
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
 * Add a surface to this OutputConfiguration.
 * <p> This function can be called before or after {@link
 * CameraDevice#createCaptureSessionByOutputConfigurations}. If it's called after,
 * the application must finalize the capture session with
 * {@link CameraCaptureSession#finalizeOutputConfigurations}. It is possible to call this method
 * after the output configurations have been finalized only in cases of enabled surface sharing
 * see {@link #enableSurfaceSharing}. The modified output configuration must be updated with
 * {@link CameraCaptureSession#updateOutputConfiguration}.</p>
 * <p> If the OutputConfiguration was constructed with a deferred surface by {@link
 * OutputConfiguration#OutputConfiguration(Size, Class)}, the added surface must be obtained
 * from {@link android.view.SurfaceView} by calling {@link android.view.SurfaceHolder#getSurface},
 * or from {@link} via
 * {@link android.view.Surface#Surface(}).</p>
 * <p> If the OutputConfiguration was constructed by other constructors, the added
 * surface must be compatible with the existing surface. See {@link #enableSurfaceSharing} for
 * details of compatible surfaces.</p>
 * <p> If the OutputConfiguration already contains a Surface, {@link #enableSurfaceSharing} must
 * be called before calling this function to add a new Surface.</p>
 * @param surface The surface to be added.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Surface is invalid, the Surface's
 *         dataspace/format doesn't match, or adding the Surface would exceed number of
 *         shared surfaces supported.
 * @throws IllegalStateException if the Surface was already added to this OutputConfiguration,
 *         or if the OutputConfiguration is not shared and it already has a surface associated
 *         with it.
public void addSurface(@NonNull Surface surface) {
    checkNotNull(surface, "Surface must not be null");
    if (mSurfaces.contains(surface)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Surface is already added!");
    if (mSurfaces.size() == 1 && !mIsShared) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot have 2 surfaces for a non-sharing configuration");
    if (mSurfaces.size() + 1 > MAX_SURFACES_COUNT) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Exceeds maximum number of surfaces");

    // This will throw IAE is the surface was abandoned.
    Size surfaceSize = SurfaceUtils.getSurfaceSize(surface);
    if (!surfaceSize.equals(mConfiguredSize)) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Added surface size " + surfaceSize +
                " is different than pre-configured size " + mConfiguredSize +
                ", the pre-configured size will be used.");

    if (mConfiguredFormat != SurfaceUtils.getSurfaceFormat(surface)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The format of added surface format doesn't match");

    // If the surface format is PRIVATE, do not enforce dataSpace because camera device may
    // override it.
    if (mConfiguredFormat != ImageFormat.PRIVATE &&
            mConfiguredDataspace != SurfaceUtils.getSurfaceDataspace(surface)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The dataspace of added surface doesn't match");

源代码2 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
 * Query the surface for its currently configured format
public static int detectSurfaceType(Surface surface) throws BufferQueueAbandonedException {
    int surfaceType = nativeDetectSurfaceType(surface);

    // TODO: remove this override since the default format should be
    // ImageFormat.PRIVATE. b/9487482
    if ((surfaceType >= LegacyMetadataMapper.HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 &&
            surfaceType <= LegacyMetadataMapper.HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888)) {
        surfaceType = ImageFormat.PRIVATE;

    return LegacyExceptionUtils.throwOnError(surfaceType);
源代码3 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
 * A high speed output surface can only be preview or hardware encoder surface.
 * @param surface The high speed output surface to be checked.
private static void checkHighSpeedSurfaceFormat(Surface surface) {
    int surfaceFormat = SurfaceUtils.getSurfaceFormat(surface);

