javax.swing.ImageIcon#getIconWidth ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了javax.swing.ImageIcon#getIconWidth ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: birt   文件:
private ArrayImageSource getImageSource( Image image ) throws IOException
	ImageIcon imageIcon = new ImageIcon( image );
	int w = imageIcon.getIconWidth( );
	int h = imageIcon.getIconHeight( );
	int[] pixels = new int[w * h];

		PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber( image, 0, 0, w, h, pixels, 0, w );
		pg.grabPixels( );
		if ( ( pg.getStatus( ) & ImageObserver.ABORT ) != 0 )
			throw new IOException( "failed to load image contents" );
	catch ( InterruptedException e )
		throw new IOException( "image load interrupted" );

	ArrayImageSource imageSource = new ArrayImageSource( w, h, pixels );
	return imageSource;
源代码2 项目: xyTalk-pc   文件:
    * Returns a scaled down image if the height or width is smaller than the
    * image size.
    * @param icon
    *            the image icon.
    * @param newHeight
    *            the preferred height.
    * @param newWidth
    *            the preferred width.
    * @return the icon.
   public static ImageIcon scaleImageIcon(ImageIcon icon, int newHeight,
    int newWidth) {
Image img = icon.getImage();
int height = icon.getIconHeight();
int width = icon.getIconWidth();

if (height > newHeight) {
    height = newHeight;

if (width > newWidth) {
    width = newWidth;
img = img.getScaledInstance(width, height, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT);
return new ImageIcon(img);
源代码3 项目: rapidminer-studio   文件:
 * Paints the given overlay icon over the base icon. This can be used for example to cross out
 * icons. Provided the overlay icon has a transparent background, the base icon will still be
 * visible.
 * @param baseIcon
 * @param overlayIcon
 * @return
public static ImageIcon createOverlayIcon(final ImageIcon baseIcon, final ImageIcon overlayIcon) {
	if (baseIcon == null) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("baseIcon must not be null!");
	if (overlayIcon == null) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("overlayIcon must not be null!");

	BufferedImage bufferedImg = new BufferedImage(baseIcon.getIconWidth(), baseIcon.getIconHeight(),
	Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) bufferedImg.getGraphics();
	g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
	AffineTransform identityAT = new AffineTransform();
	g2.drawImage(baseIcon.getImage(), identityAT, null);
	g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f));
	g2.drawImage(overlayIcon.getImage(), identityAT, null);

	return new ImageIcon(bufferedImg);
源代码4 项目: xyTalk-pc   文件:
 * Scale an image to fit in a square of the given size, preserving aspect
 * ratio.
 * @param icon
 * @param newSize
 * @return
public static ImageIcon fitToSquare(ImageIcon icon, int newSize) {
	if (newSize <= 0) {
		return icon;

	final int oldWidth = icon.getIconWidth();
	final int oldHeight = icon.getIconHeight();
	int newWidth;
	int newHeight;

	if (oldHeight >= oldWidth) {
		newWidth = (int) ((float) oldWidth * newSize / oldHeight);
		newHeight = newSize;
	} else {
		newWidth = newSize;
		newHeight = (int) ((float) oldHeight * newSize / oldWidth);

	final Image img = icon.getImage().getScaledInstance(newWidth,
			newHeight, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);

	return new ImageIcon(img);
源代码5 项目: netbeans   文件:
/** Samples a trivial number of pixels from an image and compares them with
 *pixels from a component to determine if the image is painted on the
 * component at the exact position specified */
private void assertImageMatch(String msg, Image i, JComponent comp, int xpos, int ypos) throws Exception {
    ImageIcon ic = new ImageIcon(i);
    int width = ic.getIconWidth();
    int height = ic.getIconHeight();
    for (int x=2; x < 5; x++) {
        for (int y=2; y < 5; y++) {
            int posX = width / x;
            int posY = height / y;
            System.err.println("  Check " + posX + "," + posY);
            assertPixelFromImage(msg, i, comp, posX, posY, xpos + posX, ypos + posY);
源代码6 项目: whyline   文件:
public static void drawCallout(Graphics2D g, ImageIcon icon, String label, int x, int y) {
	g = (Graphics2D)g.create();
	g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f));

