

源代码1 项目: nifi-registry   文件: TenantResource.java
 * Retrieves all the of user groups in this NiFi.
 * @return a list of all user groups in this NiFi.
        value = "Get user groups",
        response = UserGroup.class,
        responseContainer = "List",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/tenants") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getUserGroups() {
    final List<UserGroup> userGroups = serviceFacade.getUserGroups();
    return generateOkResponse(userGroups).build();
源代码2 项目: nifi-registry   文件: AccessPolicyResource.java
 * Retrieves all access policies
 * @return A list of access policies
        value = "Get all access policies",
        response = AccessPolicy.class,
        responseContainer = "List",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/policies") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getAccessPolicies() {
    List<AccessPolicy> accessPolicies = serviceFacade.getAccessPolicies();
    if (accessPolicies == null) {
        accessPolicies = Collections.emptyList();

    return generateOkResponse(accessPolicies).build();
源代码3 项目: nifi-registry   文件: AccessPolicyResource.java
 * Retrieves the specified access policy.
 * @param identifier The id of the access policy to retrieve
 * @return An accessPolicyEntity.
        value = "Get access policy",
        response = AccessPolicy.class,
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/policies") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getAccessPolicy(
        @ApiParam(value = "The access policy id.", required = true)
        @PathParam("id") final String identifier) {
    final AccessPolicy accessPolicy = serviceFacade.getAccessPolicy(identifier);
    return generateOkResponse(accessPolicy).build();
源代码4 项目: nifi-registry   文件: BucketResource.java
        value = "Create bucket",
        response = Bucket.class,
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "write"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403) })
public Response createBucket(
        @ApiParam(value = "The bucket to create", required = true)
        final Bucket bucket) {

    final Bucket createdBucket = serviceFacade.createBucket(bucket);
    return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(createdBucket).build();
源代码5 项目: product-iots   文件: ConnectedCupService.java
        consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
        httpMethod = "POST",
        value = "Order Coffee",
        notes = "",
        response = Response.class,
        tags = "connectedcup",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = SCOPE, value = "perm:connectedcup:enroll")
Response orderCoffee(@QueryParam("deviceId") String deviceId);
@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "200 is ok............", response = String.class,
    responseHeaders = @ResponseHeader(name = "x-user-domain", response = String.class))
@ApiOperation(value = "value1", tags = {"tag1", "tag2"},
    responseHeaders = {@ResponseHeader(name = "x-user-name", response = String.class),
        @ResponseHeader(name = "x-user-id", response = String.class)},
    extensions = {
        @Extension(name = "x-class-name", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(value = "value", name = "key")})})
public void responseThenApiOperation() {
@ApiOperation(value = "value1", tags = {"tag1", "tag2"},
    responseHeaders = {@ResponseHeader(name = "x-user-name", response = String.class),
        @ResponseHeader(name = "x-user-id", response = String.class)},
    extensions = {
        @Extension(name = "x-class-name", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(value = "value", name = "key")})})
@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "200 is ok............", response = String.class,
    responseHeaders = @ResponseHeader(name = "x-user-domain", response = String.class))
public void apiOperationThenResponse() {
源代码8 项目: carbon-device-mgt   文件: DeviceAgentService.java
        httpMethod = "DELETE",
        value = "Unregistering a Device",
        notes = "Use this REST API to unregister a device.",
        tags = "Device Management",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:device:disenroll")
@ApiResponses(value = {
                code = 200,
                message = "OK. \n Successfully disenrolled the device."),
                code = 404,
                message = "Not Found. \n The specified resource does not exist."),
                code = 500,
                message = "Internal Server Error. \n " +
                        "Server error occurred while dis-enrolling the device.")
Response disEnrollDevice(
        @ApiParam(name = "type", value = "Define the device type, such as android, ios, or windows.") @PathParam("type") String type,
        @ApiParam(name = "id", value = "The unique device identifier.") @PathParam("id") String id);
源代码9 项目: nifi-registry   文件: TenantResource.java
 * Removes the specified user group.
 * @param httpServletRequest request
 * @param identifier                 The id of the user group to remove.
 * @return The deleted user group.
        value = "Delete user group",
        response = UserGroup.class,
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "delete"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/tenants") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response removeUserGroup(
            final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
        @ApiParam(value = "The version is used to verify the client is working with the latest version of the entity.", required = true)
            final LongParameter version,
        @ApiParam(value = "If the client id is not specified, new one will be generated. This value (whether specified or generated) is included in the response.")
            final ClientIdParameter clientId,
        @ApiParam(value = "The user group id.", required = true)
            final String identifier) {

