java.awt.geom.Line2D#getX2 ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.awt.geom.Line2D#getX2 ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: HeavenMS   文件:
private void refitOverlappedIntervals(int st, int en, int newFrom, int newTo) {
    List<Line2D> checkLimits = new ArrayList<>(intervalLimits.subList(st, en));

    float newLimitX1, newLimitX2;
    if (!checkLimits.isEmpty()) {
        Line2D firstLimit = checkLimits.get(0);
        Line2D lastLimit = checkLimits.get(checkLimits.size() - 1);

        newLimitX1 = (float) ((newFrom < firstLimit.getX1()) ? newFrom : firstLimit.getX1());
        newLimitX2 = (float) ((newTo > lastLimit.getX2()) ? newTo : lastLimit.getX2());

        for (Line2D limit : checkLimits) {
    } else {
        newLimitX1 = newFrom;
        newLimitX2 = newTo;

    intervalLimits.add(st, new Line2D.Float((float) newLimitX1, 0, (float) newLimitX2, 0));
源代码2 项目: audiveris   文件:
 * Define an area on desired horizontal side of the beam.
 * @param kind   kind of area (meant for attachment debug)
 * @param beam   the beam inter
 * @param side   desired side
 * @param double extDy ordinate extension
 * @param double extDx abscissa extension
 * @param double intDx abscissa offset towards beam interior
 * @return the area
private Area sideAreaOf (String kind,
                         AbstractBeamInter beam,
                         HorizontalSide side,
                         double extDy,
                         double extDx,
                         double intDx)
    final Line2D median = beam.getMedian();
    final double height = beam.getHeight() + (2 * extDy);
    final double intX = (side == LEFT) ? (median.getX1() - 1 + intDx)
            : ((median.getX2() + 1) - intDx);
    final Point2D intPt = LineUtil.intersectionAtX(median, intX);
    final double extX = (side == LEFT) ? (median.getX1() - extDx) : (median.getX2() + extDx);
    final Point2D extPt = LineUtil.intersectionAtX(median, extX);
    Area area = (side == LEFT) ? AreaUtil.horizontalParallelogram(extPt, intPt, height)
            : AreaUtil.horizontalParallelogram(intPt, extPt, height);

    if (kind != null) {
        beam.addAttachment(kind + ((side == LEFT) ? "L" : "R"), area);

    return area;
源代码3 项目: astor   文件:
 * Creates a new line by extending an existing line.
 * @param line  the line (<code>null</code> not permitted).
 * @param startPercent  the amount to extend the line at the start point 
 *                      end.
 * @param endPercent  the amount to extend the line at the end point end.
 * @return A new line.
private Line2D extendLine(Line2D line, double startPercent, 
                          double endPercent) {
    if (line == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'line' argument.");
    double x1 = line.getX1();
    double x2 = line.getX2();
    double deltaX = x2 - x1;
    double y1 = line.getY1();
    double y2 = line.getY2();
    double deltaY = y2 - y1;
    x1 = x1 - (startPercent * deltaX);
    y1 = y1 - (startPercent * deltaY);
    x2 = x2 + (endPercent * deltaX);
    y2 = y2 + (endPercent * deltaY);
    return new Line2D.Double(x1, y1, x2, y2);
源代码4 项目: ChickenChunks   文件:
public Point2D.Double findIntersection(Line2D line1, Line2D line2)
    // calculate differences  
    double xD1 = line1.getX2() - line1.getX1();
    double yD1 = line1.getY2() - line1.getY1();
    double xD2 = line2.getX2() - line2.getX1();
    double yD2 = line2.getY2() - line2.getY1();

    double xD3 = line1.getX1() - line2.getX1();
    double yD3 = line1.getY1() - line2.getY1();

    // find intersection Pt between two lines    
    Point2D.Double pt = new Point2D.Double(0, 0);
    double div = yD2 * xD1 - xD2 * yD1;
    if(div == 0)//lines are parallel
        return null;
    double ua = (xD2 * yD3 - yD2 * xD3) / div;
    pt.x = line1.getX1() + ua * xD1;
    pt.y = line1.getY1() + ua * yD1;

    if(ptOnLineInSegment(pt, line1) && ptOnLineInSegment(pt, line2))
        return pt;

