
下面列出了java.awt.MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethod#REPEAT 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: radiance   文件:
 * Paints the background of non-title decoration areas.
 * @param graphics
 *            Graphics context.
 * @param parent
 *            Component ancestor for computing the correct offset of the background painting.
 * @param comp
 *            Component.
 * @param width
 *            Width.
 * @param height
 *            Height.
 * @param scheme
 *            Color scheme for painting the title background.
private void paintExtraBackground(Graphics2D graphics, Container parent, Component comp,
        int width, int height, SubstanceColorScheme scheme) {
    Point offset = SubstanceCoreUtilities.getOffsetInRootPaneCoords(comp);
    JRootPane rootPane = SwingUtilities.getRootPane(parent);
    // fix for bug 234 - Window doesn't have a root pane.
    JLayeredPane layeredPane = rootPane.getLayeredPane();
    Insets layeredPaneInsets = (layeredPane != null) ? layeredPane.getInsets() : null;

    int pWidth = (layeredPane == null) ? parent.getWidth()
            : layeredPane.getWidth() - layeredPaneInsets.left - layeredPaneInsets.right;

    if (pWidth != 0) {
        LinearGradientPaint gradientBottom = new LinearGradientPaint(-offset.x, 0,
                -offset.x + pWidth, 0, new float[] { 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f },
                new Color[] { scheme.getMidColor(), scheme.getLightColor(),
                                scheme.getMidColor() },
        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) graphics.create();
        g2d.fillRect(-offset.x, 0, pWidth, height);
源代码2 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件:
boolean isPaintValid(SunGraphics2D sg2d) {
    LinearGradientPaint paint = (LinearGradientPaint)sg2d.paint;

    if (paint.getFractions().length == 2 &&
        paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT &&
        paint.getColorSpace() != ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB)
        D3DSurfaceData dstData = (D3DSurfaceData)sg2d.surfaceData;
        D3DGraphicsDevice gd = (D3DGraphicsDevice)
        if (gd.isCapPresent(CAPS_LCD_SHADER)) {
            // we can delegate to the optimized two-color gradient
            // codepath, which should be faster
            return true;

    return super.isPaintValid(sg2d);
源代码3 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件:
boolean isPaintValid(SunGraphics2D sg2d) {
    LinearGradientPaint paint = (LinearGradientPaint)sg2d.paint;

    if (paint.getFractions().length == 2 &&
        paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT &&
        paint.getColorSpace() != ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB)
        // we can delegate to the optimized two-color gradient
        // codepath, which does not require fragment shader support
        return true;

    return super.isPaintValid(sg2d);
源代码4 项目: hottub   文件:
boolean isPaintValid(SunGraphics2D sg2d) {
    LinearGradientPaint paint = (LinearGradientPaint)sg2d.paint;

    if (paint.getFractions().length == 2 &&
        paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT &&
        paint.getColorSpace() != ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB)
        // we can delegate to the optimized two-color gradient
        // codepath, which does not require fragment shader support
        return true;

    return super.isPaintValid(sg2d);
源代码5 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
boolean isPaintValid(SunGraphics2D sg2d) {
    LinearGradientPaint paint = (LinearGradientPaint)sg2d.paint;

    if (paint.getFractions().length == 2 &&
        paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT &&
        paint.getColorSpace() != ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB)
        // we can delegate to the optimized two-color gradient
        // codepath, which does not require fragment shader support
        return true;

    return super.isPaintValid(sg2d);
源代码6 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
boolean isPaintValid(SunGraphics2D sg2d) {
    LinearGradientPaint paint = (LinearGradientPaint)sg2d.paint;

    if (paint.getFractions().length == 2 &&
        paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT &&
        paint.getColorSpace() != ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB)
        // we can delegate to the optimized two-color gradient
        // codepath, which does not require fragment shader support
        return true;

    return super.isPaintValid(sg2d);
源代码7 项目: radiance   文件:
public void paintBorder(Graphics g, Component c, float width, float height, Shape contour,
		Shape innerContour, SubstanceColorScheme borderScheme) {
	if (contour == null)

	Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D) g.create();