	Rectangle2D stringBounds = g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(label, g);
	int padding = 3;
	int iconWidth = icon == null ? 0 : icon.getIconWidth();
	int iconHeight = icon == null ? 0 : icon.getIconHeight();
	int maxContentHeight = (int) Math.max(iconHeight, stringBounds.getHeight());
	int calloutHeight = (maxContentHeight + padding * 2) - 1;
	int calloutWidth = (int) (iconWidth + stringBounds.getWidth() + padding * 3);
	int iconX = x + (icon == null ? 0 : padding);
	int iconY = y + padding;
	int stringX = iconX + iconWidth + padding;
	int stringBaseline = y + (calloutHeight - padding - (calloutHeight - g.getFontMetrics().getHeight()) / 2);
	g.fillRoundRect(x, y, calloutWidth, calloutHeight, UI.getRoundedness(), UI.getRoundedness());

	g.drawRoundRect(x, y, calloutWidth, calloutHeight, UI.getRoundedness(), UI.getRoundedness());

	if(icon != null) icon.paintIcon(null, g, iconX, iconY);
	g.drawString(label, stringX, stringBaseline);

源代码7 项目: JByteMod-Beta   文件:
public static ImageIcon combine(ImageIcon icon1, ImageIcon icon2) {
  Image img1 = icon1.getImage();
  Image img2 = icon2.getImage();

  int w = icon1.getIconWidth();
  int h = icon1.getIconHeight();
  BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
  Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics();
  g2.drawImage(img1, 0, 0, null);
  g2.drawImage(img2, 0, 0, null);

  return new ImageIcon(image);
源代码8 项目: Cafebabe   文件:
public ImageIcon combineAccess(ImageIcon icon1, ImageIcon icon2, boolean right) {
	Image img1 = icon1.getImage();
	Image img2 = icon2.getImage();

	int w = icon1.getIconWidth();
	int h = icon1.getIconHeight();
	BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
	Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics();
	g2.drawImage(img1, 0, 0, null);
	g2.drawImage(img2, right ? w / 4 : w / -4, h / -4, null);

	return new ImageIcon(image);
源代码9 项目: ghidra   文件:
 * Constructs a new field for displaying an image.
 * @param icon the image icon to display
 * @param metrics the font metrics
 * @param startX the starting x coordinate of the field.
 * @param startY the starting y coordinate of the field.
 * @param width the width of the field.
 * @param center flag to center the image in the field.
public SimpleImageField(ImageIcon icon, FontMetrics metrics, int startX, int startY, int width,
		boolean center) {

	this.heightAbove = metrics.getMaxAscent() + metrics.getLeading();
	this.height = heightAbove + metrics.getMaxDescent();

	this.icon = icon;
	this.metrics = metrics;
	this.startX = startX;
	this.width = width; = center;

	// The height is initially set to the font height.
	// If the font height is less than the icon height and the provided width
	// is the less than the icon width, then scale the height relative to the
	// width. Otherwise, use the icon height.
	if (icon != null) {
		if (this.height < icon.getIconHeight()) {
			if (this.width < icon.getIconWidth()) {
				this.height = (width * icon.getIconHeight()) / icon.getIconWidth();
			else {
				this.height = icon.getIconHeight();
源代码10 项目: ghidra   文件:
 * Adds the given icon as an overlay to the base icon, to the lower-right,
 * scaled to the given width and height
 * @param icon the icon
 * @param w the desired width
 * @param h the desired height
 * @return this builder
public MultiIconBuilder addLowerRightIcon(Icon icon, int w, int h) {

	ImageIcon scaled = ResourceManager.getScaledIcon(icon, w, h);

	int x = multiIcon.getIconWidth() - scaled.getIconWidth();
	int y = multiIcon.getIconHeight() - scaled.getIconHeight();
	TranslateIcon txIcon = new TranslateIcon(scaled, x, y);
	return this;
源代码11 项目: ghidra   文件:
public ReplaceDefaultMarkupItemAction(VTController controller, boolean addToToolbar) {
	super(controller, "Apply (Replace Default Only)");

