( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
 * Calculates the snapshot frame in window coordinate space from crop.
 * @param crop rect that is in snapshot coordinate space.
Rect calculateSnapshotFrame(Rect crop) {
    final Rect frame = new Rect(crop);
    final float scale = mSnapshot.getScale();

    // Rescale the frame from snapshot to window coordinate space
    frame.scale(1 / scale);

    // By default, offset it to to top/left corner
    frame.offsetTo((int) (-crop.left / scale), (int) ( / scale));

    // However, we also need to make space for the navigation bar on the left side.
    final int colorViewLeftInset = getColorViewLeftInset(mStableInsets.left,
    frame.offset(colorViewLeftInset, 0);
    return frame;
源代码2 项目: UltimateAndroid   文件:
public void reset(int offset) {
    for (int i = 0; i < mLanes.length; i++) {
        final Rect laneRect = mLanes[i];

        laneRect.offsetTo(mIsVertical ? laneRect.left : offset,
                          mIsVertical ? offset :;

        if (mIsVertical) {
            laneRect.bottom =;
        } else {
            laneRect.right = laneRect.left;

源代码3 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
 * Take a screenshot of the wallpaper if it's visible.
 * @return Bitmap of the wallpaper
Bitmap screenshotWallpaperLocked() {
    if (!mService.mPolicy.isScreenOn()) {
        if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT) {
            Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Attempted to take screenshot while display was off.");
        return null;

    final WindowState wallpaperWindowState = getTopVisibleWallpaper();
    if (wallpaperWindowState == null) {
        if (DEBUG_SCREENSHOT) {
            Slog.i(TAG_WM, "No visible wallpaper to screenshot");
        return null;

    final Rect bounds = wallpaperWindowState.getBounds();
    bounds.offsetTo(0, 0);

    GraphicBuffer wallpaperBuffer = SurfaceControl.captureLayers(
            wallpaperWindowState.getSurfaceControl().getHandle(), bounds, 1 /* frameScale */);

    if (wallpaperBuffer == null) {
        Slog.w(TAG_WM, "Failed to screenshot wallpaper");
        return null;
    return Bitmap.createHardwareBitmap(wallpaperBuffer);
源代码4 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
public Animator onDisappear(ViewGroup sceneRoot, View view,
        TransitionValues startValues, TransitionValues endValues) {
    if (startValues == null) {
        return null;
    Rect bounds = (Rect) startValues.values.get(PROPNAME_SCREEN_BOUNDS);
    int viewPosX = bounds.left;
    int viewPosY =;
    float startX = view.getTranslationX();
    float startY = view.getTranslationY();
    float endX = startX;
    float endY = startY;
    int[] interruptedPosition = (int[]) startValues.view.getTag(;
    if (interruptedPosition != null) {
        // We want to have the end position relative to the interrupted position, not
        // the position it was supposed to start at.
        endX += interruptedPosition[0] - bounds.left;
        endY += interruptedPosition[1] -;
        bounds.offsetTo(interruptedPosition[0], interruptedPosition[1]);
    calculateOut(sceneRoot, bounds, mTempLoc);
    endX += mTempLoc[0];
    endY += mTempLoc[1];

    return TranslationAnimationCreator.createAnimation(view, startValues,
            viewPosX, viewPosY, startX, startY, endX, endY, sAccelerate, this);
源代码5 项目: LaunchEnr   文件:
protected static Rect getDrawableBounds(Drawable d) {
    Rect bounds = new Rect();
    if (bounds.width() == 0 || bounds.height() == 0) {
        bounds.set(0, 0, d.getIntrinsicWidth(), d.getIntrinsicHeight());
    } else {
        bounds.offsetTo(0, 0);
    return bounds;
源代码6 项目: Trebuchet   文件:
private static Rect getDrawableBounds(Drawable d) {
    Rect bounds = new Rect();
    if (bounds.width() == 0 || bounds.height() == 0) {
        bounds.set(0, 0, d.getIntrinsicWidth(), d.getIntrinsicHeight());
    } else {
        bounds.offsetTo(0, 0);
    if (d instanceof PreloadIconDrawable) {
        int inset = -((PreloadIconDrawable) d).getOutset();
        bounds.inset(inset, inset);
    return bounds;
源代码7 项目: media-for-mobile   文件:
public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height) {

    GLES20.glViewport(0, 0, width, height);

    final float ratioDisplay = (float) width / height;

    Matrix.frustumM(projectionMatrix, 0, -ratioDisplay, ratioDisplay, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 10.0f);