	Color[] drawColors = new Color[this.fractions.length];
	for (int i = 0; i < this.fractions.length; i++) {
		ColorSchemeSingleColorQuery colorQuery = this.colorQueries[i];
		drawColors[i] = colorQuery.query(borderScheme);

	// System.out.println("\t" + interpolationScheme1.getDisplayName()
	// + " -> [" + cyclePos + "] "
	// + interpolationScheme2.getDisplayName());

	float strokeWidth = SubstanceSizeUtils.getBorderStrokeWidth();
	// issue 433 - the "c" can be null when painting
	// the border of a tree icon used outside the
	// JTree context.
	boolean isSpecialButton = (c != null) && c.getClass()
	int joinKind = isSpecialButton ? BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER : BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND;
	int capKind = isSpecialButton ? BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE : BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT;
	graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke(strokeWidth, capKind, joinKind));

	MultipleGradientPaint gradient = new LinearGradientPaint(0, 0, 0, height, this.fractions,
			drawColors, CycleMethod.REPEAT);
源代码8 项目: openjdk-8   文件:
boolean isPaintValid(SunGraphics2D sg2d) {
    LinearGradientPaint paint = (LinearGradientPaint)sg2d.paint;

    if (paint.getFractions().length == 2 &&
        paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT &&
        paint.getColorSpace() != ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB)
        // we can delegate to the optimized two-color gradient
        // codepath, which does not require fragment shader support
        return true;

    return super.isPaintValid(sg2d);
源代码9 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件:
boolean isPaintValid(SunGraphics2D sg2d) {
    LinearGradientPaint paint = (LinearGradientPaint)sg2d.paint;

    if (paint.getFractions().length == 2 &&
        paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT &&
        paint.getColorSpace() != ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB)
        // we can delegate to the optimized two-color gradient
        // codepath, which does not require fragment shader support
        return true;

    return super.isPaintValid(sg2d);
 * Helper function to index into the gradients array.  This is necessary
 * because each interval has an array of colors with uniform size 255.
 * However, the color intervals are not necessarily of uniform length, so
 * a conversion is required.
 * @param position the unmanipulated position, which will be mapped
 *                 into the range 0 to 1
 * @returns integer color to display
protected final int indexIntoGradientsArrays(float position) {
    // first, manipulate position value depending on the cycle method
    if (cycleMethod == CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE) {
        if (position > 1) {
            // upper bound is 1
            position = 1;
        } else if (position < 0) {
            // lower bound is 0
            position = 0;
    } else if (cycleMethod == CycleMethod.REPEAT) {
        // get the fractional part
        // (modulo behavior discards integer component)
        position = position - (int)position;

        //position should now be between -1 and 1
        if (position < 0) {
            // force it to be in the range 0-1
            position = position + 1;
    } else { // cycleMethod == CycleMethod.REFLECT
        if (position < 0) {
            // take absolute value
            position = -position;

        // get the integer part
        int part = (int)position;

        // get the fractional part
        position = position - part;

        if ((part & 1) == 1) {
            // integer part is odd, get reflected color instead
            position = 1 - position;

    // now, get the color based on this 0-1 position...

    if (isSimpleLookup) {
        // easy to compute: just scale index by array size
        return gradient[(int)(position * fastGradientArraySize)];
    } else {
        // more complicated computation, to save space

        // for all the gradient interval arrays
        for (int i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++) {
            if (position < fractions[i+1]) {
                // this is the array we want
                float delta = position - fractions[i];

                // this is the interval we want
                int index = (int)((delta / normalizedIntervals[i])
                                  * (GRADIENT_SIZE_INDEX));

                return gradients[i][index];

