java.awt.geom.Area#intersect ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.awt.geom.Area#intersect ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: buffer_bci   文件:
 * Returns {@code true} if the rectangle (in device space) intersects
 * with the shape (the interior, if {@code onStroke} is false, 
 * otherwise the stroked outline of the shape).
 * @param rect  a rectangle (in device space).
 * @param s the shape.
 * @param onStroke  test the stroked outline only?
 * @return A boolean. 
public boolean hit(Rectangle rect, Shape s, boolean onStroke) {
    Shape ts;
    if (onStroke) {
        ts = this.transform.createTransformedShape(
    } else {
        ts = this.transform.createTransformedShape(s);
    if (!rect.getBounds2D().intersects(ts.getBounds2D())) {
        return false;
    Area a1 = new Area(rect);
    Area a2 = new Area(ts);
    return !a1.isEmpty();
源代码2 项目: buffer_bci   文件:
 * Clips to the intersection of the current clipping region and the
 * specified shape. 
 * According to the Oracle API specification, this method will accept a 
 * {@code null} argument, but there is an open bug report (since 2004) 
 * that suggests this is wrong:
 * <p>
 * <a href="">
 * In this implementation, a {@code null} argument is not permitted.
 * @param s  the clip shape ({@code null} not permitted). 
public void clip(Shape s) {
    if (this.clip == null) {
    Shape ts = this.transform.createTransformedShape(s);
    Shape clipNew;
    if (!ts.intersects(this.clip.getBounds2D())) {
        clipNew = new Rectangle2D.Double();
    } else {
        Area a1 = new Area(ts);
        Area a2 = new Area(this.clip);
        clipNew = new Path2D.Double(a1);
    this.clip = clipNew;
    if (!this.clippingDisabled) {;
源代码3 项目: TrakEM2   文件:
/** Subtracts the given ROI, and then creates a new AreaList with identical properties and the content of the subtracted part. Returns null if there is no intersection between sroi and the Area for layer_id. */
public AreaList part(final long layer_id, final ShapeRoi sroi) throws NoninvertibleTransformException {
	// The Area to subtract, in world coordinates:
	final Area sub = M.getArea(sroi);
	// The area to subtract from:
	final Area a = getArea(layer_id);
	if (null == a || M.isEmpty(a)) return null;
	// The intersection:
	final Area inter = a.createTransformedArea(;
	if (M.isEmpty(inter)) return null;

	// Subtract from this:
	this.subtract(layer_id, sroi);

	// Create new AreaList with the intersection area, and add it to the same LayerSet as this:
	final AreaList ali = new AreaList(this.project, this.title, 0, 0);
	ali.color = new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue());
	ali.visible = this.visible;
	ali.alpha = this.alpha;
	ali.addArea(layer_id, inter);
	this.layer_set.add(ali); // needed to call updateBucket
	ali.calculateBoundingBox(null != layer_set ? layer_set.getLayer(layer_id) : null);

	return ali;
源代码4 项目: TrakEM2   文件:
/** Parts of @param a not intersected by any of @param vdt rois will be left untouched if @param remove_outside is false. */
static final public void apply(final VectorDataTransform vdt, final Area a, final boolean remove_outside) {
	final Area b = new Area();
	for (final VectorDataTransform.ROITransform rt : vdt.transforms) {
		// Cut the intersecting part from a:
		final Area intersection = new Area(a);
		// .. and add it to b, transformed:
		b.add(M.transform(rt.ct, intersection));

	if (!M.isEmpty(a)) {
		if (remove_outside) {
			// Clear areas not affected any ROITransform
			Utils.log("WARNING: parts of an area in layer " + vdt.layer + "\n    did not intersect any transformation target\n    and where removed.");
		} else Utils.log("WARNING: parts of an area in layer " + vdt.layer + "\n    remain untransformed.");

