javax.swing.JRootPane#getJMenuBar ( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: FlatLaf   文件:
private Dimension computeLayoutSize( Container parent, Function<Component, Dimension> getSizeFunc ) {
	JRootPane rootPane = (JRootPane) parent;

	Dimension titlePaneSize = (titlePane != null)
		? getSizeFunc.apply( titlePane )
		: new Dimension();
	Dimension contentSize = (rootPane.getContentPane() != null)
		? getSizeFunc.apply( rootPane.getContentPane() )
		: rootPane.getSize();

	int width = Math.max( titlePaneSize.width, contentSize.width );
	int height = titlePaneSize.height + contentSize.height;
	if( titlePane == null || !titlePane.isMenuBarEmbedded() ) {
		Dimension menuBarSize = (rootPane.getJMenuBar() != null)
			? getSizeFunc.apply( rootPane.getJMenuBar() )
			: new Dimension();

		width = Math.max( width, menuBarSize.width );
		height += menuBarSize.height;

	Insets insets = rootPane.getInsets();

	return new Dimension(
		width + insets.left + insets.right,
		height + + insets.bottom );
源代码2 项目: littleluck   文件:
public void layoutContainer(Container parent)
    JRootPane root = (JRootPane) parent;
    Rectangle bound = root.getBounds();
    Insets inset = root.getInsets();

    // 获取内容面板实际宽度, 减去左右边框面积
    // Calculate the actual width
    int w = bound.width - inset.right - inset.left;

    // 获取内容面板实际高度, 减去上下边框面积
    // Calculate the actual height
    int h = bound.height - - inset.bottom;

    // 设置层级面板在根窗格中的位置
    // layout LayeredPane
    if(root.getLayeredPane() != null)
        root.getLayeredPane().setBounds(inset.left,, w, h);

    // 玻璃窗格是在层级面板中,所以坐标从(0, 0)开始
    // layout GlassPane
    if(root.getGlassPane() != null)
        root.getGlassPane().setBounds(inset.left,, w, h);

    int nextY = 0;

    RootPaneUI rootPaneUI = root.getUI();

    if(rootPaneUI instanceof LuckMetalRootPaneUI)
        // 布局标题面板
        // layout TitlePane
        Component titlePanel = ((LuckMetalRootPaneUI)rootPaneUI).getTitlePane();

        // 如果未取消窗体装饰
        if (titlePanel != null)
            titlePanel.setBounds(0, nextY, w, titlePanel.getHeight());

            nextY += titlePanel.getHeight();

    // 布局JMenuBar
    // layout JMenuBar
    JMenuBar menuBar = root.getJMenuBar();

    if(menuBar != null && menuBar.isVisible())
        menuBar.setBounds(0, nextY, w, menuBar.getPreferredSize().height);

        nextY += menuBar.getPreferredSize().getHeight();

    // 布局内容面板
    // layout ContentPane
    root.getContentPane().setBounds(0, nextY, w, h - nextY);
源代码3 项目: seaglass   文件:
 * Returns the amount of space the layout would like to have.
 * @param  parent the Container for which this layout manager is being
 *                used
 * @return a Dimension object containing the layout's preferred size
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) {
    Dimension cpd;
    Dimension mbd;
    Dimension tpd;
    int       cpWidth  = 0;
    int       cpHeight = 0;
    int       mbWidth  = 0;
    int       mbHeight = 0;
    int       tpWidth  = 0;
    int       tpHeight = 0;
    Insets    i        = parent.getInsets();
    JRootPane root     = (JRootPane) parent;

    if (root.getContentPane() != null) {
        cpd = root.getContentPane().getPreferredSize();
    } else {
        cpd = root.getSize();

    if (cpd != null) {
        cpWidth  = cpd.width;
        cpHeight = cpd.height;

    if (root.getJMenuBar() != null) {
        mbd = root.getJMenuBar().getPreferredSize();
        if (mbd != null) {
            mbWidth  = mbd.width;
            mbHeight = mbd.height;

    if (root.getWindowDecorationStyle() != JRootPane.NONE && (root.getUI() instanceof SeaGlassRootPaneUI)) {
        JComponent titlePane = ((SeaGlassRootPaneUI) root.getUI()).getTitlePane();

        if (titlePane != null) {
            tpd = titlePane.getPreferredSize();
            if (tpd != null) {
                tpWidth  = tpd.width;
                tpHeight = tpd.height;

