java.lang.reflect.Modifier#toString ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.lang.reflect.Modifier#toString ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: calcite   文件:
public void accept(ExpressionWriter writer) {
  String modifiers = Modifier.toString(modifier);
  if (!modifiers.isEmpty()) {
    writer.append(' ');
      .append(' ')
      .list("(", ", ", ")",
          Lists.transform(parameters, ParameterExpression::declString))
      .append(' ')
源代码2 项目: utils   文件:
 * 获取对象的全部protected类型方法.
 * @param className     需要获取的类名
 * @param extendsMethod 是否获取继承来的方法
 * @return 方法名数组
public static String[] getProtectedMethod(String className, boolean extendsMethod) {
    Class classz = loadClass(className);
    Method[] methods;
    if (extendsMethod) {
        methods = classz.getMethods();
    } else {
        methods = classz.getDeclaredMethods();
    Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
    if (methods != null) {
        for (Method f : methods) {
            String modifier = Modifier.toString(f.getModifiers());
            if (modifier.startsWith("protected")) {
    return set.toArray(new String[set.size()]);
源代码3 项目: utils   文件:
 * 获取对象的全部public类型方法.
 * @param className     需要获取的类名
 * @param extendsMethod 是否获取继承来的方法
 * @return 方法名数组
public static String[] getPublicMethod(String className, boolean extendsMethod) {
    Class classz = loadClass(className);
    Method[] methods;
    if (extendsMethod) {
        methods = classz.getMethods();
    } else {
        methods = classz.getDeclaredMethods();
    Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
    if (methods != null) {
        for (Method f : methods) {
            String modifier = Modifier.toString(f.getModifiers());
            if (modifier.startsWith("public")) {
    return set.toArray(new String[set.size()]);
private VH createGenericKInstance(Class z, View view) {
    try {
        Constructor constructor;
        String buffer = Modifier.toString(z.getModifiers());
        String className = z.getName();
        if (className.contains("$") && !buffer.contains("static")) {
            constructor = z.getDeclaredConstructor(getClass(), View.class);
            return (VH) constructor.newInstance(this, view);
        } else {
            constructor = z.getDeclaredConstructor(View.class);
            return (VH) constructor.newInstance(view);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;
源代码5 项目: kalang   文件:
private static int addModifier(int modifiers, int singleModifier) throws InvalidModifierException {
    if ((modifiers & singleModifier) > 0) {
        throw new InvalidModifierException("repeat modifiers:" + Modifier.toString(singleModifier));
    int result = modifiers | singleModifier;
    boolean isPublic = Modifier.isPublic(result);
    boolean isPrivate = Modifier.isPrivate(result);
    boolean isProtected = Modifier.isProtected(result);
    if (isPublic && isPrivate) {
        throw new InvalidModifierException("invalid combination of modifiers:public private");
    if (isPublic && isProtected) {
        throw new InvalidModifierException("invalid combination of modifiers:public protected");
    if (isProtected && isPrivate) {
        throw new InvalidModifierException("invalid combination of modifiers:protected private");
    return result;
源代码6 项目: CrazyDaily   文件:
private VH createGenericKInstance(Class z, View view) {
    try {
        Constructor constructor;
        String buffer = Modifier.toString(z.getModifiers());
        String className = z.getName();
        if (className.contains("$") && !buffer.contains("static")) {
            constructor = z.getDeclaredConstructor(getClass(), View.class);
            return (VH) constructor.newInstance(this, view);
        } else {
            constructor = z.getDeclaredConstructor(View.class);
            return (VH) constructor.newInstance(view);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;
源代码7 项目: glowroot   文件:
public List<MethodSignature> getMethodSignatures(String agentId, String className,
        String methodName) {
    if (methodName.contains("*") || methodName.contains("|")) {
        return ImmutableList.of();
    List<UiAnalyzedMethod> analyzedMethods = getAnalyzedMethods(className, methodName);
    List<MethodSignature> methodSignatures = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (UiAnalyzedMethod analyzedMethod : analyzedMethods) {
        MethodSignature.Builder builder = MethodSignature.newBuilder();
        // strip final and synchronized from displayed modifiers since they have no impact on
        // the weaver's method matching
        int reducedModifiers = analyzedMethod.modifiers() & ~ACC_FINAL & ~ACC_SYNCHRONIZED;
        String modifierNames = Modifier.toString(reducedModifiers);
        for (String modifier : splitter.split(modifierNames)) {
    return methodSignatures;
 * 打印对象所有的方法
 * @param cl
public static void printMethods(Class cl){
    // 获取类所有方法对象数组
    Method[] methods = cl.getMethods();
    for (Method m : methods) {
        // 获取方法返回对象
        Class retType = m.getReturnType();
        String name = m.getName();