    final RevisionInfo revisionInfo = getRevisionInfo(version, clientId);
    final UserGroup userGroup = serviceFacade.deleteUserGroup(identifier, revisionInfo);
    return generateOkResponse(userGroup).build();
源代码10 项目: nifi-registry   文件: BucketFlowResource.java
        value = "Delete bucket flow",
        notes = "Deletes a flow, including all saved versions of that flow.",
        response = VersionedFlow.class,
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "delete"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response deleteFlow(
        @ApiParam(value = "The version is used to verify the client is working with the latest version of the entity.", required = true)
            final LongParameter version,
        @ApiParam(value = "If the client id is not specified, new one will be generated. This value (whether specified or generated) is included in the response.")
            final ClientIdParameter clientId,
        @ApiParam("The bucket identifier")
            final String bucketId,
        @ApiParam("The flow identifier")
            final String flowId) {

    final RevisionInfo revisionInfo = getRevisionInfo(version, clientId);
    final VersionedFlow deletedFlow = serviceFacade.deleteFlow(bucketId, flowId, revisionInfo);

    return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(deletedFlow).build();
源代码11 项目: carbon-device-mgt   文件: DeviceAgentService.java
        httpMethod = "DELETE",
        value = "Unregistering a Device",
        notes = "Use this REST API to unregister a device.",
        tags = "Device Management",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:device:disenroll")
@ApiResponses(value = {
                code = 200,
                message = "OK. \n Successfully disenrolled the device."),
                code = 404,
                message = "Not Found. \n The specified resource does not exist."),
                code = 500,
                message = "Internal Server Error. \n " +
                        "Server error occurred while dis-enrolling the device.")
Response disEnrollDevice(
        @ApiParam(name = "type", value = "The unique device identifier.") @PathParam("type") String type,
        @ApiParam(name = "id", value = "The unique device identifier.") @PathParam("id") String id);
源代码12 项目: carbon-device-mgt   文件: UserManagementService.java
        produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
        httpMethod = "GET",
        value = "Getting the User existence status",
        notes = "Check if the user exists in the user store.",
        tags = "User Management",
        extensions = {
            @Extension(properties = {
                    @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:users:is-exist")
@ApiResponses(value = {
                code = 200,
                message = "OK. \n Successfully fetched user exist status.",
                response = BasicUserInfoList.class,
                responseHeaders = {
                                name = "Content-Type",
                                description = "The content type of the body")
                code = 406,
                message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported",
                response = ErrorResponse.class),
                code = 500,
                message = "Internal Server Error. \n Server error occurred while fetching the " +
                        "total user exist status.",
                response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response isUserExists(@ApiParam(
                name = "username",
                value = "The username of the user.",
                required = true)
        @QueryParam("username") String userName);
源代码13 项目: nifi-registry   文件: ExtensionRepoResource.java
        value = "Get extension repo version checksum",
        notes = "Gets the hex representation of the SHA-256 digest for the binary content of the bundle " +
                "with the given bucket, group, artifact, and version." + NON_GUARANTEED_ENDPOINT,
        response = String.class,
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getExtensionRepoVersionSha256(
        @ApiParam("The bucket name")
            final String bucketName,
        @ApiParam("The group identifier")
            final String groupId,
        @ApiParam("The artifact identifier")
            final String artifactId,
        @ApiParam("The version")
            final String version
) {
    final String sha256Hex = serviceFacade.getExtensionRepoVersionSha256(bucketName, groupId, artifactId, version);
    return Response.ok(sha256Hex, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).build();
源代码14 项目: nifi-registry   文件: AccessPolicyResource.java
 * Update an access policy.
 * @param httpServletRequest request
 * @param identifier         The id of the access policy to update.
 * @param requestAccessPolicy An access policy.
 * @return the updated access policy.
        value = "Update access policy",
        response = AccessPolicy.class,
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "write"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/policies") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409 + " The NiFi Registry might not be configured to use a ConfigurableAccessPolicyProvider.") })
public Response updateAccessPolicy(
            final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
        @ApiParam(value = "The access policy id.", required = true)
            final String identifier,
        @ApiParam(value = "The access policy configuration details.", required = true)
            final AccessPolicy requestAccessPolicy) {