    return null;
源代码5 项目: jfreesvg   文件:
 * Returns a shape that is (more or less) equivalent to the supplied shape.
 * For some known shape implementations ({@code Line2D}, 
 * {@code Rectangle2D}, {@code RoundRectangle2D}, {@code Arc2D}, 
 * {@code Ellipse2D}, and {@code Polygon}) the copy will be an instance of 
 * that class.  For other shapes, a {@code Path2D} containing the outline 
 * of the shape is returned.
 * @param shape  the shape ({@code null} not permitted).
 * @return A copy of the shape or shape outline (never {@code null}). 
public static Shape copyOf(Shape shape) {
   Args.nullNotPermitted(shape, "shape");
   if (shape instanceof Line2D) {
       Line2D l = (Line2D) shape;
       return new Line2D.Double(l.getX1(), l.getY1(), l.getX2(), l.getY2());
   if (shape instanceof Rectangle2D) {
       Rectangle2D r = (Rectangle2D) shape;
       return new Rectangle2D.Double(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getWidth(), 
   if (shape instanceof RoundRectangle2D) {
       RoundRectangle2D rr = (RoundRectangle2D) shape;
       return new RoundRectangle2D.Double(rr.getX(), rr.getY(), 
               rr.getWidth(), rr.getHeight(), rr.getArcWidth(), 
   if (shape instanceof Arc2D) {
       Arc2D arc = (Arc2D) shape;
       return new Arc2D.Double(arc.getX(), arc.getY(), arc.getWidth(),
               arc.getHeight(), arc.getAngleStart(), arc.getAngleExtent(),
   if (shape instanceof Ellipse2D) {
       Ellipse2D ell = (Ellipse2D) shape;
       return new Ellipse2D.Double(ell.getX(), ell.getY(), ell.getWidth(),
   if (shape instanceof Polygon) {
       Polygon p = (Polygon) shape;
       return new Polygon(p.xpoints, p.ypoints, p.npoints);
   return new Path2D.Double(shape);
 * This method calculates intersections of two lines.
 * @param a Line 1
 * @param b Line 2
 * @return Intersection point
private static Point getLinesIntersection(Line2D a, Line2D b) {
  double d  = (a.getX1()-a.getX2())*(b.getY2()-b.getY1()) - (a.getY1()-a.getY2())*(b.getX2()-b.getX1());
  double da = (a.getX1()-b.getX1())*(b.getY2()-b.getY1()) - (a.getY1()-b.getY1())*(b.getX2()-b.getX1());
  // double db = (a.getX1()-a.getX2())*(a.getY1()-b.getY1()) - (a.getY1()-a.getY2())*(a.getX1()-b.getX1());
  double ta = da/d;
  // double tb = db/d;
  Point p = new Point();
  p.setLocation(a.getX1()+ta*(a.getX2()-a.getX1()), a.getY1()+ta*(a.getY2()-a.getY1()));
  return p;
 * This method calculates intersections of two lines.
 * @param a
 *            Line 1
 * @param b
 *            Line 2
 * @return Intersection point
private static Point getLinesIntersection(Line2D a, Line2D b) {
    double d = (a.getX1() - a.getX2()) * (b.getY2() - b.getY1()) - (a.getY1() - a.getY2()) * (b.getX2() - b.getX1());
    double da = (a.getX1() - b.getX1()) * (b.getY2() - b.getY1()) - (a.getY1() - b.getY1()) * (b.getX2() - b.getX1());
    // double db = (a.getX1()-a.getX2())*(a.getY1()-b.getY1()) - (a.getY1()-a.getY2())*(a.getX1()-b.getX1());
    double ta = da / d;
    // double tb = db/d;
    Point p = new Point();
    p.setLocation(a.getX1() + ta * (a.getX2() - a.getX1()), a.getY1() + ta * (a.getY2() - a.getY1()));
    return p;
源代码8 项目: audiveris   文件:
 * Compute bisector vector.
 * @param above is the slur above (or below)
 * @return the unit bisector
protected Point2D.Double computeBisector (boolean above)
    Line2D bisector = LineUtil.bisector(getEnd(above), getEnd(!above));
    double length = bisector.getP1().distance(bisector.getP2());

