javax.swing.PopupFactory#getSharedInstance ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了javax.swing.PopupFactory#getSharedInstance ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: netbeans   文件:
private void showPopup(Painter p, Rectangle rect) {
    Point l = table.getLocationOnScreen();
    rect.translate(l.x, l.y);
    popupRect = rect;
    popupLocation = new Point(l.x + p.getX(), l.y + p.getY());
    PopupFactory popupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
    popup = popupFactory.getPopup(table, p, popupLocation.x, popupLocation.y);;
    paranoid = new Paranoid(p);
    awt = new AWT();
源代码2 项目: Logisim   文件:
private void showPopup(Set<AppearancePort> portObjects) {
	dragStart = null;
	CircuitState circuitState = canvas.getCircuitState();
	if (circuitState == null)
	ArrayList<Instance> ports = new ArrayList<Instance>(portObjects.size());
	for (AppearancePort portObject : portObjects) {

	LayoutThumbnail layout = new LayoutThumbnail();
	layout.setCircuit(circuitState, ports);
	JViewport owner = canvasPane.getViewport();
	Point ownerLoc = owner.getLocationOnScreen();
	Dimension ownerDim = owner.getSize();
	Dimension layoutDim = layout.getPreferredSize();
	int x = ownerLoc.x + Math.max(0, ownerDim.width - layoutDim.width - 5);
	int y = ownerLoc.y + Math.max(0, ownerDim.height - layoutDim.height - 5);
	PopupFactory factory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
	Popup popup = factory.getPopup(canvasPane.getViewport(), layout, x, y);;
	curPopup = popup;
	curPopupTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
源代码3 项目: rapidminer-studio   文件:
public static void uninstall() {
	PopupFactory factory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
	if (!(factory instanceof RoundedPopupFactory)) {
	PopupFactory stored = ((RoundedPopupFactory) factory).storedFactory;
源代码4 项目: javamelody   文件:
 * Installs the ShadowPopupFactory as the shared popup factory
 * on non-Mac platforms. Also stores the previously set factory,
 * so that it can be restored in <code>#uninstall</code>.<p>
 * In some Mac Java environments the popup factory throws
 * a NullPointerException when we call <code>#getPopup</code>.<p>
 * The Mac case shows that we may have problems replacing
 * non PopupFactory instances. Therefore we should consider
 * replacing only instances of PopupFactory.
 * @see #uninstall()
public static void install() {
	final String os = System.getProperty("");
	final boolean macintosh = os != null && os.indexOf("Mac") != -1;
	if (macintosh) {

	final PopupFactory factory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
	if (factory instanceof ShadowPopupFactory) {

	PopupFactory.setSharedInstance(new ShadowPopupFactory(factory));
源代码5 项目: netbeans   文件:
 * Create and display the popup at the given bounds.
 * @param popupBounds location and size of the popup.
 * @param displayAboveCaret whether the popup is displayed above the anchor
 *  bounds or below them (it does not be right above them).
private void show(Rectangle popupBounds, boolean displayAboveCaret) {
    // Hide the original popup if exists
    if (popup != null) {
        popup = null;
    // Explicitly set the preferred size
    Dimension origPrefSize = getPreferredSize();
    Dimension newPrefSize = popupBounds.getSize();
    JComponent contComp = getContentComponent();
    if (contComp == null){
    showRetainedPreferredSize = newPrefSize.equals(origPrefSize);
    PopupFactory factory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
    // Lightweight completion popups don't work well on the Mac - trying
    // to click on its scrollbars etc. will cause the window to be hidden,
    // so force a heavyweight parent by passing in owner==null. (#96717)
    JTextComponent owner = layout.getEditorComponent();
    if(owner != null && owner.getClientProperty("ForceHeavyweightCompletionPopup") != null) {
        owner = null;
    // #76648: Autocomplete box is too close to text
    if(displayAboveCaret && Utilities.isMac()) {
        popupBounds.y -= 10;
    popup = factory.getPopup(owner, contComp, popupBounds.x, popupBounds.y);;

