( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了 ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: jframework   文件:
 * 读取二维码图片
 * @param path
 * @return
 * @throws Exception
public static String read(String path) throws Exception {
    File file = new File(path);
    BufferedImage image;
    image =;
    if (Objects.isNull(image)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("无法读取源文件");
    LuminanceSource source = new BufferedImageLuminanceSource(image);
    BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source));
    Result result;
    EnumMap<DecodeHintType, String> hints = Maps.newEnumMap(DecodeHintType.class);
    hints.put(DecodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, "utf-8");
    result = new MultiFormatReader().decode(bitmap, hints);
    return result.getText();
源代码2 项目: qrcode-utils   文件:
 * 根据内容生成二维码数据
 * @param content 二维码文字内容[为了信息安全性,一般都要先进行数据加密]
 * @param length  二维码图片宽度和高度
private static BitMatrix createQrcodeMatrix(String content, int length) {
  Map<EncodeHintType, Object> hints = Maps.newEnumMap(EncodeHintType.class);
  // 设置字符编码
  // 指定纠错等级
  hints.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.H);

  try {
    return new MultiFormatWriter().encode(content, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, length, length, hints);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    logger.warn("内容为:【" + content + "】的二维码生成失败!", e);
    return null;

源代码3 项目: UHC   文件:
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW)
public void on(PlayerDeathEvent event) {
    if (!isEnabled() || RANDOM.nextDouble() < (1D - dropRate)) {
        // set to an empty map to avoid stale metadata problems
        event.getEntity().setMetadata(StandItemsMetadata.KEY, new StandItemsMetadata(plugin));

    final Player player = event.getEntity();

    // create a head
    final ItemStack head = playerHeadProvider.getPlayerHeadItem(player);

    // add it to the drops

    // add metadata for the armour stand module to put the helmet on the player and remove from drops
    final EnumMap<EquipmentSlot, ItemStack> standItems = Maps.newEnumMap(EquipmentSlot.class);
    standItems.put(EquipmentSlot.HEAD, head);

    player.setMetadata(StandItemsMetadata.KEY, new StandItemsMetadata(plugin, standItems));
源代码4 项目: codebuff   文件:
 * For a given Enum type, creates an immutable map from each of the Enum's values to a
 * corresponding LockGraphNode, with the {@code allowedPriorLocks} and
 * {@code disallowedPriorLocks} prepopulated with nodes according to the natural ordering of the
 * associated Enum values.

static <E extends Enum<E>> Map<E, LockGraphNode> createNodes(Class<E> clazz) {
  EnumMap<E, LockGraphNode> map = Maps.newEnumMap(clazz);
  E[] keys = clazz.getEnumConstants();
  final int numKeys = keys.length;
  ArrayList<LockGraphNode> nodes = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numKeys);
  // Create a LockGraphNode for each enum value.
  for (E key : keys) {
    LockGraphNode node = new LockGraphNode(getLockName(key));
    map.put(key, node);
  // Pre-populate all allowedPriorLocks with nodes of smaller ordinal.
  for (int i = 1; i < numKeys; i++) {
    nodes.get(i).checkAcquiredLocks(Policies.THROW, nodes.subList(0, i));
  // Pre-populate all disallowedPriorLocks with nodes of larger ordinal.
  for (int i = 0; i < numKeys - 1; i++) {
    nodes.get(i).checkAcquiredLocks(Policies.DISABLED, nodes.subList(i + 1, numKeys));
  return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
源代码5 项目: codebuff   文件:
 * For a given Enum type, creates an immutable map from each of the Enum's values to a
 * corresponding LockGraphNode, with the {@code allowedPriorLocks} and
 * {@code disallowedPriorLocks} prepopulated with nodes according to the natural ordering of the
 * associated Enum values.
static <E extends Enum<E>> Map<E, LockGraphNode> createNodes(Class<E> clazz) {
  EnumMap<E, LockGraphNode> map = Maps.newEnumMap(clazz);
  E[] keys = clazz.getEnumConstants();
  final int numKeys = keys.length;
  ArrayList<LockGraphNode> nodes = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numKeys);
  // Create a LockGraphNode for each enum value.
  for (E key : keys) {
    LockGraphNode node = new LockGraphNode(getLockName(key));
    map.put(key, node);
  // Pre-populate all allowedPriorLocks with nodes of smaller ordinal.
  for (int i = 1; i < numKeys; i++) {
    nodes.get(i).checkAcquiredLocks(Policies.THROW, nodes.subList(0, i));
  // Pre-populate all disallowedPriorLocks with nodes of larger ordinal.
  for (int i = 0; i < numKeys - 1; i++) {
    nodes.get(i).checkAcquiredLocks(Policies.DISABLED, nodes.subList(i + 1, numKeys));
  return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
源代码6 项目: OpenModsLib   文件:
private Map<Side, Vec3d> calculateHitPoints(Vec3d near, Vec3d far) {
	Vec3d diff = far.subtract(near);

