( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了 ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: tablesaw   文件:
void testDoWithEachRow() throws Exception {
  Table t =
  Short[] ratingsArray = {53, 58};
  List<Short> ratings = Lists.asList((short) 52, ratingsArray);

  Consumer<Row> doable =
      row -> {
        if (row.getRowNumber() < 5) {
public void testNotDynamicParameterNotUpdated() {

    List<ConfigurableField> configurableFields = Lists.asList(this.notDynamicField, new ConfigurableField[] {});
    Object[] newParameters = { ATTEMPTED_CHANGE_VALUE };
    List<Serializable> oldParameters = Lists.asList(TO_BE_KEPT_VALUE, new Serializable[] {});

    List<Serializable> mergedParameters = this.nodeSourceParameterHelper.getParametersWithDynamicParametersUpdatedOnly(configurableFields,
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testGapDetectionOnLogSegmentsWithoutLogSegmentSequenceNumber() throws Exception {
    PerStreamLogSegmentCache cache = new PerStreamLogSegmentCache("test-gap-detection");
    LogSegmentMetadata segment1 =
            DLMTestUtil.completedLogSegment("/segment-1", 1L, 1L, 100L, 100, 1L, 99L, 0L)
    cache.add(DLMTestUtil.completedLedgerZNodeNameWithLogSegmentSequenceNumber(1L), segment1);
    LogSegmentMetadata segment3 =
            DLMTestUtil.completedLogSegment("/segment-3", 3L, 3L, 300L, 100, 3L, 99L, 0L)
    cache.add(DLMTestUtil.completedLedgerZNodeNameWithLogSegmentSequenceNumber(3L), segment3);
    List<LogSegmentMetadata> expectedList = Lists.asList(segment1, new LogSegmentMetadata[] { segment3 });
    List<LogSegmentMetadata> resultList = cache.getLogSegments(LogSegmentMetadata.COMPARATOR);
    assertEquals(expectedList, resultList);
源代码4 项目: jimfs   文件:
 * Sets the roots for the file system.
 * @throws InvalidPathException if any of the given roots is not a valid path for this builder's
 *     path type
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the given roots is a valid path for this builder's
 *     path type but is not a root path with no name elements
public Builder setRoots(String first, String... more) {
  List<String> roots = Lists.asList(first, more);
  for (String root : roots) {
    PathType.ParseResult parseResult = pathType.parsePath(root);
    checkArgument(parseResult.isRoot(), "invalid root: %s", root);
  this.roots = ImmutableSet.copyOf(roots);
  return this;
源代码5 项目: factura-electronica   文件:
private static JAXBContext getContext(String[] contexts) throws Exception {
    List<String> ctx = Lists.asList(BASE_CONTEXT, contexts);
    if(!contextMap.containsKey(ctx)) {
        JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(JOINER.join(ctx));
        contextMap.put(ctx, context);
    return contextMap.get(ctx);
源代码6 项目: brooklyn-server   文件:
public static void assertErrorContentContainsText(final String url, final String phrase, final String ...additionalPhrases) {
    try {
        String contents = getErrorContent(url);
        Assert.assertTrue(contents != null && contents.length() > 0);
        for (String text: Lists.asList(phrase, additionalPhrases)) {
            if (!contents.contains(text)) {
                LOG.warn("CONTENTS OF URL "+url+" MISSING TEXT: "+text+"\n"+contents);
      "URL "+url+" does not contain text: "+text);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw Throwables.propagate(e);
源代码7 项目: brooklyn-server   文件:
public static void assertContentContainsText(final String url, final String phrase, final String ...additionalPhrases) {
    try {
        String contents = getContent(url);
        Assert.assertTrue(contents != null && contents.length() > 0);
        for (String text: Lists.asList(phrase, additionalPhrases)) {
            if (!contents.contains(text)) {
                LOG.warn("CONTENTS OF URL "+url+" MISSING TEXT: "+text+"\n"+contents);
      "URL "+url+" does not contain text: "+text);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw Throwables.propagate(e);
源代码8 项目: distributedlog   文件:
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testGapDetectionOnLogSegmentsWithoutLogSegmentSequenceNumber() throws Exception {
    LogSegmentCache cache = new LogSegmentCache("test-gap-detection");
    LogSegmentMetadata segment1 =
            DLMTestUtil.completedLogSegment("/segment-1", 1L, 1L, 100L, 100, 1L, 99L, 0L)
    cache.add(DLMTestUtil.completedLedgerZNodeNameWithLogSegmentSequenceNumber(1L), segment1);
    LogSegmentMetadata segment3 =
            DLMTestUtil.completedLogSegment("/segment-3", 3L, 3L, 300L, 100, 3L, 99L, 0L)
    cache.add(DLMTestUtil.completedLedgerZNodeNameWithLogSegmentSequenceNumber(3L), segment3);
    List<LogSegmentMetadata> expectedList = Lists.asList(segment1, new LogSegmentMetadata[] { segment3 });
    List<LogSegmentMetadata> resultList = cache.getLogSegments(LogSegmentMetadata.COMPARATOR);
    assertEquals(expectedList, resultList);
 * @param urlPattern Any Servlet-style pattern. examples: /*, /html/*, *.html, etc.
protected final FilterDefinitionBuilder filter(String urlPattern, String... morePatterns) {
    return new FilterDefinitionBuilderImpl(Lists.asList(urlPattern, morePatterns), UriPatternType.SERVLET);
源代码10 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
  public void testExecute() throws Exception {
    CloudSolrClient solrClient = cluster.getSolrClient();
    String collectionName = "testExecute";
    CollectionAdminRequest.Create create = CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName,
        "conf", 1, 2);
    cluster.waitForActiveCollection(collectionName, 1, 2);

