java.sql.Timestamp#getNanos ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.sql.Timestamp#getNanos ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: reladomo   文件:
public Timestamp getOrAddToCache(Timestamp newValue, boolean hard, boolean offHeap)
    if (newValue == null || newValue instanceof CachedImmutableTimestamp || newValue == NullDataTimestamp.getInstance())
        return newValue;
    if (offHeap)
        if ((newValue.getNanos() % 1000000) != 0)
            newValue = new ImmutableTimestamp(newValue.getTime());
        return tempPool.getIfAbsentPut(newValue);
    return (Timestamp) weakPool.getIfAbsentPut(newValue, hard);
private void myAssert(RecordEntry record, DsColumn[] columns) {
    if (record == null || columns == null) {;

    TupleRecordData recordData = (TupleRecordData) record.getRecordData();

    Assert.assertEquals(recordData.getField("c1"), columns[0].getAfterValue());
    Assert.assertEquals(recordData.getField("c2"), Long.valueOf(columns[1].getAfterValue()));
    Assert.assertEquals(recordData.getField("c3"), Double.valueOf(columns[2].getAfterValue()));
    Assert.assertEquals(recordData.getField("c4"), Boolean.valueOf(columns[3].getAfterValue()));

    SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    Timestamp ts = Timestamp.valueOf(columns[4].getAfterValue());

    long timeStamp = ts.getTime() * 1000 + (ts.getNanos() % 1000000 / 1000);
    Assert.assertEquals(recordData.getField("c5"), timeStamp);

    Assert.assertEquals(recordData.getField("c6"), new BigDecimal(columns[5].getAfterValue()));
源代码3 项目: pulsar-flink   文件:
 * Returns the number of micros since epoch from java.sql.Timestamp.
public static long fromJavaTimestamp(Timestamp t) {
    if (t != null) {
        return t.getTime() * 1000L + ((long) t.getNanos() / 1000) % 1000L;
    } else {
        return 0L;
public static long formatLong(Timestamp timestamp) throws StandardException {
    int nanos = timestamp.getNanos();
    // 1. Round milliseconds down to the nearest second, e.g. -1001 ms becomes -2000 ms.
    // 2. Shift 3 decimal places to the left, so there's a total of 6 zeroes in the rightmost digits.
    // 3. Divide nanoseconds by 1000 to produce microseconds, and add that to the final value.
    long micros = (timestamp.getTime() - (nanos / 1000000)) * 1000 + (nanos / 1000);
    return micros;
源代码5 项目: hottub   文件:
private static boolean isEqual(LocalDateTime ldt, Timestamp ts) {
    ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(ldt, ZoneId.systemDefault());
    return zdt.getYear() == ts.getYear() + 1900 &&
           zdt.getMonthValue() == ts.getMonth() + 1 &&
           zdt.getDayOfMonth() == ts.getDate() &&
           zdt.getHour() == ts.getHours() &&
           zdt.getMinute() == ts.getMinutes() &&
           zdt.getSecond() == ts.getSeconds() &&
           zdt.getNano() == ts.getNanos();
源代码6 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
private static boolean isEqual(LocalDateTime ldt, Timestamp ts) {
    ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(ldt, ZoneId.systemDefault());
    return zdt.getYear() == ts.getYear() + 1900 &&
           zdt.getMonthValue() == ts.getMonth() + 1 &&
           zdt.getDayOfMonth() == ts.getDate() &&
           zdt.getHour() == ts.getHours() &&
           zdt.getMinute() == ts.getMinutes() &&
           zdt.getSecond() == ts.getSeconds() &&
           zdt.getNano() == ts.getNanos();
源代码7 项目: spearal-java   文件:
public static SpearalDateTime forSQLTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp) {
	GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(UTC, Locale.US);
	return new SpearalDateTime(
		calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1,
		true, true
源代码8 项目: scipio-erp   文件:
 * SCIPIO: Converts a timestamp  into a Date
 * @param timestamp a Timestamp
 * @return The corresponding Date
public static java.util.Date toDate(Timestamp timestamp) {
    if (timestamp == null) {
        return null;
    long milliseconds = timestamp.getTime() + (timestamp.getNanos() / 1000000);
    return new Date(milliseconds);
源代码9 项目: zap-extensions   文件:
 * Helper to set {@link WebSocketMessageDTO#timestamp} and {@link WebSocketMessageDTO#dateTime}.
 * @param ts
public void setTime(Timestamp ts) {
    timestamp = ts.getTime() + (ts.getNanos() / 1000000000);

    synchronized (dateFormatter) {
        dateTime = dateFormatter.format(ts);

