( )源码实例Demo

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public void testCopyCredentialToHeaders() throws IOException {
  ListMultimap<String, String> values = LinkedListMultimap.create();
  values.put("Authorization", "token1");
  values.put("Authorization", "token2");
  values.put("Extra-Authorization", "token3");
  values.put("Extra-Authorization", "token4");
  ClientCall<String, Integer> interceptedCall =
      interceptor.interceptCall(descriptor, CallOptions.DEFAULT, channel);
  Metadata headers = new Metadata();
  interceptedCall.start(listener, headers);
  assertEquals(listener, call.responseListener);
  assertEquals(headers, call.headers);

  Iterable<String> authorization = headers.getAll(AUTHORIZATION);
  Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"token1", "token2"},
      Iterables.toArray(authorization, String.class));
  Iterable<String> extraAuthorization = headers.getAll(EXTRA_AUTHORIZATION);
  Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"token3", "token4"},
      Iterables.toArray(extraAuthorization, String.class));
private ListMultimap<String, PropertyChangeEvent> getRealPropertyChangeEventsMultiMap(ConfigurationSourceChangeEvent event) {
    ListMultimap<String, PropertyChangeEvent> propertyChangeEventsMultiMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (PropertyChangeEvent propertyChangeEvent : event.propertyChangeEvents()) {
        String key = propertyChangeEvent.key();
        String realKey = null;
        for (String cascadedKeyPart : cascadedConfiguration().cascadedKeyParts()) {
            if (realKey == null) {
                String cascadedKey = StringValues.trimEnd(key, cascadedKeyPart);
                if (!cascadedKey.equals(key))
                    realKey = cascadedKey;
            if (realKey != null)
                propertyChangeEventsMultiMap.put(realKey + cascadedKeyPart, propertyChangeEvent);
        if (realKey == null)
            propertyChangeEventsMultiMap.put(key, propertyChangeEvent);
    return propertyChangeEventsMultiMap;
源代码3 项目: hmftools   文件:
public void writeBAF(@NotNull final String filename, @NotNull final Collection<TumorBAF> tumorEvidence,  @NotNull final AmberHetNormalEvidence hetNormalEvidence) {
    final List<TumorBAF> list = Lists.newArrayList(tumorEvidence);

    final VariantContextWriter writer =
            new VariantContextWriterBuilder().setOutputFile(filename).modifyOption(Options.INDEX_ON_THE_FLY, true).build();
    final VCFHeader header = header(config.tumorOnly() ? Collections.singletonList(config.tumor()) : config.allSamples());

    final ListMultimap<AmberSite, Genotype> genotypeMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (final String sample : hetNormalEvidence.samples()) {
        for (BaseDepth baseDepth : hetNormalEvidence.evidence(sample)) {
            genotypeMap.put(AmberSiteFactory.asSite(baseDepth), createGenotype(sample, baseDepth));

    for (final TumorBAF tumorBAF : list) {
        AmberSite tumorSite = AmberSiteFactory.tumorSite(tumorBAF);
        genotypeMap.put(tumorSite, createGenotype(tumorBAF));
        writer.add(create(tumorBAF, genotypeMap.get(tumorSite)));

源代码4 项目: caravan   文件:
public static <T> ListenableFuture<T> execute(Executor executor, CloseableHttpAsyncClient client, String uri, String method,
        ListMultimap<String, String> headers, RequestConfig config, Object data, StreamSerializer serializer, Class<T> clazz) {
    config = RequestConfigs.createCascadedRequestConfig(client, config);

    if (serializer != null) {
        if (headers == null)
            headers = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        if (!headers.containsKey(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE))
            headers.put(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, serializer.contentType());
        if (!headers.containsKey(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT))
            headers.put(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, serializer.contentType());

