
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件:
private void runGCMWithSameArray(int mode, byte[] array, int txtOffset,
        int length, AlgorithmParameters params) throws Exception {
    // first, generate cipher text at an allocated buffer
    Cipher cipher = createCipher(mode, params);
    cipher.updateAAD(array, 0, AADLength);
    byte[] outputText = cipher.doFinal(array, txtOffset, length);

    // new cipher for encrypt operation
    Cipher anotherCipher = createCipher(mode, params);
    anotherCipher.updateAAD(array, 0, AADLength);

    // next, generate cipher text again at the same buffer of plain text
    int off = anotherCipher.update(array, txtOffset, length,
            array, txtOffset);
    anotherCipher.doFinal(array, txtOffset + off);

    // check if two results are equal or not
    if (!isEqual(array, txtOffset, outputText, 0,
            outputText.length)) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Two results are not equal, mode:" + mode);
源代码2 项目: hottub   文件:
private Cipher createCipher(int mode, AlgorithmParameters params)
        throws Exception {
    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(transformation, provider);
    if (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE == mode) {
        // initiate it with the saved parameters
        if (params != null) {
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, params);
        } else {
            // intiate the cipher and save parameters
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
    } else if (cipher != null) {
        cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, params);
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Can't create cipher");

    return cipher;
private static boolean isAvailableCurve(int curveId) {
    String oid = idToOidMap.get(curveId);
    if (oid != null) {
        AlgorithmParameters params = null;
        try {
            params = JsseJce.getAlgorithmParameters("EC");
            params.init(new ECGenParameterSpec(oid));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

        // cache the parameters
        idToParams.put(curveId, params);

        return true;

    return false;
源代码4 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
private static boolean isAvailableCurve(int curveId) {
    String oid = idToOidMap.get(curveId);
    if (oid != null) {
        AlgorithmParameters params = null;
        try {
            params = JsseJce.getAlgorithmParameters("EC");
            params.init(new ECGenParameterSpec(oid));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

        // cache the parameters
        idToParams.put(curveId, params);

        return true;

    return false;
源代码5 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
 * Returns the DSA parameters associated with this key, or null if the
 * parameters could not be parsed.
public DSAParams getParams() {
    try {
        if (algid instanceof DSAParams) {
            return (DSAParams)algid;
        } else {
            DSAParameterSpec paramSpec;
            AlgorithmParameters algParams = algid.getParameters();
            if (algParams == null) {
                return null;
            paramSpec = algParams.getParameterSpec(DSAParameterSpec.class);
            return (DSAParams)paramSpec;
    } catch (InvalidParameterSpecException e) {
        return null;
源代码6 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件:
private void combination_9(List<byte[]> results, int mode, byte[] AAD,
        byte[] plainText, AlgorithmParameters params) throws Exception {

    // prepare ByteBuffer to test
    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(AAD.length);

    // Get Cipher object and do the combination
    Cipher c = createCipher(mode, params);
    byte[] part91 = c.update(plainText, 0, plainText.length);
    int part91_length = part91 == null ? 0 : part91.length;
    byte[] part92 = c.doFinal();
    byte[] outputText9 = new byte[part91_length + part92.length];

    // form result of the combination
    if (part91 != null) {
        System.arraycopy(part91, 0, outputText9, 0, part91_length);
    System.arraycopy(part92, 0, outputText9, part91_length, part92.length);
源代码7 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
private void runGCMWithSameArray(int mode, byte[] array, int txtOffset,
        int length, AlgorithmParameters params) throws Exception {
    // first, generate cipher text at an allocated buffer
    Cipher cipher = createCipher(mode, params);
    cipher.updateAAD(array, 0, AADLength);
    byte[] outputText = cipher.doFinal(array, txtOffset, length);

    // new cipher for encrypt operation
    Cipher anotherCipher = createCipher(mode, params);
    anotherCipher.updateAAD(array, 0, AADLength);

    // next, generate cipher text again at the same buffer of plain text
    int off = anotherCipher.update(array, txtOffset, length,
            array, txtOffset);
    anotherCipher.doFinal(array, txtOffset + off);