	// Add b (the transformed parts) to what remains of a
源代码5 项目: jclic   文件:
public static void tileImage(Graphics g, Image img, Rectangle dest, Rectangle source, ImageObserver io) {
  if (g.getClip().intersects(dest)) {
    int x, y;
    Area saveClip = new Area(g.getClip());
    Area newClip = new Area(saveClip);
    newClip.intersect(new Area(dest));
    Rectangle floatDest = new Rectangle(dest.x, dest.y, source.width, source.height);
    for (y = 0; y < dest.height; y += source.height) {
      for (x = 0; x < dest.width; x += source.width) {
        floatDest.setLocation(dest.x + x, dest.y + y);
        drawImage(g, img, floatDest, source, io);
源代码6 项目: salty-engine   文件:
public CollisionDetectionResult checkCollision(final GameObject object1, final GameObject object2) {

    final Collider otherCollider = getOtherCollider(object1.getCollider(), object2.getCollider());
    final GameObject otherGameObject = object1.getCollider() == otherCollider ? object1 : object2;

    final Area collisionArea = new Area(shape);

    switch (otherCollider.getType()) {
        case HITBOX_COLLIDER:
            collisionArea.intersect(new Area(otherGameObject.getHitbox().getTransform().getRect()));
            return new CollisionDetectionResult(!collisionArea.isEmpty(), new Transform(shape.getBounds()).getRelation(otherGameObject.getHitbox().getTransform()));

        case CIRCLE_COLLIDER:
            final CircleCollider collider = (CircleCollider) otherCollider;
            final Transform hitbox = collider.getHitbox();
            collisionArea.intersect(new Area(new Ellipse2D.Float(hitbox.getX(), hitbox.getY(), hitbox.getWidth(), hitbox.getHeight())));
            return new CollisionDetectionResult(!collisionArea.isEmpty(), new Transform(shape.getBounds()).getRelation(otherGameObject.getHitbox().getTransform()));

        case SHAPE_COLLIDER:
            final ShapeCollider shapeCollider = (ShapeCollider) otherCollider;
            collisionArea.intersect(new Area(shapeCollider.shape));
            return new CollisionDetectionResult(!collisionArea.isEmpty(), new Transform(shape.getBounds()).getRelation(new Transform(shapeCollider.shape.getBounds())));

    return new CollisionDetectionResult(false, Directions.Direction.EMPTY);
源代码7 项目: weblaf   文件:
protected Shape clip ( @NotNull final Graphics2D g2d, @NotNull final Rectangle bounds, @NotNull final C c, @NotNull final D d,
                       @NotNull final Shape shape )
    final Shape clippedShape;
    final Container parent = c.getParent ();
    if ( parent instanceof WebBreadcrumb )
        final WebBreadcrumb breadcrumb = ( WebBreadcrumb ) parent;
        final double progress = breadcrumb.getProgress ( c );

        final boolean ltr = c.getComponentOrientation ().isLeftToRight ();
        final Rectangle shapeBounds = shape.getBounds ();
        final int pw = ( int ) Math.round ( shapeBounds.width * progress );
        shapeBounds.x = ltr ? shapeBounds.x : shapeBounds.x + shapeBounds.width - pw;
        shapeBounds.width = pw;

        final Area area = new Area ( shape );
        area.intersect ( new Area ( shapeBounds ) );
        clippedShape = area;
        clippedShape = shape;
    return clippedShape;
源代码8 项目: snap-desktop   文件:
 * @return the visible image area in pixel coordinates
public Rectangle getVisibleImageBounds() {
    final ImageLayer imageLayer = getBaseImageLayer();

    if (imageLayer != null) {
        final RenderedImage image = imageLayer.getImage();
        final Area imageArea = new Area(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()));
        final Area visibleImageArea = new Area(
        return imageArea.getBounds();

    return null;
源代码9 项目: energy2d   文件:
public static Area getShape(Rectangle2D.Float r) {
	// the positions and sizes of the circles must ensure that r is the bounding box
	float max = Math.max(r.width, r.height);
	Area a = new Area(new Ellipse2D.Float(r.x + r.width / 6, r.y, max / 2, max / 2));
	a.add(new Area(new Ellipse2D.Float(r.x, r.y + r.height / 2, max / 3, max / 3)));
	a.add(new Area(new Ellipse2D.Float(r.x + r.width / 3, r.y + r.height / 3, max / 2, max / 2)));
	a.add(new Area(new Ellipse2D.Float(r.x + 2 * r.width / 3, r.y + 2 * r.height / 3, r.width / 3, r.width / 3)));
	a.intersect(new Area(r));
	return a;
源代码10 项目: itext2   文件:
 * @see Graphics2D#hit(Rectangle, Shape, boolean)
public boolean hit(Rectangle rect, Shape s, boolean onStroke) {
    if (onStroke) {
        s = stroke.createStrokedShape(s);
    s = transform.createTransformedShape(s);
    Area area = new Area(s);
    if (clip != null)
    return area.intersects(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
源代码11 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
public RectListImpl getIntersection(RectListImpl rli) {
    Area a2 = new Area(theArea);
    a2.intersect(((AreaImpl) rli).theArea);
    return new AreaImpl(a2);
源代码12 项目: snap-desktop   文件:
public static GeneralPath[] assemblePathList(GeoPos[] geoPoints) {
    final GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO, geoPoints.length + 8);
    final ArrayList<GeneralPath> pathList = new ArrayList<>(16);