	Map<Side, Vec3d> result = Maps.newEnumMap(Side.class);
	addPoint(result, Side.XNeg, calculateXPoint(near, diff, negX));
	addPoint(result, Side.XPos, calculateXPoint(near, diff, posX));

	addPoint(result, Side.YNeg, calculateYPoint(near, diff, negY));
	addPoint(result, Side.YPos, calculateYPoint(near, diff, posY));

	addPoint(result, Side.ZNeg, calculateZPoint(near, diff, negZ));
	addPoint(result, Side.ZPos, calculateZPoint(near, diff, posZ));
	return result;
源代码7 项目: javaide   文件:
public void beforeCheckProject(@NonNull Context context) {
    // In incremental mode, or checking all files (full lint analysis) ? If the latter,
    // we should store state and look for deeper cycles
    if (context.getScope().contains(Scope.ALL_RESOURCE_FILES)) {
        mReferences = Maps.newEnumMap(ResourceType.class);
源代码8 项目: rice   文件:
 * Generates the default mapping of included paths from the given {@code qualifier} and {@code type}.
 * @param qualifier the prefix to add to the initial resource path
 * @param type the type of data to include
 * @return the map of included paths
protected Map<MetaInfGroup, String> getDefaultIncludes(String qualifier, MetaInfDataType type) {
    Map<MetaInfGroup, String> defaultIncludes = Maps.newEnumMap(MetaInfGroup.class);

    String resourcePath = ProjectUtils.getResourcePath(project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId());
    List<String> paths = Lists.newArrayList(resourcePath, qualifier,, ALL_XML_PATH);

    defaultIncludes.put(MetaInfGroup.OTHER, StringUtils.join(paths, PATH_SEPARATOR));

    return defaultIncludes;
源代码9 项目: javaide   文件:
public void beforeCheckFile(@NonNull Context context) {
    File parent = context.file.getParentFile();
    if (!parent.equals(mParent)) {
        mParent = parent;
        mTypeMap = Maps.newEnumMap(ResourceType.class);
        mLocations = Maps.newEnumMap(ResourceType.class);
源代码10 项目: UHC   文件:
protected EnumMap<EquipmentSlot, ItemStack> getSavedSlots(Player player) {
    for (final MetadataValue value : player.getMetadata(StandItemsMetadata.KEY)) {
        if (!(value instanceof StandItemsMetadata)) continue;

        // remove the metadata
        player.removeMetadata(StandItemsMetadata.KEY, value.getOwningPlugin());

        // return the map
        return ((StandItemsMetadata) value).value();

    return Maps.newEnumMap(EquipmentSlot.class);
源代码11 项目: hadoop   文件:
 * Filters (discards) any existing ACL entries that have the same scope, type
 * and name of any entry in the ACL spec.  If necessary, recalculates the mask
 * entries.  If necessary, default entries may be inferred by copying the
 * permissions of the corresponding access entries.  It is invalid to request
 * removal of the mask entry from an ACL that would otherwise require a mask
 * entry, due to existing named entries or an unnamed group entry.
 * @param existingAcl List<AclEntry> existing ACL
 * @param inAclSpec List<AclEntry> ACL spec describing entries to filter
 * @return List<AclEntry> new ACL
 * @throws AclException if validation fails
public static List<AclEntry> filterAclEntriesByAclSpec(
    List<AclEntry> existingAcl, List<AclEntry> inAclSpec) throws AclException {
  ValidatedAclSpec aclSpec = new ValidatedAclSpec(inAclSpec);
  ArrayList<AclEntry> aclBuilder = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(MAX_ENTRIES);
  EnumMap<AclEntryScope, AclEntry> providedMask =
  EnumSet<AclEntryScope> maskDirty = EnumSet.noneOf(AclEntryScope.class);
  EnumSet<AclEntryScope> scopeDirty = EnumSet.noneOf(AclEntryScope.class);
  for (AclEntry existingEntry: existingAcl) {
    if (aclSpec.containsKey(existingEntry)) {
      if (existingEntry.getType() == MASK) {
    } else {
      if (existingEntry.getType() == MASK) {
        providedMask.put(existingEntry.getScope(), existingEntry);
      } else {
  calculateMasks(aclBuilder, providedMask, maskDirty, scopeDirty);
  return buildAndValidateAcl(aclBuilder);
源代码12 项目: buck   文件:
/** Similar to {@code scrapeStringNodes}, but for string array nodes. */
void scrapeStringArrayNodes(
    NodeList arrayNodes, Map<Integer, EnumMap<Gender, ImmutableList<String>>> arraysMap) {