    return new Point2D.Double(
            (bisector.getX2() - bisector.getX1()) / length,
            (bisector.getY2() - bisector.getY1()) / length);
源代码9 项目: coming   文件:
 * Creates a region surrounding a line segment by 'widening' the line
 * segment.  A typical use for this method is the creation of a
 * 'clickable' region for a line that is displayed on-screen.
 * @param line  the line (<code>null</code> not permitted).
 * @param width  the width of the region.
 * @return A region that surrounds the line.
public static Shape createLineRegion(Line2D line, float width) {
    GeneralPath result = new GeneralPath();
    float x1 = (float) line.getX1();
    float x2 = (float) line.getX2();
    float y1 = (float) line.getY1();
    float y2 = (float) line.getY2();
    if ((x2 - x1) != 0.0) {
        double theta = Math.atan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1));
        float dx = (float) Math.sin(theta) * width;
        float dy = (float) Math.cos(theta) * width;
        result.moveTo(x1 - dx, y1 + dy);
        result.lineTo(x1 + dx, y1 - dy);
        result.lineTo(x2 + dx, y2 - dy);
        result.lineTo(x2 - dx, y2 + dy);
    else {
        // special case, vertical line
        result.moveTo(x1 - width / 2.0f, y1);
        result.lineTo(x1 + width / 2.0f, y1);
        result.lineTo(x2 + width / 2.0f, y2);
        result.lineTo(x2 - width / 2.0f, y2);
    return result;
源代码10 项目: ccu-historian   文件:
 * Creates a region surrounding a line segment by 'widening' the line
 * segment.  A typical use for this method is the creation of a
 * 'clickable' region for a line that is displayed on-screen.
 * @param line  the line (<code>null</code> not permitted).
 * @param width  the width of the region.
 * @return A region that surrounds the line.
public static Shape createLineRegion(final Line2D line, final float width) {
    final GeneralPath result = new GeneralPath();
    final float x1 = (float) line.getX1();
    final float x2 = (float) line.getX2();
    final float y1 = (float) line.getY1();
    final float y2 = (float) line.getY2();
    if ((x2 - x1) != 0.0) {
        final double theta = Math.atan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1));
        final float dx = (float) Math.sin(theta) * width;
        final float dy = (float) Math.cos(theta) * width;
        result.moveTo(x1 - dx, y1 + dy);
        result.lineTo(x1 + dx, y1 - dy);
        result.lineTo(x2 + dx, y2 - dy);
        result.lineTo(x2 - dx, y2 + dy);
    else {
        // special case, vertical line
        result.moveTo(x1 - width / 2.0f, y1);
        result.lineTo(x1 + width / 2.0f, y1);
        result.lineTo(x2 + width / 2.0f, y2);
        result.lineTo(x2 - width / 2.0f, y2);
    return result;
源代码11 项目: workcraft   文件:
public int getNearestSegment(Point2D pt, Point2D outPointOnSegment) {
    double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    int nearest = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < getSegmentCount(); i++) {
        Line2D segment = getSegment(i);
        Point2D a = new Point2D.Double(pt.getX() - segment.getX1(), pt.getY() - segment.getY1());
        Point2D b = new Point2D.Double(segment.getX2() - segment.getX1(), segment.getY2() - segment.getY1());

        double magB = b.distance(0, 0);
        double dist;
        if (magB < 0.0000001) {
            dist = pt.distance(segment.getP1());
        } else {
            b.setLocation(b.getX() / magB, b.getY() / magB);
            double magAonB = a.getX() * b.getX() + a.getY() * b.getY();
            if (magAonB < 0) {
                magAonB = 0;
            if (magAonB > magB) {
                magAonB = magB;
            a.setLocation(segment.getX1() + b.getX() * magAonB, segment.getY1() + b.getY() * magAonB);
            dist = new Point2D.Double(pt.getX() - a.getX(), pt.getY() - a.getY()).distance(0, 0);

        if (dist < min) {
            min = dist;
            if (outPointOnSegment != null) {
            nearest = i;
    return nearest;
源代码12 项目: astor   文件:
 * Calculates the anchor point for a label.
 * @param line  the line for the crosshair.
 * @param anchor  the anchor point.
 * @param deltaX  the x-offset.
 * @param deltaY  the y-offset.
 * @return The anchor point.
private Point2D calculateLabelPoint(Line2D line, RectangleAnchor anchor,
        double deltaX, double deltaY) {
    double x = 0.0;
    double y = 0.0;
    boolean left = (anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.LEFT
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP_LEFT);
    boolean right = (anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.RIGHT
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP_RIGHT);
    boolean top = (anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP_LEFT
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP_RIGHT);
    boolean bottom = (anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT);
    Rectangle rect = line.getBounds();