    HttpUriRequest request = HttpRequestFactory.createRequest(uri, method, headers, config, data, serializer, false);
    return execute(executor, client, request, serializer, clazz);
源代码5 项目: artemis   文件:
protected Map<Long, GroupTags> getServiceGroupTags() {
    Map<Long, GroupTags> newGroupTags = Maps.newHashMap();
    ListMultimap<Long, GroupTagModel> m = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (GroupTagModel model : groupTagDao.query()) {
        m.put(model.getGroupId(), model);

    for (Long id : m.keySet()) {
        Map<String, String> tags = Maps.newHashMap();
        for (GroupTagModel tag : m.get(id)) {
            tags.put(tag.getTag(), tag.getValue());
        newGroupTags.put(id, new GroupTags(id, tags));
    return newGroupTags;
源代码6 项目: yangtools   文件:
private synchronized <T extends SchemaSourceRepresentation> void addSource(final PotentialSchemaSource<T> source,
        final AbstractSchemaSourceRegistration<T> reg) {
    ListMultimap<Class<? extends SchemaSourceRepresentation>, AbstractSchemaSourceRegistration<?>> map =
    if (map == null) {
        map = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        sources.put(source.getSourceIdentifier(), map);

    map.put(source.getRepresentation(), reg);

    final Collection<PotentialSchemaSource<?>> reps = Collections.singleton(source);
    for (SchemaListenerRegistration l : listeners) {
源代码7 项目: hmftools   文件:
private static ListMultimap<Chromosome, CobaltRatio> fromLines(@NotNull final List<String> lines) {
    final ListMultimap<Chromosome, CobaltRatio> result = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (int i = 1; i < lines.size(); i++) {
        String line = lines.get(i);
        final CobaltRatio ratio = fromLine(line);
        result.put(HumanChromosome.fromString(ratio.chromosome()), ratio);
    return result;
public void copyOfWithDuplicates() {
  ListMultimap<String, Integer> input = ArrayListMultimap.create();
  input.put("foo", 1);
  input.put("bar", 2);
  input.put("foo", 3);
  input.put("foo", 1);
  Multimap<String, Integer> multimap = ImmutableSortedKeyListMultimap.copyOf(input);
源代码9 项目: bazel   文件:
private static ListMultimap<String, RcChunkOfArgs> structuredArgsForDifferentPlatforms() {
  ListMultimap<String, RcChunkOfArgs> structuredArgs = ArrayListMultimap.create();
  structuredArgs.put("c0:linux", new RcChunkOfArgs("rc1", ImmutableList.of("command_linux")));
  structuredArgs.put("c0:windows", new RcChunkOfArgs("rc1", ImmutableList.of("command_windows")));
  structuredArgs.put("c0:macos", new RcChunkOfArgs("rc1", ImmutableList.of("command_macos")));
  structuredArgs.put("c0:freebsd", new RcChunkOfArgs("rc1", ImmutableList.of("command_freebsd")));
  structuredArgs.put("c0:openbsd", new RcChunkOfArgs("rc1", ImmutableList.of("command_openbsd")));
      new RcChunkOfArgs("rc1", ImmutableList.of("--enable_platform_specific_config")));
  return structuredArgs;
源代码10 项目: codebuff   文件:
public static ListMultimap<FeatureVectorAsObject, Integer> getHPosContextCategoryMap(Corpus corpus) {
	ListMultimap<FeatureVectorAsObject, Integer> hposByFeatureVectorGroup = ArrayListMultimap.create();
	int numContexts = corpus.featureVectors.size();
	for (int i = 0; i<numContexts; i++) {
		int[] X = corpus.featureVectors.get(i);
		int y = corpus.hpos.get(i);
		hposByFeatureVectorGroup.put(new FeatureVectorAsObject(X, Trainer.FEATURES_HPOS), y);

	return hposByFeatureVectorGroup;
源代码11 项目: jpmml-evaluator   文件:
private <S extends ModelManager<?>> ListMultimap<Class<? extends Model>, Class<? extends S>> loadServiceProviderClasses(Class<S> serviceClazz) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
	Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();

	ClassLoader clazzLoader = thread.getContextClassLoader();
	if(clazzLoader == null){
		clazzLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();

	ListMultimap<Class<? extends Model>, Class<? extends S>> result = ArrayListMultimap.create();

	Enumeration<URL> urls = clazzLoader.getResources("META-INF/services/" + serviceClazz.getName());

