( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: dsl-devkit   文件:
 * Gets duplicates of a given type based on a guard (predicate). A given function is used for converting an instance of type T
 * to a string which is used for checking for duplicates.
 * @param <T>
 *          the generic type
 * @param predicate
 *          the predicate acting as a guard
 * @param function
 *          returns a string for an instance of type T
 * @param elements
 *          the elements to be checked
 * @return the duplicates
private <T extends EObject> Iterable<T> getDuplicates(final Predicate<T> predicate, final Function<T, String> function, final Iterable<T> elements) {
  List<T> result = Lists.newArrayList();
  Multimap<String, T> multiMap = Multimaps.newMultimap(Maps.<String, Collection<T>> newHashMap(), new Supplier<Collection<T>>() {
    public Collection<T> get() {
      return Lists.<T> newArrayList();
  for (final T candidate : elements) {
    if (predicate.apply(candidate)) {
      multiMap.put(function.apply(candidate), candidate);
  for (String elem : multiMap.keySet()) {
    final Collection<T> duplicates = multiMap.get(elem);
    if (duplicates.size() > 1) {

  return result;
源代码2 项目: schemaorg-java   文件:
 * Build a object of specific type, throw exceptions if it is not valid JSON-LD
 * entity for type. Uses reflection to invoke newXXXBuilder method in CoreFactory or
 * GoogFactory to create a builder object based on the value of {@literal @type}. Only accept
 * value of {@literal @type} being full type name such as "" or short
 * type name such as "Thing". And then, call addXXX method to update the property multimap based
 * on key-value pairs got from JSON-LD string.
private static Thing buildSchemaOrgObject(
    String typeName,
    Multimap<String, ValueType> properties,
    ListMultimap<String, Thing> reverseMap)
    throws JsonLdSyntaxException {
  try {
    Class<?> builderClass = findBuilderClass(typeName);
    Thing.Builder builder = (Thing.Builder) createBuilder(builderClass);
    for (String key : properties.keySet()) {
      setPropertyValues(builderClass, builder, key, properties.get(key), typeName);
    setReverseMap(builder, reverseMap);
    return (Thing) (builderClass.getMethod("build").invoke(builder));
  } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException e) {
    // Should not get any exception here. If one is caught, it means something wrong with this
    // client library.
    throw new JsonLdSyntaxException(
        String.format("JSON-LD deserialize internal error for type %s.", typeName),
源代码3 项目: datawave   文件:
 * Build a String-ified version of the Map to serialize to this SKVI.
 * @param map
 * @return
public static String buildFieldNormalizerString(Multimap<String,Type<?>> map) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (String fieldName : map.keySet()) {
        if (sb.length() > 0) {
        boolean first = true;
        for (Type<?> type : map.get(fieldName)) {
            if (!first) {
            first = false;
    return sb.toString();
private String dependencyPathsOfProblematicJars(
    ClassPathResult classPathResult, Multimap<SymbolProblem, ClassFile> symbolProblems) {
  ImmutableSet.Builder<ClassPathEntry> problematicJars = ImmutableSet.builder();
  for (SymbolProblem problem : symbolProblems.keySet()) {
    ClassFile containingClass = problem.getContainingClass();
    if (containingClass != null) {