    // we expect the line to be vertical or horizontal
    if (line.getX1() == line.getX2()) {  // vertical
        x = line.getX1();
        y = (line.getY1() + line.getY2()) / 2.0;
        if (left) {
            x = x - deltaX;
        if (right) {
            x = x + deltaX;
        if (top) {
            y = Math.min(line.getY1(), line.getY2()) + deltaY;
        if (bottom) {
            y = Math.max(line.getY1(), line.getY2()) - deltaY;
    else {  // horizontal
        x = (line.getX1() + line.getX2()) / 2.0;
        y = line.getY1();
        if (left) {
            x = Math.min(line.getX1(), line.getX2()) + deltaX;
        if (right) {
            x = Math.max(line.getX1(), line.getX2()) - deltaX;
        if (top) {
            y = y - deltaY;
        if (bottom) {
            y = y + deltaY;
    return new Point2D.Double(x, y);
源代码13 项目: buffer_bci   文件:
 * Calculates the anchor point for a label.
 * @param line  the line for the crosshair.
 * @param anchor  the anchor point.
 * @param deltaX  the x-offset.
 * @param deltaY  the y-offset.
 * @return The anchor point.
private Point2D calculateLabelPoint(Line2D line, RectangleAnchor anchor,
        double deltaX, double deltaY) {
    double x, y;
    boolean left = (anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT 
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.LEFT 
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP_LEFT);
    boolean right = (anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT 
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.RIGHT 
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP_RIGHT);
    boolean top = (anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP_LEFT 
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP 
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP_RIGHT);
    boolean bottom = (anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT);
    Rectangle rect = line.getBounds();
    // we expect the line to be vertical or horizontal
    if (line.getX1() == line.getX2()) {  // vertical
        x = line.getX1();
        y = (line.getY1() + line.getY2()) / 2.0;
        if (left) {
            x = x - deltaX;
        if (right) {
            x = x + deltaX;
        if (top) {
            y = Math.min(line.getY1(), line.getY2()) + deltaY;
        if (bottom) {
            y = Math.max(line.getY1(), line.getY2()) - deltaY;
    else {  // horizontal
        x = (line.getX1() + line.getX2()) / 2.0;
        y = line.getY1();
        if (left) {
            x = Math.min(line.getX1(), line.getX2()) + deltaX;
        if (right) {
            x = Math.max(line.getX1(), line.getX2()) - deltaX;
        if (top) {
            y = y - deltaY;
        if (bottom) {
            y = y + deltaY;
    return new Point2D.Double(x, y);
源代码14 项目: audiveris   文件:
 * Try to extend the provided beam on the desired side to another beam within reach.
 * The other beam must be compatible in terms of gap (abscissa and ordinate) and beam slope.
 * <p>
 * If such a compatible beam is found, but the middle area between them is not correctly filled,
 * we must remember this information to avoid any other extension attempt on this side.
 * @param beam  the beam to extend
 * @param side  the horizontal side
 * @param other the side beam found
 * @return true if extension was done, false otherwise
private boolean extendToBeam (AbstractBeamInter beam,
                              HorizontalSide side,
                              AbstractBeamInter other)
    // Check black ratio in the middle area (if its width is significant)
    final Line2D beamMedian = beam.getMedian();
    final Line2D otherMedian = other.getMedian();

    double gap = (beamMedian.getX1() < otherMedian.getX1()) ? (otherMedian.getX1() - beamMedian
            .getX2()) : (beamMedian.getX1() - otherMedian.getX2());

    if (gap >= params.minBeamsGapX) {
        Area middleArea = middleArea(beam, other);
        AreaMask coreMask = new AreaMask(middleArea);
        WrappedInteger core = new WrappedInteger(0);
        int coreCount = coreMask.fore(core, pixelFilter);
        double coreRatio = (double) core.value / coreCount;

        if (coreRatio < params.minExtBlackRatio) {
            return false;

    BeamInter newBeam = mergeOf(beam, other);

    if (newBeam == null) {
        return false;


    if (beam.isVip() || other.isVip()) {


    if (newBeam.isVip() || logger.isDebugEnabled()) {"VIP Merged {} & {} into {}", beam, other, newBeam);

    return true;
源代码15 项目: pentaho-reporting   文件:
public static boolean isContent( final RenderBox element, final boolean ellipseAsBackground,
    final boolean shapesAsContent ) {

