java.awt.geom.Line2D#intersectsLine ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.awt.geom.Line2D#intersectsLine ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: mars-sim   文件:
public static Set<Point2D> getLinePathCollisionPoints(Line2D line, LocalBoundedObject object) {

		Set<Point2D> result = new HashSet<Point2D>();

		Iterator<Line2D> i = getLocalBoundedObjectLineSegments(object).iterator();
		while (i.hasNext()) {
			Line2D lineSegment =;
			if (line.intersectsLine(lineSegment)) {

				Point2D intersectionPt = getLineIntersectionPoint(line, lineSegment);

		return result;
源代码2 项目: netbeans   文件:
 * @param line1
 * @param line2
 * @param extrapolate
 * @return
public static Point2D getIntersectionPoint(Line2D line1, Line2D line2,
        boolean extrapolate) {
    if (extrapolate || line1.intersectsLine(line2)) {
        float x1 = (float) line2.getX1();
        float y1 = (float) line2.getY1();
        float x2 = (float) line2.getX2();
        float y2 = (float) line2.getY2();

        float xp1 = (float) line1.getX1();
        float yp1 = (float) line1.getY1();
        float xp2 = (float) line1.getX2();
        float yp2 = (float) line1.getY2();

        float y = 0;
        float x = 0;
        float dy = y2 - y1;
        float s = (x2 - x1) / dy;

        float dpy = yp2 - yp1;
        float sp = (xp2 - xp1) / dpy;

        if (y1 == y2) {
            if (dpy == 0) {
                return null;
            y = y1;
            x = xp1 + sp * (y - yp1);
        } else if (yp1 == yp2) {
            if (dy == 0) {
                return null;
            y = yp1;
            x = x1 + s * (y - y1);
        } else {
            if (dy == 0 || dpy == 0 || (s - sp) == 0) {
                return null;
            y = (xp1 - x1 + s * y1 - sp * yp1) / (s - sp);
            x = x1 + s * (y - y1);

        return new Point2D.Float(x, y);

    return null;
源代码3 项目: BLELocalization   文件:
public double computeNumIntersect(State locTrans, State locReceive){
	Point2D pT = locationToPoint2D(locTrans);
	Point2D pR = locationToPoint2D(locReceive);
	Line2D lineOfSight = new Line2D.Double(pT, pR);
	int count = 0;
	Line2D wallLine = this.getLine2D();
		count ++ ;
	return count;
源代码4 项目: dsworkbench   文件:
 * Returns the intersection point of two lines.
 * @param   line1   First line
 * @param   line2   Second line
 * @return  The Point object where the two lines intersect. This method
 * returns null if the two lines do not intersect.
 * @throws  <tt>MultipleIntersectionException</tt> when the two lines
 * have more than one intersection point.
static public Point getIntersection(Line2D line1, Line2D line2)
        throws Exception {
    double dyline1, dxline1;
    double dyline2, dxline2, e, f;
    double x1line1, y1line1, x2line1, y2line1;
    double x1line2, y1line2, x2line2, y2line2;

    if (!line1.intersectsLine(line2)) {
        return null;

    /* first, check to see if the segments intersect by parameterization
    on s and t; if s and t are both between [0,1], then the
    segments intersect */
    x1line1 =  line1.getX1();
    y1line1 =  line1.getY1();
    x2line1 =  line1.getX2();
    y2line1 =  line1.getY2();

    x1line2 =  line2.getX1();
    y1line2 =  line2.getY1();
    x2line2 =  line2.getX2();
    y2line2 =  line2.getY2();

    /* check to see if the segments have any endpoints in common. If they do,
    then return the endpoints as the intersection point */
    if ((x1line1 == x1line2) && (y1line1 == y1line2)) {
        return (new Point((int) x1line1, (int) y1line1));
    if ((x1line1 == x2line2) && (y1line1 == y2line2)) {
        return (new Point((int) x1line1, (int) y1line1));
    if ((x2line1 == x1line2) && (y2line1 == y1line2)) {
        return (new Point((int) x2line1, (int) y2line1));
    if ((x2line1 == x2line2) && (y2line1 == y2line2)) {
        return (new Point((int) x2line1, (int) y2line1));

    dyline1 = -(y2line1 - y1line1);
    dxline1 = x2line1 - x1line1;

    dyline2 = -(y2line2 - y1line2);
    dxline2 = x2line2 - x1line2;

    e = -(dyline1 * x1line1) - (dxline1 * y1line1);
    f = -(dyline2 * x1line2) - (dxline2 * y1line2);

    /* compute the intersection point using
    ax+by+e = 0 and cx+dy+f = 0
    If there is more than 1 intersection point between two lines,
    if ((dyline1 * dxline2 - dyline2 * dxline1) == 0) {
        throw new Exception("ZERO!");
    return (new Point(
            (int) (-(e * dxline2 - dxline1 * f) / (dyline1 * dxline2 - dyline2 * dxline1)),
            (int) (-(dyline1 * f - dyline2 * e) / (dyline1 * dxline2 - dyline2 * dxline1))));
源代码5 项目: mil-sym-java   文件:
 * tests of a Line2D intersects a polygon by using line.intersectsLine on each segment of the polygon
 * assumes clip clipping area was parsed to shift points of vertical segments to make them not vertical
 * @param line a clipping line in the clipping polygon
 * @param clipPts array of clip points assumed to be closed
 * @return true if the line intersects the clip bounds
private static boolean lineIntersectsClipArea(Line2D line, 
        ArrayList<Point2D> clipPts)
    boolean result=false;
        int j=0;           
        //test if polygon contains an end point
        Polygon poly=new Polygon();
            return true;
            return true;
        //end section
        Line2D currentSegment=null;
            currentSegment=new Line2D.Double(clipPts.get(j).getX(),clipPts.get(j).getY(),clipPts.get(j+1).getX(),clipPts.get(j+1).getY());
                return true;            
        //if the clipPts are not closed then the above loop did not test the closing segment            
        Point2D pt0=clipPts.get(0);
        Point2D ptLast=clipPts.get(clipPts.size()-1);
        //int n=clipPts.size()-1;            
        if(pt0.getX()!=ptLast.getX() || pt0.getY()!=ptLast.getY())
            //currentSegment=new Line2D.Double(clipPts.get(n).getX(),clipPts.get(n).getY(),clipPts.get(0).getX(),clipPts.get(0).getY());
            currentSegment=new Line2D.Double(ptLast.getX(),ptLast.getY(),pt0.getX(),pt0.getY());
                return true;                            
    catch (Exception exc) {
        ErrorLogger.LogException(_className, "lineIntersectsClipArea",
                new RendererException("Failed inside lineIntersectsClipArea", exc));
    return result;