android.util.Pair#create ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了android.util.Pair#create ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: openboard   文件:
public void onKeyDown(@Nonnull final KeyEvent keyEvent) {
    if (DEBUG) {
        Log.d(TAG, "EmojiHotKeys.onKeyDown() - " + mName + " - considering " + keyEvent);

    final Pair<Integer, Integer> key =
            Pair.create(keyEvent.getKeyCode(), keyEvent.getMetaState());
    if (mKeySet.contains(key)) {
        if (DEBUG) {
           Log.d(TAG, "EmojiHotKeys.onKeyDown() - " + mName + " - enabling action");
        mCanFire = true;
        mMetaState = keyEvent.getMetaState();
    } else if (mCanFire) {
        if (DEBUG) {
           Log.d(TAG, "EmojiHotKeys.onKeyDown() - " + mName + " - disabling action");
        mCanFire = false;
源代码2 项目: AndroidComponentPlugin   文件:
public Bundle getCache(String packageName, Uri key, int userId) {
    enforceCrossUserPermission(userId, TAG);
    mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.CACHE_CONTENT, TAG);

    final String providerPackageName = getProviderPackageName(key);
    final Pair<String, Uri> fullKey = Pair.create(packageName, key);

    synchronized (mCache) {
        final ArrayMap<Pair<String, Uri>, Bundle> cache = findOrCreateCacheLocked(userId,
        return cache.get(fullKey);
源代码3 项目: mollyim-android   文件:
private static Pair<String, String[]> buildSharedFileSelectorArgs(@NonNull String newHash,
                                                                  @Nullable AttachmentId attachmentId)
  final String   selector;
  final String[] selection;

  if (attachmentId == null) {
    selector  = DATA_HASH + " = ?";
    selection = new String[]{newHash};
  } else {
    selector  = PART_ID_WHERE_NOT + " AND " + DATA_HASH + " = ?";
    selection = new String[]{Long.toString(attachmentId.getRowId()),

  return Pair.create(selector, selection);
源代码4 项目: MediaSDK   文件:
 * Parses a single Event node in the manifest.
 * @param xpp The current xml parser.
 * @param schemeIdUri The schemeIdUri of the parent EventStream.
 * @param value The schemeIdUri of the parent EventStream.
 * @param timescale The timescale of the parent EventStream.
 * @param scratchOutputStream A {@link ByteArrayOutputStream} that is used when parsing event
 *     objects.
 * @return A pair containing the node's presentation timestamp in microseconds and the parsed
 *     {@link EventMessage}.
 * @throws XmlPullParserException If there is any error parsing this node.
 * @throws IOException If there is any error reading from the underlying input stream.
protected Pair<Long, EventMessage> parseEvent(
    XmlPullParser xpp,
    String schemeIdUri,
    String value,
    long timescale,
    ByteArrayOutputStream scratchOutputStream)
    throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {
  long id = parseLong(xpp, "id", 0);
  long duration = parseLong(xpp, "duration", C.TIME_UNSET);
  long presentationTime = parseLong(xpp, "presentationTime", 0);
  long durationMs = Util.scaleLargeTimestamp(duration, C.MILLIS_PER_SECOND, timescale);
  long presentationTimesUs = Util.scaleLargeTimestamp(presentationTime, C.MICROS_PER_SECOND,
  String messageData = parseString(xpp, "messageData", null);
  byte[] eventObject = parseEventObject(xpp, scratchOutputStream);
  return Pair.create(
          messageData == null ? eventObject : Util.getUtf8Bytes(messageData)));
源代码5 项目: AndroidComponentPlugin   文件:
public void putCache(String packageName, Uri key, Bundle value, int userId) {
    Bundle.setDefusable(value, true);
    enforceCrossUserPermission(userId, TAG);
    mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.CACHE_CONTENT, TAG);

    final String providerPackageName = getProviderPackageName(key);
    final Pair<String, Uri> fullKey = Pair.create(packageName, key);