  // For legacy reasons: A single ReplacedContent in a paragraph means, we may have a old-style border and
  // background definition.
  if ( element.getNodeType() == LayoutNodeTypes.TYPE_BOX_CONTENT ) {
    final RenderableReplacedContentBox contentBox = (RenderableReplacedContentBox) element;
    final RenderableReplacedContent rpc = contentBox.getContent();
    final Object rawContentObject = rpc.getRawObject();
    if ( rawContentObject instanceof DrawableWrapper == false ) {
      return true;
    final DrawableWrapper wrapper = (DrawableWrapper) rawContentObject;
    final Object rawbackend = wrapper.getBackend();
    if ( rawbackend instanceof ShapeDrawable == false ) {
      return true;
    final ShapeDrawable drawable = (ShapeDrawable) rawbackend;
    final Shape rawObject = drawable.getShape();
    final StyleSheet styleSheet = element.getStyleSheet();
    if ( shapesAsContent == false ) {
      return false;

    if ( rawObject instanceof Line2D ) {
      if ( hasBorderEdge( styleSheet ) ) {
        final Line2D line = (Line2D) rawObject;
        if ( line.getY1() == line.getY2() ) {
          return false;
        } else if ( line.getX1() == line.getX2() ) {
          return false;
    } else if ( rawObject instanceof Rectangle2D ) {
      return false;
    } else if ( ellipseAsBackground && rawObject instanceof Ellipse2D ) {
      return false;
    } else if ( rawObject instanceof RoundRectangle2D ) {
      return false;
    return true;

  RenderNode child = element.getFirstChild();
  while ( child != null ) {
    final int type = child.getNodeType();
    if ( ( type & LayoutNodeTypes.MASK_BOX_INLINE ) == LayoutNodeTypes.MASK_BOX_INLINE ) {
      return true;
    if ( type == LayoutNodeTypes.TYPE_NODE_TEXT ) {
      return true;
    child = child.getNext();
  return false;
源代码16 项目: ECG-Viewer   文件:
 * Calculates the anchor point for a label.
 * @param line  the line for the crosshair.
 * @param anchor  the anchor point.
 * @param deltaX  the x-offset.
 * @param deltaY  the y-offset.
 * @return The anchor point.
private Point2D calculateLabelPoint(Line2D line, RectangleAnchor anchor,
        double deltaX, double deltaY) {
    double x, y;
    boolean left = (anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT 
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.LEFT 
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP_LEFT);
    boolean right = (anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT 
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.RIGHT 
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP_RIGHT);
    boolean top = (anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP_LEFT 
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP 
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.TOP_RIGHT);
    boolean bottom = (anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM
            || anchor == RectangleAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT);
    Rectangle rect = line.getBounds();
    // we expect the line to be vertical or horizontal
    if (line.getX1() == line.getX2()) {  // vertical
        x = line.getX1();
        y = (line.getY1() + line.getY2()) / 2.0;
        if (left) {
            x = x - deltaX;
        if (right) {
            x = x + deltaX;
        if (top) {
            y = Math.min(line.getY1(), line.getY2()) + deltaY;
        if (bottom) {
            y = Math.max(line.getY1(), line.getY2()) - deltaY;
    else {  // horizontal
        x = (line.getX1() + line.getX2()) / 2.0;
        y = line.getY1();
        if (left) {
            x = Math.min(line.getX1(), line.getX2()) + deltaX;
        if (right) {
            x = Math.max(line.getX1(), line.getX2()) - deltaX;
        if (top) {
            y = y - deltaY;
        if (bottom) {
            y = y + deltaY;
    return new Point2D.Double(x, y);
源代码17 项目: audiveris   文件:
 * Now that individual beams candidates have been extracted, try to improve beam
 * geometry (merge, extension).
 * Try to extend each beam to either another beam (merge) or a stem seed (extension) or in
 * parallel with a sibling beam (extension) or to another spot (extension).
private void extendBeams ()
    // All stem seeds for this system, sorted by abscissa
    sortedSystemSeeds = system.getGroupedGlyphs(GlyphGroup.VERTICAL_SEED);

    // The beam & hook inters for this system, NOT sorted by abscissa.
    // We may add to this list, but not remove elements (they are simply logically 'deleted').
    // Later, buildHooks() will add hooks to this list.
    rawSystemBeams = sig.inters(AbstractBeamInter.class);

    // Extend each orphan beam as much as possible
    for (Inter inter : new ArrayList<>(rawSystemBeams)) {
        if (inter.isRemoved()) {

        final AbstractBeamInter beam = (AbstractBeamInter) inter;

        if (beam.isVip()) {
  "VIP extendBeams for {}", beam);

        for (HorizontalSide side : HorizontalSide.values()) {
            // If successful, this appends a new beam instance to the list.
            // The new beam will later be tested for further extension.