        System.out.print("   ");
        // 获取Java语言的修饰符
        // 修饰符由 Java 虚拟机的 public、protected、private、
        // final、static、abstract 和 interface 对应的常量组成;
        String modifiers = Modifier.toString(cl.getModifiers());
        if (modifiers.length() > 0)
            System.out.print(modifiers + " ");
        System.out.print(retType.getName() +" " + name + "(");

        // 获取方法的参数对象列表数组
        Class[] paramTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
        for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length;i++){
            if (i > 0)
                System.out.print(", ");
源代码9 项目: Quicksql   文件:
@Override void accept0(ExpressionWriter writer) {
  final String modifiers = Modifier.toString(this.modifiers);
  if (!modifiers.isEmpty()) {
    writer.append(modifiers).append(' ');
  writer.append(parameter.type).append(' ').append(;
  if (initializer != null) {
    writer.append(" = ").append(initializer);
源代码10 项目: utils   文件:
 * 获取类中定义的private类型的属性字段.
 * @param className 需要获取的类名
 * @return private类型的属性字段数组
public static String[] getPrivateField(String className) {
    Class classz = loadClass(className);
    Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
    Field[] fields = classz.getDeclaredFields();
    if (fields != null) {
        for (Field f : fields) {
            String modifier = Modifier.toString(f.getModifiers());
            if (modifier.startsWith("private")) {
    return set.toArray(new String[set.size()]);
源代码11 项目: chart-fx   文件:
 * @return the full modifier string (cached)
public String getModifierString() {
    if (modifierStr == null) {
        // initialise only on a need to basis
        // for performance reasons
        modifierStr = Modifier.toString(modifierID);
    return modifierStr;
源代码12 项目: utils   文件:
 * 获取对象的全部private类型方法.
 * @param className 需要获取的类名
 * @return 方法名数组
public static String[] getPrivateMethod(String className) {
    Class classz = loadClass(className);
    Method[] methods = classz.getDeclaredMethods();
    Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
    if (methods != null) {
        for (Method f : methods) {
            String modifier = Modifier.toString(f.getModifiers());
            if (modifier.startsWith("private")) {
    return set.toArray(new String[set.size()]);
源代码13 项目: ldp4j   文件:
protected void processType(Member type) {
	super.addField("name", type.getName());
	super.addField("declaringClass", type.getDeclaringClass());
	super.addField("modifiers", Modifier.toString(type.getModifiers()));
	super.addField("synthetic", type.isSynthetic());
源代码14 项目: groovy   文件:
protected String[] methodInfo(Constructor ctor) {
    String[] result = new String[MEMBER_EXCEPTIONS_IDX + 1];
    result[MEMBER_MODIFIER_IDX] = Modifier.toString(ctor.getModifiers());
    result[MEMBER_DECLARER_IDX] = shortName(ctor.getDeclaringClass());
    result[MEMBER_TYPE_IDX] = shortName(ctor.getDeclaringClass());
    result[MEMBER_NAME_IDX] = ctor.getName();
    result[MEMBER_PARAMS_IDX] = makeParamsInfo(ctor.getParameterTypes());
    result[MEMBER_EXCEPTIONS_IDX] = makeExceptionInfo(ctor.getExceptionTypes());