    for (ClassFile classFile : symbolProblems.get(problem)) {

  return "Problematic artifacts in the dependency tree:\n"
      + classPathResult.formatDependencyPaths(;
 * Since sourceTraces are relative the URI has to be computed with the currentSource as context
public void flushSourceTraces(String generatorName) throws CoreException {
	Multimap<SourceRelativeURI, IPath> sourceTraces = getSourceTraces();
	if (sourceTraces != null) {
		Set<SourceRelativeURI> keys = sourceTraces.keySet();
		String source = getCurrentSource();
		IContainer container = Strings.isEmpty(source) ? getProject() : getProject().getFolder(source);
		for (SourceRelativeURI uri : keys) {
			if (uri != null && source != null) {
				Collection<IPath> paths = sourceTraces.get(uri);
				IFile sourceFile = container.getFile(new Path(uri.getURI().path()));
				if (sourceFile.exists()) {
					IPath[] tracePathArray = paths.toArray(new IPath[paths.size()]);
					getTraceMarkers().installMarker(sourceFile, generatorName, tracePathArray);
源代码6 项目: redis-manager   文件:
public Map<String, List<Machine>> getMachineWithGroup(Integer groupId) {
    try {
        List<Machine> machines = machineDao.selectMachineByGroupId(groupId);
        if (machines == null || machines.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        Multimap<String, Machine> machineMultimap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        machines.forEach(machine -> machineMultimap.put(machine.getMachineGroupName(), machine));
        Map<String, List<Machine>> machineMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        Set<String> machineGroupNameSet = machineMultimap.keySet();
        machineGroupNameSet.forEach(machineGroupName -> machineMap.put(machineGroupName, new ArrayList<>(machineMultimap.get(machineGroupName))));
        return machineMap;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Get machine by group id failed, group id = " + groupId, e);
        return null;
源代码7 项目: dremio-oss   文件:
void verifyMappings(List<CoordinationProtos.NodeEndpoint> endpoints, Multimap<Integer, TestHardAssignmentCreator.TestWork> mappings, Map<String, String> expectedMappings) {
  boolean isInstanceAffinity = mappings.values().iterator().next().getAffinity().get(0).isInstanceAffinity();
  Map<Integer, String> fragmentIdToHostnameMap = Maps.newHashMap();
  int fragmentId = 0;
  for(CoordinationProtos.NodeEndpoint endpoint : endpoints) {
    fragmentIdToHostnameMap.put(fragmentId, getHostname(endpoint, isInstanceAffinity));

  for(Integer id : mappings.keySet()) {
    String hostname = fragmentIdToHostnameMap.get(id);
    for(TestHardAssignmentCreator.TestWork split : mappings.get(id)) {
      // This split is assigned to fragmentId id
      String splitId = split.getId();
      String expValue = expectedMappings.get(splitId);
      Assert.assertTrue("Split " + splitId + " should be assigned to " + expValue + " was assigned to " + hostname, expValue.equalsIgnoreCase(hostname));
源代码8 项目: n4js   文件:
protected void visit(Node node) {
	if (node.effectInfos.isEmpty()) {

	ControlFlowElement cfe = node.getControlFlowElement();
	Multimap<Symbol, Object> assgns = getDataFlowVisitorHost().getAssignmentRelationFactory().findAssignments(cfe);

	Set<Symbol> handledDataFlowSymbols = new HashSet<>();
	for (Symbol lhs : assgns.keySet()) {
		Collection<Object> rhss = assgns.get(lhs);
		boolean handledDataFlow = handleDataflow(lhs, rhss);
		if (handledDataFlow) {
	for (EffectInfo effect : node.effectInfos) {
		handleVisitEffect(cfe, effect, handledDataFlowSymbols);
源代码9 项目: datawave   文件:
protected Multimap<String,Type<?>> configureIndexedAndNormalizedFields(Multimap<String,Type<?>> fieldToDatatypeMap, Set<String> indexedFields,
                Set<String> reverseIndexedFields, Set<String> normalizedFields, ShardQueryConfiguration config, ASTJexlScript queryTree)
                throws DatawaveQueryException, TableNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
    log.debug("config.getDatatypeFilter() = " + config.getDatatypeFilter());
    log.debug("fieldToDatatypeMap.keySet() is " + fieldToDatatypeMap.keySet());
    log.debug("normalizedFields = " + normalizedFields);
    config.setQueryFieldsDatatypes(HashMultimap.create(Multimaps.filterKeys(fieldToDatatypeMap, input -> !normalizedFields.contains(input))));
    log.debug("IndexedFields Datatypes: " + config.getQueryFieldsDatatypes());
    config.setNormalizedFieldsDatatypes(HashMultimap.create(Multimaps.filterKeys(fieldToDatatypeMap, normalizedFields::contains)));
    log.debug("NormalizedFields Datatypes: " + config.getNormalizedFieldsDatatypes());
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        for (String field : fieldToDatatypeMap.keySet()) {
            log.trace(field + ": " + fieldToDatatypeMap.get(field));
    return fieldToDatatypeMap;
源代码10 项目: incubator-pinot   文件:
public static String getSortedFiltersFromMultiMap(Multimap<String, String> filterMultiMap) {
  Set<String> filterKeySet = filterMultiMap.keySet();
  ArrayList<String> filterKeyList = new ArrayList<String>(filterKeySet);

  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  for (String filterKey : filterKeyList) {
    ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(filterMultiMap.get(filterKey));
    for (String value : values) {
  return StringUtils.chop(sb.toString());
源代码11 项目: cloudbreak   文件:
private List<CloudVmMetaDataStatus> collectCloudVmMetaDataStatuses(AuthenticatedContext ac, List<CloudInstance> vms,
        List<String> knownInstanceIdList) {
    LOGGER.debug("Collect Cloud VM metadata statuses");