	Icon replacedIcon = VTPlugin.REPLACED_ICON;
	ImageIcon warningIcon = ResourceManager.loadImage("images/warning.png");
	warningIcon = ResourceManager.getScaledIcon(warningIcon, 12, 12);
	int warningIconWidth = warningIcon.getIconWidth();
	int warningIconHeight = warningIcon.getIconHeight();

	MultiIcon multiIcon = new MultiIcon(replacedIcon);
	int refreshIconWidth = replacedIcon.getIconWidth();
	int refreshIconHeight = replacedIcon.getIconHeight();

	int x = refreshIconWidth - warningIconWidth;
	int y = refreshIconHeight - warningIconHeight;

	TranslateIcon translateIcon = new TranslateIcon(warningIcon, x, y);

	if (addToToolbar) {
		setToolBarData(new ToolBarData(multiIcon, MENU_GROUP));
	MenuData menuData =
		new MenuData(new String[] { "Apply (Replace Default Only)" }, replacedIcon, MENU_GROUP);
	setHelpLocation(new HelpLocation("VersionTrackingPlugin", "Replace_Default_Markup_Item"));
源代码12 项目: megamek   文件:
private void paintCorner(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, 
        ImageIcon icon) {
    int tileW = icon.getIconWidth();
    int tileH = icon.getIconHeight();
    g = g.create(x, y, x+tileW, y+tileH);
源代码13 项目: snap-desktop   文件:
private static Cursor createRangeFinderCursor(ImageIcon cursorIcon) {
    Toolkit defaultToolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
    final String cursorName = "rangeFinder";

    // this is necessary because on some systems the cursor is scaled but not the 'hot spot'
    Dimension bestCursorSize = defaultToolkit.getBestCursorSize(cursorIcon.getIconWidth(), cursorIcon.getIconHeight());
    Point hotSpot = new Point((7 * bestCursorSize.width) / cursorIcon.getIconWidth(),
                              (7 * bestCursorSize.height) / cursorIcon.getIconHeight());

    return defaultToolkit.createCustomCursor(cursorIcon.getImage(), hotSpot, cursorName);
源代码14 项目: rcrs-server   文件:
public Shape render(Building b, Graphics2D g, ScreenTransform t) {
    ImageIcon icon = null;
    switch (b.getStandardURN()) {
    case REFUGE:
        icon = REFUGE;
    case FIRE_STATION:
        icon = FIRE_STATION;
        icon = AMBULANCE_CENTRE;
        icon = POLICE_OFFICE;
    if (icon != null) {
        // Draw an icon over the centre of the building
        int x = t.xToScreen(b.getX()) - (icon.getIconWidth() / 2);
        int y = t.yToScreen(b.getY()) - (icon.getIconHeight() / 2);
        icon.paintIcon(null, g, x, y);
    return null;
 * Rescales an icon.
 * @param src the original icon.
 * @param newMinSize the minimum size of the new icon. The width and height of
 *                   the returned icon will be at least the width and height
 *                   respectively of newMinSize.
 * @param an ImageObserver.
 * @return the rescaled icon.
public static ImageIcon rescale(ImageIcon src, Dimension newMinSize, ImageObserver observer) {
    double widthRatio =  newMinSize.getWidth() / (double) src.getIconWidth();
    double heightRatio = newMinSize.getHeight() / (double) src.getIconHeight();
    double scale = widthRatio > heightRatio ? widthRatio : heightRatio;
    int w = (int) Math.round(scale * src.getIconWidth());
    int h = (int) Math.round(scale * src.getIconHeight());
    BufferedImage dst = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics2D g2 = dst.createGraphics();
    g2.drawImage(src.getImage(), 0, 0, w, h, observer);
    return new ImageIcon(dst);
源代码16 项目: brModelo   文件:
 * @param image
 * @param color
 * @return
public static BufferedImage dye(ImageIcon image, Color color) {
    int w = image.getIconWidth();
    int h = image.getIconHeight();
    BufferedImage dyed = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    Graphics2D g = dyed.createGraphics();
    g.drawImage(image.getImage(), 0, 0, null);
    g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
    return dyed;
源代码17 项目: MogwaiERDesignerNG   文件:
public void paint(Graphics g) {