    return withoutNulls(result);
源代码15 项目: calcite   文件:
public void accept(ExpressionWriter writer) {
  String modifiers = Modifier.toString(modifier);
  if (!modifiers.isEmpty()) {
    writer.append(' ');
  writer.append(parameter.type).append(' ').append(;
  if (initializer != null) {
    writer.append(" = ").append(initializer);
源代码16 项目: Quicksql   文件:
String declString(Type type) {
  final String modifiers = Modifier.toString(modifier);
  return modifiers + (modifiers.isEmpty() ? "" : " ") + Types.className(type)
      + " " + name;
源代码17 项目: ldp4j   文件:
protected void processType(Class<?> type) {
	super.addField("name", type.getName());
	super.addField("package", type.getPackage());
	super.addField("simple name", type.getSimpleName());
	super.addField("canonical name", type.getCanonicalName());
	super.addField("interface", type.isInterface());
	super.addField("annotation", type.isAnnotation());
	super.addField("primitive", type.isPrimitive());
	super.addField("enum", type.isEnum());
	super.addMultiField("enum constants", type.getEnumConstants());
	super.addField("array", type.isArray());
	super.addField("component type", type.getComponentType());
	super.addField("anonymous class", type.isAnonymousClass());
	super.addField("local class", type.isLocalClass());
	super.addField("member class", type.isMemberClass());
	super.addField("declaring class", type.getDeclaringClass());
	super.addField("modifiers", Modifier.toString(type.getModifiers()));
	super.addField("synthetic", type.isSynthetic());
	super.addField("enclosing method", type.getEnclosingMethod());
	super.addField("enclosing constructor", type.getEnclosingConstructor());
	super.addField("enclosing class", type.getEnclosingClass());
	super.addBlockField("generic declaration", wrapElementAs(type,GenericDeclaration.class));
	super.addBlockField("annotated element", wrapElementAs(type,AnnotatedElement.class));

	Class<?> superclass=type.getSuperclass();
	if(superclass!=null) {
		if(!superclass.equals(Object.class) || !ignoreDefaultSuperclass) {
			if(traverseSuperclass) {
				super.addBlockField("superclass", wrap(type.getSuperclass()));
			} else {
				super.addField("superclass", type.getSuperclass());
	super.addBlockField("generic superclass", wrapElement(type.getGenericSuperclass()));

	if(traverseInterfaces) {
		super.addMultiField("interfaces", wrap(type.getInterfaces()));
	} else {
		super.addMultiField("interfaces", type.getInterfaces());
	super.addMultiField("generic interfaces", wrapElementArray(type.getGenericInterfaces()));

	String suffix="";
	String prefix="";
	if(excludePublicElementsFromDeclared()) {
		suffix=" (excluding public)";
		prefix="public ";

	Class<?>[] classes = type.getClasses();
	List<Class<?>> declaredClasses = publicElementFilter(classes,type.getDeclaredClasses(),excludePublicElementsFromDeclared());
	if(traverseClasses) {
		super.addMultiField(prefix+"classes", wrap(classes));
		super.addMultiField("declared classes"+suffix, wrap(declaredClasses.toArray(new Class[]{})));
	} else {
		super.addMultiField(prefix+"classes", classes);
		super.addMultiField("declared classes"+suffix, declaredClasses);
	Field[] fields = type.getFields();
	super.addMultiField(prefix+"fields", wrapElementArray(fields));
	super.addMultiField("declared fields"+suffix, wrapElements(publicElementFilter(fields,type.getDeclaredFields(),excludePublicElementsFromDeclared())));

	Method[] methods = type.getMethods();
	String subprefix="";
	if(ignoreDefaultMethods) {
		subprefix="non-default ";

	super.addMultiField(prefix+subprefix+"methods", defaultMethodFilter(Arrays.asList(methods),ignoreDefaultMethods));
	super.addMultiField(prefix+subprefix+"declared methods"+suffix, defaultMethodFilter(publicElementFilter(methods,type.getDeclaredMethods(),excludePublicElementsFromDeclared()),ignoreDefaultMethods));