    // check if two results are equal or not
    if (!isEqual(array, txtOffset, outputText, 0,
            outputText.length)) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Two results are not equal, mode:" + mode);
源代码8 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
 * Returns the DSA parameters associated with this key, or null if the
 * parameters could not be parsed.
public DSAParams getParams() {
    try {
        if (algid instanceof DSAParams) {
            return (DSAParams)algid;
        } else {
            DSAParameterSpec paramSpec;
            AlgorithmParameters algParams = algid.getParameters();
            if (algParams == null) {
                return null;
            paramSpec = algParams.getParameterSpec(DSAParameterSpec.class);
            return (DSAParams)paramSpec;
    } catch (InvalidParameterSpecException e) {
        return null;
源代码9 项目: openstego   文件:
 * Method to decrypt the data
 * @param input Data to be decrypted
 * @return Decrypted data (returns <code>null</code> if password is invalid)
 * @throws OpenStegoException
public byte[] decrypt(byte[] input) throws OpenStegoException {
    try {
        // First byte is algo params length
        byte paramLen = input[0];
        // Copy algorithm params
        byte[] algoParamData = new byte[paramLen];
        System.arraycopy(input, 1, algoParamData, 0, paramLen);
        // Copy encrypted message
        byte[] msg = new byte[input.length - paramLen - 1];
        System.arraycopy(input, paramLen + 1, msg, 0, msg.length);

        AlgorithmParameters algoParams = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance(this.secretKey.getAlgorithm());
        Cipher decryptCipher = Cipher.getInstance(this.secretKey.getAlgorithm());
        decryptCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, this.secretKey, algoParams);
        return decryptCipher.doFinal(msg);
    } catch (BadPaddingException bpEx) {
        throw new OpenStegoException(bpEx, OpenStego.NAMESPACE, OpenStegoException.INVALID_PASSWORD);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new OpenStegoException(ex);
源代码10 项目: RipplePower   文件:
public void engineInit(
    int opmode,
    Key key,
    AlgorithmParameters params,
    SecureRandom random)
    throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
    AlgorithmParameterSpec paramSpec = null;

    if (params != null)
            paramSpec = params.getParameterSpec(IESParameterSpec.class);
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("cannot recognise parameters: " + e.toString());

    engineParam = params;
    engineInit(opmode, key, paramSpec, random);
源代码11 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
public boolean permits(String algorithm, AlgorithmParameters aps) {
    List<Constraint> list = getConstraints(algorithm);
    if (list == null) {
        return true;

    for (Constraint constraint : list) {
        if (!constraint.permits(aps)) {
            if (debug != null) {
                debug.println("Constraints: failed algorithm " +
                        "parameters constraint check " + aps);

            return false;

    return true;
源代码12 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
private AlgorithmParameters getAlgorithmParameters(String algorithm)
    throws IOException
    AlgorithmParameters algParams = null;

    // create PBE parameters from salt and iteration count
    PBEParameterSpec paramSpec =
            new PBEParameterSpec(getSalt(), iterationCount);
    try {
       algParams = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance(algorithm);
    } catch (Exception e) {
       throw new IOException("getAlgorithmParameters failed: " +
                             e.getMessage(), e);
    return algParams;
源代码13 项目: RipplePower   文件:
protected AlgorithmParameters engineGetParameters() 
    if (engineParam == null)
        if (engineParams != null)
            String  name = "IES";

                engineParam = helper.createAlgorithmParameters(name);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());

    return engineParam;
源代码14 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件:
private Cipher createCipher(int mode, AlgorithmParameters params)
        throws Exception {
    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(transformation, provider);
    if (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE == mode) {
        // initiate it with the saved parameters
        if (params != null) {
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, params);
        } else {
            // intiate the cipher and save parameters
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
    } else if (cipher != null) {
        cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, params);
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Can't create cipher");

