

源代码1 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: ParameterUtils.java
 * Convert a camera area into a human-readable string.
public static String stringFromArea(Camera.Area area) {
    if (area == null) {
        return null;
    } else {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Rect r = area.rect;

        sb.append("(["); sb.append(r.left); sb.append(',');
        sb.append(r.top); sb.append("]["); sb.append(r.right);
        sb.append(','); sb.append(r.bottom); sb.append(']');


        return sb.toString();
源代码2 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: ParameterUtils.java
 * Convert a camera area list into a human-readable string
 * @param areaList a list of areas (null is ok)
public static String stringFromAreaList(List<Camera.Area> areaList) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    if (areaList == null) {
        return null;

    int i = 0;
    for (Camera.Area area : areaList) {
        if (area == null) {
        } else {

        if (i != areaList.size() - 1) {
            sb.append(", ");


    return sb.toString();
源代码3 项目: code-scanner   文件: Utils.java
public static void configureFocusArea(@NonNull final Parameters parameters,
        @NonNull final Rect area, final int width, final int height, final int orientation) {
    final List<Area> areas = new ArrayList<>(1);
    final Rect rotatedArea =
            area.rotate(-orientation, width / 2f, height / 2f).bound(0, 0, width, height);
    areas.add(new Area(new android.graphics.Rect(mapCoordinate(rotatedArea.getLeft(), width),
            mapCoordinate(rotatedArea.getTop(), height),
            mapCoordinate(rotatedArea.getRight(), width),
            mapCoordinate(rotatedArea.getBottom(), height)), 1000));
    if (parameters.getMaxNumFocusAreas() > 0) {
    if (parameters.getMaxNumMeteringAreas() > 0) {
源代码4 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: ParameterUtils.java
 * Convert an api1 face into an active-array based api2 face.
 * <p>Out-of-ranges scores and ids will be clipped to be within range (with a warning).</p>
 * @param face a non-{@code null} api1 face
 * @param activeArraySize active array size of the sensor (e.g. max jpeg size)
 * @param zoomData the calculated zoom data corresponding to this request
 * @return a non-{@code null} api2 face
 * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code face} was {@code null}
public static Face convertFaceFromLegacy(Camera.Face face, Rect activeArray,
        ZoomData zoomData) {
    checkNotNull(face, "face must not be null");

    Face api2Face;

    Camera.Area fakeArea = new Camera.Area(face.rect, /*weight*/1);

    WeightedRectangle faceRect =
            convertCameraAreaToActiveArrayRectangle(activeArray, zoomData, fakeArea);

    Point leftEye = face.leftEye, rightEye = face.rightEye, mouth = face.mouth;
    if (leftEye != null && rightEye != null && mouth != null && leftEye.x != -2000 &&
            leftEye.y != -2000 && rightEye.x != -2000 && rightEye.y != -2000 &&
            mouth.x != -2000 && mouth.y != -2000) {
        leftEye = convertCameraPointToActiveArrayPoint(activeArray, zoomData,
                leftEye, /*usePreviewCrop*/true);
        rightEye = convertCameraPointToActiveArrayPoint(activeArray, zoomData,
                leftEye, /*usePreviewCrop*/true);
        mouth = convertCameraPointToActiveArrayPoint(activeArray, zoomData,
                leftEye, /*usePreviewCrop*/true);

        api2Face = faceRect.toFace(face.id, leftEye, rightEye, mouth);
    } else {
        api2Face = faceRect.toFace();

    return api2Face;
源代码5 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: ParameterUtils.java
private static Point convertCameraPointToActiveArrayPoint(
        Rect activeArray, ZoomData zoomData, Point point, boolean usePreviewCrop) {
    Rect pointedRect = new Rect(point.x, point.y, point.x, point.y);
    Camera.Area pointedArea = new Area(pointedRect, /*weight*/1);

    WeightedRectangle adjustedRect =
                    zoomData, pointedArea, usePreviewCrop);

    Point transformedPoint = new Point(adjustedRect.rect.left, adjustedRect.rect.top);

    return transformedPoint;
源代码6 项目: Camera2   文件: FocusOverlayManager.java
private void initializeFocusAreas(int x, int y)
    if (mFocusArea == null)
        mFocusArea = new ArrayList<Area>();
        mFocusArea.add(new Area(new Rect(), 1));