    if (requestAccessPolicy == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Access policy details must be specified when updating a policy.");
    if (!identifier.equals(requestAccessPolicy.getIdentifier())) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The policy id in the request body (%s) does not equal the "
                + "policy id of the requested resource (%s).", requestAccessPolicy.getIdentifier(), identifier));

    final AccessPolicy createdPolicy = serviceFacade.updateAccessPolicy(requestAccessPolicy);
    return generateOkResponse(createdPolicy).build();
源代码15 项目: nifi-registry   文件: FlowResource.java
        value = "Get flow",
        notes = "Gets a flow by id.",
        nickname = "globalGetFlow",
        response = VersionedFlow.class,
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getFlow(
        @ApiParam("The flow identifier")
            final String flowId) {

    final VersionedFlow flow = serviceFacade.getFlow(flowId);
    return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(flow).build();
源代码16 项目: nifi-registry   文件: FlowResource.java
@Path("{flowId}/versions/{versionNumber: \\d+}")
        value = "Get flow version",
        notes = "Gets the given version of a flow, including metadata and flow content.",
        nickname = "globalGetFlowVersion",
        response = VersionedFlowSnapshot.class,
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getFlowVersion(
        @ApiParam("The flow identifier")
            final String flowId,
        @ApiParam("The version number")
            final Integer versionNumber) {

    final VersionedFlowSnapshot snapshot = serviceFacade.getFlowSnapshot(flowId, versionNumber);
    return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(snapshot).build();
源代码17 项目: nifi-registry   文件: FlowResource.java
        value = "Get latest flow version metadata",
        notes = "Gets the metadata for the latest version of a flow.",
        nickname = "globalGetLatestFlowVersionMetadata",
        response = VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata.class,
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getLatestFlowVersionMetadata(
        @ApiParam("The flow identifier")
            final String flowId) {

    final VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata latestMetadata = serviceFacade.getLatestFlowSnapshotMetadata(flowId);
    return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(latestMetadata).build();
源代码18 项目: nifi-registry   文件: BucketBundleResource.java
        value = "Get extension bundles by bucket",
        response = Bundle.class,
        responseContainer = "List",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getExtensionBundles(
        @ApiParam(value = "The bucket identifier", required = true)
            final String bucketId) {

    final List<Bundle> bundles = serviceFacade.getBundlesByBucket(bucketId);
    return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(bundles).build();
源代码19 项目: nifi-registry   文件: BundleResource.java
        value = "Get bundle versions",
        notes = "Gets the metadata for the versions of the given extension bundle. " + NON_GUARANTEED_ENDPOINT,
        nickname = "globalGetBundleVersions",
        response = BundleVersionMetadata.class,
        responseContainer = "List",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getBundleVersions(
        @ApiParam("The extension bundle identifier")
            final String bundleId) {