    this.popupBounds = popupBounds;
    this.displayAboveCaret = displayAboveCaret;
源代码6 项目: triplea   文件:
public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
  if (text != null && text.length() > 0) {
    final Point currentPoint = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation();
    if (isPointWithinParentBounds(currentPoint)) {
      final PopupFactory popupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
      final JToolTip info = new JToolTip();
      info.setTipText("<html>" + text + "</html>");
      popup = popupFactory.getPopup(parent, info, currentPoint.x + 20, currentPoint.y - 20);;
源代码7 项目: pumpernickel   文件:
 * Create a new QPopup to display this popover's {@link #getContents()}.
protected QPopup createPopup() {
	PopupFactory pf = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
	QPopupFactory qpf = null;
	if (pf instanceof QPopupFactory) {
		qpf = (QPopupFactory) pf;
	} else {
		qpf = new QPopupFactory(pf);
	return qpf.getQPopup(getOwner(), popupTarget, getContents());
源代码8 项目: netbeans   文件:
 * Create and display the popup at the given bounds.
 * @param popupBounds location and size of the popup.
 * @param displayAboveCaret whether the popup is displayed above the anchor
 *  bounds or below them (it does not be right above them).
private void show(Rectangle popupBounds, boolean displayAboveCaret) {
    // Hide the original popup if exists
    if (popup != null) {
        popup = null;

    // Explicitly set the preferred size
    Dimension origPrefSize = getPreferredSize();
    Dimension newPrefSize = popupBounds.getSize();
    JComponent contComp = getContentComponent();
    if (contComp == null){
    showRetainedPreferredSize = newPrefSize.equals(origPrefSize);

    PopupFactory factory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
    // Lightweight completion popups don't work well on the Mac - trying
    // to click on its scrollbars etc. will cause the window to be hidden,
    // so force a heavyweight parent by passing in owner==null. (#96717)

    JTextComponent owner = getEditorComponent();
    if(owner != null && owner.getClientProperty("ForceHeavyweightCompletionPopup") != null) { //NOI18N
        owner = null;

    // #76648: Autocomplete box is too close to text
    if(displayAboveCaret && Utilities.isMac()) {
        popupBounds.y -= 10;

    popup = factory.getPopup(owner, contComp, popupBounds.x, popupBounds.y);;

    this.popupBounds = popupBounds;
    this.displayAboveCaret = displayAboveCaret;
源代码9 项目: gate-core   文件:
private void addStatistics(String kind, int count, int numRow,
        final MouseEvent e) {
  JLabel label = (JLabel)e.getComponent();
  if(!label.getToolTipText().contains(kind)) {
    // add the statistics to the tooltip
    String toolTip = label.getToolTipText();
    toolTip = toolTip.replaceAll("</?html>", "");
    toolTip = kind + " = " + count + "<br>" + toolTip;
    toolTip = "<html>" + toolTip + "</html>";
          / bottomSplitPane.getSize().getWidth() < 0.90) {
    // select the row in the statistics table
    oneRowStatisticsTable.setRowSelectionInterval(numRow, numRow);
            .getCellRect(numRow, 0, true));
  } else {
    // display a tooltip
    JToolTip tip = label.createToolTip();
    tip.setTipText(kind + " = " + count);
    PopupFactory popupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
    final Popup tipWindow =
            popupFactory.getPopup(label, tip, e.getX()
                    + e.getComponent().getLocationOnScreen().x, e.getY()
                    + e.getComponent().getLocationOnScreen().y);;
    Date timeToRun = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000);
    Timer timer = new Timer("Annic statistics hide tooltip timer", true);
    timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
      public void run() {
        // hide the tooltip after 2 seconds
    }, timeToRun);
源代码10 项目: FlatLaf   文件:
public void initialize() {
	if( SystemInfo.IS_MAC )


	// install popup factory
	oldPopupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
	PopupFactory.setSharedInstance( new FlatPopupFactory() );

	// install mnemonic handler
	mnemonicHandler = new MnemonicHandler();

	// listen to desktop property changes to update UI if system font or scaling changes
	if( SystemInfo.IS_WINDOWS ) {
		// Windows 10 allows increasing font size independent of scaling:
		//   Settings > Ease of Access > Display > Make text bigger (100% - 225%)
		desktopPropertyName = "win.messagebox.font";
	} else if( SystemInfo.IS_LINUX ) {
		// Linux/Gnome allows changing font in "Tweaks" app
		desktopPropertyName = "gnome.Gtk/FontName";