    return new Dimension(Math.max(Math.max(cpWidth, mbWidth), tpWidth) + i.left + i.right,
                         cpHeight + mbHeight + tpHeight + + i.bottom);
源代码4 项目: seaglass   文件:
 * Returns the minimum amount of space the layout needs.
 * @param  parent the Container for which this layout manager is being
 *                used
 * @return a Dimension object containing the layout's minimum size
public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) {
    Dimension cpd;
    Dimension mbd;
    Dimension tpd;
    int       cpWidth  = 0;
    int       cpHeight = 0;
    int       mbWidth  = 0;
    int       mbHeight = 0;
    int       tpWidth  = 0;
    int       tpHeight = 0;
    Insets    i        = parent.getInsets();
    JRootPane root     = (JRootPane) parent;

    if (root.getContentPane() != null) {
        cpd = root.getContentPane().getMinimumSize();
    } else {
        cpd = root.getSize();

    if (cpd != null) {
        cpWidth  = cpd.width;
        cpHeight = cpd.height;

    if (root.getJMenuBar() != null) {
        mbd = root.getJMenuBar().getMinimumSize();
        if (mbd != null) {
            mbWidth  = mbd.width;
            mbHeight = mbd.height;

    if (root.getWindowDecorationStyle() != JRootPane.NONE && (root.getUI() instanceof SeaGlassRootPaneUI)) {
        JComponent titlePane = ((SeaGlassRootPaneUI) root.getUI()).getTitlePane();

        if (titlePane != null) {
            tpd = titlePane.getMinimumSize();
            if (tpd != null) {
                tpWidth  = tpd.width;
                tpHeight = tpd.height;

    return new Dimension(Math.max(Math.max(cpWidth, mbWidth), tpWidth) + i.left + i.right,
                         cpHeight + mbHeight + tpHeight + + i.bottom);
源代码5 项目: seaglass   文件:
 * Returns the maximum amount of space the layout can use.
 * @param  target the Container for which this layout manager is being
 *                used
 * @return a Dimension object containing the layout's maximum size
public Dimension maximumLayoutSize(Container target) {
    Dimension cpd;
    Dimension mbd;
    Dimension tpd;
    int       cpWidth  = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int       cpHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int       mbWidth  = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int       mbHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int       tpWidth  = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int       tpHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    Insets    i        = target.getInsets();
    JRootPane root     = (JRootPane) target;

    if (root.getContentPane() != null) {
        cpd = root.getContentPane().getMaximumSize();
        if (cpd != null) {
            cpWidth  = cpd.width;
            cpHeight = cpd.height;

    if (root.getJMenuBar() != null) {
        mbd = root.getJMenuBar().getMaximumSize();
        if (mbd != null) {
            mbWidth  = mbd.width;
            mbHeight = mbd.height;

    if (root.getWindowDecorationStyle() != JRootPane.NONE && (root.getUI() instanceof SeaGlassRootPaneUI)) {
        JComponent titlePane = ((SeaGlassRootPaneUI) root.getUI()).getTitlePane();

        if (titlePane != null) {
            tpd = titlePane.getMaximumSize();
            if (tpd != null) {
                tpWidth  = tpd.width;
                tpHeight = tpd.height;

    int maxHeight = Math.max(Math.max(cpHeight, mbHeight), tpHeight);
    // Only overflows if 3 real non-MAX_VALUE heights, sum to > MAX_VALUE
    // Only will happen if sums to more than 2 billion units. Not likely.
    if (maxHeight != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        maxHeight = cpHeight + mbHeight + tpHeight + + i.bottom;

    int maxWidth = Math.max(Math.max(cpWidth, mbWidth), tpWidth);
    // Similar overflow comment as above
    if (maxWidth != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        maxWidth += i.left + i.right;

    return new Dimension(maxWidth, maxHeight);
源代码6 项目: seaglass   文件:
 * Instructs the layout manager to perform the layout for the specified
 * container.
 * @param parent the Container for which this layout manager is being
 *               used
public void layoutContainer(Container parent) {
    JRootPane root  = (JRootPane) parent;
    Rectangle b     = root.getBounds();
    Insets    i     = root.getInsets();
    int       nextY = 0;
    int       w     = b.width - i.right - i.left;
    int       h     = b.height - - i.bottom;