    List<CloudVmMetaDataStatus> collectedCloudVmMetaDataStatuses = new ArrayList<>();

    String region = ac.getCloudContext().getLocation().getRegion().value();
    AmazonCloudFormationRetryClient amazonCFClient = awsClient.createCloudFormationRetryClient(new AwsCredentialView(ac.getCloudCredential()), region);
    AmazonAutoScalingRetryClient amazonASClient = awsClient.createAutoScalingRetryClient(new AwsCredentialView(ac.getCloudCredential()), region);
    AmazonEC2Client amazonEC2Client = new AuthenticatedContextView(ac).getAmazonEC2Client();

    Multimap<String, CloudInstance> instanceGroupMap = getInstanceGroupMap(vms);

    Multimap<String, Instance> instancesOnAWSForGroup = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (String group : instanceGroupMap.keySet()) {
        List<Instance> instancesForGroup = collectInstancesForGroup(ac, amazonASClient, amazonEC2Client, amazonCFClient, group);
        instancesOnAWSForGroup.putAll(group, instancesForGroup);

    Multimap<String, Instance> unknownInstancesForGroup = getUnkownInstancesForGroup(knownInstanceIdList, instancesOnAWSForGroup);
    for (CloudInstance vm : vms) {
        if (vm.getInstanceId() == null) {
            addFromUnknownMap(vm, unknownInstancesForGroup, collectedCloudVmMetaDataStatuses);
        } else {
            addKnownInstance(vm, instancesOnAWSForGroup, collectedCloudVmMetaDataStatuses);
    return collectedCloudVmMetaDataStatuses;
源代码12 项目: hmftools   文件:
private ListMultimap<Chromosome, Cluster> cluster(@NotNull final Multimap<Chromosome, SVSegment> variantPositions,
        @NotNull final Multimap<Chromosome, PCFPosition> pcfPositions, @NotNull final ListMultimap<Chromosome, CobaltRatio> ratios) {
    ListMultimap<Chromosome, Cluster> clusters = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (Chromosome chromosome : pcfPositions.keySet()) {
        final Collection<PCFPosition> chromosomePcfPositions = pcfPositions.get(chromosome);
        final List<CobaltRatio> chromosomeRatios = ratios.containsKey(chromosome) ? ratios.get(chromosome) : Lists.newArrayList();
        final Collection<SVSegment> chromosomeVariants =
                variantPositions.containsKey(chromosome) ? variantPositions.get(chromosome) : Lists.newArrayList();
        clusters.putAll(chromosome, cluster(chromosomeVariants, chromosomePcfPositions, chromosomeRatios));

    return clusters;
源代码13 项目: datawave   文件:
private void writeMetaData(BatchWriterConfig bwConfig, final List<Map.Entry<Multimap<String,String>,UID>> data) throws MutationsRejectedException,
                TableNotFoundException {
    Text dtText = new Text(this.dataType);
    Map<String,RawMetaData> meta = this.cfgData.getMetadata();
    try (BatchWriter bw = this.conn.createBatchWriter(QueryTestTableHelper.METADATA_TABLE_NAME, bwConfig)) {
        for (Map.Entry<Multimap<String,String>,UID> entry : data) {
            Multimap<String,String> rawData = entry.getKey();
            String shardDate = extractShard(rawData);
            for (String column : rawData.keySet()) {
                if (meta.containsKey(column.toLowerCase())) {
                    Mutation mut = new Mutation(column);
                    mut.put(ColumnFamilyConstants.COLF_E, dtText, EMPTY_VALUE);
                    Value colVal = new Value(SummingCombiner.VAR_LEN_ENCODER.encode((long) rawData.get(column).size()));
                    mut.put(ColumnFamilyConstants.COLF_F, new Text(this.dataType + NULL_SEP + shardDate), colVal);
                    if (this.fieldConfig.getIndexFields().contains(column)) {
                        mut.put(ColumnFamilyConstants.COLF_I, dtText, EMPTY_VALUE);
                    if (this.fieldConfig.getReverseIndexFields().contains(column)) {
                        mut.put(ColumnFamilyConstants.COLF_RI, dtText, EMPTY_VALUE);
                    Normalizer<?> norm = meta.get(column.toLowerCase()).normalizer;
                    String type = getNormalizerTypeName(norm);
                    mut.put(ColumnFamilyConstants.COLF_T, new Text(this.dataType + NULL_SEP + type), EMPTY_VALUE);
                } else {
                    log.debug("skipping col entry(" + column + ")");
源代码14 项目: yql-plus   文件:
protected void indexQuery(List<StreamValue> out, Location location, ContextPlanner planner, List<IndexQuery> queries, List<OperatorNode<PhysicalExprOperator>> args) {
    // split IndexQuery by index and then invoke each index exactly once
    OperatorNode<PhysicalExprOperator> sourceAdapter = createSource(location, planner, args);
    Multimap<IndexKey, IndexQuery> split = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (IndexQuery query : queries) {
        split.put(query.index, query);
    for (IndexKey idx : split.keySet()) {
        Collection<IndexQuery> todo = split.get(idx);
        selectMap.get(idx).index(out, location, sourceAdapter, planner, Lists.newArrayList(todo));
源代码15 项目: blueflood   文件:
private void insertMetricsInBatch(Multimap<Locator, IMetric> map, Granularity granularity) {
    BatchStatement batch = new BatchStatement(BatchStatement.Type.UNLOGGED);