		URL url = urls.nextElement();

		try(InputStream is = url.openStream()){
			List<? extends Class<? extends S>> serviceProviderClazzes = loadServiceProviderClasses(is, clazzLoader, serviceClazz);

			for(Class<? extends S> serviceProviderClazz : serviceProviderClazzes){
				Class<? extends Model> modelClazz = findModelParameter(serviceClazz, serviceProviderClazz);

				result.put(modelClazz, serviceProviderClazz);

	return result;
源代码12 项目: kite   文件:
public ExtractJsonPaths(CommandBuilder builder, Config config, Command parent, Command child, MorphlineContext context) {
  super(builder, config, parent, child, context);
  ListMultimap<String, String> stepMultiMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
  this.flatten = getConfigs().getBoolean(config, "flatten", true);
  Config paths = getConfigs().getConfig(config, "paths");
  for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : new Configs().getEntrySet(paths)) {
    String fieldName = entry.getKey();        
    String path = entry.getValue().toString().trim();
    if (path.contains("//")) {
      throw new MorphlineCompilationException("No support for descendant axis available yet", config);
    if (path.startsWith("/")) {
      path = path.substring(1);
    if (path.endsWith("/")) {
      path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
    path = path.trim();
    for (String step : path.split("/")) {
      step = step.trim();
      if (step.length() > ARRAY_TOKEN.length() && step.endsWith(ARRAY_TOKEN)) {
        step = step.substring(0,  step.length() - ARRAY_TOKEN.length());
        stepMultiMap.put(fieldName, normalize(step));
        stepMultiMap.put(fieldName, ARRAY_TOKEN);
      } else {
        stepMultiMap.put(fieldName, normalize(step));
  this.stepMap = stepMultiMap.asMap();
  LOG.debug("stepMap: {}", stepMap);
源代码13 项目: ambiverse-nlu   文件:
  public void testTrieChinese() throws Exception {
    Set<String> dictionary = new TreeSet<>();
    FST<Long> trie = TrieBuilder.buildTrie(dictionary);

    String text = "马拉多纳扮演1986年世界杯。";
    Set<Integer> begginingPositions = new HashSet<>();
    Set<Integer> endingPrositions = new HashSet<>();
    Tokens tokens = UimaTokenizer.tokenize(Language.getLanguageForString("zh"), text);
    for(Token token: tokens.getTokens()) {
    Set<Spot> spots =  TextSpotter.spotTrieEntriesInTextIgnoreCase(trie,text,begginingPositions,endingPrositions,0.9);
    assertEquals(spots.size(), 2);
    ListMultimap<String, Spot> results = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for(Spot spot : spots) {
      String concept = Utils.getStringbyKey(spot.getMatch(), trie);
      results.put(concept, spot);
      String textMatch = text.substring(spot.getBegin(), spot.getEnd());
//      System.out.println("CONCEPT: " + concept + " TEXT MATCH: " + textMatch + " begin: " + spot.getBegin() + " end: " + spot.getEnd());

    Spot maradona = results.get("马拉多纳").get(0);
    assertEquals(maradona.getBegin(), 0);
    assertEquals(maradona.getEnd(), 4);

    Spot worldCup = results.get("1986年世界杯").get(0);
    assertEquals(worldCup.getBegin(), 6);
    assertEquals(worldCup.getEnd(), 14);

private void addItem(@NonNull ResourceItem item) {
    synchronized (ITEM_MAP_LOCK) {
        ListMultimap<String, ResourceItem> map = getMap(item.getType());
        if (!map.containsValue(item)) {
            map.put(item.getName(), item);
源代码15 项目: swift-t   文件:
private void addDependencies(Logger logger, Function fn,
        ArrayList<StatementInfo> stmtInfos, int i, boolean forwardEdges,
        ListMultimap<Integer, Integer> before) {
  StatementInfo info1 = stmtInfos.get(i);

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
    logger.trace("addDependencies " + info1);

  // Find last instruction that writes inputs of inst1
  // Build a DAG of dependences between instructions
  for (int j = i + 1; j < stmtInfos.size(); j++) {
    StatementInfo info2 = stmtInfos.get(j);
    // TODO: should check for "expensive" statements to avoid
    // deferring execution by putting instruction after it
    if (forwardEdges && writesInputs(logger, info2, info1, false)) {
      // These edges wont create cycle - backward edge
      before.put(j, i);

    if (!forwardEdges && writesInputs(logger, info1, info2, true)) {
      // Check that there isn't a path from inst1 to inst2
      if (pathExists(before, j, i)) {
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
          logger.trace("Drop edge " + j + " => " + i + " to avoid cycle");
      } else {
        before.put(i, j);
private <K, C extends ParameterCell> ListMultimap<K, C> groupCells(List<C> cells, Function<C, K> function){
	ListMultimap<K, C> result = ArrayListMultimap.create();

	for(C cell : cells){
		result.put(function.apply(cell), cell);

	return result;
源代码17 项目: emodb   文件:
public void delete(String channel, Collection<EventId> eventIds) {
    checkNotNull(channel, "channel");
    checkNotNull(eventIds, "eventIds");