    String nanos = Integer.toString(ts.getNanos()).replaceAll("0+$", "");
    if (nanos.length() == 0) {
        nanos = "0";

    dateTime = dateTime.replaceFirst("([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+)", "$1." + nanos);
源代码10 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
private static boolean isEqual(LocalDateTime ldt, Timestamp ts) {
    ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(ldt, ZoneId.systemDefault());
    return zdt.getYear() == ts.getYear() + 1900 &&
           zdt.getMonthValue() == ts.getMonth() + 1 &&
           zdt.getDayOfMonth() == ts.getDate() &&
           zdt.getHour() == ts.getHours() &&
           zdt.getMinute() == ts.getMinutes() &&
           zdt.getSecond() == ts.getSeconds() &&
           zdt.getNano() == ts.getNanos();
源代码11 项目: pentaho-kettle   文件:
public Long getInteger( Object object ) throws KettleValueException {
  Timestamp timestamp = getTimestamp( object );
  if ( timestamp == null ) {
    return null;

  long milliseconds = timestamp.getTime();
  if ( Const.KETTLE_TIMESTAMP_NUMBER_CONVERSION_MODE_NANOSECONDS.equalsIgnoreCase( conversionMode ) ) {
    long seconds = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert( milliseconds, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
    return seconds * 1000000000L + timestamp.getNanos();
  } else {
    return milliseconds;
源代码12 项目: FoxTelem   文件:
private static void processTimestampToken(TimeZone tz, StringBuilder newSql, String token, boolean serverSupportsFractionalSecond,
        boolean serverTruncatesFractionalSecond, ExceptionInterceptor exceptionInterceptor) throws SQLException {
    int startPos = token.indexOf('\'') + 1;
    int endPos = token.lastIndexOf('\''); // no }

    if ((startPos == -1) || (endPos == -1)) {
        newSql.append(token); // it's just part of the query, push possible syntax errors onto server's shoulders
    } else {

        String argument = token.substring(startPos, endPos);

        try {
            Timestamp ts = Timestamp.valueOf(argument);
            ts = TimeUtil.adjustTimestampNanosPrecision(ts, 6, !serverTruncatesFractionalSecond);
            SimpleDateFormat tsdf = TimeUtil.getSimpleDateFormat(null, "''yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", null, tz);


            if (serverSupportsFractionalSecond && ts.getNanos() > 0) {
                newSql.append(TimeUtil.formatNanos(ts.getNanos(), 6));

        } catch (IllegalArgumentException illegalArgumentException) {
            SQLException sqlEx = SQLError.createSQLException(Messages.getString("EscapeProcessor.2", new Object[] { argument }),
                    MysqlErrorNumbers.SQL_STATE_SYNTAX_ERROR, exceptionInterceptor);

            throw sqlEx;
源代码13 项目: database   文件:
 * Make sure the Timestamp will return getTime() accurate to the millisecond
 * (if possible) and truncate away nanoseconds.
private Date timestampToDate(Timestamp ts) {
  long millis = ts.getTime();
  int nanos = ts.getNanos();
  return new Date(millis / 1000 * 1000 + nanos / 1000000);
public static long formatLong(Timestamp timestamp) throws StandardException {
    long millis = SQLTimestamp.checkV2Bounds(timestamp);
    long micros = timestamp.getNanos() / NANOS_TO_MICROS;
    return millis * MICROS_TO_SECOND + micros;
源代码15 项目: hottub   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    int N = 10000;
    long t1970 = new java.util.Date(70, 0, 01).getTime();
    Random r = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        int days  = r.nextInt(50) * 365 + r.nextInt(365);
        long secs = t1970 + days * 86400 + r.nextInt(86400);
        int nanos = r.nextInt(NANOS_PER_SECOND);
        int nanos_ms = nanos / 1000000 * 1000000; // millis precision
        long millis = secs * 1000 + r.nextInt(1000);

        LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(secs, nanos, ZoneOffset.UTC);
        LocalDateTime ldt_ms = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(secs, nanos_ms, ZoneOffset.UTC);
        Instant inst = Instant.ofEpochSecond(secs, nanos);
        Instant inst_ms = Instant.ofEpochSecond(secs, nanos_ms);
        //System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);

        /////////// Timestamp ////////////////////////////////
        Timestamp ta = new Timestamp(millis);
        if (!isEqual(ta.toLocalDateTime(), ta)) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            print(ta.toLocalDateTime(), ta);
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: j.s.ts -> ldt");
        if (!isEqual(ldt, Timestamp.valueOf(ldt))) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            print(ldt, Timestamp.valueOf(ldt));
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: ldt -> j.s.ts");
        Instant inst0 = ta.toInstant();
        if (ta.getTime() != inst0.toEpochMilli() ||
            ta.getNanos() != inst0.getNano() ||
            !ta.equals(Timestamp.from(inst0))) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: j.s.ts -> instant -> j.s.ts");
        inst = Instant.ofEpochSecond(secs, nanos);
        Timestamp ta0 = Timestamp.from(inst);
        if (ta0.getTime() != inst.toEpochMilli() ||
            ta0.getNanos() != inst.getNano() ||
            !inst.equals(ta0.toInstant())) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: instant -> timestamp -> instant");

        ////////// java.sql.Date /////////////////////////////
        // j.s.d/t uses j.u.d.equals() !!!!!!!!
        java.sql.Date jsd = new java.sql.Date(millis);
        if (!isEqual(jsd.toLocalDate(), jsd)) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            print(jsd.toLocalDate(), jsd);
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: j.s.d -> ld");
        LocalDate ld = ldt.toLocalDate();
        if (!isEqual(ld, java.sql.Date.valueOf(ld))) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            print(ld, java.sql.Date.valueOf(ld));
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: ld -> j.s.d");
        ////////// java.sql.Time /////////////////////////////
        java.sql.Time jst = new java.sql.Time(millis);
        if (!isEqual(jst.toLocalTime(), jst)) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            print(jst.toLocalTime(), jst);
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: j.s.t -> lt");
        // millis precision
        LocalTime lt = ldt_ms.toLocalTime();
        if (!isEqual(lt, java.sql.Time.valueOf(lt))) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            print(lt, java.sql.Time.valueOf(lt));
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: lt -> j.s.t");
源代码16 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    int N = 10000;
    long t1970 = new java.util.Date(70, 0, 01).getTime();
    Random r = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        int days  = r.nextInt(50) * 365 + r.nextInt(365);
        long secs = t1970 + days * 86400 + r.nextInt(86400);
        int nanos = r.nextInt(NANOS_PER_SECOND);
        int nanos_ms = nanos / 1000000 * 1000000; // millis precision
        long millis = secs * 1000 + r.nextInt(1000);

        LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(secs, nanos, ZoneOffset.UTC);
        LocalDateTime ldt_ms = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(secs, nanos_ms, ZoneOffset.UTC);
        Instant inst = Instant.ofEpochSecond(secs, nanos);
        Instant inst_ms = Instant.ofEpochSecond(secs, nanos_ms);
        //System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);

        /////////// Timestamp ////////////////////////////////
        Timestamp ta = new Timestamp(millis);
        if (!isEqual(ta.toLocalDateTime(), ta)) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            print(ta.toLocalDateTime(), ta);
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: j.s.ts -> ldt");
        if (!isEqual(ldt, Timestamp.valueOf(ldt))) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            print(ldt, Timestamp.valueOf(ldt));
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: ldt -> j.s.ts");
        Instant inst0 = ta.toInstant();
        if (ta.getTime() != inst0.toEpochMilli() ||
            ta.getNanos() != inst0.getNano() ||
            !ta.equals(Timestamp.from(inst0))) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: j.s.ts -> instant -> j.s.ts");
        inst = Instant.ofEpochSecond(secs, nanos);
        Timestamp ta0 = Timestamp.from(inst);
        if (ta0.getTime() != inst.toEpochMilli() ||
            ta0.getNanos() != inst.getNano() ||
            !inst.equals(ta0.toInstant())) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: instant -> timestamp -> instant");