    return gradients[gradients.length - 1][GRADIENT_SIZE_INDEX];
源代码11 项目: openjdk-8   文件:
 * This method uses techniques that are nearly identical to those
 * employed in setGradientPaint() above.  The primary difference
 * is that at the native level we use a fragment shader to manually
 * apply the plane equation constants to the current fragment position
 * to calculate the gradient position in the range [0,1] (the native
 * code for GradientPaint does the same, except that it uses OpenGL's
 * automatic texture coordinate generation facilities).
 * One other minor difference worth mentioning is that
 * setGradientPaint() calculates the plane equation constants
 * such that the gradient end points are positioned at 0.25 and 0.75
 * (for reasons discussed in the comments for that method).  In
 * contrast, for LinearGradientPaint we setup the equation constants
 * such that the gradient end points fall at 0.0 and 1.0.  The
 * reason for this difference is that in the fragment shader we
 * have more control over how the gradient values are interpreted
 * (depending on the paint's CycleMethod).
private static void setLinearGradientPaint(RenderQueue rq,
                                           SunGraphics2D sg2d,
                                           LinearGradientPaint paint,
                                           boolean useMask)
    boolean linear =
        (paint.getColorSpace() == ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB);
    Color[] colors = paint.getColors();
    int numStops = colors.length;
    Point2D pt1 = paint.getStartPoint();
    Point2D pt2 = paint.getEndPoint();
    AffineTransform at = paint.getTransform();

    if (!linear && numStops == 2 &&
        paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT)
        // delegate to the optimized two-color gradient codepath
        boolean isCyclic =
            (paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE);
        setGradientPaint(rq, at,
                         colors[0], colors[1],
                         pt1, pt2,
                         isCyclic, useMask);

    int cycleMethod = paint.getCycleMethod().ordinal();
    float[] fractions = paint.getFractions();
    int[] pixels = convertToIntArgbPrePixels(colors, linear);

    // calculate plane equation constants
    double x = pt1.getX();
    double y = pt1.getY();
    at.translate(x, y);
    // now gradient point 1 is at the origin
    x = pt2.getX() - x;
    y = pt2.getY() - y;
    double len = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
    at.rotate(x, y);
    // now gradient point 2 is on the positive x-axis
    at.scale(len, 1);
    // now gradient point 1 is at (0.0, 0), point 2 is at (1.0, 0)

    float p0, p1, p3;
    try {
        p0 = (float)at.getScaleX();
        p1 = (float)at.getShearX();
        p3 = (float)at.getTranslateX();
    } catch (java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
        p0 = p1 = p3 = 0.0f;

    // assert rq.lock.isHeldByCurrentThread();
    rq.ensureCapacity(20 + 12 + (numStops*4*2));
    RenderBuffer buf = rq.getBuffer();
    buf.putInt(useMask ? 1 : 0);
    buf.putInt(linear  ? 1 : 0);
源代码12 项目: hottub   文件:
 * This method uses techniques that are nearly identical to those
 * employed in setGradientPaint() above.  The primary difference
 * is that at the native level we use a fragment shader to manually
 * apply the plane equation constants to the current fragment position
 * to calculate the gradient position in the range [0,1] (the native
 * code for GradientPaint does the same, except that it uses OpenGL's
 * automatic texture coordinate generation facilities).
 * One other minor difference worth mentioning is that
 * setGradientPaint() calculates the plane equation constants
 * such that the gradient end points are positioned at 0.25 and 0.75
 * (for reasons discussed in the comments for that method).  In
 * contrast, for LinearGradientPaint we setup the equation constants
 * such that the gradient end points fall at 0.0 and 1.0.  The
 * reason for this difference is that in the fragment shader we
 * have more control over how the gradient values are interpreted
 * (depending on the paint's CycleMethod).
private static void setLinearGradientPaint(RenderQueue rq,
                                           SunGraphics2D sg2d,
                                           LinearGradientPaint paint,
                                           boolean useMask)
    boolean linear =
        (paint.getColorSpace() == ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB);
    Color[] colors = paint.getColors();
    int numStops = colors.length;
    Point2D pt1 = paint.getStartPoint();
    Point2D pt2 = paint.getEndPoint();
    AffineTransform at = paint.getTransform();

    if (!linear && numStops == 2 &&
        paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT)
        // delegate to the optimized two-color gradient codepath
        boolean isCyclic =
            (paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE);
        setGradientPaint(rq, at,
                         colors[0], colors[1],
                         pt1, pt2,
                         isCyclic, useMask);

    int cycleMethod = paint.getCycleMethod().ordinal();
    float[] fractions = paint.getFractions();
    int[] pixels = convertToIntArgbPrePixels(colors, linear);