    synchronized (mCache) {
        final ArrayMap<Pair<String, Uri>, Bundle> cache = findOrCreateCacheLocked(userId,
        if (value != null) {
            cache.put(fullKey, value);
        } else {
源代码6 项目: 12306XposedPlugin   文件:
public Pair<Boolean, Integer> onResponse(@NonNull String response) {
    if (callback != null) {;
    RequestResult result = RequestResult.parseJson(response);
    if (result.isSuccess() && result.getResponse().has("waitTime")) {
        String orderId = result.getResponse().optString("orderId");
        int waitTime = Utils.parseInt(result.getResponse().optString("waitTime"));
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(orderId)) {
            return Pair.create(true, -1);
        return Pair.create(false, waitTime);
    return Pair.create(false, -1);
private static Pair<float[], float[]> insertControlPoint(
        float[] luxLevels, float[] brightnessLevels, float lux, float brightness) {
    final int idx = findInsertionPoint(luxLevels, lux);
    final float[] newLuxLevels;
    final float[] newBrightnessLevels;
    if (idx == luxLevels.length) {
        newLuxLevels = Arrays.copyOf(luxLevels, luxLevels.length + 1);
        newBrightnessLevels  = Arrays.copyOf(brightnessLevels, brightnessLevels.length + 1);
        newLuxLevels[idx] = lux;
        newBrightnessLevels[idx] = brightness;
    } else if (luxLevels[idx] == lux) {
        newLuxLevels = Arrays.copyOf(luxLevels, luxLevels.length);
        newBrightnessLevels = Arrays.copyOf(brightnessLevels, brightnessLevels.length);
        newBrightnessLevels[idx] = brightness;
    } else {
        newLuxLevels = Arrays.copyOf(luxLevels, luxLevels.length + 1);
        System.arraycopy(newLuxLevels, idx, newLuxLevels, idx+1, luxLevels.length - idx);
        newLuxLevels[idx] = lux;
        newBrightnessLevels  = Arrays.copyOf(brightnessLevels, brightnessLevels.length + 1);
        System.arraycopy(newBrightnessLevels, idx, newBrightnessLevels, idx+1,
                brightnessLevels.length - idx);
        newBrightnessLevels[idx] = brightness;
    smoothCurve(newLuxLevels, newBrightnessLevels, idx);
    return Pair.create(newLuxLevels, newBrightnessLevels);
源代码8 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
private static Pair<float[], float[]> loadCurveFromXml(XmlPullParser parser)
        throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {
    final int outerDepth = parser.getDepth();
    List<Float> luxLevels = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Float> nitLevels = new ArrayList<>();
    while (XmlUtils.nextElementWithin(parser, outerDepth)) {
        if (TAG_BRIGHTNESS_POINT.equals(parser.getName())) {
            luxLevels.add(loadFloat(parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_LUX)));
            nitLevels.add(loadFloat(parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_NITS)));
    final int N = luxLevels.size();
    float[] lux = new float[N];
    float[] nits = new float[N];
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        lux[i] = luxLevels.get(i);
        nits[i] = nitLevels.get(i);
    return Pair.create(lux, nits);
源代码9 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
 * Converts (windowIndex, windowPositionUs) to the corresponding (periodIndex, periodPositionUs).
 * @param window A {@link Window} that may be overwritten.
 * @param period A {@link Period} that may be overwritten.
 * @param windowIndex The window index.
 * @param windowPositionUs The window time, or {@link C#TIME_UNSET} to use the window's default
 *     start position.
 * @param defaultPositionProjectionUs If {@code windowPositionUs} is {@link C#TIME_UNSET}, the
 *     duration into the future by which the window's position should be projected.
 * @return The corresponding (periodIndex, periodPositionUs), or null if {@code #windowPositionUs}
 *     is {@link C#TIME_UNSET}, {@code defaultPositionProjectionUs} is non-zero, and the window's
 *     position could not be projected by {@code defaultPositionProjectionUs}.
public final Pair<Integer, Long> getPeriodPosition(Window window, Period period, int windowIndex,
    long windowPositionUs, long defaultPositionProjectionUs) {
  Assertions.checkIndex(windowIndex, 0, getWindowCount());
  getWindow(windowIndex, window, false, defaultPositionProjectionUs);
  if (windowPositionUs == C.TIME_UNSET) {
    windowPositionUs = window.getDefaultPositionUs();
    if (windowPositionUs == C.TIME_UNSET) {
      return null;
  int periodIndex = window.firstPeriodIndex;
  long periodPositionUs = window.getPositionInFirstPeriodUs() + windowPositionUs;
  long periodDurationUs = getPeriod(periodIndex, period).getDurationUs();
  while (periodDurationUs != C.TIME_UNSET && periodPositionUs >= periodDurationUs
      && periodIndex < window.lastPeriodIndex) {
    periodPositionUs -= periodDurationUs;
    periodDurationUs = getPeriod(++periodIndex, period).getDurationUs();
  return Pair.create(periodIndex, periodPositionUs);
源代码10 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
public static Pair<Uri, byte[]> getWithUri(ContentProviderClient provider, Uri uri,
        Account account) throws RemoteException {
    Cursor c = provider.query(uri, DATA_PROJECTION, SELECT_BY_ACCOUNT,
            new String[]{, account.type}, null);

