java.awt.Point#Double ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.awt.Point#Double ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: mars-sim   文件:
 * Selects a person if any person is at the given x and y pixel position.
 * @param xPixel the x pixel position on the displayed map.
 * @param yPixel the y pixel position on the displayed map.
 * @return selectedPerson;
public Person selectPersonAt(int xPixel, int yPixel) {
	double range = WIDTH / scale;
	Point.Double settlementPosition = convertToSettlementLocation(xPixel, yPixel);
	Person selectedPerson = null;

	Iterator<Person> i = CollectionUtils.getPeopleToDisplay(settlement).iterator();
	while (i.hasNext()) {
		Person person =;
		double distanceX = person.getXLocation() - settlementPosition.getX();
		double distanceY = person.getYLocation() - settlementPosition.getY();
		double distance = Math.hypot(distanceX, distanceY);
		if (distance <= range) {
			selectedPerson = person;

	if (selectedPerson != null) {

	return selectedPerson;
源代码2 项目: Creatures   文件:
public void testWayPoints() {
	int width = 1000;
	int height = 500;
	int foodCreationRate = 50;
	WorldModel model = new WorldModel(width, height, foodCreationRate);
	Creature creature = new Creature(new Point.Double(100, 100), Gender.MALE);
	BasicAI basicAI = new BasicAI();
	for (Point.Double p : basicAI.getWayPoints()) {
		assertEquals(true, p.x <= width);
		assertEquals(true, p.x >= 0);
		assertEquals(true, p.y <= height);
		assertEquals(true, p.y >= 0);
源代码3 项目: mapwriter   文件:
private void drawPlayerArrow() {
	double scale = this.mapView.getDimensionScaling(;
	Point.Double p = this.mapMode.getClampedScreenXY(this.mapView, * scale, * scale);
	this.playerArrowScreenPos.setLocation(p.x + this.mapMode.xTranslation, p.y + this.mapMode.yTranslation);
	// the arrow only needs to be rotated if the map is NOT rotated
	GL11.glTranslated(p.x, p.y, 0.0);
	if (!this.mapMode.rotate) {
		GL11.glRotated(, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	double arrowSize = this.mapMode.playerArrowSize;
		-arrowSize, -arrowSize, arrowSize * 2, arrowSize * 2,
		0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
源代码4 项目: Pixelitor   文件:
@DisplayName("triangles, from top left to bottom down")
void draw_Type_TRIANGLES_top_left_to_bottom_down() {
    // orientation: 0 (diagonal line from top left to bottom down)
    var rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 10, 10);
    compositionGuide.draw(rect, g2);

    Point.Double p = new Point.Double(5, 5);
    Line2D[] lines = new Line2D[3];
    lines[0] = new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 10, 10);
    lines[1] = new Line2D.Double(0, 10, p.x, p.y);
    lines[2] = new Line2D.Double(10, 0, p.x, p.y);

    verify(guidesRenderer).draw(refEq(g2), argThat(new DrawMatcherLine2D(Arrays.asList(lines))));
源代码5 项目: Creatures   文件:
public void update() {
	//Move random
	if (creature.getTarget() == null) {
		Point.Double point = wayPoints.get((int) (Math.random() * wayPoints.size()));

	Food nearestFood = getNearestFood();

	//Goto food
	if (nearestFood != null && creature.getEnergy() + nearestFood.getValue() <= creature.getMaxEnergy()) {
	//Goto mate
	Creature nearestMate = getNearestMate();
	if (nearestMate != null) {
源代码6 项目: mapwriter   文件:
private static void paintChunk(MapMode mapMode, MapView mapView, IMwChunkOverlay overlay){
	int chunkX    = overlay.getCoordinates().x;
	int chunkZ    = overlay.getCoordinates().y;
	float filling = overlay.getFilling();
	Point.Double topCorner = mapMode.blockXZtoScreenXY(mapView, chunkX << 4, chunkZ << 4);
	Point.Double botCorner = mapMode.blockXZtoScreenXY(mapView, (chunkX + 1) << 4, (chunkZ + 1 << 4));

	topCorner.x = Math.max(mapMode.x,             topCorner.x);
	topCorner.x = Math.min(mapMode.x + mapMode.w, topCorner.x);
	topCorner.y = Math.max(mapMode.y,             topCorner.y);
	topCorner.y = Math.min(mapMode.y + mapMode.h, topCorner.y);
	botCorner.x = Math.max(mapMode.x,             botCorner.x);
	botCorner.x = Math.min(mapMode.x + mapMode.w, botCorner.x);
	botCorner.y = Math.max(mapMode.y,             botCorner.y);
	botCorner.y = Math.min(mapMode.y + mapMode.h, botCorner.y);		