    return cipher;
源代码15 项目: alfresco-core   文件:
 * {@inheritDoc}
public InputStream decrypt(String keyAlias, AlgorithmParameters params, InputStream input)
    Cipher cipher = getCipher(keyAlias, params, Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE);
    if (cipher == null)
        return input;

        return new CipherInputStream(input, cipher);
    catch (Throwable e)
        throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("Decryption failed for key alias: " + keyAlias, e);
源代码16 项目: RipplePower   文件:
public AlgorithmParameters engineGetParameters()
    if (engineParam == null && engineSpec != null)
            engineParam = helper.createAlgorithmParameters("IES");
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());

    return engineParam;
源代码17 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
private void combination_12(List<byte[]> results, int mode, byte[] AAD,
        byte[] plainText, AlgorithmParameters params) throws Exception {

    // prepare ByteBuffer to test
    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(AAD.length);
    Cipher ci = createCipher(mode, params);

    // prepare an empty ByteBuffer
    ByteBuffer emptyBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(0);
    emptyBuf.put(new byte[0]);
    byte[] part12_1 = new byte[ci.getOutputSize(plainText.length)];
    int offset = plainText.length > ARRAY_OFFSET ? ARRAY_OFFSET : 0;
    int len12 = ci.update(plainText, 0, plainText.length - offset,
            part12_1, 0);
    int rest12 = ci.doFinal(plainText, plainText.length - offset, offset,
            part12_1, len12);
    byte[] outputText12 = new byte[len12 + rest12];
    System.arraycopy(part12_1, 0, outputText12, 0, outputText12.length);
源代码18 项目: openjdk-8   文件:
 * Returns the DSA parameters associated with this key, or null if the
 * parameters could not be parsed.
public DSAParams getParams() {
    try {
        if (algid instanceof DSAParams) {
            return (DSAParams)algid;
        } else {
            DSAParameterSpec paramSpec;
            AlgorithmParameters algParams = algid.getParameters();
            if (algParams == null) {
                return null;
            paramSpec = algParams.getParameterSpec(DSAParameterSpec.class);
            return (DSAParams)paramSpec;
    } catch (InvalidParameterSpecException e) {
        return null;
源代码19 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件:
private void combination_6(List<byte[]> results, int mode, byte[] AAD,
        byte[] plainText, AlgorithmParameters params) throws Exception {
    Cipher c = createCipher(mode, params);
    c.updateAAD(AAD, 0, AAD.length / 2);
    c.updateAAD(AAD, AAD.length / 2, AAD.length - AAD.length / 2);
    int t = 0;
    int offset = 0;
    if (plainText.length > ARRAY_OFFSET) {
        t = plainText.length - ARRAY_OFFSET;
        offset = ARRAY_OFFSET;
    byte[] part61 = c.update(plainText, 0, t);
    byte[] part62 = new byte[c.getOutputSize(plainText.length)];
    int len = c.doFinal(plainText, t, offset, part62, 0);
    int part61Length = part61 != null ? part61.length : 0;
    byte[] outputText6 = new byte[part61Length + len];
    if (part61 != null) {
        System.arraycopy(part61, 0, outputText6, 0, part61Length);
    System.arraycopy(part62, 0, outputText6, part61Length, len);
源代码20 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件:
private void doTestWithSeparateArrays(int offset,
        AlgorithmParameters params) throws Exception {
    // prepare buffers to test
    Cipher c = createCipher(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, params);
    int outputLength = c.getOutputSize(textLength);
    int outputBufSize = outputLength + offset * 2;

    byte[] inputText = Helper.generateBytes(outputBufSize);
    byte[] AAD = Helper.generateBytes(AADLength);