    // calculate plane equation constants
    double x = pt1.getX();
    double y = pt1.getY();
    at.translate(x, y);
    // now gradient point 1 is at the origin
    x = pt2.getX() - x;
    y = pt2.getY() - y;
    double len = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
    at.rotate(x, y);
    // now gradient point 2 is on the positive x-axis
    at.scale(len, 1);
    // now gradient point 1 is at (0.0, 0), point 2 is at (1.0, 0)

    float p0, p1, p3;
    try {
        p0 = (float)at.getScaleX();
        p1 = (float)at.getShearX();
        p3 = (float)at.getTranslateX();
    } catch (java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
        p0 = p1 = p3 = 0.0f;

    // assert rq.lock.isHeldByCurrentThread();
    rq.ensureCapacity(20 + 12 + (numStops*4*2));
    RenderBuffer buf = rq.getBuffer();
    buf.putInt(useMask ? 1 : 0);
    buf.putInt(linear  ? 1 : 0);
源代码13 项目: radiance   文件:
 * Retrieves a single crayon of the specified color and dimensions for the crayon panel in color
 * chooser.
 * @param mainColor
 *            Crayon main color.
 * @param width
 *            Crayon width.
 * @param height
 *            Crayon height.
 * @return Crayon image.
private static BufferedImage getSingleCrayon(Color mainColor, int width, int height) {
    BufferedImage image = SubstanceCoreUtilities.getBlankImage(width, height);

    int baseTop = (int) (0.2 * height);

    Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D) image.getGraphics().create();

    int r = mainColor.getRed();
    int g = mainColor.getGreen();
    int b = mainColor.getBlue();
    // light coefficient
    double lc = 0.8;
    int lr = (int) (r + (255 - r) * lc);
    int lg = (int) (g + (255 - g) * lc);
    int lb = (int) (b + (255 - b) * lc);
    // dark coefficient
    double dc = 0.05;
    int dr = (int) ((1.0 - dc) * r);
    int dg = (int) ((1.0 - dc) * g);
    int db = (int) ((1.0 - dc) * b);

    Color lightColor = new Color(lr, lg, lb);
    Color darkColor = new Color(dr, dg, db);

    LinearGradientPaint paint = new LinearGradientPaint(0, 0, width, 0,
            new float[] { 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.5f, 0.9f, 1.0f },
            new Color[] { lightColor, darkColor, darkColor, lightColor, lightColor },
    graphics.fillRect(0, baseTop, width, height);

    int dbwr = lr;
    int dbwg = lg;
    int dbwb = lb;
    int lbwr = 128 + dr / 4;
    int lbwg = 128 + dg / 4;
    int lbwb = 128 + db / 4;

    Color lightStripeColor = new Color(lbwr, lbwg, lbwb);
    Color darkStripeColor = new Color(dbwr, dbwg, dbwb);

    int stripeTop = (int) (0.35 * height);
    int stripeHeight = (int) (0.04 * height);
    LinearGradientPaint stripePaint = new LinearGradientPaint(0, 0, width, 0,
            new float[] { 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.5f, 0.9f, 1.0f },
            new Color[] { lightStripeColor, darkStripeColor, darkStripeColor, lightStripeColor,
                            lightStripeColor },
    graphics.fillRect(0, stripeTop, width, stripeHeight);

    graphics.drawRect(0, stripeTop, width - 1, stripeHeight);

    // create cap path
    GeneralPath capPath = new GeneralPath();
    capPath.moveTo(0.5f * width - 3, 4);
    capPath.quadTo(0.5f * width, 0, 0.5f * width + 3, 4);
    capPath.lineTo(width - 3, baseTop);
    capPath.lineTo(2, baseTop);
    capPath.lineTo(0.5f * width - 3, 4);