    if (geoPoints.length > 1) {
        double lon, lat;
        double minLon = 0, maxLon = 0;

        boolean first = true;
        for (GeoPos gp : geoPoints) {
            lon = gp.getLon();
            lat = gp.getLat();
            if (first) {
                minLon = lon;
                maxLon = lon;
                path.moveTo(lon, lat);
                first = false;
            if (lon < minLon) {
                minLon = lon;
            if (lon > maxLon) {
                maxLon = lon;
            path.lineTo(lon, lat);

        int runIndexMin = (int) Math.floor((minLon + 180) / 360);
        int runIndexMax = (int) Math.floor((maxLon + 180) / 360);

        if (runIndexMin == 0 && runIndexMax == 0) {
            // the path is completely within [-180, 180] longitude
            return pathList.toArray(new GeneralPath[pathList.size()]);

        final Area pathArea = new Area(path);
        final GeneralPath pixelPath = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO);
        for (int k = runIndexMin; k <= runIndexMax; k++) {
            final Area currentArea = new Area(new Rectangle2D.Float(k * 360.0f - 180.0f, -90.0f, 360.0f, 180.0f));
            if (!currentArea.isEmpty()) {
                pathList.add(areaToPath(currentArea, -k * 360.0, pixelPath));
    return pathList.toArray(new GeneralPath[pathList.size()]);
源代码13 项目: MercuryTrade   文件:
    public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
        //public void paintDeterminate(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
        Insets b = progressBar.getInsets(); // area for border
        int barRectWidth = progressBar.getWidth() - b.right - b.left;
        int barRectHeight = progressBar.getHeight() - - b.bottom;
        if (barRectWidth <= 0 || barRectHeight <= 0) {

        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g.create();
        g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

        double degree = 360 * progressBar.getPercentComplete();
        double sz = Math.max(barRectWidth, barRectHeight);
        Shape outer = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, sz, sz);
        Shape sector = new Arc2D.Double(-sz, -sz, sz * 3, sz * 3, 90 - degree, degree, Arc2D.PIE);

        Area foreground = new Area(sector);
        Area background = new Area(outer);


        g2.setPaint(new Color(0x505050));
        g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.7f));
        try {
            BufferedImage read ="app/adr/vessel_vinktar.png"));
            g2.drawImage(read, 0, 0, (int) sz, (int) sz, null);
        } catch (IOException e) {

        g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.7f));


//        // Deal with possible text painting
        if (progressBar.isStringPainted()) {
            paintString(g, b.left,, barRectWidth, barRectHeight, 0, b);
源代码14 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
public RectListImpl getIntersection(RectListImpl rli) {
    Area a2 = new Area(theArea);
    a2.intersect(((AreaImpl) rli).theArea);
    return new AreaImpl(a2);
源代码15 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
public RectListImpl getIntersection(RectListImpl rli) {
    Area a2 = new Area(theArea);
    a2.intersect(((AreaImpl) rli).theArea);
    return new AreaImpl(a2);
源代码16 项目: gcs   文件:
public void fillPath(int windingRule) throws IOException

    // disable anti-aliasing for rectangular paths, this is a workaround to avoid small stripes
    // which occur when solid fills are used to simulate piecewise gradients, see PDFBOX-2302
    // note that we ignore paths with a width/height under 1 as these are fills used as strokes,
    // see PDFBOX-1658 for an example
    Rectangle2D bounds = linePath.getBounds2D();
    boolean noAntiAlias = isRectangular(linePath) && bounds.getWidth() > 1 &&
                                                     bounds.getHeight() > 1;
    if (noAntiAlias)