		// Linux/Gnome allows extra scaling and larger text:
		//   Settings > Devices > Displays > Scale (100% or 200%)
		//   Settings > Universal access > Large Text (off or on, 125%)
		//   "Tweaks" app > Fonts > Scaling Factor (0,5 - 3)
		desktopPropertyName2 = "gnome.Xft/DPI";
	if( desktopPropertyName != null ) {
		desktopPropertyListener = e -> {
			String propertyName = e.getPropertyName();
			if( desktopPropertyName.equals( propertyName ) || propertyName.equals( desktopPropertyName2 ) )
			else if( DESKTOPFONTHINTS.equals( propertyName ) ) {
				if( UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof FlatLaf ) {
					putAATextInfo( UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults() );
		Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
		toolkit.addPropertyChangeListener( desktopPropertyName, desktopPropertyListener );
		if( desktopPropertyName2 != null )
			toolkit.addPropertyChangeListener( desktopPropertyName2, desktopPropertyListener );
		toolkit.addPropertyChangeListener( DESKTOPFONTHINTS, desktopPropertyListener );

	// Following code should be ideally in initialize(), but needs color from UI defaults.
	// Do not move this code to getDefaults() to avoid side effects in the case that
	// getDefaults() is directly invoked from 3rd party code. E.g. `new FlatLightLaf().getDefaults()`.
	postInitialization = defaults -> {
		// update link color in HTML text
		Color linkColor = defaults.getColor( "Component.linkColor" );
		if( linkColor != null ) {
			new HTMLEditorKit().getStyleSheet().addRule(
				String.format( "a { color: #%06x; }", linkColor.getRGB() & 0xffffff ) );

	// enable/disable window decorations, but only if system property is either
	// "true" or "false"; in other cases it is not changed
	Boolean useWindowDecorations = FlatSystemProperties.getBooleanStrict( FlatSystemProperties.USE_WINDOW_DECORATIONS, null );
	if( useWindowDecorations != null ) {
		oldFrameWindowDecorated = JFrame.isDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated();
		oldDialogWindowDecorated = JDialog.isDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated();
		JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated( useWindowDecorations );
		JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated( useWindowDecorations );
private void showPopupAtMousePosition() {
	// StaticDebug.debug("DND POPUP: Show popup at Mouse position");
	// get mouse location
	Point screenLocation = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation();
	screenLocation.x += 26;
	screenLocation.y += 10;

	// if tooltip is shown
	if (tipWindow != null) {
		// StaticDebug.debug("DND POPUP: Popup is already shown");

		// check if mouse has moved
		if (mouseX != screenLocation.x || mouseY != screenLocation.y) {
			// StaticDebug.debug("DND POPUP: old position x = "+mouseX);
			// StaticDebug.debug("DND POPUP: old position y = "+mouseY);
			// StaticDebug.debug("DND POPUP: new position x = "+screenLocation.x);
			// StaticDebug.debug("DND POPUP: new position y = "+screenLocation.y);
			// StaticDebug.debug("DND POPUP: Mouse position has changed.. hide popup first");
			// hide tooltip
		} else {
			// StaticDebug.debug("DND POPUP: Restart hide timer to prevent popup from being hidden.");
			// otherwise restart hide timer

	Point componentLocation = (Point) screenLocation.clone();
	SwingUtilities.convertPointFromScreen(componentLocation, popupSource);
	if (tipWindow == null && popupSource.contains(componentLocation)) {
		// StaticDebug.debug("DND POPUP: Mouse is inside popupSource and popup is not shown");
		JToolTip tip = popupSource.createToolTip();
		PopupFactory popupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();

		mouseX = screenLocation.x;
		mouseY = screenLocation.y;

		// StaticDebug.debug("DND POPUP: show popup at "+mouseX+","+mouseY+" and start hide timer");
		tipWindow = popupFactory.getPopup(popupSource, tip, mouseX, mouseY);;
源代码12 项目: netbeans   文件:
private PopupFactory getPopupFactory() {
    if (pf == null) {
        pf = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
    return pf;
源代码13 项目: pumpernickel   文件:
protected void refreshUI() {
	if (qPopupFactory == null) {
		qPopupFactory = new QPopupFactory(PopupFactory.getSharedInstance());
	if (toolTipTypeComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1) {
	} else {

	boolean tooltipsActive = toolTipTypeComboBox.getSelectedIndex() != 2;
	if (tooltipsActive) {
		Font font = fontComboBox.getSelectedFont();
		float size = fontSizeSlider.getValue();
		font = font.deriveFont(size);
		UIManager.getDefaults().put("ToolTip.font", font);

		Color background = color.getColorSelectionModel()
		Color foreground;
		float[] hsl = HSLColor.fromRGB(background, null);
		if (hsl[2] < .5) {
			foreground = Color.white;
		} else {
			foreground =;