  for (int i = 0; i < arrayNodes.getLength(); ++i) {
    Element element = (Element) arrayNodes.item(i);
    String resourceName = element.getAttribute("name");
    Gender gender = getGender(element);

    Integer resourceId = getResourceId(resourceName, gender, arrayResourceNameToIdMap);
    // Ignore a resource if R.txt does not contain an entry for it.
    if (resourceId == null) {

    EnumMap<Gender, ImmutableList<String>> genderMap = arraysMap.get(resourceId);
    if (genderMap == null) {
      genderMap = Maps.newEnumMap(Gender.class);
    } else if (genderMap.containsKey(gender)) { // Ignore a resource if it has already been found

    ImmutableList.Builder<String> arrayValues = ImmutableList.builder();
    NodeList itemNodes = element.getElementsByTagName("item");
    if (itemNodes.getLength() == 0) {
    for (int j = 0; j < itemNodes.getLength(); ++j) {

    arraysMap.put(resourceId, genderMap);
源代码13 项目: big-c   文件:
 * Filters (discards) any existing ACL entries that have the same scope, type
 * and name of any entry in the ACL spec.  If necessary, recalculates the mask
 * entries.  If necessary, default entries may be inferred by copying the
 * permissions of the corresponding access entries.  It is invalid to request
 * removal of the mask entry from an ACL that would otherwise require a mask
 * entry, due to existing named entries or an unnamed group entry.
 * @param existingAcl List<AclEntry> existing ACL
 * @param inAclSpec List<AclEntry> ACL spec describing entries to filter
 * @return List<AclEntry> new ACL
 * @throws AclException if validation fails
public static List<AclEntry> filterAclEntriesByAclSpec(
    List<AclEntry> existingAcl, List<AclEntry> inAclSpec) throws AclException {
  ValidatedAclSpec aclSpec = new ValidatedAclSpec(inAclSpec);
  ArrayList<AclEntry> aclBuilder = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(MAX_ENTRIES);
  EnumMap<AclEntryScope, AclEntry> providedMask =
  EnumSet<AclEntryScope> maskDirty = EnumSet.noneOf(AclEntryScope.class);
  EnumSet<AclEntryScope> scopeDirty = EnumSet.noneOf(AclEntryScope.class);
  for (AclEntry existingEntry: existingAcl) {
    if (aclSpec.containsKey(existingEntry)) {
      if (existingEntry.getType() == MASK) {
    } else {
      if (existingEntry.getType() == MASK) {
        providedMask.put(existingEntry.getScope(), existingEntry);
      } else {
  calculateMasks(aclBuilder, providedMask, maskDirty, scopeDirty);
  return buildAndValidateAcl(aclBuilder);
源代码14 项目: big-c   文件:
 * Completely replaces the ACL with the entries of the ACL spec.  If
 * necessary, recalculates the mask entries.  If necessary, default entries
 * are inferred by copying the permissions of the corresponding access
 * entries.  Replacement occurs separately for each of the access ACL and the
 * default ACL.  If the ACL spec contains only access entries, then the
 * existing default entries are retained.  If the ACL spec contains only
 * default entries, then the existing access entries are retained.  If the ACL
 * spec contains both access and default entries, then both are replaced.
 * @param existingAcl List<AclEntry> existing ACL
 * @param inAclSpec List<AclEntry> ACL spec containing replacement entries
 * @return List<AclEntry> new ACL
 * @throws AclException if validation fails
public static List<AclEntry> replaceAclEntries(List<AclEntry> existingAcl,
    List<AclEntry> inAclSpec) throws AclException {
  ValidatedAclSpec aclSpec = new ValidatedAclSpec(inAclSpec);
  ArrayList<AclEntry> aclBuilder = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(MAX_ENTRIES);
  // Replacement is done separately for each scope: access and default.
  EnumMap<AclEntryScope, AclEntry> providedMask =
  EnumSet<AclEntryScope> maskDirty = EnumSet.noneOf(AclEntryScope.class);
  EnumSet<AclEntryScope> scopeDirty = EnumSet.noneOf(AclEntryScope.class);
  for (AclEntry aclSpecEntry: aclSpec) {
    if (aclSpecEntry.getType() == MASK) {
      providedMask.put(aclSpecEntry.getScope(), aclSpecEntry);
    } else {
  // Copy existing entries if the scope was not replaced.
  for (AclEntry existingEntry: existingAcl) {
    if (!scopeDirty.contains(existingEntry.getScope())) {
      if (existingEntry.getType() == MASK) {
        providedMask.put(existingEntry.getScope(), existingEntry);
      } else {
  calculateMasks(aclBuilder, providedMask, maskDirty, scopeDirty);
  return buildAndValidateAcl(aclBuilder);
 * Parses the file and returns a list of {@link ResourceItem} objects.
 * @return a list of resources.
 * @throws MergingException if a merging exception happens
List<ResourceItem> parseFile() throws MergingException {
    Document document = parseDocument(mFile);