    final SortedSet<BundleVersionMetadata> bundleVersions = serviceFacade.getBundleVersions(bundleId);
    return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(bundleVersions).build();
源代码20 项目: carbon-device-mgt   文件: UserManagementService.java
        produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
        httpMethod = "GET",
        value = "Getting the User Count",
        notes = "Get the number of users in WSO2 IoTS via this REST API.",
        tags = "User Management",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:users:count")
@ApiResponses(value = {
                code = 200,
                message = "OK. \n Successfully fetched the user count.",
                response = BasicUserInfoList.class,
                responseHeaders = {
                                name = "Content-Type",
                                description = "The content type of the body")
                code = 406,
                message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported",
                response = ErrorResponse.class),
                code = 500,
                message = "Internal Server Error. \n Server error occurred while fetching the total number of users in WSO2 IoTS.",
                response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getUserCount();
        produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
        httpMethod = "GET",
        value = "Retrieve device types information",
        notes = "Retrieve device types information.",
        response = DeviceType.class,
        tags = "Device Type Management Administrative Service",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:device-types:types")
@ApiResponses(value = {
        @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK. \n Successfully fetched the device type.",
                     response = DeviceType.class,
                     responseContainer = "List",
                     responseHeaders = {
                                     name = "Content-Type",
                                     description = "The content type of the body")
                code = 304,
                message = "Not Modified. Empty body because the client already has the latest version of the " +
                        "requested resource.\n"),
                code = 401,
                message = "Unauthorized.\n The unauthorized access to the requested resource.",
                response = ErrorResponse.class),
                code = 404,
                message = "Not Found.\n The specified device does not exist",
                response = ErrorResponse.class),
                code = 406,
                message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported"),
                code = 500,
                message = "Internal Server Error. \n Server error occurred while fetching the device list.",
                response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getDeviceTypes();
源代码22 项目: carbon-device-mgt   文件: UserManagementService.java
        produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
        httpMethod = "GET",
        value = "Getting Details of a User",
        notes = "Get the details of a user registered with WSO2 IoTS using the REST API.",
        response = BasicUserInfo.class,
        tags = "User Management",
        extensions = {
            @Extension(properties = {
                    @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:users:details")
@ApiResponses(value = {
                code = 200,
                message = "OK. \n Successfully fetched the details of the specified user.",
                response = BasicUserInfo.class,
                responseHeaders = {
                                name = "Content-Type",
                                description = "The content type of the body"),
                                name = "ETag",
                                description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
                                        "Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
                                name = "Last-Modified",
                                description = "Date and time the resource was last modified.\n" +
                                        "Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
                code = 304,
                message = "Not Modified. \n Empty body because the client already has the latest version of the requested resource."),
                code = 404,
                message = "Not Found. \n The specified resource does not exist.",
                response = ErrorResponse.class),
                code = 406,
                message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported",
                response = ErrorResponse.class),
                code = 500,
                message = "Internal Server ErrorResponse. \n Server error occurred while" +
                        " fetching the ruser details.",
                response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getUser(
                name = "username",
                value = "Provide the username of the user.",
                required = true,
                defaultValue = "admin")
        @PathParam("username") String username,
                name = "domain",
                value = "The domain name of the user store.",
                required = false)
        @QueryParam("domain") String domain,
                name = "If-Modified-Since",
                value = "Checks if the requested variant was modified, since the specified date-time.\n" +
                        "Provide the value in the following format: EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z.\n" +
                        "Example: Mon, 05 Jan 2014 15:10:00 +0200",
                required = false)
        @HeaderParam("If-Modified-Since") String ifModifiedSince);
源代码23 项目: carbon-device-mgt   文件: UserManagementService.java
        produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
        httpMethod = "GET",
        value = "Searching for a User Name",
        notes = "If you are unsure of the user name of a user and need to retrieve the details of a specific " +
                "user, you can "
                + "search for that user by giving a character or a few characters in the username. "
                + "You will be given a list of users having the user name in the exact order of the "
                + "characters you provided.",
        tags = "User Management",
        extensions = {
            @Extension(properties = {
                    @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:users:search")
@ApiResponses(value = {
                code = 200,
                message = "OK. \n Successfully fetched the list of users that matched the given filter.",
                response = String.class,