    // Convert the coordinates to driver format.
    mFocusArea.get(0).rect = computeCameraRectFromPreviewCoordinates(x, y, getAFRegionSizePx());
源代码7 项目: Camera2   文件: FocusOverlayManager.java
private void initializeMeteringAreas(int x, int y)
    if (mMeteringArea == null)
        mMeteringArea = new ArrayList<Area>();
        mMeteringArea.add(new Area(new Rect(), 1));

    // Convert the coordinates to driver format.
    mMeteringArea.get(0).rect = computeCameraRectFromPreviewCoordinates(x, y, getAERegionSizePx());
源代码8 项目: VideoRecord   文件: MediaRecorderBase.java
 * 手动对焦
 * @param focusAreas 对焦区域
 * @return
public boolean manualFocus(AutoFocusCallback cb, List<Area> focusAreas) {
	if (camera != null && focusAreas != null && mParameters != null && DeviceUtils.hasICS()) {
		try {
			// getMaxNumFocusAreas检测设备是否支持
			if (mParameters.getMaxNumFocusAreas() > 0) {
				// mParameters.setFocusMode(Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_MACRO);//
				// Macro(close-up) focus mode

			if (mParameters.getMaxNumMeteringAreas() > 0)

			return true;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			if (mOnErrorListener != null) {
				mOnErrorListener.onVideoError(MEDIA_ERROR_CAMERA_AUTO_FOCUS, 0);
			if (e != null)
				Log.e("Yixia", "autoFocus", e);
	return false;
源代码9 项目: LLApp   文件: CameraView.java
 * 手动聚焦
 *  @param point 触屏坐标
protected void onFocus(Point point,AutoFocusCallback callback){
	Parameters parameters=mCamera.getParameters();
	if (parameters.getMaxNumFocusAreas()<=0) {
	List<Area> areas=new ArrayList<Area>();
	int left=point.x-300;
	int top=point.y-300;
	int right=point.x+300;
	int bottom=point.y+300;
	areas.add(new Area(new Rect(left,top,right,bottom), 100));
	try {
	} catch (Exception e) {
		// TODO: handle exception
源代码10 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: ParameterUtils.java
public MeteringData(Area meteringArea, Rect previewMetering, Rect reportedMetering) {
    this.meteringArea = meteringArea;
    this.previewMetering = previewMetering;
    this.reportedMetering = reportedMetering;
源代码11 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: ParameterUtils.java
 * Calculate the actual/effective/reported normalized rectangle data from a metering
 * rectangle.
 * <p>If any of the rectangles are out-of-range of their intended bounding box,
 * the {@link #RECTANGLE_EMPTY empty rectangle} is substituted instead
 * (with a weight of {@code 0}).</p>
 * <p>The metering rectangle is bound by the crop region (effective/reported respectively).
 * The metering {@link Camera.Area area} is bound by {@code [-1000, 1000]}.</p>
 * <p>No parameters are mutated; returns the new metering data.</p>
 * @param activeArraySize active array size of the sensor (e.g. max jpeg size)
 * @param meteringRect the user-specified metering rectangle
 * @param zoomData the calculated zoom data corresponding to this request
 * @return the metering area, the reported/effective metering rectangles
public static MeteringData convertMeteringRectangleToLegacy(
        Rect activeArray, MeteringRectangle meteringRect, ZoomData zoomData) {
    Rect previewCrop = zoomData.previewCrop;


    Matrix transform = new Matrix();
    // Move the preview crop so that top,left is at (0,0), otherwise after scaling
    // the corner bounds will be outside of [-1000, 1000]
    transform.setTranslate(-previewCrop.left, -previewCrop.top);
    // Scale into [0, 2000] range about the center of the preview
    transform.postScale(scaleW, scaleH);
    // Move so that top left of a typical rect is at [-1000, -1000]
    transform.postTranslate(/*dx*/NORMALIZED_RECTANGLE_MIN, /*dy*/NORMALIZED_RECTANGLE_MIN);

     * Calculate the preview metering region (effective), and the camera1 api
     * normalized metering region.
    Rect normalizedRegionUnbounded = ParamsUtils.mapRect(transform, meteringRect.getRect());

     * Try to intersect normalized area with [-1000, 1000] rectangle; otherwise
     * it's completely out of range
    Rect normalizedIntersected = new Rect(normalizedRegionUnbounded);