    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;

    frameBuffer.setResolution(new Resolution(this.width, this.height));

    videoViewport = new Rect();

    videoViewport.left = 0; = 0;

    // Landscape
    if (ratioDisplay > 1.0f) {
        videoViewport.right = videoCapture.getFrameWidth();
        videoViewport.bottom = (int) (videoCapture.getFrameWidth() / ratioDisplay);
    } else {
        videoViewport.bottom = videoCapture.getFrameHeight();
        videoViewport.right = (int) (videoCapture.getFrameHeight() * ratioDisplay);

    videoViewport.offsetTo((videoCapture.getFrameWidth() - videoViewport.right) / 2, (videoCapture.getFrameHeight() - videoViewport.bottom) / 2);
源代码8 项目: Transitions-Everywhere   文件:
public Animator onDisappear(@NonNull ViewGroup sceneRoot, @NonNull View view,
                            @Nullable TransitionValues startValues, @Nullable TransitionValues endValues) {
    if (startValues == null) {
        return null;
    Rect bounds = (Rect) startValues.values.get(PROPNAME_SCREEN_BOUNDS);
    int viewPosX = bounds.left;
    int viewPosY =;
    float startX = view.getTranslationX();
    float startY = view.getTranslationY();
    float endX = startX;
    float endY = startY;
    int[] interruptedPosition = (int[]) startValues.view.getTag(;
    if (interruptedPosition != null) {
        // We want to have the end position relative to the interrupted position, not
        // the position it was supposed to start at.
        endX += interruptedPosition[0] - bounds.left;
        endY += interruptedPosition[1] -;
        bounds.offsetTo(interruptedPosition[0], interruptedPosition[1]);
    calculateOut(sceneRoot, bounds, mTempLoc);
    endX += mTempLoc[0];
    endY += mTempLoc[1];

    return TranslationAnimationCreator.createAnimation(view, startValues,
            viewPosX, viewPosY, startX, startY, endX, endY, sAccelerate, this);
源代码9 项目: Mupdf   文件:
public void scrollToPage(int pageNumber)
	//  scroll to bring the page into view

	int scrollTime = 400;

	//  get current viewport
	Rect viewport = new Rect();

	//  offset it based on current scroll position
	Point viewportOrigin = new Point();
	viewportOrigin.set(getScrollX(), getScrollY());
	viewport.offsetTo(viewportOrigin.x, viewportOrigin.y);

	//  get page rect from last layout
	DocPageView cv = (DocPageView) getOrCreateChild(pageNumber);
	Rect childRect = cv.getChildRect();

	//  scroll
	if ((childRect.height()) > viewport.height())
		//  put the top of the page at the top and the left at 0
		smoothScrollBy(getScrollX(), getScrollY() -, scrollTime);
		//  if the whole page is not visible, move the center of the page at the center
		if ( < || childRect.bottom > viewport.bottom)
			if ( == 0)
				smoothScrollBy(0, getScrollY(), scrollTime);
				smoothScrollBy(0, getScrollY() + viewport.height() / 2 - (childRect.bottom + / 2, scrollTime);
源代码10 项目: badgebutton   文件:
void layout(int x, int y, int max) {
    Rect rect = getBounds();
    rect.offsetTo(Math.min(x - rect.width() / 2, max - rect.width() - (int)(0.2f * mHeight)), Math.max(0, y - rect.height() / 2));
private void updateUIToSelectedTheme(final String themeId, final boolean animate) {
    for (final ThemeUiHolder holder : mThemeUiHolders) {
        boolean selected =;


        if (holder.selected != selected && selected) {
            if (mCurrentRevealAnimator != null) {
                updatePreviewView(mAnimatingTheme, mMainClockContainerView, mMainClockView);

            if (animate && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
                mAnimatingTheme = holder.theme;
                updatePreviewView(mAnimatingTheme, mAnimateClockContainerView, mAnimateClockView);

                Rect buttonRect = new Rect();
                Rect clockContainerRect = new Rect();

                int cx = buttonRect.centerX() - clockContainerRect.left;
                int cy = buttonRect.centerY() -;
                clockContainerRect.offsetTo(0, 0);

                mCurrentRevealAnimator = ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal(
                        mAnimateClockContainerView, cx, cy, 0,
                        MathUtil.maxDistanceToCorner(clockContainerRect, cx, cy));
                mCurrentRevealAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
                    public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                        if (mCurrentRevealAnimator == animation) {
                            updatePreviewView(holder.theme, mMainClockContainerView, mMainClockView);