        ////////// java.sql.Date /////////////////////////////
        // j.s.d/t uses j.u.d.equals() !!!!!!!!
        java.sql.Date jsd = new java.sql.Date(millis);
        if (!isEqual(jsd.toLocalDate(), jsd)) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            print(jsd.toLocalDate(), jsd);
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: j.s.d -> ld");
        LocalDate ld = ldt.toLocalDate();
        if (!isEqual(ld, java.sql.Date.valueOf(ld))) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            print(ld, java.sql.Date.valueOf(ld));
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: ld -> j.s.d");
        ////////// java.sql.Time /////////////////////////////
        java.sql.Time jst = new java.sql.Time(millis);
        if (!isEqual(jst.toLocalTime(), jst)) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            print(jst.toLocalTime(), jst);
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: j.s.t -> lt");
        // millis precision
        LocalTime lt = ldt_ms.toLocalTime();
        if (!isEqual(lt, java.sql.Time.valueOf(lt))) {
            System.out.printf("ms: %16d  ns: %10d  ldt:[%s]%n", millis, nanos, ldt);
            print(lt, java.sql.Time.valueOf(lt));
            throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: lt -> j.s.t");
源代码17 项目: gemfirexd-oss   文件:
public int compare(DataValueDescriptor other)
	throws StandardException
	/* Use compare method from dominant type, negating result
	 * to reflect flipping of sides.
	if (typePrecedence() < other.typePrecedence())
		return -Integer.signum(;

	boolean thisNull, otherNull;

	thisNull = this.isNull();
	otherNull = other.isNull();

	 * thisNull otherNull	return
	 *	T		T		 	0	(this == other)
	 *	F		T		 	-1 	(this < other)
	 *	T		F		 	1	(this > other)
	if (thisNull || otherNull)
		if (!thisNull)		// otherNull must be true
			return -1;
		if (!otherNull)		// thisNull must be true
			return 1;
		return 0;

		Neither are null compare them 

	int comparison;
	/* get the comparison date values */
	int otherEncodedDate = 0;
	int otherEncodedTime = 0;
	int otherNanos = 0;

	/* if the argument is another SQLTimestamp, look up the value
	if (other instanceof SQLTimestamp)
		SQLTimestamp st = (SQLTimestamp)other;
		otherEncodedDate= st.encodedDate;
		otherEncodedTime= st.encodedTime;
		otherNanos= st.nanos;
		/* O.K. have to do it the hard way and calculate the numeric value
		 * from the value
		GregorianCalendar cal = ClientSharedData.getDefaultCleanCalendar();
		Timestamp otherts = other.getTimestamp(cal);
		otherEncodedDate = SQLTimestamp.computeEncodedDate(otherts, cal);
		otherEncodedTime = SQLTimestamp.computeEncodedTime(otherts, cal);
		otherNanos = otherts.getNanos();
	if (encodedDate < otherEncodedDate)
		comparison = -1;
	else if (encodedDate > otherEncodedDate)
		comparison = 1;
	else if (encodedTime < otherEncodedTime)
		comparison = -1;
	else if (encodedTime > otherEncodedTime)
		comparison = 1;
	else if (nanos < otherNanos)
		comparison = -1;
	else if (nanos > otherNanos)
		comparison = 1;
		comparison = 0;

	return comparison;
源代码18 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件:
 * Compares two Timestamps with the expected result.
 * @param ts1 the first Timestamp
 * @param ts2 the second Timestamp
 * @param expect the expected relation between ts1 and ts2; 0 if
 * ts1 equals to ts2, or 1 if ts1 is after ts2, or -1 if ts1 is
 * before ts2.
private void compareTimestamps(Timestamp ts1, Timestamp ts2, int expected) {
    boolean expectedResult = expected > 0;
    boolean result = ts1.after(ts2);
    if (result != expectedResult) {
        errln("ts1.after(ts2) returned " + result
              + ". (ts1=" + ts1 + ", ts2=" + ts2 + ")");

    expectedResult = expected < 0;
    result = ts1.before(ts2);
    if (result != expectedResult) {
        errln("ts1.before(ts2) returned " + result
              + ". (ts1=" + ts1 + ", ts2=" + ts2 + ")");

    expectedResult = expected == 0;
    result = ts1.equals(ts2);
    if (result != expectedResult) {
        errln("ts1.equals(ts2) returned " + result
              + ". (ts1=" + ts1 + ", ts2=" + ts2 + ")");

