( )源码实例Demo

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private boolean objectBoxOverlapsConfirmationReticle(
    GraphicOverlay graphicOverlay, FirebaseVisionObject object) {
  RectF boxRect = graphicOverlay.translateRect(object.getBoundingBox());
  float reticleCenterX = graphicOverlay.getWidth() / 2f;
  float reticleCenterY = graphicOverlay.getHeight() / 2f;
  RectF reticleRect =
      new RectF(
          reticleCenterX - reticleOuterRingRadius,
          reticleCenterY - reticleOuterRingRadius,
          reticleCenterX + reticleOuterRingRadius,
          reticleCenterY + reticleOuterRingRadius);
  return reticleRect.intersect(boxRect);
源代码2 项目: GLEXP-Team-onebillion   文件:
public void touchUpAtPoint(PointF pt,View v)
    if(status()  == STATUS_DRAGGING)
        RectF r = new RectF(wordLine.frame);
        RectF tr = new RectF(target.frame); -= tr.height();
            OBUtils.runOnOtherThread(new OBUtils.RunLambda()
                public void run() throws Exception
private void calculateChildVisibleBoundsAtEndOfExpansion(
    @NonNull View child,
    @NonNull FabTransformationSpec spec,
    @NonNull MotionTiming translationXTiming,
    @NonNull MotionTiming translationYTiming,
    float fromX,
    float fromY,
    float toX,
    float toY,
    @NonNull RectF childBounds) {
  float translationX =
      calculateValueOfAnimationAtEndOfExpansion(spec, translationXTiming, fromX, toX);
  float translationY =
      calculateValueOfAnimationAtEndOfExpansion(spec, translationYTiming, fromY, toY);

  // Calculate the window bounds.
  Rect window = tmpRect;
  RectF windowF = tmpRectF1;

  // Calculate the visible bounds of the child given its translation and window bounds.
  RectF childVisibleBounds = tmpRectF2;
  calculateWindowBounds(child, childVisibleBounds);
  childVisibleBounds.offset(translationX, translationY);

 * Computes a Camera.Area corresponding to the new focus area to focus the camera on. This is
 * done by deriving a square around the center of a MotionEvent pointer (with side length equal
 * to FOCUS_AREA_MOTION_EVENT_EDGE_LENGTH), then transforming this rectangle's/square's
 * coordinates into the (-1000, 1000) coordinate system used for camera focus areas.
 * Also note that we operate on RectF instances for the most part, to avoid any integer
 * division rounding errors going forward. We only round at the very end for playing into
 * the final focus areas list.
 * @throws RuntimeException if unable to compute valid intersection between MotionEvent region
 * and SurfaceTexture region.
protected static Camera.Area computeFocusAreaFromMotionEvent(final MotionEvent event, final int surfaceTextureWidth, final int surfaceTextureHeight) {
    // Get position of first touch pointer.
    final int pointerId = event.getPointerId(0);
    final int pointerIndex = event.findPointerIndex(pointerId);
    final float centerX = event.getX(pointerIndex);
    final float centerY = event.getY(pointerIndex);

    // Build event rect. Note that coordinates increase right and down, such that left <= right
    // and top <= bottom.
    final RectF eventRect = new RectF(
            centerX - FOCUS_AREA_MOTION_EVENT_EDGE_LENGTH, // left
            centerY - FOCUS_AREA_MOTION_EVENT_EDGE_LENGTH, // top
            centerX + FOCUS_AREA_MOTION_EVENT_EDGE_LENGTH, // right
            centerY + FOCUS_AREA_MOTION_EVENT_EDGE_LENGTH // bottom

    // Intersect this rect with the rect corresponding to the full area of the parent surface
    // texture, making sure we are not placing any amount of the eventRect outside the parent
    // surface's area.
    final RectF surfaceTextureRect = new RectF(
            (float) 0, // left
            (float) 0, // top
            (float) surfaceTextureWidth, // right
            (float) surfaceTextureHeight // bottom
    final boolean intersectSuccess = eventRect.intersect(surfaceTextureRect);
    if (!intersectSuccess) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "MotionEvent rect does not intersect with SurfaceTexture rect; unable to " +
                        "compute focus area"

    // Transform into (-1000, 1000) focus area coordinate system. See
    // Note that if this is ever changed to a Rect instead of RectF, be cautious of integer
    // division rounding!
    final RectF focusAreaRect = new RectF(
            (eventRect.left / surfaceTextureWidth) * 2000 - 1000, // left
            ( / surfaceTextureHeight) * 2000 - 1000, // top
            (eventRect.right / surfaceTextureWidth) * 2000 - 1000, // right
            (eventRect.bottom / surfaceTextureHeight) * 2000 - 1000 // bottom
    Rect focusAreaRectRounded = new Rect();
    return new Camera.Area(focusAreaRectRounded, FOCUS_AREA_WEIGHT);