    waitForState("Timed out waiting for replicas of new collection to be active",
        collectionName, clusterShape(1, 2));

    JettySolrRunner sourceNode = cluster.getRandomJetty(random());
    String sourceNodeName = sourceNode.getNodeName();
    ClusterState clusterState = solrClient.getZkStateReader().getClusterState();
    DocCollection docCollection = clusterState.getCollection(collectionName);
    List<Replica> replicas = docCollection.getReplicas(sourceNodeName);

    List<JettySolrRunner> otherJetties = cluster.getJettySolrRunners().stream()
        .filter(jettySolrRunner -> jettySolrRunner != sourceNode).collect(Collectors.toList());
    JettySolrRunner survivor = otherJetties.get(0);

    try (ExecutePlanAction action = new ExecutePlanAction()) {
      action.configure(loader, cloudManager, Collections.singletonMap("name", "execute_plan"));

      // used to signal if we found that ExecutePlanAction did in fact create the right znode before executing the operation
      AtomicBoolean znodeCreated = new AtomicBoolean(false);

      CollectionAdminRequest.AsyncCollectionAdminRequest moveReplica = new CollectionAdminRequest.MoveReplica(collectionName, replicas.get(0).getName(), survivor.getNodeName());
      CollectionAdminRequest.AsyncCollectionAdminRequest mockRequest = new CollectionAdminRequest.AsyncCollectionAdminRequest(CollectionParams.CollectionAction.OVERSEERSTATUS) {
        public void setAsyncId(String asyncId) {
          String parentPath = ZkStateReader.SOLR_AUTOSCALING_TRIGGER_STATE_PATH + "/xyz/execute_plan";
          try {
            if (zkClient().exists(parentPath, true)) {
              java.util.List<String> children = zkClient().getChildren(parentPath, null, true);
              if (!children.isEmpty()) {
                String child = children.get(0);
                byte[] data = zkClient().getData(parentPath + "/" + child, null, null, true);
                Map m = (Map) Utils.fromJSON(data);
                if (m.containsKey("requestid")) {
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

      List<CollectionAdminRequest.AsyncCollectionAdminRequest> operations = Lists.asList(moveReplica, new CollectionAdminRequest.AsyncCollectionAdminRequest[]{mockRequest});
      NodeLostTrigger.NodeLostEvent nodeLostEvent = new NodeLostTrigger.NodeLostEvent
        (TriggerEventType.NODELOST, "mock_trigger_name",
      ActionContext actionContext = new ActionContext(survivor.getCoreContainer().getZkController().getSolrCloudManager(), null,
          new HashMap<>(Collections.singletonMap("operations", operations)));
      action.process(nodeLostEvent, actionContext);

//      assertTrue("ExecutePlanAction should have stored the requestid in ZK before executing the request", znodeCreated.get());
      List<NamedList<Object>> responses = (List<NamedList<Object>>) actionContext.getProperty("responses");
      assertEquals(2, responses.size());
      NamedList<Object> response = responses.get(0);