    Camera.Area meteringArea;
    if (!normalizedIntersected.intersect(NORMALIZED_RECTANGLE_DEFAULT)) {
                "convertMeteringRectangleToLegacy - metering rectangle too small, " +
                "no metering will be done");
        meteringArea = new Camera.Area(RECTANGLE_EMPTY,
    } else {
        meteringArea = new Camera.Area(normalizedIntersected,

     * Calculate effective preview metering region
    Rect previewMetering = meteringRect.getRect();
    if (!previewMetering.intersect(previewCrop)) {

     * Calculate effective reported metering region
     * - Transform the calculated metering area back into active array space
     * - Clip it to be a subset of the reported crop region
    Rect reportedMetering;
        Camera.Area normalizedAreaUnbounded = new Camera.Area(
                normalizedRegionUnbounded, meteringRect.getMeteringWeight());
        WeightedRectangle reportedMeteringRect = convertCameraAreaToActiveArrayRectangle(
                activeArray, zoomData, normalizedAreaUnbounded, /*usePreviewCrop*/false);
        reportedMetering = reportedMeteringRect.rect;

    if (DEBUG) {
        Log.v(TAG, String.format(
                "convertMeteringRectangleToLegacy - activeArray = %s, meteringRect = %s, " +
                "previewCrop = %s, meteringArea = %s, previewMetering = %s, " +
                "reportedMetering = %s, normalizedRegionUnbounded = %s",
                activeArray, meteringRect,
                previewCrop, stringFromArea(meteringArea), previewMetering,
                reportedMetering, normalizedRegionUnbounded));

    return new MeteringData(meteringArea, previewMetering, reportedMetering);
源代码12 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: ParameterUtils.java
private static WeightedRectangle convertCameraAreaToActiveArrayRectangle(
        Rect activeArray, ZoomData zoomData, Camera.Area area, boolean usePreviewCrop) {
    Rect previewCrop = zoomData.previewCrop;
    Rect reportedCrop = zoomData.reportedCrop;

    float scaleW = previewCrop.width() * 1.0f /
    float scaleH = previewCrop.height() * 1.0f /

     * Calculate the reported metering region from the non-intersected normalized region
     * by scaling and translating back into active array-relative coordinates.
    Matrix transform = new Matrix();

    // Move top left from (-1000, -1000) to (0, 0)
    transform.setTranslate(/*dx*/NORMALIZED_RECTANGLE_MAX, /*dy*/NORMALIZED_RECTANGLE_MAX);

    // Scale from [0, 2000] back into the preview rectangle
    transform.postScale(scaleW, scaleH);

    // Move the rect so that the [-1000,-1000] point ends up at the preview [left, top]
    transform.postTranslate(previewCrop.left, previewCrop.top);

    Rect cropToIntersectAgainst = usePreviewCrop ? previewCrop : reportedCrop;

    // Now apply the transformation backwards to get the reported metering region
    Rect reportedMetering = ParamsUtils.mapRect(transform, area.rect);
    // Intersect it with the crop region, to avoid reporting out-of-bounds
    // metering regions
    if (!reportedMetering.intersect(cropToIntersectAgainst)) {

    int weight = area.weight;
    if (weight < MeteringRectangle.METERING_WEIGHT_MIN) {
                "convertCameraAreaToMeteringRectangle - rectangle "
                        + stringFromArea(area) + " has too small weight, clip to 0");
        weight = 0;

    return new WeightedRectangle(reportedMetering, area.weight);
源代码13 项目: Camera2   文件: FocusOverlayManager.java
public List<Area> getFocusAreas()
    return mFocusArea;
源代码14 项目: Camera2   文件: FocusOverlayManager.java
public List<Area> getMeteringAreas()
    return mMeteringArea;
源代码15 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: ParameterUtils.java
 * Convert the normalized camera area from [-1000, 1000] coordinate space
 * into the active array-based coordinate space.
 * <p>Values out of range are clipped to be within the resulting (reported) crop
 * region. It is possible to have values larger than the preview crop.</p>
 * <p>Weights out of range of [0, 1000] are clipped to be within the range.</p>
 * @param activeArraySize active array size of the sensor (e.g. max jpeg size)
 * @param zoomData the calculated zoom data corresponding to this request
 * @param area the normalized camera area
 * @return the weighed rectangle in active array coordinate space, with the weight
public static WeightedRectangle convertCameraAreaToActiveArrayRectangle(
        Rect activeArray, ZoomData zoomData, Camera.Area area) {
    return convertCameraAreaToActiveArrayRectangle(activeArray, zoomData, area,