    ListMultimap<ByteBuffer, Integer> eventsBySlab = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (EventId eventId : eventIds) {
        AstyanaxEventId eventIdImpl = (AstyanaxEventId) eventId;
        eventsBySlab.put(eventIdImpl.getSlabId(), eventIdImpl.getEventIdx());

    // We might be able to use weak consistency since we're allowed to forget deletes and repeat events.  But we'd
    // need to measure it in production to see how frequently weak consistency would cause events to repeat.
    BatchUpdate update = new BatchUpdate(_keyspace, ConsistencyLevel.CL_LOCAL_QUORUM,
            Constants.MUTATION_MAX_ROWS, Constants.MUTATION_MAX_COLUMNS);

    for (Map.Entry<ByteBuffer, Collection<Integer>> entry : eventsBySlab.asMap().entrySet()) {
        ByteBuffer slabId = entry.getKey();
        Collection<Integer> eventIdxs = entry.getValue();

        BatchUpdate.Row<ByteBuffer, Integer> row = update.updateRow(ColumnFamilies.SLAB, slabId);
        for (Integer eventIdx : eventIdxs) {

源代码18 项目: dremio-oss   文件:
public <T extends CompleteWork> ListMultimap<Integer, T> getMappings(
    final List<NodeEndpoint> endpoints, final List<T> units) throws PhysicalOperatorSetupException {
  verify(endpoints, units, units.size() >= endpoints.size(), "There should be at least one work unit for each hard affinity node.");

  // First, group endpoints by hostname. There could be multiple endpoints on same host
  final ListMultimap<String, Integer> endpointsOnHostMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
  int index = 0;
  for(NodeEndpoint incoming : endpoints) {
    endpointsOnHostMap.put(incoming.getAddress(), index);

  // Convert the multi-map <String,Integer> into a map <String, Iterator<Integer>>
  final Map<String, Iterator<Integer>> endpointIteratorOnHostMap = Maps.newHashMap();
  for(Map.Entry<String, Collection<Integer>> entry: endpointsOnHostMap.asMap().entrySet()) {
    endpointIteratorOnHostMap.put(entry.getKey(), Iterables.cycle(entry.getValue()).iterator());

  final ListMultimap<Integer, T> mappings = ArrayListMultimap.create();
  for(T unit: units) {
    final List<EndpointAffinity> affinities = unit.getAffinity();
    verify(endpoints, units, affinities.size() == 1,
        "Expected the hard affinity work unit to have affinity to only one endpoint");
    final EndpointAffinity endpointAffinity = affinities.get(0);
    final String host = endpointAffinity.getEndpoint().getAddress();
    final Iterator<Integer> endpointsOnHost = endpointIteratorOnHostMap.get(host);
    if (endpointsOnHost == null) {
      verify(endpoints, units, false, "There are no endpoints in assigned list running on host %s", host);

    final int endpointId = endpointIteratorOnHostMap.get(host).next();
    mappings.put(endpointId, unit);

  // Go through the mappings and make sure at least one unit for every assigned endpoint,
  // otherwise we will end up with fragments that don't have any work assigned. If an assignment is not present for
  // endpoint, throw an exception
  for(int i = 0; i < endpoints.size(); i++) {
    if (!mappings.containsKey(i)) {
      verify(endpoints, units, false, "Endpoint %s has no assigned work.", endpoints.get(i));

  return mappings;
源代码19 项目: emodb   文件:
TableJson(Map<String, Object> json) {

    // Get the uuid of the master primary storage.
    String masterUuid = get(UUID_ATTR);

    // Create 'Storage' objects that wrap all the json maps describing where data for this table lives.
    List<Storage> storages = Lists.newArrayList();
    Map<String, Map<String, Object>> storageMap = get(STORAGE);
    if (storageMap != null) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : storageMap.entrySet()) {
            storages.add(new Storage(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), entry.getKey().equals(masterUuid)));
    _storages = storages;