	double sizeX = (botCorner.x - topCorner.x) * filling;
	double sizeY = (botCorner.y - topCorner.y) * filling;		
	double offsetX = ((botCorner.x - topCorner.x) - sizeX) / 2;
	double offsetY = ((botCorner.y - topCorner.y) - sizeY) / 2;	
	if (overlay.hasBorder()) {
		Render.drawRectBorder(topCorner.x + 1, topCorner.y + 1, botCorner.x - topCorner.x - 1, botCorner.y - topCorner.y - 1, overlay.getBorderWidth());
	Render.drawRect(topCorner.x + offsetX + 1, topCorner.y + offsetY + 1, sizeX - 1, sizeY - 1);
源代码7 项目: Creatures   文件:
public static WorldModel createTestWorld() {
	WorldModel world = new WorldModel(1000, 800, 50);
	Creature[] creatures = {new Creature(new Point.Double(100, 100), Gender.MALE), 
			new Creature(new Point.Double(200, 100), Gender.FEMALE)};
	//Creature[] creatures = {new Creature(new Point.Double(100, 100), Gender.MALE)};
	CreatureAI ai = new BasicAI();
	Food[] foods = {new Food(new Point.Double(150, 150), 100),
			 new Food(new Point.Double(230, 80), 100)
	for (Creature c : creatures) {
	for (Food f : foods) {
	return world;
源代码8 项目: Creatures   文件:
private void handleMoving(double delta, Creature creature) {
	//TODO Maybe only compute stuff if target changes, else let speed be the same

	Point.Double target = creature.getTarget();
	Point.Double position = creature.getPosition();

	//Move nearer to target
	if (target != null) {
		if (target.distance(position) > (creature.getSpeed() * delta * WorldModel.speedFactor * 1.25)) {
			double x = target.x - position.x;
			double y = target.y - position.y;
			double speed = creature.getSpeed() * delta * WorldModel.speedFactor;

			double alpha = speed / Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);
			double speedX = alpha * x;
			double speedY = alpha * y;

			creature.getPosition().x += speedX;
			creature.getPosition().y += speedY;
		else {
			creature.setPosition(new Point.Double(creature.getTarget().x, creature.getTarget().y));
源代码9 项目: Creatures   文件:
private void handleFoodCreation() {
	for (int i = 0; i < WorldModel.speedFactor; i++) {
		if (worldModel.getFoods().size() < WorldModel.maxFoodAmount &&
				(int) (Math.random() * 100) < worldModel.getFoodCreationRate()) {
			double xPos = worldModel.getWidth() * Math.random();
			double yPos = worldModel.getHeight() * Math.random();

			Food food = new Food(new Point.Double(xPos, yPos), (int) (Math.random() * WorldModel.maxFoodEnergy));
源代码10 项目: Creatures   文件:
public void setPosition(Point.Double position) {
	this.position = position;
源代码11 项目: Creatures   文件:
public void setPosition(Point.Double position) {
	this.position = position;
源代码12 项目: mars-sim   文件:
 * Selects a construction site
 * @param xPixel the x pixel position on the displayed map.
 * @param yPixel the y pixel position on the displayed map.
 * @return selected construction site
public ConstructionSite selectConstructionSiteAt(int xPixel, int yPixel) {
	Point.Double clickPosition = convertToSettlementLocation(xPixel, yPixel);
	ConstructionSite site = null;

	Iterator<ConstructionSite> j = settlement.getConstructionManager().getConstructionSites().iterator();
	while (j.hasNext()) {
		ConstructionSite s =;

		if (!LabelMapLayer.getConstructionLabel(s).equals(Msg.getString("LabelMapLayer.noConstruction"))) {
			double width = s.getWidth();
			double length = s.getLength();
			int facing = (int) s.getFacing();
			double x = s.getXLocation();
			double y = s.getYLocation();
			double xx = 0;
			double yy = 0;

			if (facing == 0) {
				xx = width / 2D;
				yy = length / 2D;
			} else if (facing == 90) {
				yy = width / 2D;
				xx = length / 2D;
			// Loading Dock Garage
			if (facing == 180) {
				xx = width / 2D;
				yy = length / 2D;
			} else if (facing == 270) {
				yy = width / 2D;
				xx = length / 2D;