                responseContainer = "List",
                responseHeaders = {
                                name = "Content-Type",
                                description = "The content type of the body"),
                                name = "ETag",
                                description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
                                        "Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
                                name = "Last-Modified",
                                description = "Date and time the resource was last modified.\n" +
                                        "Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
                code = 304,
                message = "Not Modified. \n Empty body because the client already has the latest version of the " +
                        "requested resource."),
                code = 406,
                message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported",
                response = ErrorResponse.class),
                code = 500,
                message = "Internal Server Error. \n Server error occurred while fetching the list of users that " +
                        "matched the given filter.",
                response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getUserNames(
                name = "filter",
                value = "Provide a character or a few character in the user name",
                required = true)
        @QueryParam("filter") String filter,
                name = "domain",
                value = "The user store domain which the user names should be fetched from",
                required = false)
        @QueryParam("domain") String domain,
                name = "If-Modified-Since",
                value = "Checks if the requested variant was modified, since the specified date-time\n." +
                        "Provide the value in the following format: EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z\n. " +
                        "Example: Mon, 05 Jan 2014 15:10:00 +0200",
                required = false)
        @HeaderParam("If-Modified-Since") String timestamp,
                name = "offset",
                value = "The starting pagination index for the complete list of qualified items.",
                required = false,
                defaultValue = "0")
        @QueryParam("offset") int offset,
                name = "limit",
                value = "Provide how many user details you require from the starting pagination index/offset.",
                required = false,
                defaultValue = "5")
        @QueryParam("limit") int limit);
 * Retrieve Geo alerts history for geo clusters
        consumes = "application/json",
        produces = "application/json",
        httpMethod = "GET",
        value = "Retrieve Geo alerts history for geo clusters",
        notes = "Retrieving geo alert history of all defined alerts for geo clusters",
        response = Response.class,
        tags = "Geo Service Management",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:geo-service:alerts-manage")
@ApiResponses(value = {
                code = 200,
                message = "OK.",
                response = Response.class,
                responseHeaders = {
                                name = "Content-Type",
                                description = "The content type of the body"),
                                name = "Last-Modified",
                                description = "Date and time the resource was last modified.\n" +
                                        "Used by caches, or in conditional requests.")
                code = 400,
                message = "Bad Request. \n Invalid Device Identifiers found.",
                response = Response.class),
                code = 401,
                message = "Unauthorized. \n Unauthorized request."),
                code = 500,
                message = "Internal Server Error. \n Error on retrieving stats",
                response = Response.class)
Response getGeoAlertsHistoryForGeoClusters(
                name = "from",
                value = "Get stats from what time",
                required = true)
        @QueryParam("from") long from,
                name = "to",
                value = "Get stats up to what time",
                required = true)
        @QueryParam("to") long to);
        produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
        httpMethod = "GET",
        value = "Getting Location Details of a Device",
        notes = "Get the location details of a device by specifying the device type and device identifier.",
        tags = "Device Management",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:devices:details")
        value = {
                        code = 200,
                        message = "OK. \n Successfully fetched the location details of the device.",
                        response = Device.class, //TODO, This should be DeviceLocation.class
                        responseHeaders = {
                                        name = "Content-Type",
                                        description = "The content type of the body"),
                                        name = "ETag",
                                        description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
                                                "Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
                                        name = "Last-Modified",
                                        description = "Date and time the resource was last modified.\n" +
                                                "Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
                        code = 304,
                        message = "Not Modified. Empty body because the client already has the latest version" +
                                " of the requested resource.\n"),
                        code = 400,
                        message = "Bad Request. \n Invalid request or validation error.",
                        response = ErrorResponse.class),
                        code = 404,
                        message = "Not Found. \n Location data for the specified device was not found.",
                        response = ErrorResponse.class),
                        code = 500,
                        message = "Internal Server Error. \n " +
                                "Server error occurred while retrieving the device details.",
                        response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getDeviceLocation(
                name = "type",
                value = "The device type name, such as ios, android, windows or fire-alarm.",
                required = true)
        @Size(max = 45)
                String type,
                name = "id",