    Graphics2D theGraphics = (Graphics2D) g;
    Dimension theSize = getSize();
    FontMetrics theMetrics = getFontMetrics(getFont());


    theGraphics.drawRect(10, 10, theSize.width - 10, theSize.height - 10);
    theGraphics.drawRect(10, 10, theSize.width - 10, 10 + theMetrics.getAscent());

    GradientPaint thePaint = new GradientPaint(0, 0,, theSize.width - 35, theSize.height,
  , false);
    theGraphics.fillRect(11, 11, theSize.width - 10 - 1, 10 + theMetrics.getAscent() - 1);

    thePaint = new GradientPaint(0, 0, new Color(90, 90, 90), theSize.width - 35, theSize.height,
  , false);
    theGraphics.fillRect(11, 19 + theMetrics.getAscent(), theSize.width - 10 - 1, theSize.height - 32);


    theGraphics.drawString(table.getName(), 15, 10 + theMetrics.getAscent());

    int y = 18 + theMetrics.getAscent();

    for (Attribute<Table> theAttriute : table.getAttributes()) {


        boolean theInclude = true;
        if (!fullMode) {
            theInclude = theAttriute.isForeignKey() || !theAttriute.isNullable();
        if (theInclude) {
            String theText = theAttriute.getName();
            if (fullMode) {
                theText += ":";
                theText += theAttriute.getLogicalDeclaration();

                if (theAttriute.isNullable()) {
                    theGraphics.drawString("N", theSize.width - 10, y + theMetrics.getAscent());
            if (theAttriute.isForeignKey()) {

            if (theAttriute.isPrimaryKey()) {
                // Primarx key has underline
                AttributedString as = new AttributedString(theText);
                as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, theGraphics.getFont());
                as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON, 0,

                theGraphics.drawString(as.getIterator(), 15, y + theMetrics.getAscent());
            } else {
                theGraphics.drawString(theText, 15, y + theMetrics.getAscent());

            y += theMetrics.getAscent();
        if (showSelfReference) {
            ImageIcon theIcon = IconFactory.getSelfReferenceIcon();
            int xp = theSize.width - theIcon.getIconWidth() - 4;
            int yp = 14;

            theIcon.paintIcon(this, theGraphics, xp, yp);
    if (table.getIndexes().size() > 0 && fullMode) {
        boolean lineDrawn = false;
        for (Index theIndex : table.getIndexes()) {
            if (theIndex.getIndexType() != IndexType.PRIMARYKEY) {
                if (!lineDrawn) {
                    y += 3;
                    theGraphics.drawLine(10, y, theSize.width, y);
                    lineDrawn = true;
                String theName = theIndex.getName();
                theGraphics.drawString(theName, 15, y + theMetrics.getAscent());
                y += theMetrics.getAscent();
                for (IndexExpression theExpression : theIndex.getExpressions()) {
                    theName = theExpression.toString();
                    theGraphics.drawString(theName, 20, y + theMetrics.getAscent());
                    y += theMetrics.getAscent();
源代码18 项目: mars-sim   文件:
public SplashWindow() {
	window = new JFrame() {
		/** default serial id. */
		private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

		public void paint(Graphics g) {

			// Draw splash image and superimposed text
			Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
			g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);
			g2d.drawImage(splashImage, 0, 0, this);
			g2d.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 36));
			g2d.drawString(MSP_STRING, 30, 60);
			g2d.drawString(VERSION_STRING, splashImage.getWidth(this) - versionStringWidth - 16, 24);

	splashImage = ImageLoader.getImage(IMAGE_NAME);
	ImageIcon splashIcon = new ImageIcon(splashImage);
	width = splashIcon.getIconWidth();
	height = splashIcon.getIconHeight();
	window.setSize(width, height);

	// Center the splash window on the screen.
	Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
	Dimension windowSize = new Dimension(width, height);
	window.setLocation(((screenSize.width - windowSize.width) / 2), ((screenSize.height - windowSize.height) / 2));



	// Set icon image for window.