    RadialGradientPaint capPaint = new RadialGradientPaint(width / 2, baseTop, baseTop,
            width / 2, 4 * baseTop / 3, new float[] { 0.0f, 0.1f, 1.0f },
            new Color[] { mainColor, mainColor, lightColor }, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE);
    graphics.fillRect(0, 0, width, baseTop);

    graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND));

    graphics.setColor(new Color(64 + dr / 2, 64 + dg / 2, 64 + db / 2, 200));
    graphics.drawRect(0, baseTop, width - 1, height - baseTop - 1);


    return image;
源代码14 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
 * This method uses techniques that are nearly identical to those
 * employed in setGradientPaint() above.  The primary difference
 * is that at the native level we use a fragment shader to manually
 * apply the plane equation constants to the current fragment position
 * to calculate the gradient position in the range [0,1] (the native
 * code for GradientPaint does the same, except that it uses OpenGL's
 * automatic texture coordinate generation facilities).
 * One other minor difference worth mentioning is that
 * setGradientPaint() calculates the plane equation constants
 * such that the gradient end points are positioned at 0.25 and 0.75
 * (for reasons discussed in the comments for that method).  In
 * contrast, for LinearGradientPaint we setup the equation constants
 * such that the gradient end points fall at 0.0 and 1.0.  The
 * reason for this difference is that in the fragment shader we
 * have more control over how the gradient values are interpreted
 * (depending on the paint's CycleMethod).
private static void setLinearGradientPaint(RenderQueue rq,
                                           SunGraphics2D sg2d,
                                           LinearGradientPaint paint,
                                           boolean useMask)
    boolean linear =
        (paint.getColorSpace() == ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB);
    Color[] colors = paint.getColors();
    int numStops = colors.length;
    Point2D pt1 = paint.getStartPoint();
    Point2D pt2 = paint.getEndPoint();
    AffineTransform at = paint.getTransform();

    if (!linear && numStops == 2 &&
        paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT)
        // delegate to the optimized two-color gradient codepath
        boolean isCyclic =
            (paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE);
        setGradientPaint(rq, at,
                         colors[0], colors[1],
                         pt1, pt2,
                         isCyclic, useMask);

    int cycleMethod = paint.getCycleMethod().ordinal();
    float[] fractions = paint.getFractions();
    int[] pixels = convertToIntArgbPrePixels(colors, linear);

    // calculate plane equation constants
    double x = pt1.getX();
    double y = pt1.getY();
    at.translate(x, y);
    // now gradient point 1 is at the origin
    x = pt2.getX() - x;
    y = pt2.getY() - y;
    double len = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
    at.rotate(x, y);
    // now gradient point 2 is on the positive x-axis
    at.scale(len, 1);
    // now gradient point 1 is at (0.0, 0), point 2 is at (1.0, 0)

    float p0, p1, p3;
    try {
        p0 = (float)at.getScaleX();
        p1 = (float)at.getShearX();
        p3 = (float)at.getTranslateX();
    } catch (java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
        p0 = p1 = p3 = 0.0f;

    // assert rq.lock.isHeldByCurrentThread();
    rq.ensureCapacity(20 + 12 + (numStops*4*2));
    RenderBuffer buf = rq.getBuffer();
    buf.putInt(useMask ? 1 : 0);
    buf.putInt(linear  ? 1 : 0);
源代码15 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
 * Helper function to index into the gradients array.  This is necessary
 * because each interval has an array of colors with uniform size 255.
 * However, the color intervals are not necessarily of uniform length, so
 * a conversion is required.
 * @param position the unmanipulated position, which will be mapped
 *                 into the range 0 to 1
 * @returns integer color to display
protected final int indexIntoGradientsArrays(float position) {
    // first, manipulate position value depending on the cycle method
    if (cycleMethod == CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE) {
        if (position > 1) {
            // upper bound is 1
            position = 1;
        } else if (position < 0) {
            // lower bound is 0
            position = 0;
    } else if (cycleMethod == CycleMethod.REPEAT) {
        // get the fractional part
        // (modulo behavior discards integer component)
        position = position - (int)position;

        //position should now be between -1 and 1
        if (position < 0) {
            // force it to be in the range 0-1
            position = position + 1;
    } else { // cycleMethod == CycleMethod.REFLECT
        if (position < 0) {
            // take absolute value
            position = -position;

        // get the integer part
        int part = (int)position;

        // get the fractional part
        position = position - part;

        if ((part & 1) == 1) {
            // integer part is odd, get reflected color instead
            position = 1 - position;

    // now, get the color based on this 0-1 position...