                value = "The device identifier of the device you want ot get details.",
                required = true)
        @Size(max = 45)
                String id,
                name = "If-Modified-Since",
                value = "Checks if the requested variant was modified, since the specified date-time. \n" +
                        "Provide the value in the following format: EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z. \n" +
                        "Example: Mon, 05 Jan 2014 15:10:00 +0200",
                required = false)
                String ifModifiedSince);
源代码26 项目: carbon-device-mgt   文件: DeviceAgentService.java
        produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
        consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
        httpMethod = "POST",
        value = "Publishing Events",
        notes = "Publish events received by the device client to the WSO2 Data Analytics Server (DAS) using this API.",
        tags = "Device Agent Management",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:device:publish-event")
        value = {
                @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK. \n Successfully published the event",
                        responseHeaders = {
                                        name = "Content-Type",
                                        description = "The content type of the body"),
                                        name = "ETag",
                                        description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
                                                "Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
                                        name = "Last-Modified",
                                        description = "Date and time the resource was last modified.\n" +
                                                "Used by caches, or in conditional requests.")
                        code = 303,
                        message = "See Other. \n The source can be retrieved from the URL specified in the location header.",
                        responseHeaders = {
                                        name = "Content-Location",
                                        description = "The Source URL of the document.")}),
                        code = 400,
                        message = "Bad Request. \n Invalid request or validation error."),
                        code = 415,
                        message = "Unsupported media type. \n The format of the requested entity was not supported."),
                        code = 500,
                        message = "Internal Server Error. \n " +
                                "Server error occurred while publishing events.")
Response publishEvents(
                name = "payloadData",
                value = "Information of the agent event to be published on DAS.")
        Map<String, Object> payloadData,
                name = "type",
                value = "The name of the device type, such as android, ios, or windows.")
        @PathParam("type") String type,
                name = "deviceId",
                value = "The device ID.")
        @PathParam("deviceId") String deviceId);
源代码27 项目: carbon-device-mgt   文件: DeviceAgentService.java
        produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
        consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
        httpMethod = "GET",
        value = "Getting the Next Pending Operations of a Device",
        notes = "There can be many operations that are pending on the device end. Get the next pending operation " +
                "of a specific device using this API.",
        tags = "Device Agent Management",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:device:operations")
        value = {
                        code = 200,
                        message = "OK. \n Successfully retrieved the operation.",
                        response = Operation.class,
                        responseHeaders = {
                                        name = "Content-Type",
                                        description = "The content type of the body"),
                                        name = "ETag",
                                        description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
                                                "Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
                                        name = "Last-Modified",
                                        description = "Date and time the resource has been modified the last time.\n" +
                                                "Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
                        code = 304,
                        message = "Not Modified. Empty body because the client already has the latest " +
                                "version of the requested resource."),
                        code = 400,
                        message = "Bad Request. \n Invalid request or validation error.",
                        response = ErrorResponse.class),
                        code = 404,
                        message = "Not Found. \n No device is found under the provided type and id.",
                        response = ErrorResponse.class),
                        code = 500,
                        message = "Internal Server Error. \n " +
                                "Server error occurred while retrieving information requested device.",
                        response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getNextPendingOperation(@ApiParam(name = "type", value = "The device type, such as ios, android, or " +
        "windows.", required = true)
                                 @PathParam("type") String type,
                                 @ApiParam(name = "id", value = "The device ID.", required = true)
                                 @PathParam("id") String deviceId);
源代码28 项目: nifi-registry   文件: TenantResource.java
 * Updates a user group.
 * @param httpServletRequest request
 * @param identifier The id of the user group to update.
 * @param requestUserGroup The user group with updated fields.
 * @return The resulting, updated user group.
        value = "Update user group",
        response = UserGroup.class,
        extensions = {
                @Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "write"),
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/tenants") })
        @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response updateUserGroup(
        final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
        @ApiParam(value = "The user group id.", required = true)
        final String identifier,
        @ApiParam(value = "The user group configuration details.", required = true)
        final UserGroup requestUserGroup) {