    if (c == null) {
        throw new RemoteException();

    try {
        if (c.moveToNext()) {
            long rowId = c.getLong(1);
            byte[] blob = c.getBlob(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Columns.DATA));
            return Pair.create(ContentUris.withAppendedId(uri, rowId), blob);
    } finally {
    return null;
 * 找到参数里面的第一个Intent 对象,返回该Intent的索引和该Intent对象
private Pair<Integer, Intent> foundFirstIntentOfArgs(Object... args) {
    int index = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        if (args[i] instanceof Intent) {
            index = i;
    if (args[index] instanceof Intent) {
        return Pair.create(index, (Intent) args[index]);
    } else {
        return Pair.create(index, null);
private static Pair<float[], float[]> getAdjustedCurve(float[] lux, float[] brightness,
        float userLux, float userBrightness, float adjustment, float maxGamma) {
    float[] newLux = lux;
    float[] newBrightness = Arrays.copyOf(brightness, brightness.length);
    if (DEBUG) {
        PLOG.logCurve("unadjusted curve", newLux, newBrightness);
    adjustment = MathUtils.constrain(adjustment, -1, 1);
    float gamma = MathUtils.pow(maxGamma, -adjustment);
    if (DEBUG) {
        Slog.d(TAG, "getAdjustedCurve: " + maxGamma + "^" + -adjustment + "=" +
                MathUtils.pow(maxGamma, -adjustment) + " == " + gamma);
    if (gamma != 1) {
        for (int i = 0; i < newBrightness.length; i++) {
            newBrightness[i] = MathUtils.pow(newBrightness[i], gamma);
    if (DEBUG) {
        PLOG.logCurve("gamma adjusted curve", newLux, newBrightness);
    if (userLux != -1) {
        Pair<float[], float[]> curve = insertControlPoint(newLux, newBrightness, userLux,
        newLux = curve.first;
        newBrightness = curve.second;
        if (DEBUG) {
            PLOG.logCurve("gamma and user adjusted curve", newLux, newBrightness);
            // This is done for comparison.
            curve = insertControlPoint(lux, brightness, userLux, userBrightness);
            PLOG.logCurve("user adjusted curve", curve.first ,curve.second);
    return Pair.create(newLux, newBrightness);
源代码13 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
protected Pair<Period, Long> parsePeriod(XmlPullParser xpp, String baseUrl, long defaultStartMs)
    throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
  String id = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "id");
  long startMs = parseDuration(xpp, "start", defaultStartMs);
  long durationMs = parseDuration(xpp, "duration", C.TIME_UNSET);
  SegmentBase segmentBase = null;
  List<AdaptationSet> adaptationSets = new ArrayList<>();
  List<EventStream> eventStreams = new ArrayList<>();
  boolean seenFirstBaseUrl = false;
  do {;
    if (XmlPullParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "BaseURL")) {
      if (!seenFirstBaseUrl) {
        baseUrl = parseBaseUrl(xpp, baseUrl);
        seenFirstBaseUrl = true;
    } else if (XmlPullParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "AdaptationSet")) {
      adaptationSets.add(parseAdaptationSet(xpp, baseUrl, segmentBase));
    } else if (XmlPullParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "EventStream")) {
    } else if (XmlPullParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentBase")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentBase(xpp, null);
    } else if (XmlPullParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentList")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentList(xpp, null);
    } else if (XmlPullParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentTemplate")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentTemplate(xpp, null);
  } while (!XmlPullParserUtil.isEndTag(xpp, "Period"));

  return Pair.create(buildPeriod(id, startMs, adaptationSets, eventStreams), durationMs);
public final Period getPeriod(int periodIndex, Period period, boolean setIds) {
  int childIndex = getChildIndexByPeriodIndex(periodIndex);
  int firstWindowIndexInChild = getFirstWindowIndexByChildIndex(childIndex);
  int firstPeriodIndexInChild = getFirstPeriodIndexByChildIndex(childIndex);
  getTimelineByChildIndex(childIndex).getPeriod(periodIndex - firstPeriodIndexInChild, period,
  period.windowIndex += firstWindowIndexInChild;
  if (setIds) {
    period.uid = Pair.create(getChildUidByChildIndex(childIndex), period.uid);
  return period;
源代码15 项目: MediaSDK   文件:
 * Parses an ALAC AudioSpecificConfig (i.e. an <a
 * href="">ALACSpecificConfig</a>).
 * @param audioSpecificConfig A byte array containing the AudioSpecificConfig to parse.
 * @return A pair consisting of the sample rate in Hz and the channel count.
public static Pair<Integer, Integer> parseAlacAudioSpecificConfig(byte[] audioSpecificConfig) {
  ParsableByteArray byteArray = new ParsableByteArray(audioSpecificConfig);
  int channelCount = byteArray.readUnsignedByte();
  int sampleRate = byteArray.readUnsignedIntToInt();
  return Pair.create(sampleRate, channelCount);
源代码16 项目: arcusandroid   文件:
 * Gets the Lutron URI or an empty string
public final Pair<String, String> geLutronCookieValue() {
    SessionInfo sessionInfo = getSessionInfo();
    if (sessionInfo != null) {
        return Pair.create(sessionInfo.getLutronLoginBaseUrl(), "irisAuthToken=" + sessionInfo.getSessionToken());