    if (isSimpleLookup) {
        // easy to compute: just scale index by array size
        return gradient[(int)(position * fastGradientArraySize)];
    } else {
        // more complicated computation, to save space

        // for all the gradient interval arrays
        for (int i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++) {
            if (position < fractions[i+1]) {
                // this is the array we want
                float delta = position - fractions[i];

                // this is the interval we want
                int index = (int)((delta / normalizedIntervals[i])
                                  * (GRADIENT_SIZE_INDEX));

                return gradients[i][index];

    return gradients[gradients.length - 1][GRADIENT_SIZE_INDEX];
源代码16 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
 * This method uses techniques that are nearly identical to those
 * employed in setGradientPaint() above.  The primary difference
 * is that at the native level we use a fragment shader to manually
 * apply the plane equation constants to the current fragment position
 * to calculate the gradient position in the range [0,1] (the native
 * code for GradientPaint does the same, except that it uses OpenGL's
 * automatic texture coordinate generation facilities).
 * One other minor difference worth mentioning is that
 * setGradientPaint() calculates the plane equation constants
 * such that the gradient end points are positioned at 0.25 and 0.75
 * (for reasons discussed in the comments for that method).  In
 * contrast, for LinearGradientPaint we setup the equation constants
 * such that the gradient end points fall at 0.0 and 1.0.  The
 * reason for this difference is that in the fragment shader we
 * have more control over how the gradient values are interpreted
 * (depending on the paint's CycleMethod).
private static void setLinearGradientPaint(RenderQueue rq,
                                           SunGraphics2D sg2d,
                                           LinearGradientPaint paint,
                                           boolean useMask)
    boolean linear =
        (paint.getColorSpace() == ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB);
    Color[] colors = paint.getColors();
    int numStops = colors.length;
    Point2D pt1 = paint.getStartPoint();
    Point2D pt2 = paint.getEndPoint();
    AffineTransform at = paint.getTransform();

    if (!linear && numStops == 2 &&
        paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT)
        // delegate to the optimized two-color gradient codepath
        boolean isCyclic =
            (paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE);
        setGradientPaint(rq, at,
                         colors[0], colors[1],
                         pt1, pt2,
                         isCyclic, useMask);

    int cycleMethod = paint.getCycleMethod().ordinal();
    float[] fractions = paint.getFractions();
    int[] pixels = convertToIntArgbPrePixels(colors, linear);

    // calculate plane equation constants
    double x = pt1.getX();
    double y = pt1.getY();
    at.translate(x, y);
    // now gradient point 1 is at the origin
    x = pt2.getX() - x;
    y = pt2.getY() - y;
    double len = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
    at.rotate(x, y);
    // now gradient point 2 is on the positive x-axis
    at.scale(len, 1);
    // now gradient point 1 is at (0.0, 0), point 2 is at (1.0, 0)

    float p0, p1, p3;
    try {
        p0 = (float)at.getScaleX();
        p1 = (float)at.getShearX();
        p3 = (float)at.getTranslateX();
    } catch (java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
        p0 = p1 = p3 = 0.0f;

    // assert rq.lock.isHeldByCurrentThread();
    rq.ensureCapacity(20 + 12 + (numStops*4*2));
    RenderBuffer buf = rq.getBuffer();
    buf.putInt(useMask ? 1 : 0);
    buf.putInt(linear  ? 1 : 0);
源代码17 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
 * This method uses techniques that are nearly identical to those
 * employed in setGradientPaint() above.  The primary difference
 * is that at the native level we use a fragment shader to manually
 * apply the plane equation constants to the current fragment position
 * to calculate the gradient position in the range [0,1] (the native
 * code for GradientPaint does the same, except that it uses OpenGL's
 * automatic texture coordinate generation facilities).
 * One other minor difference worth mentioning is that
 * setGradientPaint() calculates the plane equation constants
 * such that the gradient end points are positioned at 0.25 and 0.75
 * (for reasons discussed in the comments for that method).  In
 * contrast, for LinearGradientPaint we setup the equation constants
 * such that the gradient end points fall at 0.0 and 1.0.  The
 * reason for this difference is that in the fragment shader we
 * have more control over how the gradient values are interpreted
 * (depending on the paint's CycleMethod).
private static void setLinearGradientPaint(RenderQueue rq,
                                           SunGraphics2D sg2d,
                                           LinearGradientPaint paint,
                                           boolean useMask)
    boolean linear =
        (paint.getColorSpace() == ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB);
    Color[] colors = paint.getColors();
    int numStops = colors.length;
    Point2D pt1 = paint.getStartPoint();
    Point2D pt2 = paint.getEndPoint();
    AffineTransform at = paint.getTransform();