    for (Locator locator : map.keySet()) {
        for (IMetric metric : map.get(locator)) {
            RollupType rollupType = metric.getRollupType();

            DAbstractMetricIO io = rollupTypeToIO.get(rollupType);
            BoundStatement boundStatement = io.getBoundStatementForMetric(metric, granularity);

            if (granularity == Granularity.FULL) {

            if( !LocatorCache.getInstance().isLocatorCurrentInBatchLayer(locator) ) {
                batch.add(locatorIO.getBoundStatementForLocator( locator ));

            // if we are recording delayed metrics, we may need to do an
            // extra insert
            if ( isRecordingDelayedMetrics ) {
                BoundStatement bs = getBoundStatementForMetricIfDelayed(metric);
                if ( bs != null ) {
    LOG.trace(String.format("insert preaggregated batch statement size=%d", batch.size()));

    try {
    } catch ( Exception ex ) {
        LOG.error(String.format("error writing batch of %d preaggregated metrics", batch.size()), ex );
源代码16 项目: xtext-core   文件:
private void visitFragment(RuleCall object) {
	Multimap<String, AbstractElement> prevAssignedFeatures = assignedFeatures;
	assignedFeatures = newMultimap();
	if (fragmentStack.add(object)) {
		try {
		} finally {
	Multimap<String, AbstractElement> assignedByFragment = assignedFeatures;
	assignedFeatures = prevAssignedFeatures;
	for (String feature : assignedByFragment.keySet())
		checkAssignment(object, feature);
源代码17 项目: Rails   文件:
private void addGenericTokenLays(LayToken action) {
    PublicCompany company = action.getCompany();
    NetworkGraph graph = networkAdapter.getRouteGraph(company, true, false);
    Multimap<MapHex, Stop> hexStops = graph.getTokenableStops(company);
    for (MapHex hex:hexStops.keySet()) {
        GUIHex guiHex = map.getHex(hex);
        TokenHexUpgrade upgrade = TokenHexUpgrade.create(guiHex, hexStops.get(hex), action);
        hexUpgrades.put(guiHex, upgrade);
源代码18 项目: datawave   文件:
private void writeShardKeys(BatchWriterConfig bwConfig, final List<Map.Entry<Multimap<String,String>,UID>> data) throws MutationsRejectedException,
                TableNotFoundException {
    Map<String,RawMetaData> meta = this.cfgData.getMetadata();
    try (BatchWriter bw = this.conn.createBatchWriter(QueryTestTableHelper.SHARD_TABLE_NAME, bwConfig)) {
        for (Map.Entry<Multimap<String,String>,UID> entry : data) {
            UID uid = entry.getValue();
            Multimap<String,String> rawData = entry.getKey();
            String shardId = extractShard(rawData);
            long timestamp = shardDateToMillis(shardId);
            shardId = shardId + "_0";
            for (String column : rawData.keySet()) {
                if (meta.containsKey(column.toLowerCase())) {
                    Mutation mut = new Mutation(shardId);
                    int count = 0;
                    int cardinality = rawData.get(column).size();
                    for (String val : rawData.get(column)) {
                        if (this.fieldConfig.getIndexFields().contains(column)) {
                            Normalizer<?> norm = meta.get(column.toLowerCase()).normalizer;
                            mut.put(FIELD_INDEX + column, norm.normalize(val) + NULL_SEP + this.dataType + NULL_SEP + uid,
                                            this.cfgData.getDefaultVisibility(), timestamp, EMPTY_VALUE);
                        mut.put(this.dataType + NULL_SEP + uid, column + "." + count + NULL_SEP + val, this.cfgData.getDefaultVisibility(), timestamp,
                } else {
                    log.debug("skipping column entry(" + column + ")");
源代码19 项目: Clusion   文件:
public static RR2Lev constructEMMParGMM(final byte[] key, final Multimap<String, String> lookup, final int bigBlock,
		final int smallBlock, final int dataSize) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException {

	final Multimap<String, byte[]> dictionary = ArrayListMultimap.create();

	for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) {
		// initialize all buckets with random values

