( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: gef   文件:
public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> collection) {
	Multiset<E> previousContents = delegateCopy();
	boolean changed = super.removeAll(collection);
	if (changed) {
		List<ElementarySubChange<E>> elementaryChanges = new ArrayList<>();
		// collection may contain element multiple times; as we only want to
		// notify once per element, we have to iterate over the set of
		// unique elements
		for (Object e : new HashSet<>(collection)) {
			if (previousContents.contains(e)) {
				// if the element was contained, its safe to cast to E in
				// the following
				if (previousContents.count(e) > count(e)) {
					elementaryChanges.add(new ElementarySubChange<>((E) e,
							previousContents.count(e), 0));
				new MultisetListenerHelper.AtomicChange<>(this,
						previousContents, elementaryChanges));
	return changed;
源代码2 项目: sequence-mining   文件:
/** Calculate cached cost for structural EM-step */
private double calculateCachedCost(final Table<Sequence, Integer, Double> sequences,
		final Multiset<Sequence> covering) {
	double totalCost = 0;
	int lenCovering = 0;
	for (final Sequence seq : cachedSequences.rowKeySet()) {
		if (sequences.containsRow(seq)) {
			if (covering.contains(seq)) {
				final int occur = covering.count(seq);
				totalCost += -Math.log(sequences.get(seq, occur));
				for (int m = 1; m <= occur; m++) {
					totalCost += sumLogRange(lenCovering + 1, lenCovering + seq.size());
					lenCovering += seq.size();
			} else if (seq.size() == 1 && sum(cachedSequences.row(seq).values()) == 0.) {
				continue; // ignore seqs used to fill incomplete coverings
			} else {
				totalCost += -Math.log(sequences.get(seq, 0));
	return totalCost;
源代码3 项目: attic-aurora   文件:
 * Creates execution sequence for pending task groups by interleaving batches of requested size of
 * their occurrences. For example: {G1, G1, G1, G2, G2} with batch size of 2 task per group will
 * be converted into {G1, G1, G2, G2, G1}.
 * @param groups Multiset of task groups.
 * @param batchSize The batch size of tasks from each group to sequence together.
 * @return A task group execution sequence.
static List<TaskGroupKey> getPreemptionSequence(
    Multiset<TaskGroupKey> groups,
    int batchSize) {

  Preconditions.checkArgument(batchSize > 0, "batchSize should be positive.");

  Multiset<TaskGroupKey> mutableGroups = HashMultiset.create(groups);
  List<TaskGroupKey> instructions = Lists.newLinkedList();
  Set<TaskGroupKey> keys = ImmutableSet.copyOf(groups.elementSet());
  while (!mutableGroups.isEmpty()) {
    for (TaskGroupKey key : keys) {
      if (mutableGroups.contains(key)) {
        int elementCount = mutableGroups.remove(key, batchSize);
        int removedCount = Math.min(elementCount, batchSize);
        instructions.addAll(Collections.nCopies(removedCount, key));

  return instructions;
源代码4 项目: xtext-extras   文件:
 * Keeps the cumulated distance for all the common raw super types of the given references.
 * Interfaces that are more directly implemented will get a lower total count than more general
 * interfaces.
protected void cumulateDistance(final List<LightweightTypeReference> references, Multimap<JvmType, LightweightTypeReference> all,
		Multiset<JvmType> cumulatedDistance) {
	for(LightweightTypeReference other: references) {
		Multiset<JvmType> otherDistance = LinkedHashMultiset.create();
		initializeDistance(other, all, otherDistance);
		for(Multiset.Entry<JvmType> typeToDistance: otherDistance.entrySet()) {
			if (cumulatedDistance.contains(typeToDistance.getElement()))
				cumulatedDistance.add(typeToDistance.getElement(), typeToDistance.getCount());
源代码5 项目: gef   文件:
public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> collection) {
	Multiset<E> previousContents = delegateCopy();
	boolean changed = super.addAll(collection);
	if (changed) {
		List<ElementarySubChange<E>> elementaryChanges = new ArrayList<>();
		// collection may contain element multiple times; as we only want to
		// notify once per element, we have to iterate over the set of
		// unique elements
		for (E e : new HashSet<>(collection)) {
			if (previousContents.contains(e)) {
				// already contained
				if (count(e) > previousContents.count(e)) {
					elementaryChanges.add(new ElementarySubChange<>(e, 0,
							count(e) - previousContents.count(e)));
			} else {
				// newly added
						.add(new ElementarySubChange<>(e, 0, count(e)));
				new MultisetListenerHelper.AtomicChange<>(this,
						previousContents, elementaryChanges));
	return changed;
源代码6 项目: spotbugs   文件:
@ExpectWarning(value="GC", num=4)
public static void testMultiset(Multiset<String> ms) {
    ms.remove(1, 2);
源代码7 项目: spotbugs   文件:
public static void testMultisetOK(Multiset<String> ms) {
    ms.remove("x", 2);
源代码8 项目: timbuctoo   文件:
 * Taken from
 * <p>
 *  function visit(node n, list L)
 *     mark n as being "part of the current chain"
 *     for each node m with an edge from n to m do
 *       if n is not already "part of the current chain"
 *         if m is has not been visited yet then
 *           visit(m)
 *       else
 *         //A cycle should not be possible at this point
 *     mark n as being visited
 *     n is no longer "part of the current chain"
 *     add n to tail of L
 * </p>
 * @param current the next unvisited node from input
 * @param result the sorted result
 * @param currentChain the complete list of input
 * @param lookup a lookup table to link URI's to their tripleMap objects
 * @param onCycle code to handle a cycle if it occurs
 * @param errorConsumer code to handle errors reported by this method (i.e. log it, throw it, do what you want)
private static void sortStep(TriplesMapBuilder current, LinkedList<TriplesMapBuilder> result,
                             Multiset<TriplesMapBuilder> currentChain, Map<String, TriplesMapBuilder> lookup,
                             Set<TriplesMapBuilder> unvisited, TopologicalSorter.CycleConsumer onCycle,
                             Consumer<String> errorConsumer) {
  // mark n as being "part of the current chain"
  // for each node m with an edge from n to m do
  for (String uriOfDependency : current.getReferencedTriplesMaps()) {
    TriplesMapBuilder dependentBuilder = lookup.get(uriOfDependency);
    if (dependentBuilder == null) {
      errorConsumer.accept("No triplesMap with uri " + uriOfDependency + " was found");

    // if n is already "part of the current chain"
    if (currentChain.contains(dependentBuilder)) {
      onCycle.handleCycle(currentChain, current, dependentBuilder);
    } else {
      //if m is has not been visited yet then
      if (unvisited.contains(dependentBuilder)) {
        // visit(m)
        sortStep(dependentBuilder, result, currentChain, lookup, unvisited, onCycle, errorConsumer);
  // mark n as being visited
  // n is no longer "part of the current chain"
  // add n to head of L
源代码9 项目: gef   文件:
public boolean contains(Object element) {
	final Multiset<E> multiset = get();
	return (multiset == null) ? EMPTY_MULTISET.contains(element)
			: multiset.contains(element);