

 * {@inheritDoc}
public javax.naming.ldap.Control toJndiControl( Control control ) throws EncoderException
    // We don't know if it's a request or a response control. Test with request contriols
    ControlFactory<?> factory = requestControlFactories.get( control.getOid() );
    if ( factory == null )
        if ( control instanceof OpaqueControl )
            return new BasicControl( control.getOid(), control.isCritical(), ( ( OpaqueControl ) control ).getEncodedValue() );
            return new BasicControl( control.getOid(), control.isCritical(), null );
        Asn1Buffer asn1Buffer = new Asn1Buffer();
        factory.encodeValue( asn1Buffer, control );

        return new BasicControl( control.getOid(), control.isCritical(), asn1Buffer.getBytes().array() );
源代码2 项目: ldapchai   文件: JNDIProviderImpl.java
protected static BasicControl[] convertControls( final ChaiRequestControl[] controls )
    if ( controls == null )
        return null;

    final BasicControl[] newControls = new BasicControl[controls.length];
    for ( int i = 0; i < controls.length; i++ )
        newControls[i] = new BasicControl(
    return newControls;
源代码3 项目: keycloak   文件: LDAPServerPolicyHintsDecorator.java
public void beforeLDAPOperation(LdapContext ldapContext, LDAPOperationManager.LdapOperation ldapOperation) throws NamingException {
    logger.debug("Applying LDAP_PASSWORD_POLICY_HINTS_OID before update password");

    final byte[] controlData = {48, (byte) 132, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 1, 1};

    // Rather using deprecated OID as it works from MSAD 2008-R2 when the newer works from MSAD 2012
    BasicControl control = new BasicControl(LDAP_SERVER_POLICY_HINTS_DEPRECATED_OID, true, controlData);
    BasicControl[] controls = new BasicControl[] { control };
源代码4 项目: ldapchai   文件: JNDIProviderImpl.java
public final void writeStringAttributes(
        final String entryDN,
        final Map<String, String> attributeValueProps,
        final boolean overwrite,
        final BasicControl[] controls
        throws ChaiUnavailableException, ChaiOperationException
    getInputValidator().writeStringAttributes( entryDN, attributeValueProps, overwrite );

    // Determine the modification type, if replace, only replace on the first attribute, the rest just get added.
    final int modType = overwrite ? DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE : DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE;

    // Create the ModificationItem
    final List<ModificationItem> modificationItems = new ArrayList<>();
    for ( final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attributeValueProps.entrySet() )
        // Create a BasicAttribute for the object.
        final BasicAttribute attributeToReplace = new BasicAttribute( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );

        // Populate the ModificationItem object with the flag & the attribute to replace.
        modificationItems.add( new ModificationItem( modType, attributeToReplace ) );

    // convert to array
    final ModificationItem[] modificationItemArray = modificationItems.toArray( new ModificationItem[modificationItems.size()] );

    // get ldap connection
    final LdapContext ldapConnection = getLdapConnection();

    // Modify the Attributes.
        ldapConnection.modifyAttributes( addJndiEscape( entryDN ), modificationItemArray );
    catch ( NamingException e )
        convertNamingException( e );
源代码5 项目: scriptella-etl   文件: LdifReader.java
 * Parse a control. The grammar is : <control> ::= "control:" <fill>
 * <ldap-oid> <critical-e> <value-spec-e> <sep> <critical-e> ::= <spaces>
 * <boolean> | e <boolean> ::= "true" | "false" <value-spec-e> ::=
 * <value-spec> | e <value-spec> ::= ":" <fill> <SAFE-STRING-e> | "::"
 * <fill> <BASE64-STRING> | ":<" <fill> <url>
 * <p/>
 * It can be read as : "control:" <fill> <ldap-oid> [ " "+ ( "true" |
 * "false") ] [ ":" <fill> <SAFE-STRING-e> | "::" <fill> <BASE64-STRING> | ":<"
 * <fill> <url> ]
 * @param line The line containing the control
 * @return A control
private Control parseControl(String line) {
    String lowerLine = line.toLowerCase().trim();
    char[] controlValue = line.trim().toCharArray();
    int pos = 0;
    int length = controlValue.length;

    // Get the <ldap-oid>
    if (pos > length) {
        // No OID : error !
        throw new LdifParseException("Bad control, no oid", line);

    int initPos = pos;

    while (Utils.isCharASCII(controlValue, pos, '.') || Utils.isDigit(controlValue, pos)) {

    if (pos == initPos) {
        // Not a valid OID !
        throw new LdifParseException("Bad control, no oid", line);

    String oid = lowerLine.substring(0, pos);
    boolean criticality=false;
    byte[] controlBytes = null;

    // Get the criticality, if any
    // Skip the <fill>
    while (Utils.isCharASCII(controlValue, pos, ' ')) {

    // Check if we have a "true" or a "false"
    int criticalPos = lowerLine.indexOf(':');

    int criticalLength = 0;

    if (criticalPos == -1) {
        criticalLength = length - pos;
    } else {
        criticalLength = criticalPos - pos;

    if ((criticalLength == 4) && ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(lowerLine.substring(pos, pos + 4)))) {
    } else if ((criticalLength == 5) && ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(lowerLine.substring(pos, pos + 5)))) {
    } else if (criticalLength != 0) {
        // If we have a criticality, it should be either "true" or "false",
        // nothing else
        throw new LdifParseException("Bad control criticality", line);

    if (criticalPos > 0) {
        // We have a value. It can be a normal value, a base64 encoded value
        // or a file contained value
        if (Utils.isCharASCII(controlValue, criticalPos + 1, ':')) {
            // Base 64 encoded value
            controlBytes = Utils.base64Decode(line.substring(criticalPos + 2).toCharArray());
        } else if (Utils.isCharASCII(controlValue, criticalPos + 1, '<')) {
            // File contained value
        } else {
            // Standard value
            byte[] value = new byte[length - criticalPos - 1];

            for (int i = 0; i < length - criticalPos - 1; i++) {
                value[i] = (byte) controlValue[i + criticalPos + 1];


    return new BasicControl(oid, criticality, controlBytes);