayList<>();
    manageTagToRows(rows, targetAction, tags, testCaseRuns);
    if (!testCaseRuns.isEmpty()) {
public void assertRequest(
    BiFunction<String, String, HttpStatus> request,
    String username,
    String credential,
    HttpStatus expected) {

  HttpStatus responseStatus = request.apply(username, credential);
          "Authentication failed with unexpected return code for user '%s:%s' ",
          username, credential),
源代码23 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: CompletableFuture.java
private <U,V> CompletableFuture<V> biApplyStage(
    Executor e, CompletionStage<U> o,
    BiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends V> f) {
    CompletableFuture<U> b;
    if (f == null || (b = o.toCompletableFuture()) == null)
        throw new NullPointerException();
    CompletableFuture<V> d = new CompletableFuture<V>();
    if (e != null || !d.biApply(this, b, f, null)) {
        BiApply<T,U,V> c = new BiApply<T,U,V>(e, d, this, b, f);
        bipush(b, c);
    return d;
源代码24 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: TreeMap.java
public void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function) {
    int expectedModCount = modCount;

    for (Entry<K, V> e = getFirstEntry(); e != null; e = successor(e)) {
        e.value = function.apply(e.key, e.value);

        if (expectedModCount != modCount) {
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
public DriverFactory getDriverFactory() {
    String gridUrl = getProperty(SELENIUM_GRID_URL);
    Map<String, Object> capabilities = getCapabilities();
    DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(capabilities);
    BiFunction<URL, Capabilities, RemoteWebDriver> constr = getRemoteWebDriverConstructor();
    return new RemoteDriverFactory(constr, gridUrl, desiredCapabilities);
源代码26 项目: es6draft   文件: RuntimeContext.java
RuntimeContext(Supplier<? extends RuntimeContext.Data> runtimeData, Function<Realm, ? extends RealmData> realmData,
        BiFunction<RuntimeContext, ScriptLoader, ? extends ModuleLoader> moduleLoader, Locale locale,
        TimeZone timeZone, Path baseDirectory, Console console, ScriptCache scriptCache, ExecutorService executor,
        BiConsumer<ExecutionContext, Throwable> errorReporter, ExecutorService workerExecutor,
        BiConsumer<ExecutionContext, Throwable> workerErrorReporter, Futex futex,
        Consumer<ExecutionContext> debugger, BiFunction<String, MethodType, MethodHandle> nativeCallResolver,
        BiConsumer<ScriptObject, ModuleRecord> importMeta, EnumSet<CompatibilityOption> options,
        EnumSet<Parser.Option> parserOptions, EnumSet<Compiler.Option> compilerOptions) {
    this.runtimeData = runtimeData;
    this.contextData = runtimeData.get();
    this.realmData = realmData;
    this.moduleLoader = moduleLoader;
    this.locale = locale;
    this.timeZone = timeZone;
    this.baseDirectory = baseDirectory;
    this.console = console;
    this.scriptCache = scriptCache;
    this.executor = executor != null ? executor : createThreadPoolExecutor();
    this.shutdownExecutorOnFinalization = executor == null;
    this.workerExecutor = workerExecutor != null ? workerExecutor : createWorkerThreadPoolExecutor();
    this.shutdownWorkerExecutorOnFinalization = workerExecutor == null;
    this.errorReporter = errorReporter;
    this.workerErrorReporter = workerErrorReporter;
    this.futex = futex;
    this.debugger = debugger;
    this.nativeCallResolver = nativeCallResolver;
    this.importMeta = importMeta;
    this.options = EnumSet.copyOf(options);
    this.parserOptions = EnumSet.copyOf(parserOptions);
    this.compilerOptions = EnumSet.copyOf(compilerOptions);
源代码27 项目: Bytecoder   文件: Provider.java
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Function must actually operate over strings
private Object implComputeIfPresent(Object key, BiFunction<? super Object,
        ? super Object, ? extends Object> remappingFunction) {
    if (key instanceof String) {
        if (isProviderInfo(key)) {
            return null;
        legacyChanged = true;
    return super.computeIfPresent(key, remappingFunction);
源代码28 项目: caffeine   文件: AsyncCacheTest.java
@CheckNoWriter @CheckNoStats
@Test(dataProvider = "caches", expectedExceptions = NullPointerException.class)
@CacheSpec(removalListener = { Listener.DEFAULT, Listener.REJECTING })
public void getAllBifunction_nullBifunction(
    AsyncCache<Integer, Integer> cache, CacheContext context) {
  BiFunction<Iterable<? extends Integer>, Executor, CompletableFuture<Map<Integer, Integer>>> f;
  cache.getAll(context.original().keySet(), (f = null));
private <T> CallOptions patchOption(CallOptions baseOptions, Function<CallOptions, T> getter, BiFunction<CallOptions, T, CallOptions> setter) {
    T baseValue = getter.apply(baseOptions);
    if (baseValue == null || overwrite) {
        T patchValue = getter.apply(defaultOptions);
        if (patchValue != null) {
            return setter.apply(baseOptions, patchValue);

    return baseOptions;
public <U> DependentPromise<U> handleAsync(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U> fn) {
    return handleAsync(fn, defaultEnlistOrigin());