javax.swing.JRootPane#getInsets ( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: FlatLaf   文件:
private Dimension computeLayoutSize( Container parent, Function<Component, Dimension> getSizeFunc ) {
	JRootPane rootPane = (JRootPane) parent;

	Dimension titlePaneSize = (titlePane != null)
		? getSizeFunc.apply( titlePane )
		: new Dimension();
	Dimension contentSize = (rootPane.getContentPane() != null)
		? getSizeFunc.apply( rootPane.getContentPane() )
		: rootPane.getSize();

	int width = Math.max( titlePaneSize.width, contentSize.width );
	int height = titlePaneSize.height + contentSize.height;
	if( titlePane == null || !titlePane.isMenuBarEmbedded() ) {
		Dimension menuBarSize = (rootPane.getJMenuBar() != null)
			? getSizeFunc.apply( rootPane.getJMenuBar() )
			: new Dimension();

		width = Math.max( width, menuBarSize.width );
		height += menuBarSize.height;

	Insets insets = rootPane.getInsets();

	return new Dimension(
		width + insets.left + insets.right,
		height + + insets.bottom );
源代码2 项目: littleluck   文件:
public void layoutContainer(Container parent)
    JRootPane root = (JRootPane) parent;
    Rectangle bound = root.getBounds();
    Insets inset = root.getInsets();

    // 获取内容面板实际宽度, 减去左右边框面积
    // Calculate the actual width
    int w = bound.width - inset.right - inset.left;

    // 获取内容面板实际高度, 减去上下边框面积
    // Calculate the actual height
    int h = bound.height - - inset.bottom;

    // 设置层级面板在根窗格中的位置
    // layout LayeredPane
    if(root.getLayeredPane() != null)
        root.getLayeredPane().setBounds(inset.left,, w, h);

    // 玻璃窗格是在层级面板中,所以坐标从(0, 0)开始
    // layout GlassPane
    if(root.getGlassPane() != null)
        root.getGlassPane().setBounds(inset.left,, w, h);

    int nextY = 0;

    RootPaneUI rootPaneUI = root.getUI();

    if(rootPaneUI instanceof LuckMetalRootPaneUI)
        // 布局标题面板
        // layout TitlePane
        Component titlePanel = ((LuckMetalRootPaneUI)rootPaneUI).getTitlePane();

        // 如果未取消窗体装饰
        if (titlePanel != null)
            titlePanel.setBounds(0, nextY, w, titlePanel.getHeight());

            nextY += titlePanel.getHeight();

    // 布局JMenuBar
    // layout JMenuBar
    JMenuBar menuBar = root.getJMenuBar();

    if(menuBar != null && menuBar.isVisible())
        menuBar.setBounds(0, nextY, w, menuBar.getPreferredSize().height);

        nextY += menuBar.getPreferredSize().getHeight();

    // 布局内容面板
    // layout ContentPane
    root.getContentPane().setBounds(0, nextY, w, h - nextY);
源代码3 项目: littleluck   文件:
public void layoutContainer(Container parent)
    JRootPane root = (JRootPane) parent;
    Rectangle bound = root.getBounds();
    Insets inset = root.getInsets();

    // 获取内容面板实际宽度, 减去左右边框面积
    // Calculate the actual width
    int w = bound.width - inset.right - inset.left;

    // 获取内容面板实际高度, 减去上下边框面积
    int h = bound.height - - inset.bottom;

    // 设置层级面板在根窗格中的位置
    // Calculate the actual height
    if(root.getLayeredPane() != null)
        root.getLayeredPane().setBounds(inset.left,, w, h);

    // 布局玻璃窗格
    // layout LayeredPane
    if(root.getGlassPane() != null)
        root.getGlassPane().setBounds(inset.left,, w, h);

    // 获取当前内容面板
    // get current ContentPane
    Container content = root.getContentPane();

    LuckRootPaneUI rootPaneUI = (LuckRootPaneUI) root.getUI();

    // 使用 <code>LuckBackgroundPanel</code>替换当前的内容面板
    // Use <code>LuckBackgroundPanel</code> replace the current contents of the panel
    if(!(content instanceof LuckBackgroundPanel))
        Window window = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(root);

       	boolean isResizeableOnInit = LuckWindowUtil.isResizable(window);

    	int initStyle = root.getWindowDecorationStyle();

        if(initStyle != JRootPane.NONE)
            LuckTitlePanel titlePanel = rootPaneUI.createTitlePanel(initStyle, isResizeableOnInit);