    // Loop through the storage objects and organize the data into master, facades, expired, pick primaries.
    // This is the essence of the storage life cycle state machine w/an eventually consistent data store:
    // writers write the state markers they know, readers read them and sort out what actually happened.
    Storage master = null;
    List<Storage> facades = Lists.newArrayList();
    // Bucket the active storage entries into groups, one group for the master and one for each facade.
    ListMultimap<String, Storage> groupMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (Storage storage : storages) {
        if (!storage.hasTransitioned(StorageState.DROPPED)) {
            groupMap.put(storage.getGroupId(), storage);
    // Pick the primary storage in each group.  The rest are mirrors.
    Set<String> facadePlacements = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (Collection<Storage> group : groupMap.asMap().values()) {
        Storage primary = Storage.initializeGroup(group);
        if (primary == null) {
        if (!primary.isFacade()) {
            // Master data
            if (!primary.getUuidString().equals(masterUuid)) {
                // Looks like there are multiple primaries for the master.  We always pick the one that matches
                // masterUuid, but we should log an error because this isn't supposed to happen.  It is possible,
                // however, when quorum is broken--multiple Cassandra servers are lost and restored and data is
                // not repaired correctly.
                _log.error("Table {} has an orphaned master storage (uuid={}), please verify data integrity.",
                        getTable(), primary.getUuidString());
            master = primary;
        } else {
            // Facade data
            if (!facadePlacements.add(primary.getPlacement())) {
                // Multiple facades for the same placement is not supposed to happen, log an error.
                _log.error("Table {} has multiple facades for the same placement {} (uuid={}), please verify data integrity.",
                        getTable(), primary.getPlacement(), primary.getUuidString());
    _master = master;
    _facades = facades;
源代码20 项目: rice   文件:
 * <p>partitions ActionItems by application id, and calls the appropriate
 * {@link ActionListCustomizationHandlerService} for each parition, merging the results.</p>
 * <dl><dt><b>inherited docs:</b></dt><dd>{@inheritDoc}</dd></dl>
public Map<String, ActionItemCustomization> getActionListCustomizations(String principalId,
        List<ActionItem> actionItems) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(principalId)) {
        throw new RiceIllegalArgumentException("invalid principalId: " + principalId);
    if (actionItems == null) {
        actionItems = Collections.emptyList();

    // map from action item ID to ActionItemCustomization
    Map<String, ActionItemCustomization> results = new HashMap<String, ActionItemCustomization>();

    // group each action item by application id that needs to be called for action list customizations (note that
    // the application id comes from the extension/rule attribute record, most action lists will have doc types
    // with no custom action list attribute, though the default still needs to be run in this case)

    ListMultimap<String, ActionItem> itemsByApplicationId = ArrayListMultimap.create();

    for (ActionItem actionItem : actionItems) {
        //DocumentType docType = KewApiServiceLocator.getDocumentTypeService().getDocumentTypeByName(actionItem.getDocName());
        DocumentType docType = getDocumentTypeService().findByName(actionItem.getDocName());
        if (docType == null) {
            LOG.error(String.format("Action item %s has an invalid document type name of %s",
                    actionItem.getId(), actionItem.getDocName()));
            // OK to have a null key, this represents the default app id
            itemsByApplicationId.put(null, actionItem);
        } else {
            // OK to have a null key, this represents the default app id
            itemsByApplicationId.put(getActionListCustomizationApplicationId(docType), actionItem);

    // For each application id, pass all action items which might need to be customized (because they have a
    // document type, which declares an action list attribute, which has an application id declared) to the
    // appropriate ActionListCustomizationHandlerService endpoint

    for (String applicationId : itemsByApplicationId.keySet()) {
        ActionListCustomizationHandlerService actionListCustomizationHandler =

        if (actionListCustomizationHandler == null) {
            // get the local ActionListCustomizationHandlerService as a fallback
            actionListCustomizationHandler =

        List<ActionItemCustomization> customizations =
                actionListCustomizationHandler.customizeActionList(principalId, itemsByApplicationId.get(

        // Get back the customized results and reassemble with customized results from all different application
        // customizations (as well as default customizations)
        if (customizations != null) for (ActionItemCustomization customization : customizations) {
            results.put(customization.getActionItemId(), customization);

    return results;