			// Note: Both ERV Base and Starting ERV Base have 45 / 135 deg facing
			// Fortunately, they both have the same width and length
			else if (facing == 45) {
				yy = width / 2D;
				xx = length / 2D;
			} else if (facing == 135) {
				yy = width / 2D;
				xx = length / 2D;

			double distanceX = Math.abs(x - clickPosition.getX());
			double distanceY = Math.abs(y - clickPosition.getY());

			if (distanceX <= xx && distanceY <= yy) {
				site = s;

	return site;
源代码13 项目: mars-sim   文件:
 * Convert a pixel X,Y position to a X,Y (meter) position local to the
 * settlement in view.
 * @param xPixel the pixel X position.
 * @param yPixel the pixel Y position.
 * @return the X,Y settlement position.
public Point.Double convertToSettlementLocation(int xPixel, int yPixel) {

	Point.Double result = new Point.Double(0D, 0D);

	double xDiff1 = (getWidth() / 2) - xPixel;
	double yDiff1 = (getHeight() / 2) - yPixel;

	double xDiff2 = xDiff1 / scale;
	double yDiff2 = yDiff1 / scale;

	// Correct due to rotation of map.
	double xDiff3 = (Math.cos(rotation) * xDiff2) + (Math.sin(rotation) * yDiff2);
	double yDiff3 = (Math.cos(rotation) * yDiff2) - (Math.sin(rotation) * xDiff2);

	double newXPos = xPos + xDiff3;
	double newYPos = yPos + yDiff3;

	result.setLocation(newXPos, newYPos);

	return result;
源代码14 项目: mars-sim   文件:
 * Moves the site to a new position via the mouse's right drag
 * @param b
 * @param xPixel
 * @param yPixel
public void moveNewBuildingTo(Building b, double xPixel, double yPixel) {
	Point.Double pixel = mapPanel.convertToSettlementLocation((int)xPixel, (int)yPixel);

	double xDiff = xPixel - xLast;
	double yDiff = yPixel - yLast;

	if (xDiff < mapPanel.getWidth() && yDiff < mapPanel.getHeight()) {
		//System.out.println("xPixel : " + xPixel
		//		+ "  yPixel : " + yPixel
		//		+ "  xLast : " + xLast
		//		+ "  yLast : " + yLast
		//		+ "  xDiff : " + xDiff
		//		+ "  yDiff : " + yDiff);

		double width = b.getWidth();
		double length = b.getLength();
		int facing = (int) b.getFacing();
		double x = b.getXLocation();
		double y = b.getYLocation();
		double xx = 0;
		double yy = 0;

		if (facing == 0) {
			xx = width/2D;
			yy = length/2D;
		else if (facing == 90){
			yy = width/2D;
			xx = length/2D;
		// Loading Dock Garage
		if (facing == 180) {
			xx = width/2D;
			yy = length/2D;
		else if (facing == 270){
			yy = width/2D;
			xx = length/2D;

		// Note: Both ERV Base and Starting ERV Base have 45 / 135 deg facing
		// Fortunately, they both have the same width and length
		else if (facing == 45){
			yy = width/2D;
			xx = length/2D;
		else if (facing == 135){
			yy = width/2D;
			xx = length/2D;

		double distanceX = Math.abs(x - pixel.getX());
		double distanceY = Math.abs(y - pixel.getY());
		//System.out.println("distanceX : " + distanceX + "  distanceY : " + distanceY);

		if (distanceX <= xx && distanceY <= yy) {
			Point.Double last = mapPanel.convertToSettlementLocation((int)xLast, (int)yLast);

			double new_x = Math.round(x + pixel.getX() - last.getX());
			double new_y = Math.round(y + pixel.getY() - last.getY());

			xLast = xPixel;
			yLast = yPixel;
源代码15 项目: mars-sim   文件:
public void moveNewBuildingTo(Building b, double xPixel, double yPixel, double turnAngle) {
	Point.Double pixel = mapPanel.convertToSettlementLocation((int)xPixel, (int)yPixel);

	double xDiff = xPixel - xLast;
	double yDiff = yPixel - yLast;

	if (xDiff < mapPanel.getWidth() && yDiff < mapPanel.getHeight()) {
		//System.out.println("xPixel : " + xPixel
		//		+ "  yPixel : " + yPixel
		//		+ "  xLast : " + xLast
		//		+ "  yLast : " + yLast
		//		+ "  xDiff : " + xDiff
		//		+ "  yDiff : " + yDiff);

		double width = b.getWidth();
		double length = b.getLength();
		int facing = (int) b.getFacing();
		double x = b.getXLocation();
		double y = b.getYLocation();
		double xx = 0;
		double yy = 0;

		if (facing == 0) {
			xx = width/2D;
			yy = length/2D;
		else if (facing == 90){
			yy = width/2D;
			xx = length/2D;
		// Loading Dock Garage
		if (facing == 180) {
			xx = width/2D;
			yy = length/2D;
		else if (facing == 270){
			yy = width/2D;
			xx = length/2D;

