

源代码1 项目: testability-explorer   文件: TextHistogram.java
public String[] graph(float... values) {
  String[] rows = new String[height + 1];
  if (max == -1) {
    max = (int) Math.ceil(maxFloat(values));
  int bucketWidth = (int)Math.ceil((float)(max - min) / height);
  int[] counts = count(bucketWidth, values);
  int maxCount = max(counts);
  StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
  Formatter formatter = new Formatter(out);
  formatter.format("%8d %" + width + "d", 0, maxCount);
  rows[0] = out.toString();
  for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {
    int bucketId = (int) (min + bucketWidth * i + bucketWidth / 2f);
    PieGraph pieGraph = new PieGraph(width, new CharMarker(marker.get(i, bucketId), ' '));
    String bar = pieGraph.render(counts[i], maxCount - counts[i]);
    formatter.format("%6d |%s:%6d", bucketId, bar, counts[i]);
    rows[i + 1] = out.toString();
  return rows;
源代码2 项目: reactor-pool   文件: CommonPoolTest.java
void disposeLaterIsLazy(Function<PoolBuilder<Formatter, ?>, AbstractPool<Formatter>> configAdjuster) {
	Formatter uniqueElement = new Formatter();

	PoolBuilder<Formatter, ?> builder = PoolBuilder
			.sizeBetween(1, 1)
			.evictionPredicate((poolable, metadata) -> true);
	AbstractPool<Formatter> pool = configAdjuster.apply(builder);

	Mono<Void> disposeMono = pool.disposeLater();
	Mono<Void> disposeMono2 = pool.disposeLater();


源代码3 项目: buck   文件: AppendableLogRecord.java
public void appendFormattedMessage(StringBuilder sb) {
  // Unfortunately, there's no public API to reset a Formatter's
  // Appendable. If this proves to be a perf issue, we can do
  // runtime introspection to access the private Formatter.init()
  // API to replace the Appendable.

  try (Formatter f = new Formatter(sb, Locale.US)) {
    f.format(getMessage(), getParameters());
  } catch (IllegalFormatException e) {
    sb.append("Invalid format string: ");
    sb.append(" '");
    sb.append("' ");
    Object[] params = getParameters();
    if (params == null) {
      params = new Object[0];
  } catch (ConcurrentModificationException originalException) {
    // This way we may be at least able to figure out where offending log was created.
    throw new ConcurrentModificationException(
        "Concurrent modification when logging for message " + getMessage(), originalException);
源代码4 项目: jpexs-decompiler   文件: JPackerExecuter.java
private String encode(String script) {
    JPackerWords words = new JPackerWords(script, encoding);

    Pattern wordsPattern = Pattern.compile("\\w+");
    Matcher wordsMatcher = wordsPattern.matcher(script);
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    while (wordsMatcher.find()) {
        JPackerWord tempWord = new JPackerWord(wordsMatcher.group());
        wordsMatcher.appendReplacement(sb, words.find(tempWord).getEncoded());

    int ascii = Math.min(Math.max(words.getWords().size(), 2), encoding.getEncodingBase());

    String p = escape(sb.toString());
    String a = String.valueOf(ascii);
    String c = String.valueOf(words.getWords().size());
    String k = words.toString();
    String e = getEncode(ascii);
    String r = ascii > 10 ? "e(c)" : "c";

    return new Formatter().format(UNPACK, p, a, c, k, e, r).toString();
源代码5 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件: AbstractTCKTest.java
 * Utility method to dump a byte array in a java syntax.
 * @param bytes and array of bytes
 * @return a string containing the bytes formatted in java syntax
protected static String dumpSerialStream(byte[] bytes) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 5);
    Formatter fmt = new Formatter(sb);
    fmt.format("    byte[] bytes = {" );
    final int linelen = 10;
    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
        if (i % linelen == 0) {
            fmt.format("%n        ");
        fmt.format(" %3d,", bytes[i] & 0xff);
        if ((i % linelen) == (linelen-1) || i == bytes.length - 1) {
            fmt.format("  /*");
            int s = i / linelen * linelen;
            int k = i % linelen;
            for (int j = 0; j <= k && s + j < bytes.length; j++) {
                fmt.format(" %c", bytes[s + j] & 0xff);
            fmt.format(" */");
    fmt.format("%n    };%n");
    return sb.toString();
源代码6 项目: netcdf-java   文件: ArrayStructureBB.java
public static int showOffsets(StructureMembers members, Indent indent, Formatter f) {
  int offset = 0;
  for (StructureMembers.Member m : members.getMembers()) {
    f.format("%s%s offset=%d (%d %s = %d bytes)%n", indent, m.getName(), m.getDataParam(), m.getSize(),
        m.getDataType(), m.getSizeBytes());