            } else {
                updatePreviewView(holder.theme, mMainClockContainerView, mMainClockView);

        holder.selected = selected;
源代码12 项目: commcare-android   文件:
 * Use to signal that there's a portion of this view that wants to be
 * visible to the user on the screen. This method will place the sub
 * view on the screen, and will also place as much of this view as possible
 * on the screen. If this view is smaller than the viewable area available, it
 * will be fully visible in addition to the subview.
private void requestChildViewOnScreen(View child) {
    //Take focus so the user can be prepared to interact with this question, since
    //they will need to be fixing the input

    //Get the rectangle that wants to put itself on the screen
    Rect vitalPortion = new Rect();

    //Save a reference to it in case we have to manipulate it later.
    Rect vitalPortionSaved = new Rect();

    //Then get the bounding rectangle for this whole view.
    Rect wholeView = new Rect();

    //If we don't know enough about the screen, just default to asking to see the
    //subview that was requested.
    if (mFrameHeight == -1) {

    //If the whole view fits, just request that we display the whole thing.
    if (wholeView.height() < mFrameHeight) {

    //The whole view will not fit, we need to scale down our requested focus.
    //Trying to construct the "ideal" rectangle here is actually pretty hard
    //but the base case is just to see if we can get the view onto the screen from
    //the bottom or the top

    int topY =;
    int bottomY = wholeView.bottom;

    //shrink the view to contain only the current frame size.
    wholeView.inset(0, (wholeView.height() - mFrameHeight) / 2);
    wholeView.offsetTo(wholeView.left, topY);

    //The view is now the size of the frame and anchored back at the top. 

    //Now let's contextualize where the child view actually is in this frame.
    this.offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(child, vitalPortion);

    //If the newly transformed view now contains the child portion, we're good
    if (wholeView.contains(vitalPortion)) {

    //otherwise, move to the requested frame to be at the bottom of this view
    wholeView.offsetTo(wholeView.left, bottomY - wholeView.height());

    //now see if the transformed view contains the vital portion
    if (wholeView.contains(vitalPortion)) {

    //Otherwise the child is hidden in the frame, so it won't matter which
    //we choose.
源代码13 项目: PTVGlass   文件:
 * Draws the pins and text labels for the nearby list of places.
 * @param canvas the {@link Canvas} upon which to draw
 * @param pixelsPerDegree the size, in pixels, of one degree step
 * @param offset the number of pixels to translate the drawing operations by in the horizontal
 *         direction; used because place names are drawn three times to get proper wraparound
private void drawPlaces(Canvas canvas, float pixelsPerDegree, float offset) {
    if (mOrientation.hasLocation() && mNearbyPlaces != null) {
        synchronized (mNearbyPlaces) {
            Location userLocation = mOrientation.getLocation();
            double latitude1 = userLocation.getLatitude();
            double longitude1 = userLocation.getLongitude();


            // Loop over the list of nearby places (those within 10 km of the user's current
            // location), and compute the relative bearing from the user's location to the
            // place's location. This determines the position on the compass view where the
            // pin will be drawn.
            for (Place place : mNearbyPlaces) {
                double latitude2 = place.getLatitude();
                double longitude2 = place.getLongitude();
                float bearing = MathUtils.getBearing(latitude1, longitude1, latitude2,

                String name = place.getName();
                double distanceKm = MathUtils.getDistance(latitude1, longitude1, latitude2,
                String text = getContext().getResources().getString(
                    R.string.place_text_format, name, mDistanceFormat.format(distanceKm));

                // Measure the text and offset the text bounds to the location where the text
                // will finally be drawn.
                Rect textBounds = new Rect();
                mPlacePaint.getTextBounds(text, 0, text.length(), textBounds);
                textBounds.offsetTo((int) (offset + bearing * pixelsPerDegree
                        + PLACE_PIN_WIDTH / 2 + PLACE_TEXT_MARGIN), canvas.getHeight() / 2
                        - (int) PLACE_TEXT_HEIGHT);

                // Extend the bounds rectangle to include the pin icon and a small margin
                // to the right of the text, for the overlap calculations below.
                textBounds.left -= PLACE_PIN_WIDTH + PLACE_TEXT_MARGIN;
                textBounds.right += PLACE_TEXT_MARGIN;