		// Note: Both ERV Base and Starting ERV Base have 45 / 135 deg facing
		// Fortunately, they both have the same width and length
		else if (facing == 45){
			yy = width/2D;
			xx = length/2D;
		else if (facing == 135){
			yy = width/2D;
			xx = length/2D;

		double distanceX = Math.abs(x - pixel.getX());
		double distanceY = Math.abs(y - pixel.getY());
		//System.out.println("distanceX : " + distanceX + "  distanceY : " + distanceY);

		if (distanceX <= xx && distanceY <= yy) {
			Point.Double last = mapPanel.convertToSettlementLocation((int)xLast, (int)yLast);

			double new_x = Math.round(x + pixel.getX() - last.getX());
			double new_y = Math.round(y + pixel.getY() - last.getY());

			xLast = xPixel;
			yLast = yPixel;
源代码16 项目: mars-sim   文件:
	 * Moves the site to a new position via the mouse's left drag
	 * @param s
	 * @param xPixel
	 * @param yPixel
	public void moveSite(ConstructionSite s, double xPixel, double yPixel) {
		Point.Double pixel = mapPanel.convertToSettlementLocation((int)xPixel, (int)yPixel);

		//double dx = xPixel - xLast;
		//double dy = yPixel - yLast;

		double width = s.getWidth();
		double length = s.getLength();
		int facing = (int) s.getFacing();
		double x = s.getXLocation();
		double y = s.getYLocation();

			double xx = 0;
			double yy = 0;

			if (facing == 0) {
				xx = width/2D;
				yy = length/2D;
			else if (facing == 90){
				yy = width/2D;
				xx = length/2D;
			// Loading Dock Garage
			if (facing == 180) {
				xx = width/2D;
				yy = length/2D;
			else if (facing == 270){
				yy = width/2D;
				xx = length/2D;

			// Note: Both ERV Base and Starting ERV Base have 45 / 135 deg facing
			// Fortunately, they both have the same width and length
			else if (facing == 45){
				yy = width/2D;
				xx = length/2D;
			else if (facing == 135){
				yy = width/2D;
				xx = length/2D;

			double distanceX = Math.abs(x - pixel.getX());
			double distanceY = Math.abs(y - pixel.getY());
			System.out.println("xPixel : " + xPixel
					+ "  yPixel: " + yPixel
					+ "  xLast: " + xLast
					+ "  yLast: " + yLast
					+ "  dx: " + dx
					+ "  dy: " + dy
					+ "  xx: " + xx
					+ "  yy: " + yy	
					+ "  x: " + Math.round(x*10.0)/10.0
					+ "  y: " + Math.round(y*10.0)/10.0
					+ "  distanceX: " + Math.round(distanceX*10.0)/10.0
					+ "  distanceY: " + Math.round(distanceY*10.0)/10.0
					+ "  pixel.getX(): " + Math.round(pixel.getX()*10.0)/10.0
					+ "  pixel.getY(): " + Math.round(pixel.getY()*10.0)/10.0
			if (distanceX <= 2 * xx && distanceY <= 2 * yy) {
				//System.out.println("xx and yy is within range");
				mapPanel.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR));

				Point.Double last = mapPanel.convertToSettlementLocation((int)xLast, (int)yLast);
				double new_x = Math.round(x + pixel.getX() - last.getX());	
				double new_y = Math.round(y + pixel.getY() - last.getY());
		    	double w0 = s.getWidth();
				double l0 = s.getLength();
				double f0 = s.getFacing();
				BoundedObject b0 = new BoundedObject(new_x, new_y, w0, l0, f0);
				if (!isCollided(b0)) {
			else {
				mapPanel.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));
源代码17 项目: Creatures   文件:
public BasicAI() {
	wayPoints = new Vector<Point.Double>();
源代码18 项目: mapwriter   文件:
public boolean isPlayerNearScreenPos(int x, int y) {
	Point.Double p =;
    return p.distanceSq(x, y) < 9.0;
源代码19 项目: Creatures   文件:
public Vector<Point.Double> getWayPoints() {
	return wayPoints;
源代码20 项目: scelight   文件:
 * Sets the location of the star.
 * @param target target location to be set
public void setLocation( final Point.Double target ) {
	x = target.x;
	y = target.y;