    if (!linear && numStops == 2 &&
        paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT)
        // delegate to the optimized two-color gradient codepath
        boolean isCyclic =
            (paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE);
        setGradientPaint(rq, at,
                         colors[0], colors[1],
                         pt1, pt2,
                         isCyclic, useMask);

    int cycleMethod = paint.getCycleMethod().ordinal();
    float[] fractions = paint.getFractions();
    int[] pixels = convertToIntArgbPrePixels(colors, linear);

    // calculate plane equation constants
    double x = pt1.getX();
    double y = pt1.getY();
    at.translate(x, y);
    // now gradient point 1 is at the origin
    x = pt2.getX() - x;
    y = pt2.getY() - y;
    double len = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
    at.rotate(x, y);
    // now gradient point 2 is on the positive x-axis
    at.scale(len, 1);
    // now gradient point 1 is at (0.0, 0), point 2 is at (1.0, 0)

    float p0, p1, p3;
    try {
        p0 = (float)at.getScaleX();
        p1 = (float)at.getShearX();
        p3 = (float)at.getTranslateX();
    } catch (java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
        p0 = p1 = p3 = 0.0f;

    // assert rq.lock.isHeldByCurrentThread();
    rq.ensureCapacity(20 + 12 + (numStops*4*2));
    RenderBuffer buf = rq.getBuffer();
    buf.putInt(useMask ? 1 : 0);
    buf.putInt(linear  ? 1 : 0);
源代码18 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件:
 * Helper function to index into the gradients array.  This is necessary
 * because each interval has an array of colors with uniform size 255.
 * However, the color intervals are not necessarily of uniform length, so
 * a conversion is required.
 * @param position the unmanipulated position, which will be mapped
 *                 into the range 0 to 1
 * @returns integer color to display
protected final int indexIntoGradientsArrays(float position) {
    // first, manipulate position value depending on the cycle method
    if (cycleMethod == CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE) {
        if (position > 1) {
            // upper bound is 1
            position = 1;
        } else if (position < 0) {
            // lower bound is 0
            position = 0;
    } else if (cycleMethod == CycleMethod.REPEAT) {
        // get the fractional part
        // (modulo behavior discards integer component)
        position = position - (int)position;

        //position should now be between -1 and 1
        if (position < 0) {
            // force it to be in the range 0-1
            position = position + 1;
    } else { // cycleMethod == CycleMethod.REFLECT
        if (position < 0) {
            // take absolute value
            position = -position;

        // get the integer part
        int part = (int)position;

        // get the fractional part
        position = position - part;

        if ((part & 1) == 1) {
            // integer part is odd, get reflected color instead
            position = 1 - position;

    // now, get the color based on this 0-1 position...

    if (isSimpleLookup) {
        // easy to compute: just scale index by array size
        return gradient[(int)(position * fastGradientArraySize)];
    } else {
        // more complicated computation, to save space

        // for all the gradient interval arrays
        for (int i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++) {
            if (position < fractions[i+1]) {
                // this is the array we want
                float delta = position - fractions[i];

                // this is the interval we want
                int index = (int)((delta / normalizedIntervals[i])
                                  * (GRADIENT_SIZE_INDEX));

                return gradients[i][index];

    return gradients[gradients.length - 1][GRADIENT_SIZE_INDEX];
 * Helper function to index into the gradients array.  This is necessary
 * because each interval has an array of colors with uniform size 255.
 * However, the color intervals are not necessarily of uniform length, so
 * a conversion is required.
 * @param position the unmanipulated position, which will be mapped
 *                 into the range 0 to 1
 * @returns integer color to display
protected final int indexIntoGradientsArrays(float position) {
    // first, manipulate position value depending on the cycle method
    if (cycleMethod == CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE) {
        if (position > 1) {
            // upper bound is 1
            position = 1;
        } else if (position < 0) {
            // lower bound is 0
            position = 0;
    } else if (cycleMethod == CycleMethod.REPEAT) {
        // get the fractional part
        // (modulo behavior discards integer component)
        position = position - (int)position;