    waitForState("Timed out waiting for replicas of new collection to be active",
        collectionName, clusterShape(1, 2));
源代码11 项目: helios   文件:
private List<String> buildArgs(final String token, String... args) {
  return token == null ? Arrays.asList(args) : Lists.asList(token, args);
 * @param regex Any Java-style regular expression.
protected final ServletDefinitionBuilder serveRegex(String regex, String... moreRegexes) {
    return new ServletDefinitionBuilderImpl(Lists.asList(regex, moreRegexes), UriPatternType.REGEX);
 * @param urlPattern Any Servlet-style pattern. examples: /*, /html/*, *.html, etc.
protected final ServletDefinitionBuilder serve(String urlPattern, String... morePatterns) {
    return new ServletDefinitionBuilderImpl(Lists.asList(urlPattern, morePatterns), UriPatternType.SERVLET);
源代码14 项目: Bats   文件:
 * Creates a list of child operands that matches child relational
 * expressions in the order they appear.
 * @param first First child operand
 * @param rest  Remaining child operands (may be empty)
 * @return List of child operands that matches child relational
 *   expressions in the order
public static RelOptRuleOperandChildren some(
    RelOptRuleOperand first,
    RelOptRuleOperand... rest) {
  return new RelOptRuleOperandChildren(RelOptRuleOperandChildPolicy.SOME,
      Lists.asList(first, rest));
源代码15 项目: Bats   文件:
 * Creates a list of child operands that matches child relational
 * expressions in any order.
 * <p>This is useful when matching a relational expression which
 * can have a variable number of children. For example, the rule to
 * eliminate empty children of a Union would have operands</p>
 * <blockquote>Operand(Union, true, Operand(Empty))</blockquote>
 * <p>and given the relational expressions</p>
 * <blockquote>Union(LogicalFilter, Empty, LogicalProject)</blockquote>
 * <p>would fire the rule with arguments</p>
 * <blockquote>{Union, Empty}</blockquote>
 * <p>It is up to the rule to deduce the other children, or indeed the
 * position of the matched child.</p>
 * @param first First child operand
 * @param rest  Remaining child operands (may be empty)
 * @return List of child operands that matches child relational
 *   expressions in any order
public static RelOptRuleOperandChildren unordered(
    RelOptRuleOperand first,
    RelOptRuleOperand... rest) {
  return new RelOptRuleOperandChildren(
      Lists.asList(first, rest));
源代码16 项目: exonum-java-binding   文件:
 * Returns a proof that there are values mapped to the specified keys or that there are no such
 * mappings.
 * @param key a proof map key which might be mapped to some value
 * @param otherKeys other proof map keys which might be mapped to some values
 * @throws IllegalStateException if this map is not valid
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the size of any of the keys is not 32 bytes (in case of a
 *     <a href="ProofMapIndexProxy.html#key-hashing">proof map that uses non-hashed keys</a>)
 * @see <a href="../../blockchain/Blockchain.html#proofs">Blockchain Proofs</a>
public final MapProof getProof(K key, K... otherKeys) {
  if (otherKeys.length == 0) {
    return getSingleKeyProof(key);
  } else {
    List<K> keys = Lists.asList(key, otherKeys);
    return getMultiKeyProof(keys);
 * 创建读写分离数据源.
 * @param name 读写分离数据源名称
 * @param masterDataSource 主节点数据源
 * @param slaveDataSource 从节点数据源
 * @param otherSlaveDataSources 其他从节点数据源
 * @return 读写分离数据源
public static DataSource createDataSource(final String name, final DataSource masterDataSource, final DataSource slaveDataSource, final DataSource... otherSlaveDataSources) {
    return new MasterSlaveDataSource(name, masterDataSource, Lists.asList(slaveDataSource, otherSlaveDataSources));
源代码18 项目: dartboard   文件:
 * Constructs a process builder with the given {@code args}.
 * If pub is invoked from a tool there should be a PUB_ENVIRONMENT variable
 * present describing the tool. This methods returns a {@link ProcessBuilder}
 * that has it and the correct value in it.
 * @param args - the arguments passed to the ProcessBuilder
 * @return the {@link ProcessBuilder} with the correct environment variables and
 *         args
public static ProcessBuilder getPubProcessBuilder(String... args) {
	ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(Lists.asList(DartUtil.getTool("pub"), args)); //$NON-NLS-1$
	builder.environment().put(Constants.PUB_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE, getUpdatePubEnviroment(builder));
	return builder;
源代码19 项目: j360-dubbo-app-all   文件:
 * 一个独立元素+一个数组组成新的list,只是一个View,不复制数组内容,而且独立元素在最前.
 * 注意转换后的List不能写入, 否则抛出UnsupportedOperationException
 * @see, Object[])
public static <E> List<E> asList(E first, E[] rest) {
	return Lists.asList(first, rest);
源代码20 项目: n4js   文件:
 * Creates a new model instance with the given location arguments.
 * @param firstLocation
 *            the external library folder location.
 * @param restLocations
 *            other external library folder locations.
public ExternalLibraryPreferenceModel(final FileURI firstLocation,
		final FileURI... restLocations) {
	this(Lists.asList(firstLocation, restLocations));