    int x = ts1.compareTo(ts2);
    int y = (x > 0) ? 1 : (x < 0) ? -1 : 0;
    if (y != expected) {
        errln("ts1.compareTo(ts2) returned " + x + ", expected "
              + relation(expected, "") + "0"
              + ". (ts1=" + ts1 + ", ts2=" + ts2 + ")");
    long t1 = ts1.getTime();
    long t2 = ts2.getTime();
    int z = (t1 > t2) ? 1 : (t1 < t2) ? -1 : 0;
    if (z == 0) {
        int n1 = ts1.getNanos();
        int n2 = ts2.getNanos();
        z = (n1 > n2) ? 1 : (n1 < n2) ? -1 : 0;
    if (z != expected) {
        errln("ts1.getTime() " + relation(z, "==") + " ts2.getTime(), expected "
              + relation(expected, "==")
              + ". (ts1=" + ts1 + ", ts2=" + ts2 + ")");
源代码19 项目: gemfirexd-oss   文件:
	@see java.sql.ResultSet#next
	@exception SQLException If database access error occurs.
public boolean next() throws SQLException
	if (! gotFile)
		gotFile = true;
	        inputFileStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(inputFileName));
			bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(inputFileStreamReader, 32*1024);
		catch (FileNotFoundException ex) 
			throw new SQLException(ex.getMessage());

		hashTable = new Hashtable();

	while (true)
			line = bufferedReader.readLine();
		catch ( ioe)
			throw new SQLException(ioe.getMessage());

		if (line == null)
			return false;

		gmtIndex = line.indexOf(GMT_STRING);
		threadIndex = line.indexOf(BEGIN_THREAD_STRING);
		xidIndex = line.indexOf(BEGIN_XID_STRING);
		lccidIndex = line.indexOf(BEGIN_XID_STRING, xidIndex + 1);

		if (gmtIndex != -1 && threadIndex != -1)
			/* Build a row */
			String[] newRow = new String[6];
			for (int index = 1;
				 index <= 5;
				newRow[index - 1] = setupColumn(index);

			/* NOTE: We need to use the LCCID as the key
			Object previousRow = hashTable.put(newRow[3],
			if (previousRow == null)

			currentRow = (String[]) previousRow;
			/* Figure out the duration. */
			Timestamp endTs = Timestamp.valueOf(newRow[0]);
			long end = endTs.getTime() + endTs.getNanos() / 1000000;
			Timestamp startTs = Timestamp.valueOf(currentRow[0]);
			long start = startTs.getTime() + startTs.getNanos() / 1000000;
			currentRow[5] = Long.toString(end - start);

			return true;
protected void prepareReadFileWithTypes(String file, int rowSize) throws IOException {
	// NOTE: orc has field name information, so name should be same as orc
	TypeDescription schema =
					"struct<" +
							"f0:float," +
							"f1:double," +
							"f2:timestamp," +
							"f3:tinyint," +
							"f4:smallint" +

	org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path filePath = new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path(file);
	Configuration conf = new Configuration();

	Writer writer =

	VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch(rowSize);
	DoubleColumnVector col0 = (DoubleColumnVector) batch.cols[0];
	DoubleColumnVector col1 = (DoubleColumnVector) batch.cols[1];
	TimestampColumnVector col2 = (TimestampColumnVector) batch.cols[2];
	LongColumnVector col3 = (LongColumnVector) batch.cols[3];
	LongColumnVector col4 = (LongColumnVector) batch.cols[4];

	col0.noNulls = false;
	col1.noNulls = false;
	col2.noNulls = false;
	col3.noNulls = false;
	col4.noNulls = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < rowSize - 1; i++) {
		col0.vector[i] = i;
		col1.vector[i] = i;

		Timestamp timestamp = toTimestamp(i);
		col2.time[i] = timestamp.getTime();
		col2.nanos[i] = timestamp.getNanos();

		col3.vector[i] = i;
		col4.vector[i] = i;

	col0.isNull[rowSize - 1] = true;
	col1.isNull[rowSize - 1] = true;
	col2.isNull[rowSize - 1] = true;
	col3.isNull[rowSize - 1] = true;
	col4.isNull[rowSize - 1] = true;

	batch.size = rowSize;