		UIManager.getDefaults().put("ToolTip.background", background);
		UIManager.getDefaults().put("ToolTip.foreground", foreground);

			toolTipTypeComboBox.getSelectedIndex() != 2);


			.setVisible(toolTipTypeComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 0);
			.setVisible(toolTipTypeComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 0);

	CalloutType type = null;
	try {
		type = CalloutType.valueOf((String) calloutTypeComboBox
	} catch (Exception e) {
	sampleButton.putClientProperty(QPopup.PROPERTY_CALLOUT_TYPE, type);
源代码14 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
 * Returns the <code>Popup</code> that will be responsible for
 * displaying the <code>JPopupMenu</code>.
 * @param popup JPopupMenu requesting Popup
 * @param x     Screen x location Popup is to be shown at
 * @param y     Screen y location Popup is to be shown at.
 * @return Popup that will show the JPopupMenu
 * @since 1.4
public Popup getPopup(JPopupMenu popup, int x, int y) {
    PopupFactory popupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();

    return popupFactory.getPopup(popup.getInvoker(), popup, x, y);
源代码15 项目: JDKSourceCode1.8   文件:
 * Returns the <code>Popup</code> that will be responsible for
 * displaying the <code>JPopupMenu</code>.
 * @param popup JPopupMenu requesting Popup
 * @param x     Screen x location Popup is to be shown at
 * @param y     Screen y location Popup is to be shown at.
 * @return Popup that will show the JPopupMenu
 * @since 1.4
public Popup getPopup(JPopupMenu popup, int x, int y) {
    PopupFactory popupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();

    return popupFactory.getPopup(popup.getInvoker(), popup, x, y);
源代码16 项目: hottub   文件:
 * Returns the <code>Popup</code> that will be responsible for
 * displaying the <code>JPopupMenu</code>.
 * @param popup JPopupMenu requesting Popup
 * @param x     Screen x location Popup is to be shown at
 * @param y     Screen y location Popup is to be shown at.
 * @return Popup that will show the JPopupMenu
 * @since 1.4
public Popup getPopup(JPopupMenu popup, int x, int y) {
    PopupFactory popupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();

    return popupFactory.getPopup(popup.getInvoker(), popup, x, y);
源代码17 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件:
 * Returns the <code>Popup</code> that will be responsible for
 * displaying the <code>JPopupMenu</code>.
 * @param popup JPopupMenu requesting Popup
 * @param x     Screen x location Popup is to be shown at
 * @param y     Screen y location Popup is to be shown at.
 * @return Popup that will show the JPopupMenu
 * @since 1.4
public Popup getPopup(JPopupMenu popup, int x, int y) {
    PopupFactory popupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();

    return popupFactory.getPopup(popup.getInvoker(), popup, x, y);
源代码18 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
 * Returns the <code>Popup</code> that will be responsible for
 * displaying the <code>JPopupMenu</code>.
 * @param popup JPopupMenu requesting Popup
 * @param x     Screen x location Popup is to be shown at
 * @param y     Screen y location Popup is to be shown at.
 * @return Popup that will show the JPopupMenu
 * @since 1.4
public Popup getPopup(JPopupMenu popup, int x, int y) {
    PopupFactory popupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();

    return popupFactory.getPopup(popup.getInvoker(), popup, x, y);
源代码19 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
 * Returns the <code>Popup</code> that will be responsible for
 * displaying the <code>JPopupMenu</code>.
 * @param popup JPopupMenu requesting Popup
 * @param x     Screen x location Popup is to be shown at
 * @param y     Screen y location Popup is to be shown at.
 * @return Popup that will show the JPopupMenu
 * @since 1.4
public Popup getPopup(JPopupMenu popup, int x, int y) {
    PopupFactory popupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();

    return popupFactory.getPopup(popup.getInvoker(), popup, x, y);
源代码20 项目: Java8CN   文件:
 * Returns the <code>Popup</code> that will be responsible for
 * displaying the <code>JPopupMenu</code>.
 * @param popup JPopupMenu requesting Popup
 * @param x     Screen x location Popup is to be shown at
 * @param y     Screen y location Popup is to be shown at.
 * @return Popup that will show the JPopupMenu
 * @since 1.4
public Popup getPopup(JPopupMenu popup, int x, int y) {
    PopupFactory popupFactory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();

    return popupFactory.getPopup(popup.getInvoker(), popup, x, y);