	List<String> listOfKeyword = new ArrayList<String>(lookup.keySet());
	int threads = 0;
	if (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() > listOfKeyword.size()) {
		threads = listOfKeyword.size();
	} else {
		threads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();

	ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads);
	ArrayList<String[]> inputs = new ArrayList<String[]>(threads);

	for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
		String[] tmp;
		if (i == threads - 1) {
			tmp = new String[listOfKeyword.size() / threads + listOfKeyword.size() % threads];
			for (int j = 0; j < listOfKeyword.size() / threads + listOfKeyword.size() % threads; j++) {
				tmp[j] = listOfKeyword.get((listOfKeyword.size() / threads) * i + j);
		} else {
			tmp = new String[listOfKeyword.size() / threads];
			for (int j = 0; j < listOfKeyword.size() / threads; j++) {

				tmp[j] = listOfKeyword.get((listOfKeyword.size() / threads) * i + j);
		inputs.add(i, tmp);

	Printer.debugln("End of Partitionning  \n");

	List<Future<Multimap<String, byte[]>>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Multimap<String, byte[]>>>();
	for (final String[] input : inputs) {
		Callable<Multimap<String, byte[]>> callable = new Callable<Multimap<String, byte[]>>() {
			public Multimap<String, byte[]> call() throws Exception {

				Multimap<String, byte[]> output = setup(key, input, lookup, bigBlock, smallBlock, dataSize);
				return output;


	for (Future<Multimap<String, byte[]>> future : futures) {
		Set<String> keys = future.get().keySet();

		for (String k : keys) {
			dictionary.putAll(k, future.get().get(k));


	return new RR2Lev(dictionary, array);
源代码20 项目: buck   文件:
 * For each seed target, find its reachable targets and mark them in a multimap as being reachable
 * by that module for later sorting into exclusive and shared targets
 * @return the Multimap containing targets and the seed modules that contain them
private Multimap<BuildTarget, String> mapTargetsToContainingModules() {
  Multimap<BuildTarget, String> targetToContainingApkModuleNameMap =
  for (Map.Entry<String, ImmutableList<BuildTarget>> seedConfig :
      getSeedConfigMap().get().entrySet()) {
    String seedModuleName = seedConfig.getKey();
    for (BuildTarget seedTarget : seedConfig.getValue()) {
      targetToContainingApkModuleNameMap.put(seedTarget, seedModuleName);
      new AbstractBreadthFirstTraversal<TargetNode<?>>(targetGraph.get(seedTarget)) {
        public ImmutableSet<TargetNode<?>> visit(TargetNode<?> node) {

          ImmutableSet.Builder<TargetNode<?>> depsBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder();
          for (BuildTarget depTarget : node.getBuildDeps()) {
            if (!isInRootModule(depTarget) && !isSeedTarget(depTarget)) {
              targetToContainingApkModuleNameMap.put(depTarget, seedModuleName);
  // Now to generate the minimal covers of APKModules for each set of APKModules that contain
  // a buildTarget
  DirectedAcyclicGraph<String> declaredDependencies = getDeclaredDependencyGraph();
  Multimap<BuildTarget, String> targetModuleEntriesToRemove =
  for (BuildTarget key : targetToContainingApkModuleNameMap.keySet()) {
    Collection<String> modulesForTarget = targetToContainingApkModuleNameMap.get(key);
    new AbstractBreadthFirstTraversal<String>(modulesForTarget) {
      public Iterable<String> visit(String moduleName) throws RuntimeException {
        Collection<String> dependentModules =
        for (String dependent : dependentModules) {
          if (modulesForTarget.contains(dependent)) {
            targetModuleEntriesToRemove.put(key, dependent);
        return dependentModules;
  for (Map.Entry<BuildTarget, String> entryToRemove : targetModuleEntriesToRemove.entries()) {
    targetToContainingApkModuleNameMap.remove(entryToRemove.getKey(), entryToRemove.getValue());
  return targetToContainingApkModuleNameMap;