	// Set cursor style.
	window.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR));

	// Display the splash window.
源代码19 项目: JPPF   文件:
 * Initialize witht he specified image icon.
 * @param logoIcon an icon contain the imge of a logo.
public ImageData(final ImageIcon logoIcon) {
  img = logoIcon.getImage();
  imgw = logoIcon.getIconWidth();
  imgh = logoIcon.getIconHeight();
源代码20 项目: netbeans   文件:
 * Render a completion item using the provided icon and left and right
 * html texts.
 * @param icon icon 16x16 that will be displayed on the left. It may be null
 *  which means that no icon will be displayed but the space for the icon
 *  will still be reserved (to properly align with other items
 *  that will provide an icon).
 * @param leftHtmlText html text that will be displayed on the left side
 *  of the item's rendering area next to the icon.
 *  <br/>
 *  It may be null which indicates that no left text will be displayed.
 *  <br/>
 *  If there's not enough horizontal space in the rendering area
 *  the text will be shrinked and "..." will be displayed at the end.
 * @param rightHtmlText html text that will be aligned to the right edge
 *  of the item's rendering area.
 *  <br/>
 *  It may be null which means that no right text will be displayed.
 *  <br/>
 *  The right text is always attempted to be fully displayed unlike
 *  the left text that may be shrinked if there's not enough rendering space
 *  in the horizontal direction.
 *  <br/>
 *  If there's not enough space even for the right text it will be shrinked
 *  and "..." will be displayed at the end of the rendered string.
 * @param g non-null graphics through which the rendering happens.
 * @param defaultFont non-null default font to be used for rendering.
 * @param defaultColor non-null default color to be used for rendering.
 * @param width &gt;=0 available width for rendering.
 * @param height &gt;=0 available height for rendering.
 * @param selected whether the item being rendered is currently selected
 *  in the completion's JList. If selected the foreground color is forced
 *  to be black for all parts of the rendered strings.
public static void renderHtml(ImageIcon icon, String leftHtmlText, String rightHtmlText,
Graphics g, Font defaultFont, Color defaultColor,
int width, int height, boolean selected) {
    if (icon != null) {
        // The image of the ImageIcon should already be loaded
        // so no ImageObserver should be necessary
        g.drawImage(icon.getImage(), BEFORE_ICON_GAP, (height - icon.getIconHeight()) /2, null);
    int iconWidth = BEFORE_ICON_GAP + (icon != null ? icon.getIconWidth() : ICON_WIDTH) + AFTER_ICON_GAP;
    int rightTextX = width - AFTER_RIGHT_TEXT_GAP;
    FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(defaultFont);
    int textY = (height - fm.getHeight())/2 + fm.getHeight() - fm.getDescent();
    if (rightHtmlText != null && rightHtmlText.length() > 0) {
        int rightTextWidth = (int)PatchedHtmlRenderer.renderHTML(rightHtmlText, g, 0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0,
                defaultFont, defaultColor, PatchedHtmlRenderer.STYLE_CLIP, false, true);
        rightTextX = Math.max(iconWidth, rightTextX - rightTextWidth);
        // Render right text
        PatchedHtmlRenderer.renderHTML(rightHtmlText, g, rightTextX, textY, rightTextWidth, textY,
            defaultFont, defaultColor, PatchedHtmlRenderer.STYLE_CLIP, true, selected);
        rightTextX = Math.max(iconWidth, rightTextX - BEFORE_RIGHT_TEXT_GAP);

    // Render left text
    if (leftHtmlText != null && leftHtmlText.length() > 0 && rightTextX > iconWidth) { // any space for left text?
        PatchedHtmlRenderer.renderHTML(leftHtmlText, g, iconWidth, textY, rightTextX - iconWidth, textY,
            defaultFont, defaultColor, PatchedHtmlRenderer.STYLE_TRUNCATE, true, selected);