    if (m.getStructureMembers() != null) {
      StructureMembers nested = m.getStructureMembers();
      f.format("%n%s%s == %d bytes%n", indent, nested.getName(), nested.getStructureSize());
      showOffsets(nested, indent, f);
  return offset;
源代码7 项目: pushfish-android   文件: WrapperExecutor.java
private URI readDistroUrlDeprecatedWay() throws URISyntaxException {
    String distroUrl = null;
    try {
        distroUrl = getProperty("urlRoot") + "/"
                + getProperty("distributionName") + "-"
                + getProperty("distributionVersion") + "-"
                + getProperty("distributionClassifier") + ".zip";
        Formatter formatter = new Formatter();
        formatter.format("Wrapper properties file '%s' contains deprecated entries 'urlRoot', 'distributionName', 'distributionVersion' and 'distributionClassifier'. These will be removed soon. Please use '%s' instead.%n", propertiesFile, DISTRIBUTION_URL_PROPERTY);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //even the deprecated properties are not provided, report error:
    return new URI(distroUrl);
 * EL式を評価する。
 * @param expression EL式
 * @param values EL式中の変数。
 * @return 評価した式。
 * @throws ExpressionEvaluationException 
protected String evaluateExpression(final String expression, final Map<String, ?> values) throws ExpressionEvaluationException {
    final Map<String, Object> context = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
    // フォーマッターの追加
    context.computeIfAbsent("formatter", key -> new Formatter());
    final String value = expressionLanguage.evaluate(expression, context).toString();
    if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        logger.trace("evaluate expression language: expression='{}' ===> value='{}'", expression, value);
    return value;
源代码9 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: Graal.java
 * Gets a capability provided by the {@link GraalRuntime} instance available to the application.
 * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the capability is not available
public static <T> T getRequiredCapability(Class<T> clazz) {
    T t = getRuntime().getCapability(clazz);
    if (t == null) {
        String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");
        String vmName = System.getProperty("java.vm.name");
        Formatter errorMessage = new Formatter();
        if (getRuntime().getClass() == InvalidGraalRuntime.class) {
            errorMessage.format("The VM does not support the Graal API.%n");
        } else {
            errorMessage.format("The VM does not expose required Graal capability %s.%n", clazz.getName());
        errorMessage.format("Currently used Java home directory is %s.%n", javaHome);
        errorMessage.format("Currently used VM configuration is: %s", vmName);
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(errorMessage.toString());
    return t;
源代码10 项目: netcdf-java   文件: Grib2Gds.java
public void testHorizCoordSys(Formatter f) {
  GdsHorizCoordSys cs = makeHorizCoordSys();
  f.format("%s testProjection %s%n", getClass().getName(), cs.proj.getClass().getName());

  double endx = cs.startx + (getNx() - 1) * cs.dx;
  double endy = cs.starty + (getNy() - 1) * cs.dy;
  ProjectionPoint endPP = ProjectionPoint.create(endx, endy);
  f.format("   start at proj coord= %s%n", ProjectionPoint.create(cs.startx, cs.starty));
  f.format("     end at proj coord= %s%n", endPP);

  LatLonPoint startLL = LatLonPoint.create(la1, lo1);
  LatLonPoint endLL = cs.proj.projToLatLon(endPP);