                // This loop attempts to find the best vertical position for the string by
                // starting at the bottom of the display and checking to see if it overlaps
                // with any other labels that were already drawn. If there is an overlap, we
                // move up and check again, repeating this process until we find a vertical
                // position where there is no overlap, or when we reach the limit on
                // overlapping place names.
                boolean intersects;
                int numberOfTries = 0;
                do {
                    intersects = false;
                    textBounds.offset(0, (int) -(PLACE_TEXT_HEIGHT + PLACE_TEXT_LEADING));

                    for (Rect existing : mAllBounds) {
                        if (Rect.intersects(existing, textBounds)) {
                            intersects = true;
                } while (intersects && numberOfTries <= MAX_OVERLAPPING_PLACE_NAMES);

                // Only draw the string if it would not go high enough to overlap the compass
                // directions. This means some places may not be drawn, even if they're nearby.
                if (numberOfTries <= MAX_OVERLAPPING_PLACE_NAMES) {

                    canvas.drawBitmap(mPlaceBitmap, offset + bearing * pixelsPerDegree
                            - PLACE_PIN_WIDTH / 2, + 2, mPaint);
                            offset + bearing * pixelsPerDegree + PLACE_PIN_WIDTH / 2
                            + PLACE_TEXT_MARGIN, + PLACE_TEXT_HEIGHT,
源代码14 项目: PTVGlass   文件:
 * Draws the pins and text labels for the nearby list of places.
 * @param canvas the {@link Canvas} upon which to draw
 * @param pixelsPerDegree the size, in pixels, of one degree step
 * @param offset the number of pixels to translate the drawing operations by in the horizontal
 *         direction; used because place names are drawn three times to get proper wraparound
private void drawPlaces(Canvas canvas, float pixelsPerDegree, float offset) {
    if (mOrientation.hasLocation() && mNearbyPlaces != null) {
        synchronized (mNearbyPlaces) {
            Location userLocation = mOrientation.getLocation();
            double latitude1 = userLocation.getLatitude();
            double longitude1 = userLocation.getLongitude();


            // Loop over the list of nearby places (those within 10 km of the user's current
            // location), and compute the relative bearing from the user's location to the
            // place's location. This determines the position on the compass view where the
            // pin will be drawn.
            for (Place place : mNearbyPlaces) {
                double latitude2 = place.getLatitude();
                double longitude2 = place.getLongitude();
                float bearing = MathUtils.getBearing(latitude1, longitude1, latitude2,

                String name = place.getName();
                double distanceKm = MathUtils.getDistance(latitude1, longitude1, latitude2,
                String text = getContext().getResources().getString(
                    R.string.place_text_format, name, mDistanceFormat.format(distanceKm));

                // Measure the text and offset the text bounds to the location where the text
                // will finally be drawn.
                Rect textBounds = new Rect();
                mPlacePaint.getTextBounds(text, 0, text.length(), textBounds);
                textBounds.offsetTo((int) (offset + bearing * pixelsPerDegree
                        + PLACE_PIN_WIDTH / 2 + PLACE_TEXT_MARGIN), canvas.getHeight() / 2
                        - (int) PLACE_TEXT_HEIGHT);

                // Extend the bounds rectangle to include the pin icon and a small margin
                // to the right of the text, for the overlap calculations below.
                textBounds.left -= PLACE_PIN_WIDTH + PLACE_TEXT_MARGIN;
                textBounds.right += PLACE_TEXT_MARGIN;

                // This loop attempts to find the best vertical position for the string by
                // starting at the bottom of the display and checking to see if it overlaps
                // with any other labels that were already drawn. If there is an overlap, we
                // move up and check again, repeating this process until we find a vertical
                // position where there is no overlap, or when we reach the limit on
                // overlapping place names.
                boolean intersects;
                int numberOfTries = 0;
                do {
                    intersects = false;
                    textBounds.offset(0, (int) -(PLACE_TEXT_HEIGHT + PLACE_TEXT_LEADING));

                    for (Rect existing : mAllBounds) {
                        if (Rect.intersects(existing, textBounds)) {
                            intersects = true;
                } while (intersects && numberOfTries <= MAX_OVERLAPPING_PLACE_NAMES);

                // Only draw the string if it would not go high enough to overlap the compass
                // directions. This means some places may not be drawn, even if they're nearby.
                if (numberOfTries <= MAX_OVERLAPPING_PLACE_NAMES) {

                    canvas.drawBitmap(mPlaceBitmap, offset + bearing * pixelsPerDegree
                            - PLACE_PIN_WIDTH / 2, + 2, mPaint);
                            offset + bearing * pixelsPerDegree + PLACE_PIN_WIDTH / 2
                            + PLACE_TEXT_MARGIN, + PLACE_TEXT_HEIGHT,