    return Pair.create("", "");
源代码17 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
 * Parses the {@link Format} and frame duration from a csd buffer.
 * @param csdBuffer The csd buffer.
 * @param formatId The id for the generated format. May be null.
 * @return A pair consisting of the {@link Format} and the frame duration in microseconds, or
 *     0 if the duration could not be determined.
private static Pair<Format, Long> parseCsdBuffer(CsdBuffer csdBuffer, String formatId) {
  byte[] csdData = Arrays.copyOf(, csdBuffer.length);

  int firstByte = csdData[4] & 0xFF;
  int secondByte = csdData[5] & 0xFF;
  int thirdByte = csdData[6] & 0xFF;
  int width = (firstByte << 4) | (secondByte >> 4);
  int height = (secondByte & 0x0F) << 8 | thirdByte;

  float pixelWidthHeightRatio = 1f;
  int aspectRatioCode = (csdData[7] & 0xF0) >> 4;
  switch(aspectRatioCode) {
    case 2:
      pixelWidthHeightRatio = (4 * height) / (float) (3 * width);
    case 3:
      pixelWidthHeightRatio = (16 * height) / (float) (9 * width);
    case 4:
      pixelWidthHeightRatio = (121 * height) / (float) (100 * width);
      // Do nothing.

  Format format = Format.createVideoSampleFormat(formatId, MimeTypes.VIDEO_MPEG2, null,
      Format.NO_VALUE, Format.NO_VALUE, width, height, Format.NO_VALUE,
      Collections.singletonList(csdData), Format.NO_VALUE, pixelWidthHeightRatio, null);

  long frameDurationUs = 0;
  int frameRateCodeMinusOne = (csdData[7] & 0x0F) - 1;
  if (0 <= frameRateCodeMinusOne && frameRateCodeMinusOne < FRAME_RATE_VALUES.length) {
    double frameRate = FRAME_RATE_VALUES[frameRateCodeMinusOne];
    int sequenceExtensionPosition = csdBuffer.sequenceExtensionPosition;
    int frameRateExtensionN = (csdData[sequenceExtensionPosition + 9] & 0x60) >> 5;
    int frameRateExtensionD = (csdData[sequenceExtensionPosition + 9] & 0x1F);
    if (frameRateExtensionN != frameRateExtensionD) {
      frameRate *= (frameRateExtensionN + 1d) / (frameRateExtensionD + 1);
    frameDurationUs = (long) (C.MICROS_PER_SECOND / frameRate);

  return Pair.create(format, frameDurationUs);
源代码18 项目: MediaSDK   文件:
 * Parses an AAC AudioSpecificConfig, as defined in ISO 14496-3
 * @param bitArray A {@link ParsableBitArray} containing the AudioSpecificConfig to parse. The
 *     position is advanced to the end of the AudioSpecificConfig.
 * @param forceReadToEnd Whether the entire AudioSpecificConfig should be read. Required for
 *     knowing the length of the configuration payload.
 * @return A pair consisting of the sample rate in Hz and the channel count.
 * @throws ParserException If the AudioSpecificConfig cannot be parsed as it's not supported.
public static Pair<Integer, Integer> parseAacAudioSpecificConfig(
    ParsableBitArray bitArray, boolean forceReadToEnd) throws ParserException {
  int audioObjectType = getAacAudioObjectType(bitArray);
  int sampleRate = getAacSamplingFrequency(bitArray);
  int channelConfiguration = bitArray.readBits(4);
  if (audioObjectType == AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE_SBR || audioObjectType == AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE_PS) {
    // For an AAC bitstream using spectral band replication (SBR) or parametric stereo (PS) with
    // explicit signaling, we return the extension sampling frequency as the sample rate of the
    // content; this is identical to the sample rate of the decoded output but may differ from
    // the sample rate set above.
    // Use the extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex.
    sampleRate = getAacSamplingFrequency(bitArray);
    audioObjectType = getAacAudioObjectType(bitArray);
    if (audioObjectType == AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE_ER_BSAC) {
      // Use the extensionChannelConfiguration.
      channelConfiguration = bitArray.readBits(4);