    if (requestUserGroup == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("User group details must be specified to update a user group.");
    if (!identifier.equals(requestUserGroup.getIdentifier())) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The user group id in the request body (%s) does not equal the "
                + "user group id of the requested resource (%s).", requestUserGroup.getIdentifier(), identifier));

    final UserGroup updatedUserGroup = serviceFacade.updateUserGroup(requestUserGroup);
    return generateOkResponse(updatedUserGroup).build();
        produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
        consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
        httpMethod = "PUT",
        value = "Changing the Status of a Device",
        notes = "Change the status of a device from one state to another.",
        tags = "Device Management",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:devices:change-status")
        value = {
                        code = 200,
                        message = "OK. \n Successfully changed the device status.",
                        response = Device.class,
                        responseHeaders = {
                                        name = "Content-Type",
                                        description = "The content type of the body"),
                                        name = "ETag",
                                        description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
                                                "Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
                                        name = "Last-Modified",
                                        description = "Date and time the resource has been modified the last time.\n" +
                                                "Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
                        code = 304,
                        message = "Not Modified. Empty body because the client already has the latest " +
                                "version of the requested resource."),
                        code = 400,
                        message = "Bad Request. \n Invalid request or validation error.",
                        response = ErrorResponse.class),
                        code = 404,
                        message = "Not Found. \n No device is found under the provided type and id.",
                        response = ErrorResponse.class),
                        code = 500,
                        message = "Internal Server Error. \n " +
                                "Server error occurred while retrieving information requested device.",
                        response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response changeDeviceStatus(
                name = "type",
                value = "The device type, such as ios, android, or windows.",
                required = true)
        @Size(max = 45)
                String type,
                name = "id",
                value = "Device ID.",
                required = true)
        @Size(max = 45)
                String id,
                name = "newStatus",
                required = true)
                EnrolmentInfo.Status newStatus);
源代码30 项目: carbon-device-mgt   文件: RemoteSessionService.java
 * Retrieve Analytics for the device type
        consumes = "application/json",
        produces = "application/json",
        httpMethod = "GET",
        value = "Connecting to a Device",
        notes = "You able to connect to a device to start a remote session using this API.",
        response = Response.class,
        tags = "Remote Session Service Management",
        extensions = {
                @Extension(properties = {
                        @ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:remote-session-service:connect")
@ApiResponses(value = {
                code = 200,
                message = "OK.",
                response = Response.class,
                responseHeaders = {
                                name = "Content-Type",
                                description = "The content type of the body"),
                                name = "Last-Modified",
                                description = "Date and time the resource was last modified.\n" +
                                        "Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
                code = 400,
                message = "Bad Request. \n Invalid Device Identifiers found.",
                response = Response.class),
                code = 401,
                message = "Unauthorized. \n Unauthorized request."),
                code = 500,
                message = "Internal Server Error. \n Error on retrieving stats",
                response = Response.class)
Response getRemoteSessionDeviceConnect(
                name = "deviceId",
                value = "The device ID.",
                required = true)
        @PathParam("deviceId") String deviceId,
                name = "device-type",
                value = "The device type, such as ios, android, or windows.",
                required = true)
        @Size(max = 45)
                String deviceType);