    // do the test
    runGCMWithSeparateArray(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, AAD, inputText, offset * 2,
            textLength, offset, params);
    int tagLength = c.getParameters()
            .getParameterSpec(GCMParameterSpec.class).getTLen() / 8;
    runGCMWithSeparateArray(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, AAD, inputText, offset,
            textLength + tagLength, offset, params);
源代码21 项目: alfresco-core   文件:
 * Decode cipher algorithm parameters from the HTTP method
 * @param req
 * @return decoded algorithm parameters
 * @throws IOException
protected AlgorithmParameters decodeAlgorithmParameters(HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException
    String header = req.getHeader(HEADER_ALGORITHM_PARAMETERS);
    if(header != null)
        byte[] algorithmParams = Base64.decode(header);
        AlgorithmParameters algorithmParameters  = encryptor.decodeAlgorithmParameters(algorithmParams);
        return algorithmParameters;
        return null;
源代码22 项目: alfresco-core   文件:
public Cipher getCipher(String keyAlias, AlgorithmParameters params, int mode)
    Cipher cipher = null;

    // Get the encryption key
    Key key = keyProvider.getKey(keyAlias);
    if(key == null)
        // No encryption possible
        return null;

            cipher = getCachedCipher(keyAlias, mode, params, key);
            cipher = createCipher(mode, cipherAlgorithm, cipherProvider, key, params);
    catch (Exception e)
        throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException(
                "Failed to construct cipher: alias=" + keyAlias + "; mode=" + mode,

    return cipher;
源代码23 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Provider provider = Security.getProvider("SunJCE");
    if (provider == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("SunJCE provider not exist");
    // generate no-padding cipher with secret key
    Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/NoPadding", provider);
    KeyGenerator kgen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES", provider);
    SecretKey skey = kgen.generateKey();
    // this is the improperly padded plaintext

    c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skey);
    // encrypt plaintext
    byte[] cipher = c.doFinal(PLAIN_TEXT);
    AlgorithmParameters params = c.getParameters();
    // generate cipher that enforces PKCS5 padding
    c = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", provider);
    c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skey, params);
    try {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "ERROR: Expected BadPaddingException not thrown");
    } catch (BadPaddingException expected) {
        out.println("Expected BadPaddingException thrown");

源代码24 项目: openjsse   文件:
public boolean permits(Set<CryptoPrimitive> primitives,
        String algorithm, AlgorithmParameters parameters) {

    if (algorithm == null || algorithm.length() == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "No algorithm name specified");

    if (primitives == null || primitives.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "No cryptographic primitive specified");

    if (supportedAlgorithms == null ||
                supportedAlgorithms.length == 0) {
        return false;

    // trim the MGF part: <digest>with<encryption>and<mgf>
    int position = algorithm.indexOf("and");
    if (position > 0) {
        algorithm = algorithm.substring(0, position);

    for (String supportedAlgorithm : supportedAlgorithms) {
        if (algorithm.equalsIgnoreCase(supportedAlgorithm)) {
            return true;

    return false;
源代码25 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
 * Check the signature algorithm with the specified public key.
 * @param key the public key to verify the CRL signature
 * @param algorithmId signature algorithm Algorithm ID
 * @param variant is the Validator variants of the operation. A null value
 *                passed will set it to Validator.GENERIC.
static void check(PublicKey key, AlgorithmId algorithmId, String variant)
                    throws CertPathValidatorException {
    String sigAlgName = algorithmId.getName();
    AlgorithmParameters sigAlgParams = algorithmId.getParameters();

    certPathDefaultConstraints.permits(new ConstraintsParameters(
            sigAlgName, sigAlgParams, key, variant));
源代码26 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
private void combination_4(List<byte[]> results, int mode, byte[] AAD,
        byte[] plainText, AlgorithmParameters params) throws Exception {
    Cipher ci = createCipher(mode, params);
    byte[] part41 = new byte[ci.getOutputSize(plainText.length)];
    int offset = plainText.length > ARRAY_OFFSET ? ARRAY_OFFSET : 0;
    int len = ci.update(plainText, 0, plainText.length - offset, part41, 0);
    int rest4 = ci.doFinal(plainText, plainText.length - offset, offset,
            part41, len);
    byte[] outputText4 = new byte[len + rest4];
    System.arraycopy(part41, 0, outputText4, 0, outputText4.length);
源代码27 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
public boolean permits(Set<CryptoPrimitive> primitives,
        String algorithm, AlgorithmParameters parameters) {