            // Is there a compatible beam near by?
            AbstractBeamInter sideBeam = getSideBeam(beam, side, null);
            Integer maxDx = null;

            if (sideBeam != null) {
                // Try to merge the 2 beams (avoid double testing, so check on one side only)
                if ((side == LEFT) && extendToBeam(beam, side, sideBeam)) {

                Line2D median = beam.getMedian();
                Line2D sideMedian = sideBeam.getMedian();
                double dx = (side == LEFT) ? (median.getX1() - sideMedian.getX2())
                        : (sideMedian.getX1() - median.getX2());
                maxDx = (int) Math.rint(Math.max(0, dx - params.beamsXMargin));

            // Try the other extension modes (limited by side beam if any)
            if (extendToStem(beam, side, maxDx) || extendToSpot(beam, side, maxDx)) {

            // Try parallel extension (only when there is no side beam)
            if ((sideBeam == null) && extendInParallel(beam, side)) {
源代码18 项目: audiveris   文件:
 * Check if a Beam-Stem link is possible between this beam and the provided stem.
 * @param stem       the provided stem
 * @param headToBeam vertical direction (from head) to beam
 * @param scale      scaling information
 * @return the link if OK, otherwise null
public Link checkLink (StemInter stem,
                       VerticalSide headToBeam,
                       Scale scale)
    if (isVip() && stem.isVip()) {"VIP checkLink {} & {}", this, stem);

    // Relation beam -> stem (if not yet present)
    BeamStemRelation bRel;
    final int yDir = (headToBeam == VerticalSide.TOP) ? (-1) : 1;
    final Line2D beamBorder = getBorder(headToBeam.opposite());
    bRel = new BeamStemRelation();

    // Precise cross point
    Point2D start = stem.getTop();
    Point2D stop = stem.getBottom();
    Point2D crossPt = LineUtil.intersection(stem.getMedian(), beamBorder);

    // Extension point
            new Point2D.Double(crossPt.getX(), crossPt.getY() + (yDir * (getHeight() - 1))));

    // Abscissa -> beamPortion
    // toLeft & toRight are >0 if within beam, <0 otherwise
    double toLeft = crossPt.getX() - beamBorder.getX1();
    double toRight = beamBorder.getX2() - crossPt.getX();
    final double xGap;

    final int maxBeamInDx = scale.toPixels(BeamStemRelation.getXInGapMaximum(manual));

    if (this instanceof BeamInter && (Math.min(toLeft, toRight) > maxBeamInDx)) {
        // It's a beam center connection
        xGap = 0;
    } else if (toLeft < toRight) {
        xGap = Math.max(0, -toLeft);
    } else {
        xGap = Math.max(0, -toRight);

    // Ordinate
    final double yGap = (yDir > 0) ? Math.max(0, crossPt.getY() - stop.getY())
            : Math.max(0, start.getY() - crossPt.getY());

    bRel.setOutGaps(scale.pixelsToFrac(xGap), scale.pixelsToFrac(yGap), manual);

    if (bRel.getGrade() >= bRel.getMinGrade()) {
        logger.debug("{} {} {}", this, stem, bRel);

        return new Link(stem, bRel, true);
    } else {
        return null;
源代码19 项目: osp   文件:
 * Gets the distance and point along a Line2D at a specified x.
 * If the Line2D is vertical this returns null.
 * Based on a simplification of algorithm described by Paul Burke
 * at (April 1986)
 * @param line the line
 * @param x the value of x
 * @return Object[] {fractional distance from line end, Point2D}
private Object[] getDistanceAndPointAtX(Line2D line, double x) {
	double dx = line.getX2()-line.getX1();
	// if line is vertical, return null
	if (dx==0) return null;
	// parametric eqn of line: P = P1 + u(P2 - P1)
	double u = (x-line.getX1())/dx;
double y = line.getY1() + u*(line.getY2()-line.getY1());
return new Object[] {u, new Point2D.Double(x, y)};
源代码20 项目: osp   文件:
 * Gets the distance and point along a Line2D at a specified y.
 * If the Line2D is horizontal this returns null.
 * Based on a simplification of algorithm described by Paul Burke
 * at (April 1986)
 * @param line the line
 * @param y the value of y
 * @return Object[] {fractional distance from line end, Point2D}
private Object[] getDistanceAndPointAtY(Line2D line, double y) {
	double dy = line.getY2()-line.getY1();
	// if line is horizontal, return null
	if (dy==0) return null;
	// parametric eqn of line: P = P1 + u(P2 - P1)
	double u = (y-line.getY1())/dy;
double x = line.getX1() + u*(line.getX2()-line.getX1());
return new Object[] {u, new Point2D.Double(x, y)};