            LuckBackgroundPanel background = rootPaneUI.createContentPane(titlePanel, content);


    root.getContentPane().setBounds(0, 0, w, h);
源代码4 项目: beautyeye   文件:
 * Instructs the layout manager to perform the layout for the specified
 * container.
 * @param parent the parent
public void layoutContainer(Container parent) 
	JRootPane root = (JRootPane) parent;
	Rectangle b = root.getBounds();
	Insets i = root.getInsets();
	int nextY = 0;
	int w = b.width - i.right - i.left;
	int h = b.height - - i.bottom;

	if(root.getLayeredPane() != null)
		root.getLayeredPane().setBounds(i.left,, w, h);
	if(root.getGlassPane() != null) 
		root.getGlassPane().setBounds(i.left,, w, h);
	// Note: This is laying out the children in the layeredPane,
	// technically, these are not our children.
	if (root.getWindowDecorationStyle() != JRootPane.NONE &&
			(root.getUI() instanceof BERootPaneUI)) 
		JComponent titlePane = ((BERootPaneUI)root.getUI()).
		if (titlePane != null) 
			Dimension tpd = titlePane.getPreferredSize();
			if (tpd != null) 
				int tpHeight = tpd.height;
				titlePane.setBounds(0, 0, w, tpHeight);
				nextY += tpHeight;
	if(root.getMenuBar() != null
			//* 该 行代码由Jack Jiang于2012-10-20增加:目的是为解决当
			//* MebuBar被设置不可见时任然被错误地当作可视组件占据布局空间,这
			//* 在BE LNF中的表现就是当menuBar不可见,它占据的那块空间将会是全透明
			//* 的空白区。这个问题在Metal主题中仍然存在(就是设置JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true);
			//* JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true);后的Metal主题状态),
			//* 可能官方不认为这是个bug吧。
			//* 为什么无论什么外观当在使用系统窗口边框类型时不会出现这样的情况呢?它
			//* 可能是由于窗口外观的实现原理决定的吧(按理说是同一原理),有待深究!!!
			&& root.getMenuBar().isVisible()
		Dimension mbd = root.getMenuBar().getPreferredSize();
		root.getMenuBar().setBounds(0, nextY, w, mbd.height);
		nextY += mbd.height;
	if(root.getContentPane() != null
			//* 该 行代码由Jack Jiang于2012-10-20增加:目的是为解决与menubar在设置可见性时遇难到的一样的问题
			&& root.getContentPane().isVisible()
		Dimension cpd = root.getContentPane().getPreferredSize();
		root.getContentPane().setBounds(0, nextY, w, 
				h < nextY ? 0 : h - nextY);
源代码5 项目: seaglass   文件:
 * Instructs the layout manager to perform the layout for the specified
 * container.
 * @param parent the Container for which this layout manager is being
 *               used
public void layoutContainer(Container parent) {
    JRootPane root  = (JRootPane) parent;
    Rectangle b     = root.getBounds();
    Insets    i     = root.getInsets();
    int       nextY = 0;
    int       w     = b.width - i.right - i.left;
    int       h     = b.height - - i.bottom;

    if (root.getLayeredPane() != null) {
        root.getLayeredPane().setBounds(i.left,, w, h);

    if (root.getGlassPane() != null) {
        root.getGlassPane().setBounds(i.left,, w, h);
    // Note: This is laying out the children in the layeredPane,
    // technically, these are not our children.
    if (root.getWindowDecorationStyle() != JRootPane.NONE && (root.getUI() instanceof SeaGlassRootPaneUI)) {
        JComponent titlePane = ((SeaGlassRootPaneUI) root.getUI()).getTitlePane();

        if (titlePane != null) {
            Dimension tpd = titlePane.getPreferredSize();

            if (tpd != null) {
                int tpHeight = tpd.height;

                titlePane.setBounds(0, 0, w, tpHeight);
                nextY += tpHeight;

    if (root.getJMenuBar() != null) {
        boolean   menuInTitle = (root.getClientProperty("JRootPane.MenuInTitle") == Boolean.TRUE);
        Dimension mbd         = root.getJMenuBar().getPreferredSize();
        int x = menuInTitle? 20 : 0;
        root.getJMenuBar().setBounds(x, menuInTitle ? 0 : nextY, w, mbd.height);
        if (!menuInTitle) {
            nextY += mbd.height;

    if (root.getContentPane() != null) {
        /* Dimension cpd = */ root.getContentPane().getPreferredSize();
        root.getContentPane().setBounds(0, nextY, w, h < nextY ? 0 : h - nextY);