    if (surfaceFormat != ImageFormat.PRIVATE) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Surface format(" + surfaceFormat + ") is not"
                + " for preview or hardware video encoding!");
源代码4 项目: libcommon   文件:
 * 対応する映像フォーマットをlogCatへ出力する
 * @param params
public static void dumpSupportedPictureFormats(@NonNull final Camera.Parameters params) {
	final List<Integer> formats = params.getSupportedPictureFormats();
	for (final int format: formats) {
		switch (format) {
		case ImageFormat.DEPTH16:			Log.i(TAG, "supported: DEPTH16"); break;
		case ImageFormat.DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD:	Log.i(TAG, "supported: DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD"); break;
		case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGBA_8888:	Log.i(TAG, "supported: FLEX_RGBA_8888"); break;
		case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGB_888:		Log.i(TAG, "supported: FLEX_RGB_888"); break;
		case ImageFormat.JPEG:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: JPEG"); break;
		case ImageFormat.NV16:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: NV16"); break;
		case ImageFormat.NV21:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: NV21"); break;
		case ImageFormat.PRIVATE:			Log.i(TAG, "supported: PRIVATE"); break;
		case ImageFormat.RAW10:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: RAW10"); break;
		case ImageFormat.RAW12:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: RAW12"); break;
		case ImageFormat.RAW_PRIVATE:		Log.i(TAG, "supported: RAW_PRIVATE"); break;
		case ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR:		Log.i(TAG, "supported: RAW_SENSOR"); break;
		case ImageFormat.RGB_565:			Log.i(TAG, "supported: RGB_565"); break;
		case ImageFormat.UNKNOWN:			Log.i(TAG, "supported: UNKNOWN"); break;
		case ImageFormat.YUV_420_888:		Log.i(TAG, "supported: YUV_420_888"); break;
		case ImageFormat.YUV_422_888:		Log.i(TAG, "supported: YUV_422_888"); break;
		case ImageFormat.YUV_444_888:		Log.i(TAG, "supported: YUV_444_888"); break;
		case ImageFormat.YUY2:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: YUY2"); break;
		case ImageFormat.YV12:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: YV12"); break;
			Log.i(TAG, String.format("supported: unknown, %08x", format));
private String formatToString(int format) {
    switch (format) {
        case ImageFormat.YV12:
            return "YV12";
        case ImageFormat.YUV_420_888:
            return "YUV_420_888";
        case ImageFormat.NV21:
            return "NV21";
        case ImageFormat.NV16:
            return "NV16";
        case PixelFormat.RGB_565:
            return "RGB_565";
        case PixelFormat.RGBA_8888:
            return "RGBA_8888";
        case PixelFormat.RGBX_8888:
            return "RGBX_8888";
        case PixelFormat.RGB_888:
            return "RGB_888";
        case ImageFormat.JPEG:
            return "JPEG";
        case ImageFormat.YUY2:
            return "YUY2";
        case ImageFormat.Y8:
            return "Y8";
        case ImageFormat.Y16:
            return "Y16";
        case ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR:
            return "RAW_SENSOR";
        case ImageFormat.RAW_PRIVATE:
            return "RAW_PRIVATE";
        case ImageFormat.RAW10:
            return "RAW10";
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH16:
            return "DEPTH16";
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD:
            return "DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD";
        case ImageFormat.RAW_DEPTH:
            return "RAW_DEPTH";
        case ImageFormat.PRIVATE:
            return "PRIVATE";
            return "UNKNOWN";
源代码6 项目: MobileInfo   文件:
private static String getFormat(int format) {
    switch (format) {
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH16:
            return "DEPTH16";
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD:
            return "DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD";
        case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGBA_8888:
            return "FLEX_RGBA_8888";
        case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGB_888:
            return "FLEX_RGB_888";
        case ImageFormat.JPEG:
            return "JPEG";
        case ImageFormat.NV16:
            return "NV16";
        case ImageFormat.NV21:
            return "NV21";
        case ImageFormat.PRIVATE:
            return "PRIVATE";
        case ImageFormat.RAW10:
            return "RAW10";
        case ImageFormat.RAW12:
            return "RAW12";
        case ImageFormat.RAW_PRIVATE:
            return "RAW_PRIVATE";
        case ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR:
            return "RAW_SENSOR";
        case ImageFormat.RGB_565:
            return "RGB_565";
        case ImageFormat.YUV_420_888:
            return "YUV_420_888";
        case ImageFormat.YUV_422_888:
            return "YUV_422_888";
        case ImageFormat.YUV_444_888:
            return "YUV_444_888";
        case ImageFormat.YUY2:
            return "YUY2";
        case ImageFormat.YV12:
            return "YV12";
            return UNKNOWN + "-" + format;