    boolean permitted = true;

    if (peerAlgConstraints != null) {
        permitted = peerAlgConstraints.permits(
                                primitives, algorithm, parameters);

    if (permitted && userAlgConstraints != null) {
        permitted = userAlgConstraints.permits(
                                primitives, algorithm, parameters);

    if (permitted) {
        permitted = tlsDisabledAlgConstraints.permits(
                                primitives, algorithm, parameters);

    if (permitted && enabledX509DisabledAlgConstraints) {
        permitted = x509DisabledAlgConstraints.permits(
                                primitives, algorithm, parameters);

    return permitted;
源代码28 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
private static byte[] testParams(AlgorithmParameters rc2Params,
    RC2ParameterSpec rc2Spec) throws Exception {

    // test getParameterSpec returns object equal to input
    RC2ParameterSpec rc2OtherSpec = (RC2ParameterSpec)
    if (!rc2Spec.equals(rc2OtherSpec)) {
        throw new Exception("AlgorithmParameterSpecs should be equal");

    // test RC2ParameterSpec with RC2 Cipher
    Cipher rc2Cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RC2/CBC/PKCS5PADDING", "SunJCE");
        new SecretKeySpec("secret".getBytes("ASCII"), "RC2"), rc2Spec);

    // get IV
    byte[] iv = rc2Cipher.getIV();
    if (!Arrays.equals(iv, rc2Spec.getIV())) {
        throw new Exception("ivs should be equal");

    // test encoding and decoding
    byte[] encoded = rc2Params.getEncoded();
    AlgorithmParameters params = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance("RC2");

    // test RC2 AlgorithmParameters with RC2 Cipher
        new SecretKeySpec("secret".getBytes("ASCII"), "RC2"), params);

    // get IV
    iv = rc2Cipher.getIV();
    if (!Arrays.equals(iv, rc2Spec.getIV())) {
        throw new Exception("ivs should be equal");
    return encoded;
源代码29 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
final public boolean permits(Set<CryptoPrimitive> primitives,
        String algorithm, Key key, AlgorithmParameters parameters) {

    if (algorithm == null || algorithm.length() == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No algorithm name specified");

    return checkConstraints(primitives, algorithm, key, parameters);
源代码30 项目: itext2   文件:
private ASN1Primitive createDERForRecipient(byte[] in, X509Certificate cert) 
    throws IOException,  
    String s = "1.2.840.113549.3.2";
    AlgorithmParameterGenerator algorithmparametergenerator = AlgorithmParameterGenerator.getInstance(s);
    AlgorithmParameters algorithmparameters = algorithmparametergenerator.generateParameters();
    ByteArrayInputStream bytearrayinputstream = new ByteArrayInputStream(algorithmparameters.getEncoded("ASN.1"));
    ASN1InputStream asn1inputstream = new ASN1InputStream(bytearrayinputstream);
    ASN1Primitive derobject = asn1inputstream.readObject();
    KeyGenerator keygenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance(s);
    SecretKey secretkey = keygenerator.generateKey();
    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(s);
    cipher.init(1, secretkey, algorithmparameters);
    byte[] abyte1 = cipher.doFinal(in);
    DEROctetString deroctetstring = new DEROctetString(abyte1);
    KeyTransRecipientInfo keytransrecipientinfo = computeRecipientInfo(cert, secretkey.getEncoded());
    DERSet derset = new DERSet(new RecipientInfo(keytransrecipientinfo));
    AlgorithmIdentifier algorithmidentifier = new AlgorithmIdentifier(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(s), derobject);
    EncryptedContentInfo encryptedcontentinfo = 
        new EncryptedContentInfo(, algorithmidentifier, deroctetstring);
    EnvelopedData env = new EnvelopedData(null, derset, encryptedcontentinfo, (org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Set) null);
    ContentInfo contentinfo = 
        new ContentInfo(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.envelopedData, env);
    return contentinfo.toASN1Primitive();        