	Constructor<?>[] constructors=type.getConstructors();
	super.addMultiField(prefix+"constructors", wrapElementArray(constructors));
	super.addMultiField("declared constructors"+suffix, wrapElements(publicElementFilter(constructors,type.getDeclaredConstructors(),excludePublicElementsFromDeclared())));
源代码18 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
 * Return the modifier string for this class. If it's an interface
 * exclude 'abstract' keyword from the modifier string
public String modifiers() {
    return Modifier.toString(modifierSpecifier());
源代码19 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
 * Evaluate the JVM linkage rules for access to the given method
 * on behalf of a caller class which proposes to perform the access.
 * Return true if the caller class has privileges to invoke a method
 * or access a field with the given properties.
 * This requires an accessibility check of the referencing class,
 * plus an accessibility check of the member within the class,
 * which depends on the member's modifier flags.
 * <p>
 * The relevant properties include the defining class ({@code defc})
 * of the member, and its modifier flags ({@code mods}).
 * Also relevant is the class used to make the initial symbolic reference
 * to the member ({@code refc}).  If this latter class is not distinguished,
 * the defining class should be passed for both arguments ({@code defc == refc}).
 * <h3>JVM Specification, 5.4.4 "Access Control"</h3>
 * A field or method R is accessible to a class or interface D if
 * and only if any of the following conditions is true:<ul>
 * <li>R is public.
 * <li>R is protected and is declared in a class C, and D is either
 *     a subclass of C or C itself.  Furthermore, if R is not
 *     static, then the symbolic reference to R must contain a
 *     symbolic reference to a class T, such that T is either a
 *     subclass of D, a superclass of D or D itself.
 * <li>R is either protected or has default access (that is,
 *     neither public nor protected nor private), and is declared
 *     by a class in the same runtime package as D.
 * <li>R is private and is declared in D.
 * </ul>
 * This discussion of access control omits a related restriction
 * on the target of a protected field access or method invocation
 * (the target must be of class D or a subtype of D). That
 * requirement is checked as part of the verification process
 * (5.4.1); it is not part of link-time access control.
 * @param refc the class used in the symbolic reference to the proposed member
 * @param defc the class in which the proposed member is actually defined
 * @param mods modifier flags for the proposed member
 * @param lookupClass the class for which the access check is being made
 * @return true iff the the accessing class can access such a member
public static boolean isMemberAccessible(Class<?> refc,  // symbolic ref class
                                         Class<?> defc,  // actual def class
                                         int      mods,  // actual member mods
                                         Class<?> lookupClass,
                                         int      allowedModes) {
    if (allowedModes == 0)  return false;
    assert((allowedModes & PUBLIC) != 0 &&
           (allowedModes & ~(ALL_ACCESS_MODES|PACKAGE_ALLOWED)) == 0);
    // The symbolic reference class (refc) must always be fully verified.
    if (!isClassAccessible(refc, lookupClass, allowedModes)) {
        return false;
    // Usually refc and defc are the same, but verify defc also in case they differ.
    if (defc == lookupClass &&
        (allowedModes & PRIVATE) != 0)
        return true;        // easy check; all self-access is OK
    switch (mods & ALL_ACCESS_MODES) {
    case PUBLIC:
        return true;  // already checked above
    case PROTECTED:
        if ((allowedModes & PROTECTED_OR_PACKAGE_ALLOWED) != 0 &&
            isSamePackage(defc, lookupClass))
            return true;
        if ((allowedModes & PROTECTED) == 0)
            return false;
        if ((mods & STATIC) != 0 &&
            !isRelatedClass(refc, lookupClass))
            return false;
        if ((allowedModes & PROTECTED) != 0 &&
            isSuperClass(defc, lookupClass))
            return true;
        return false;
    case PACKAGE_ONLY:  // That is, zero.  Unmarked member is package-only access.
        return ((allowedModes & PACKAGE_ALLOWED) != 0 &&
                isSamePackage(defc, lookupClass));
    case PRIVATE:
        // Loosened rules for privates follows access rules for inner classes.
        return (ALLOW_NESTMATE_ACCESS &&
                (allowedModes & PRIVATE) != 0 &&
                isSamePackageMember(defc, lookupClass));
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad modifiers: "+Modifier.toString(mods));
源代码20 项目: sarl   文件:
protected String modifierString(MemberDoc member) {
	final int ms = member.modifierSpecifier();
	final int no = Modifier.FINAL | Modifier.NATIVE | Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED;
	return Modifier.toString(ms & ~no);