        //position should now be between -1 and 1
        if (position < 0) {
            // force it to be in the range 0-1
            position = position + 1;
    } else { // cycleMethod == CycleMethod.REFLECT
        if (position < 0) {
            // take absolute value
            position = -position;

        // get the integer part
        int part = (int)position;

        // get the fractional part
        position = position - part;

        if ((part & 1) == 1) {
            // integer part is odd, get reflected color instead
            position = 1 - position;

    // now, get the color based on this 0-1 position...

    if (isSimpleLookup) {
        // easy to compute: just scale index by array size
        return gradient[(int)(position * fastGradientArraySize)];
    } else {
        // more complicated computation, to save space

        // for all the gradient interval arrays
        for (int i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++) {
            if (position < fractions[i+1]) {
                // this is the array we want
                float delta = position - fractions[i];

                // this is the interval we want
                int index = (int)((delta / normalizedIntervals[i])
                                  * (GRADIENT_SIZE_INDEX));

                return gradients[i][index];

    return gradients[gradients.length - 1][GRADIENT_SIZE_INDEX];
源代码20 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
 * This method uses techniques that are nearly identical to those
 * employed in setGradientPaint() above.  The primary difference
 * is that at the native level we use a fragment shader to manually
 * apply the plane equation constants to the current fragment position
 * to calculate the gradient position in the range [0,1] (the native
 * code for GradientPaint does the same, except that it uses OpenGL's
 * automatic texture coordinate generation facilities).
 * One other minor difference worth mentioning is that
 * setGradientPaint() calculates the plane equation constants
 * such that the gradient end points are positioned at 0.25 and 0.75
 * (for reasons discussed in the comments for that method).  In
 * contrast, for LinearGradientPaint we setup the equation constants
 * such that the gradient end points fall at 0.0 and 1.0.  The
 * reason for this difference is that in the fragment shader we
 * have more control over how the gradient values are interpreted
 * (depending on the paint's CycleMethod).
private static void setLinearGradientPaint(RenderQueue rq,
                                           SunGraphics2D sg2d,
                                           LinearGradientPaint paint,
                                           boolean useMask)
    boolean linear =
        (paint.getColorSpace() == ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB);
    Color[] colors = paint.getColors();
    int numStops = colors.length;
    Point2D pt1 = paint.getStartPoint();
    Point2D pt2 = paint.getEndPoint();
    AffineTransform at = paint.getTransform();

    if (!linear && numStops == 2 &&
        paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT)
        // delegate to the optimized two-color gradient codepath
        boolean isCyclic =
            (paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE);
        setGradientPaint(rq, at,
                         colors[0], colors[1],
                         pt1, pt2,
                         isCyclic, useMask);

    int cycleMethod = paint.getCycleMethod().ordinal();
    float[] fractions = paint.getFractions();
    int[] pixels = convertToIntArgbPrePixels(colors, linear);

    // calculate plane equation constants
    double x = pt1.getX();
    double y = pt1.getY();
    at.translate(x, y);
    // now gradient point 1 is at the origin
    x = pt2.getX() - x;
    y = pt2.getY() - y;
    double len = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
    at.rotate(x, y);
    // now gradient point 2 is on the positive x-axis
    at.scale(len, 1);
    // now gradient point 1 is at (0.0, 0), point 2 is at (1.0, 0)

    float p0, p1, p3;
    try {
        p0 = (float)at.getScaleX();
        p1 = (float)at.getShearX();
        p3 = (float)at.getTranslateX();
    } catch (java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
        p0 = p1 = p3 = 0.0f;

    // assert rq.lock.isHeldByCurrentThread();
    rq.ensureCapacity(20 + 12 + (numStops*4*2));
    RenderBuffer buf = rq.getBuffer();
    buf.putInt(useMask ? 1 : 0);
    buf.putInt(linear  ? 1 : 0);