    if (root.getLayeredPane() != null) {
        root.getLayeredPane().setBounds(i.left,, w, h);

    if (root.getGlassPane() != null) {
        root.getGlassPane().setBounds(i.left,, w, h);
    // Note: This is laying out the children in the layeredPane,
    // technically, these are not our children.
    if (root.getWindowDecorationStyle() != JRootPane.NONE && (root.getUI() instanceof SeaGlassRootPaneUI)) {
        JComponent titlePane = ((SeaGlassRootPaneUI) root.getUI()).getTitlePane();

        if (titlePane != null) {
            Dimension tpd = titlePane.getPreferredSize();

            if (tpd != null) {
                int tpHeight = tpd.height;

                titlePane.setBounds(0, 0, w, tpHeight);
                nextY += tpHeight;

    if (root.getJMenuBar() != null) {
        boolean   menuInTitle = (root.getClientProperty("JRootPane.MenuInTitle") == Boolean.TRUE);
        Dimension mbd         = root.getJMenuBar().getPreferredSize();
        int x = menuInTitle? 20 : 0;
        root.getJMenuBar().setBounds(x, menuInTitle ? 0 : nextY, w, mbd.height);
        if (!menuInTitle) {
            nextY += mbd.height;

    if (root.getContentPane() != null) {
        /* Dimension cpd = */ root.getContentPane().getPreferredSize();
        root.getContentPane().setBounds(0, nextY, w, h < nextY ? 0 : h - nextY);
源代码7 项目: seaglass   文件:
 * {@inheritDoc}
protected void doPaint(Graphics2D g, JComponent c, int width, int height, Object[] extendedCacheKeys) {
    if (state == Which.BACKGROUND_ENABLED_NOFRAME) {

    Shape s = shapeGenerator.createRoundRectangle(0, 0, (width - 1), (height - 1), CornerSize.FRAME_BORDER,
                                                  CornerStyle.ROUNDED, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.ROUNDED);


    JMenuBar    mb     = null;
    Component[] cArray = null;

    if (c instanceof JInternalFrame) {
        JInternalFrame iframe = (JInternalFrame) c;

        mb     = iframe.getJMenuBar();
        cArray = iframe.getContentPane().getComponents();
    } else if (c instanceof JRootPane) {
        JRootPane root = (JRootPane) c;

        mb     = root.getJMenuBar();
        cArray = root.getContentPane().getComponents();

    int topToolBarHeight    = 0;
    int bottomToolBarHeight = 0;

    if (cArray != null) {

        for (Component comp : cArray) {

            if (comp instanceof JToolBar) {

                if (toolBarNorthState.isInState((JComponent) comp)) {
                    topToolBarHeight = comp.getHeight();
                } else if (toolBarSouthState.isInState((JComponent) comp)) {
                    bottomToolBarHeight = comp.getHeight();

    int titleHeight = TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT;

    if (mb != null && c.getClientProperty("SeaGlass.JRootPane.MenuInTitle") == Boolean.TRUE) {
        titleHeight += mb.getHeight();

    if (c.getClientProperty(SeaGlassRootPaneUI.UNIFIED_TOOLBAR_LOOK) == Boolean.TRUE) {
        // Draw background gradient.
        s = shapeGenerator.createRoundRectangle(1, 1, width - 2, height - 2, CornerSize.FRAME_INNER_HIGHLIGHT,
                                                CornerStyle.ROUNDED, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.ROUNDED);
        g.setPaint(getFrameInteriorPaint(s, titleHeight, topToolBarHeight, bottomToolBarHeight));
    } else {
        // Paint title bar.
        s = shapeGenerator.createRoundRectangle(1, 1, width - 2, titleHeight, CornerSize.FRAME_INNER_HIGHLIGHT,
                                                CornerStyle.ROUNDED, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.ROUNDED);
        g.setPaint(getTitleBarInteriorPaint(s, titleHeight));
        // Paint contents.
       s = shapeGenerator.createRoundRectangle(1, titleHeight, width - 2, height - titleHeight - 1, CornerSize.FRAME_INNER_HIGHLIGHT,
                                                CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.SQUARE);
        // Draw separator line.
        g.drawLine(1, titleHeight, width - 2, titleHeight);

    s = shapeGenerator.createRoundRectangle(1, 1, width - 3, height - 3, CornerSize.FRAME_INTERIOR);