  f.format("  start at latlon= %s%n", startLL);
  f.format("    end at latlon= %s%n", endLL);
源代码11 项目: OpenEphyra   文件: HierarchicalClassifierTrainer.java
private String prettyPrintCM (Evaluation.Matrix matrix, String[] classes ) {
    double[][] values = matrix.values;
    String[] classAbb = new String[classes.length];
    StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
    Formatter formatter = new Formatter(res,Locale.US);
    int max = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
        classAbb[i] = classes[i].replaceAll("\\B(.{1,2}).*?(.)\\b","$1$2");
        if (classAbb[i].length() > max) max = classAbb[i].length();
    String formatStr = "%-"+max+"s";
    for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++ ) {
        for (int j = 0; j < classes.length; j++) {
    return res.toString();
源代码12 项目: netcdf-java   文件: TestNc4IospReading.java
private boolean doCompare(String location, boolean showCompare, boolean showEach, boolean compareData)
    throws IOException {
  try (NetcdfFile ncfile = NetcdfFiles.open(location); NetcdfFile jni = openJni(location)) {
    jni.setLocation(location + " (jni)");
    // System.out.printf("Compare %s to %s%n", ncfile.getIosp().getClass().getName(),
    // jni.getIosp().getClass().getName());

    Formatter f = new Formatter();
    CompareNetcdf2 tc = new CompareNetcdf2(f, showCompare, showEach, compareData);
    boolean ok = tc.compare(ncfile, jni, new CompareNetcdf2.Netcdf4ObjectFilter());
    System.out.printf(" %s compare %s ok = %s%n", ok ? "" : "***", location, ok);
    if (!ok || (showCompare && showCompareResults))
      System.out.printf("%s%n=====================================%n", f);
    return ok;
源代码13 项目: mblog   文件: AuthenticatedFilter.java
  protected void doFilterInternal(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
          throws ServletException, IOException {

      Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
      if (subject.isAuthenticated() || subject.isRemembered()) {
          chain.doFilter(request, response);
      } else {
          String path = WebUtils.getContextPath((HttpServletRequest) request);
          String url = loginUrl;
          if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(path) && path.length() > 1) {
              url = path + url;

          if (isAjaxRequest((HttpServletRequest) request)) {
          } else {
              response.getWriter().write(new Formatter().format(JS, url).toString());
源代码14 项目: Bytecoder   文件: FormatterTest.java
public void testUselessWidthAndPrecision() {
    final Formattable f = new Formattable() {
        public void formatTo(final Formatter formatter, final int flags, final int width, final int precision) {
            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            formatter.format("%s", sb);
    final String result = String.format("%10.3s", f);
    Assert.assertEquals("0:10:3", result);
源代码15 项目: netcdf-java   文件: TestN3iospNewProblem.java
private void compareWithBuilder(String filename) throws Exception {
  logger.info("TestBuilders on {}%n", filename);
  try (NetcdfFile org = NetcdfFile.open(filename)) {
    try (NetcdfFile withBuilder = NetcdfFile.open(filename)) {
      Formatter f = new Formatter();
      CompareNetcdf2 compare = new CompareNetcdf2(f, false, false, true);
      if (!compare.compare(org, withBuilder)) {
        System.out.printf("Compare %s%n%s%n", filename, f);
  } finally {
源代码16 项目: netcdf-java   文件: BufrMessageViewer.java
private void readData(Formatter f) {
  List<MessageBean> beans = messageTable.getBeans();
  int count = 0;
  try {
    for (MessageBean bean : beans) {
    f.format("Read %d messages", count);

  } catch (Exception e) {
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(10000);
    e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
    f.format("%s", sw.toString());
源代码17 项目: letv   文件: LetvUtils.java
public static String getNumberTime2(long time_second) {
    Formatter formatter = new Formatter(null, Locale.getDefault());
    if (time_second < 0) {
        time_second = 0;
    try {
        String formatter2;
        long seconds = time_second % 60;
        if (time_second / 60 > 99) {
            formatter2 = formatter.format("%03d:%02d", new Object[]{Long.valueOf(time_second / 60), Long.valueOf(seconds)}).toString();
        } else {
            formatter2 = formatter.format("%02d:%02d", new Object[]{Long.valueOf(time_second / 60), Long.valueOf(seconds)}).toString();
        return formatter2;
    } finally {
public synchronized void logAndClear() {

        if (payloadIdMissingMessagesMap.isEmpty()) {

        final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        final Formatter formatter = new Formatter(stringBuilder);

        formatter.format("%n%1$31s%n%n", "MISSING PAYLOADS");
        formatter.format("%1$19s | %2$8s | %3$47s %n", "payloadId", "retained", "topic");
        formatter.format("%1$s%n", bigLine);
        for (final Map.Entry<Long, MissingMessageInformation> entry : payloadIdMissingMessagesMap.entrySet()) {
            final MissingMessageInformation missingMessage = entry.getValue();
            formatter.format("%1$19d | %2$8b | %3$47s %n", missingMessage.getPayloadId(), missingMessage.isRetained(), missingMessage.getTopic());
            formatter.format("%n%1$s%n", smallLine);