    // get the root node
    Node rootNode = document.getDocumentElement();
    if (rootNode == null) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    NodeList nodes = rootNode.getChildNodes();

    final int count = nodes.getLength();
    // list containing the result
    List<ResourceItem> resources = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(count);
    // Multimap to detect dups
    Map<ResourceType, Set<String>> map = Maps.newEnumMap(ResourceType.class);

    for (int i = 0, n = nodes.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
        Node node = nodes.item(i);

        if (node.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {

        ResourceItem resource = getResource(node, mFile);
        if (resource != null) {
            // check this is not a dup
            checkDuplicate(resource, map);


            if (resource.getType() == ResourceType.DECLARE_STYLEABLE) {
                // Need to also create ATTR items for its children
                try {
                    addStyleableItems(node, resources, map, mFile);
                } catch (MergingException e) {
                    throw e;

    return resources;
源代码16 项目: OpenPeripheral-Addons   文件:
public GuiCapture(long guid) {
	this.guid = guid;
	this.originalState = GuiUtils.storeGuiElementsState();
	this.updatedState = Maps.newEnumMap(GuiElements.class);
源代码17 项目: buck   文件:
public void testScrapeStringNodes() throws IOException, SAXException {
  String xmlInput =
      "<string name='name1' gender='unknown'>Value1</string>"
          + "<string name='name1_f1gender' gender='female'>Value1_f1</string>"
          + "<string name='name2' gender='unknown'>Value with space</string>"
          + "<string name='name2_m2gender' gender='male'>Value with space m2</string>"
          + "<string name='name3' gender='unknown'>Value with \"quotes\"</string>"
          + "<string name='name4' gender='unknown'></string>"
          // ignored because "name3" already found
          "<string name='name3' gender='unknown'>IGNORE</string>"
          + "<string name='name5' gender='unknown'>Value with %1$s</string>";
  NodeList stringNodes =

  EnumMap<Gender, String> map1 = Maps.newEnumMap(Gender.class);
  map1.put(Gender.unknown, "Value1");
  map1.put(Gender.female, "Value1_f1");
  EnumMap<Gender, String> map2 = Maps.newEnumMap(Gender.class);
  map2.put(Gender.unknown, "Value with space");
  map2.put(Gender.male, "Value with space m2");
  EnumMap<Gender, String> map3 = Maps.newEnumMap(Gender.class);
  map3.put(Gender.unknown, "Value with \"quotes\"");
  EnumMap<Gender, String> map4 = Maps.newEnumMap(Gender.class);
  map4.put(Gender.unknown, "");
  EnumMap<Gender, String> map5 = Maps.newEnumMap(Gender.class);
  map5.put(Gender.unknown, "Value with %1$s");

  Map<Integer, EnumMap<Gender, String>> stringsMap = new HashMap<>();
  CompileStringsStep step = createNonExecutingStep();
          "name1", 1,
          "name2", 2,
          "name3", 3,
          "name4", 4,
          "name5", 5));
  step.scrapeStringNodes(stringNodes, stringsMap);