  if (forceReadToEnd) {
    switch (audioObjectType) {
      case 1:
      case 2:
      case 3:
      case 4:
      case 6:
      case 7:
      case 17:
      case 19:
      case 20:
      case 21:
      case 22:
      case 23:
        parseGaSpecificConfig(bitArray, audioObjectType, channelConfiguration);
        throw new ParserException("Unsupported audio object type: " + audioObjectType);
    switch (audioObjectType) {
      case 17:
      case 19:
      case 20:
      case 21:
      case 22:
      case 23:
        int epConfig = bitArray.readBits(2);
        if (epConfig == 2 || epConfig == 3) {
          throw new ParserException("Unsupported epConfig: " + epConfig);
  // For supported containers, bits_to_decode() is always 0.
  int channelCount = AUDIO_SPECIFIC_CONFIG_CHANNEL_COUNT_TABLE[channelConfiguration];
  return Pair.create(sampleRate, channelCount);
源代码19 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
private Pair<AuthorityInfo, SyncStatusInfo> createCopyPairOfAuthorityWithSyncStatusLocked(
        AuthorityInfo authorityInfo) {
    SyncStatusInfo syncStatusInfo = getOrCreateSyncStatusLocked(authorityInfo.ident);
    return Pair.create(new AuthorityInfo(authorityInfo), new SyncStatusInfo(syncStatusInfo));
源代码20 项目: MediaSDK   文件:
 * Called by {@link #selectAllTracks(MappedTrackInfo, int[][][], int[], Parameters)} to create a
 * {@link TrackSelection} for an audio renderer.
 * @param groups The {@link TrackGroupArray} mapped to the renderer.
 * @param formatSupports The {@link Capabilities} for each mapped track, indexed by renderer,
 *     track group and track (in that order).
 * @param mixedMimeTypeAdaptationSupports The {@link AdaptiveSupport} for mixed MIME type
 *     adaptation for the renderer.
 * @param params The selector's current constraint parameters.
 * @param enableAdaptiveTrackSelection Whether adaptive track selection is allowed.
 * @return The {@link TrackSelection.Definition} and corresponding {@link AudioTrackScore}, or
 *     null if no selection was made.
 * @throws ExoPlaybackException If an error occurs while selecting the tracks.
protected Pair<TrackSelection.Definition, AudioTrackScore> selectAudioTrack(
    TrackGroupArray groups,
    @Capabilities int[][] formatSupports,
    @AdaptiveSupport int mixedMimeTypeAdaptationSupports,
    Parameters params,
    boolean enableAdaptiveTrackSelection)
    throws ExoPlaybackException {
  int selectedTrackIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
  int selectedGroupIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
  AudioTrackScore selectedTrackScore = null;
  for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groups.length; groupIndex++) {
    TrackGroup trackGroup = groups.get(groupIndex);
    @Capabilities int[] trackFormatSupport = formatSupports[groupIndex];
    for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < trackGroup.length; trackIndex++) {
      if (isSupported(trackFormatSupport[trackIndex],
          params.exceedRendererCapabilitiesIfNecessary)) {
        Format format = trackGroup.getFormat(trackIndex);
        AudioTrackScore trackScore =
            new AudioTrackScore(format, params, trackFormatSupport[trackIndex]);
        if (!trackScore.isWithinConstraints && !params.exceedAudioConstraintsIfNecessary) {
          // Track should not be selected.
        if (selectedTrackScore == null || trackScore.compareTo(selectedTrackScore) > 0) {
          selectedGroupIndex = groupIndex;
          selectedTrackIndex = trackIndex;
          selectedTrackScore = trackScore;

  if (selectedGroupIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET) {
    return null;

  TrackGroup selectedGroup = groups.get(selectedGroupIndex);

  TrackSelection.Definition definition = null;
  if (!params.forceHighestSupportedBitrate
      && !params.forceLowestBitrate
      && enableAdaptiveTrackSelection) {
    // If the group of the track with the highest score allows it, try to enable adaptation.
    int[] adaptiveTracks =
    if (adaptiveTracks.length > 0) {
      definition = new TrackSelection.Definition(selectedGroup, adaptiveTracks);
  if (definition == null) {
    // We didn't make an adaptive selection, so make a fixed one instead.
    definition = new TrackSelection.Definition(selectedGroup, selectedTrackIndex);

  return Pair.create(definition, Assertions.checkNotNull(selectedTrackScore));