    Shape shape;
    if (!(graphics.getPaint() instanceof Color))
        // apply clip to path to avoid oversized device bounds in shading contexts (PDFBOX-2901)
        Area area = new Area(linePath);
        area.intersect(new Area(graphics.getClip()));
        intersectShadingBBox(getGraphicsState().getNonStrokingColor(), area);
        shape = area;
        shape = linePath;
    if (isContentRendered())

    if (noAntiAlias)
        // JDK 1.7 has a bug where rendering hints are reset by the above call to
        // the setRenderingHint method, so we re-set all hints, see PDFBOX-2302
源代码17 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件:
public RectListImpl getIntersection(RectListImpl rli) {
    Area a2 = new Area(theArea);
    a2.intersect(((AreaImpl) rli).theArea);
    return new AreaImpl(a2);
源代码18 项目: consulo   文件:
public void paintShadow(Component c, Graphics2D g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
  ScaleContext ctx = ScaleContext.create(c, g);
  if (updateScaleContext(ctx)) {
  final int leftSize = myCroppedLeft.getIconWidth();
  final int rightSize = myCroppedRight.getIconWidth();
  final int bottomSize = myCroppedBottom.getIconHeight();
  final int topSize = myCroppedTop.getIconHeight();

  int delta = myTopLeft.getIconHeight() + myBottomLeft.getIconHeight() - height;
  if (delta > 0) { // Corner icons are overlapping. Need to handle this
    Shape clip = g.getClip();

    int topHeight = myTopLeft.getIconHeight() - delta / 2;
    Area top = new Area(new Rectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, topHeight));
    if (clip != null) {
      top.intersect(new Area(clip));

    myTopLeft.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);
    myTopRight.paintIcon(c, g, x + width - myTopRight.getIconWidth(), y);

    int bottomHeight = myBottomLeft.getIconHeight() - delta + delta / 2;
    Area bottom = new Area(new Rectangle2D.Float(x, y + topHeight, width, bottomHeight));
    if (clip != null) {
      bottom.intersect(new Area(clip));

    myBottomLeft.paintIcon(c, g, x, y + height - myBottomLeft.getIconHeight());
    myBottomRight.paintIcon(c, g, x + width - myBottomRight.getIconWidth(), y + height - myBottomRight.getIconHeight());

  else {
    myTopLeft.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);
    myTopRight.paintIcon(c, g, x + width - myTopRight.getIconWidth(), y);
    myBottomLeft.paintIcon(c, g, x, y + height - myBottomLeft.getIconHeight());
    myBottomRight.paintIcon(c, g, x + width - myBottomRight.getIconWidth(), y + height - myBottomRight.getIconHeight());

  fill(g, myCroppedTop, x, y, myTopLeft.getIconWidth(), width - myTopRight.getIconWidth(), true);
  fill(g, myCroppedBottom, x, y + height - bottomSize, myBottomLeft.getIconWidth(), width - myBottomRight.getIconWidth(), true);
  fill(g, myCroppedLeft, x, y, myTopLeft.getIconHeight(), height - myBottomLeft.getIconHeight(), false);
  fill(g, myCroppedRight, x + width - rightSize, y, myTopRight.getIconHeight(), height - myBottomRight.getIconHeight(), false);

  if (myBorderColor != null) {
    g.drawRect(x + leftSize - 1, y + topSize - 1, width - leftSize - rightSize + 1, height - topSize - bottomSize + 1);
源代码19 项目: gef   文件:
 * Intersects the given areas.
 * @param pa
 *            the first area to intersect
 * @param pb
 *            the second area to intersect
 * @return the intersection of the areas, i.e. the area covered by both
 *         areas
public static Path intersect(Path pa, Path pb) {
	Area a = new Area(Geometry2AWT.toAWTPath(pa));
	Area b = new Area(Geometry2AWT.toAWTPath(pb));
	return AWT2Geometry.toPath(new Path2D.Double(a));
源代码20 项目: consulo   文件:
 * Sets the clip on a graphics object by merging a supplied clip with the
 * existing one. The new clip will be an intersection of the old clip and
 * the supplied clip. The old clip shape will be returned. This is useful
 * for resetting the old clip after an operation is performed.
 * @param g
 *            the graphics object to update
 * @param clip
 *            a new clipping region to add to the graphics clip. This may
 *            return {@code null} if the current clip is {@code null}.
 * @return the current clipping region of the supplied graphics object
 * @throws NullPointerException
 *             if any parameter is {@code null}
public static Shape mergeClip(Graphics g, Shape clip) {
  Shape oldClip = g.getClip();
  if(oldClip == null) {
    return null;
  Area area = new Area(oldClip);
  area.intersect(new Area(clip));//new Rectangle(0,0,width,height)));
  return oldClip;