      "Incorrect map of resource id to string values.",
          1, map1,
          2, map2,
          3, map3,
          4, map4,
          5, map5),
源代码18 项目: onos   文件:
private TrafficTreatment.Builder buildStatTrigger(OFOxsList oxsList,
                                                  Set<OFStatTriggerFlags> flagsSet,
                                                  TrafficTreatment.Builder builder) {
    Map<StatTriggerField, Long> statTriggerMap = Maps.newEnumMap(StatTriggerField.class);
    for (OFOxs<?> ofOxs : oxsList) {
        switch (ofOxs.getStatField().id) {
            case DURATION:
                U64 durationType = (U64) ofOxs.getValue();
                statTriggerMap.put(DURATION, durationType.getValue());
            case FLOW_COUNT:
                U32 flowCount = (U32) ofOxs.getValue();
                statTriggerMap.put(FLOW_COUNT, flowCount.getValue());
            case PACKET_COUNT:
                U64 packetCount = (U64) ofOxs.getValue();
                statTriggerMap.put(PACKET_COUNT, packetCount.getValue());
            case BYTE_COUNT:
                U64 byteCount = (U64) ofOxs.getValue();
                statTriggerMap.put(BYTE_COUNT, byteCount.getValue());
            case IDLE_TIME:
                U64 idleTime = (U64) ofOxs.getValue();
                statTriggerMap.put(IDLE_TIME, idleTime.getValue());
                log.warn("getStatField not supported {}", ofOxs.getStatField().id);
    StatTriggerFlag flag = null;
    for (OFStatTriggerFlags flags : flagsSet) {
        switch (flags) {
            case PERIODIC:
                flag = PERIODIC;
            case ONLY_FIRST:
                flag = ONLY_FIRST;
                log.warn("flag not supported {}", flags);
    if (!statTriggerMap.isEmpty() && flag != null) {
        builder.add(Instructions.statTrigger(statTriggerMap, flag));
    return builder;
源代码19 项目: UHC   文件:
public StandItemsMetadata(Plugin owningPlugin) {
    this(owningPlugin, Maps.<EquipmentSlot, ItemStack>newEnumMap(EquipmentSlot.class));
源代码20 项目: buck   文件:
public void testScrapeNodesWithSameName() throws IOException, SAXException {
  String xmlInput =
      "<string name='name1' gender='unknown'>1</string>"
          + "<string name='name1_f1gender' gender='female'>1 f1</string>"
          + "<plurals name='name1' gender='unknown'>"
          + "<item quantity='one'>2</item>"
          + "<item quantity='other'>3</item>"
          + "</plurals>"
          + "<plurals name='name1_f1gender' gender='female'>"
          + "<item quantity='one'>2 f1</item>"
          + "<item quantity='other'>3 f1</item>"
          + "</plurals>"
          + "<string-array name='name1' gender='unknown'>"
          + "<item>4</item>"
          + "<item>5</item>"
          + "</string-array>"
          + "<string-array name='name1_f1gender' gender='female'>"
          + "<item>4 f1</item>"
          + "<item>5 f1</item>"
          + "</string-array>";

  NodeList stringNodes =
  NodeList pluralsNodes =
  NodeList arrayNodes =

  Map<Integer, EnumMap<Gender, String>> stringMap = new TreeMap<>();
  Map<Integer, EnumMap<Gender, ImmutableMap<String, String>>> pluralsMap = new TreeMap<>();
  Map<Integer, EnumMap<Gender, ImmutableList<String>>> arraysMap = new TreeMap<>();

  EnumMap<Gender, String> map1 = Maps.newEnumMap(Gender.class);
  map1.put(Gender.unknown, "1");
  map1.put(Gender.female, "1 f1");
  EnumMap<Gender, Map<String, String>> map2 = Maps.newEnumMap(Gender.class);
  map2.put(Gender.unknown, ImmutableMap.of("one", "2", "other", "3"));
  map2.put(Gender.female, ImmutableMap.of("one", "2 f1", "other", "3 f1"));
  EnumMap<Gender, ImmutableList<String>> map3 = Maps.newEnumMap(Gender.class);
  map3.put(Gender.unknown, ImmutableList.of("4", "5"));
  map3.put(Gender.female, ImmutableList.of("4 f1", "5 f1"));

  CompileStringsStep step = createNonExecutingStep();
  step.addStringResourceNameToIdMap(ImmutableMap.of("name1", 1));
  step.addPluralsResourceNameToIdMap(ImmutableMap.of("name1", 2));
  step.addArrayResourceNameToIdMap(ImmutableMap.of("name1", 3));

  step.scrapeStringNodes(stringNodes, stringMap);
  step.scrapePluralsNodes(pluralsNodes, pluralsMap);
  step.scrapeStringArrayNodes(arrayNodes, arraysMap);

  assertEquals("Incorrect map of resource id to string.", ImmutableMap.of(1, map1), stringMap);
  assertEquals("Incorrect map of resource id to plurals.", ImmutableMap.of(2, map2), pluralsMap);
      "Incorrect map of resource id to string arrays.", ImmutableMap.of(3, map3), arraysMap);