源代码19 项目: Bytecoder   文件: TFormatter.java
public void writeTo(final Formatter f, final Object aValueToWrite, final Appendable aOut) throws IOException {
    if (aValueToWrite == null) {
        if ((flags & FormattableFlags.UPPERCASE) > 0) {
        } else {
    } else if (aValueToWrite instanceof Boolean) {
        if ((flags & FormattableFlags.UPPERCASE) > 0) {
            aOut.append(String.valueOf(((Boolean) aValueToWrite).booleanValue()).toUpperCase());
        } else {
            aOut.append(String.valueOf(((Boolean) aValueToWrite).booleanValue()));
    } else {
        if ((flags & FormattableFlags.UPPERCASE) > 0) {
        } else {
源代码20 项目: commons-rng   文件: ResultsCommand.java
 * Write the columns as fixed width text to the output.
 * @param out Output stream.
 * @param columns Columns
 * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static void writeColumns(OutputStream out,
                                 List<List<String>> columns) throws IOException {
    // Create format using the column widths
    final String format = createTextFormatFromColumnWidths(columns);

    // Output
    try (BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
         Formatter formatter = new Formatter(output)) {
        final int rows = columns.get(0).size();
        final Object[] args = new Object[columns.size()];
        for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                args[i] = columns.get(i).get(row);
            formatter.format(format, args);
 * Generates the label for one series in a category chart.
 * @param dataset  the dataset ({@code null} not permitted).
 * @param seriesKey  the key ({@code null} not permitted).
 * @return The label (never {@code null} for this implementation). 
public String generateSeriesLabel(CategoryDataset3D<S, R, C> dataset, 
        S seriesKey) {
    Args.nullNotPermitted(dataset, "dataset");
    Args.nullNotPermitted(seriesKey, "seriesKey");
    Formatter formatter = new Formatter(new StringBuilder());
    int count = DataUtils.count(dataset, seriesKey);
    double total = DataUtils.total(dataset, seriesKey);
    formatter.format(this.template, seriesKey, count, total);
    String result = formatter.toString();
    return result;
源代码22 项目: language-detector   文件: Util.java
public static String wordProbToString(double[] prob, List<LdLocale> langlist) {
    Formatter formatter = new Formatter();
    for(int j=0;j<prob.length;++j) {
        double p = prob[j];
        if (p>=0.00001) {
            formatter.format(" %s:%.5f", langlist.get(j), p);
    return formatter.toString();
public void toString(final StringBuilder builder) {
    if (this.name != null) {
    try (final Formatter formatter = new Formatter(builder)) {
        formatter.format("%.2f", this.size / BYTES_PER_MB);
        builder.append("MB used, ");
        builder.append(getPercentFree()).append("% free, ");
        builder.append(this.evictions).append(" evictions");
源代码24 项目: netcdf-java   文件: PartitionCollectionImmutable.java
public void showIndex(Formatter f) {
  f.format("%nPartition isPartitionOfPartitions = %s%n", isPartitionOfPartitions);
  for (Partition p : partitions) {
    f.format("  %s%n", p);
源代码25 项目: netcdf-java   文件: GridVariable.java
 * Dump this variable
 * @return the variable
public String dump() {
  DateFormatter formatter = new DateFormatter();
  Formatter sbuff = new Formatter();
  sbuff.format("%s %d %n", name, records.size());
  for (GridRecord record : records) {
    sbuff.format(" level = %d %f", record.getLevelType1(), record.getLevel1());
    if (null != record.getValidTime())
      sbuff.format(" time = %s", formatter.toDateTimeString(record.getValidTime()));
  return sbuff.toString();
源代码26 项目: netcdf-java   文件: GridVariable.java
 * Make a long name for the variable
 * @return long variable name
protected String makeLongName() {
  Formatter f = new Formatter();
  GridParameter param = lookup.getParameter(firstRecord);
  if (param == null)
    return null;

  f.format("%s", param.getDescription());

  String levelName = makeLevelName(firstRecord, lookup);
  if (!levelName.isEmpty())
    f.format(" @ %s", levelName);

  return f.toString();
源代码27 项目: opencensus-java   文件: RpczZPageHandler.java
private void emitHtmlBody(PrintWriter out) {
  Formatter formatter = new Formatter(out, Locale.US);
      "<p class=\"header\">"
          + "<img class=\"oc\" src=\"https://opencensus.io/img/logo-sm.svg\" />"
          + "Open<span>Census</span></p>");
  out.write("<h1>RPC Stats</h1>");
  emitSummaryTable(out, formatter, /* isReceived= */ false);
  emitSummaryTable(out, formatter, /* isReceived= */ true);
源代码28 项目: netcdf-java   文件: TestDatasetWrapProblem.java
private void doOne(String filename) throws Exception {
  try (NetcdfFile ncfile = NetcdfDatasets.acquireFile(DatasetUrl.create(null, filename), null);
      NetcdfDataset ncWrap = new NetcdfDataset(ncfile, true);
      NetcdfDataset ncd = NetcdfDataset.acquireDataset(DatasetUrl.create(null, filename), true, null)) {
    System.out.println(" dataset wraps= " + filename);
    Assert.assertTrue(CompareNetcdf2.compareFiles(ncd, ncWrap, new Formatter()));
private void testException(final Class<? extends ODataLibraryException> clazz,
    final ODataLibraryException.MessageKey[] messageKeys) throws Exception {

  for (ODataLibraryException.MessageKey messageKey : messageKeys) {
    String propKey = clazz.getSimpleName() + "." + messageKey.toString();
    String value = properties.getProperty(propKey);
    Assert.assertNotNull("No value found for message key '" + propKey + "'", value);
    int paraCount = countParameters(value);
    Constructor<? extends ODataLibraryException> ctor =
        clazz.getConstructor(String.class, ODataLibraryException.MessageKey.class, String[].class);
    String[] paras = new String[paraCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < paras.length; i++) {
      paras[i] = "470" + i;
    String developerMessage = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    ODataLibraryException e = ctor.newInstance(developerMessage, messageKey, paras);
    try {
      throw e;
    } catch (ODataLibraryException translatedException) {
      Formatter formatter = new Formatter();
      String formattedValue = formatter.format(value, (Object[]) paras).toString();
      Assert.assertEquals(formattedValue, translatedException.getTranslatedMessage(null).getMessage());
      Assert.assertEquals(formattedValue, translatedException.getLocalizedMessage());
      Assert.assertEquals(developerMessage, translatedException.getMessage());
源代码30 项目: netcdf-java   文件: FeatureDatasetFactoryManager.java
 * Wrap a NetcdfDataset as a FeatureDataset.
 * @param wantFeatureType open this kind of FeatureDataset; may be null, which means search all factories.
 *        If datatype is not null, only return FeatureDataset with objects of that type
 * @param ncd the NetcdfDataset to wrap as a FeatureDataset
 * @param task user may cancel
 * @param errlog place errors here, may not be null
 * @return a subclass of FeatureDataset, or null if no suitable factory was found
 * @throws java.io.IOException on io error
public static FeatureDataset wrap(FeatureType wantFeatureType, NetcdfDataset ncd, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask task,
    Formatter errlog) throws IOException {
  if (debug)
    System.out.println("wrap " + ncd.getLocation() + " want = " + wantFeatureType);

  // the case where we dont know what type it is
  if ((wantFeatureType == null) || (wantFeatureType == FeatureType.ANY)) {
    return wrapUnknown(ncd, task, errlog);

  // find a Factory that claims this dataset by passing back an "analysis result" object
  Object analysis = null;
  FeatureDatasetFactory useFactory = null;
  for (Factory fac : factoryList) {
    if (!featureTypeOk(wantFeatureType, fac.featureType))
    if (debug)
      System.out.println(" wrap try factory " + fac.factory.getClass().getName());

    analysis = fac.factory.isMine(wantFeatureType, ncd, errlog);
    if (analysis != null) {
      useFactory = fac.factory;

  if (null == useFactory) {
    errlog.format("**Failed to find FeatureDatasetFactory for= %s datatype=%s%n", ncd.getLocation(), wantFeatureType);
    return null;

  // this call must be thread safe - done by implementation
  return useFactory.open(wantFeatureType, ncd, analysis, task, errlog);