java.nio.file.Path#startsWith ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.nio.file.Path#startsWith ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: mycore   文件:
 * Deletes the data stored in the given file object from the store
 * @see <a href="">stackoverflow</a>
 * @param path
 *            the file object to be deleted
void delete(final Path path) throws IOException {
    if (!path.startsWith(baseDirectory)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(path + " is not in the base directory " + baseDirectory);
    Path current = path;
    Path parent = path.getParent();
    Files.walkFileTree(path, MCRRecursiveDeleter.instance());

    while (!Files.isSameFile(baseDirectory, parent)) {

        // Prevent access denied error in windows with closing the stream correctly
        try (Stream<Path> streamParent = Files.list(parent)) {
            if (streamParent.findAny().isPresent()) {
            current = parent;
            parent = current.getParent();
源代码2 项目: vscode-as3mxml   文件:
public static boolean isInProjectSourcePath(Path path, IASProject project, RoyaleProjectConfigurator configurator)
if (project == null)
	return false;
      for (File sourcePath : project.getSourcePath())
	if (path.startsWith(sourcePath.toPath()))
		return true;
      if (configurator != null)
          Configuration configuration = configurator.getConfiguration();
          for (String includedSource : configuration.getIncludeSources())
              if (path.startsWith(Paths.get(includedSource)))
                  return true;
      return false;
源代码3 项目: jasperreports   文件:
public ResourceInfo getResourceInfo(RepositoryContext context, String location)
	File file = getFile(context, location);
	if (file != null)
			Path filePath = file.toPath().toRealPath();
			if (rootRealPath != null && filePath.startsWith(rootRealPath))
				Path relativePath = rootRealPath.relativize(filePath);
				return StandardResourceInfo.from(relativePath);
			else if(resolveAbsolutePath)
				return StandardResourceInfo.from(filePath);
		catch (IOException e)
			log.warn("Failed to resolve real path for file " + file, e);
	return null;
源代码4 项目: archiva   文件:
public StorageAsset getPath() {
    if (dir==null) {
        StorageAsset repositoryDirAsset = repository.getRoot();
        Path repositoryDir = repositoryDirAsset.getFilePath().toAbsolutePath();
        Path indexDir = delegate.getIndexDirectoryFile().toPath();
        if (indexDir.startsWith(repositoryDir)) {
            dir = repository.getAsset(repositoryDir.relativize(indexDir).toString());
        } else {
            try {
                FilesystemStorage storage = new FilesystemStorage(indexDir, new DefaultFileLockManager());
                dir = storage.getRoot();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                log.error("Error occured while creating storage for index dir");
    return dir;
源代码5 项目: HotswapAgent   文件:
 * Register the given directory with the WatchService.
 * @param dir the directory to register watch on
 * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private void register(Path dir) throws IOException {

    for(Path p: keys.values()) {
        // This may NOT be correct for all cases (ensure resolve will work!)
        if(dir.startsWith(p)) {
            LOGGER.debug("Path {} watched via {}", dir, p);

    if (FILE_TREE == null) {
    } else {
        LOGGER.debug("WATCHING: ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE, ENTRY_MODIFY - fileTree,high {}", dir);

    final WatchKey key = dir.register(watcher, KINDS,  MODIFIERS);

    keys.put(key, dir);
源代码6 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
 * Finds the module at the given location defined to the boot loader.
 * The module is either in runtime image or exploded image.
 * Otherwise this method returns null.
private static Module findModule(String location) {
    String mn = null;
    if (location.startsWith("jrt:/")) {
        // named module in runtime image ("jrt:/".length() == 5)
        mn = location.substring(5, location.length());
    } else if (location.startsWith("file:/")) {
        // named module in exploded image
        Path path = Path.of(URI.create(location));
        Path modulesDir = Path.of(JAVA_HOME, "modules");
        if (path.startsWith(modulesDir)) {
            mn = path.getFileName().toString();

    // return the Module object for the module name. The Module may
    // in the boot layer or a child layer for the case that the module
    // is loaded into a running VM
    if (mn != null) {
        String name = mn;
        return Modules.findLoadedModule(mn)
            .orElseThrow(() -> new InternalError(name + " not loaded"));
    } else {
        return null;
源代码7 项目: reasonml-idea-plugin   文件:
boolean accept(@Nullable String canonicalPath) {
    if (canonicalPath == null || m_basePath == null) {
        return false;

    Path relativePath = m_basePath.relativize(new File(canonicalPath).toPath());
    if (relativePath.startsWith("node_modules")) {
        if (relativePath.startsWith(m_rootBsPlatform)) {
            return true;
        for (Path path : m_paths) {
            if (relativePath.startsWith(path)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    return !relativePath.startsWith("..");
源代码8 项目: tmc-cli   文件:
 * Add a path to this object's directories.
 * Return true if and only if the path is in the same course directory
 * as all other directories.
 * @param path: given path
 * @return whether the path given is in the course directory
public boolean addPath(Path path) {
    path = makeAbsolute(path);
    if (this.directories.isEmpty()) {
        this.courseDirectory = findCourseDir(path);
        if (this.courseDirectory != null) {
            this.configFile = this.courseDirectory.resolve(CourseInfoIo.COURSE_CONFIG);
            return true;
        return false;
    if (!this.directories.contains(path)) {
    return path.startsWith(this.courseDirectory);
源代码9 项目: openjdk-8   文件:
private void verifySymLinks(String bindir) throws IOException {
    File binDir = new File(bindir);
    System.err.println("verifying links in: " + bindir);
    File isaDir = new File(binDir, getArch()).getAbsoluteFile();
    if (!isaDir.exists()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("dir: " + isaDir + " does not exist");
    try (DirectoryStream<Path> ds = Files.newDirectoryStream(binDir.toPath())) {
        for (Path p : ds) {
            if (symlinkExcludes.matcher(p.toString()).matches() ||
                    Files.isDirectory(p, NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
            Path link = new File(isaDir, p.getFileName().toString()).toPath();
            if (Files.isSymbolicLink(link)) {
                Path target = Files.readSymbolicLink(link);
                if (target.startsWith("..") && p.endsWith(target.getFileName())) {
                    // System.out.println(target + " OK");
                System.err.println("target:" + target);
                System.err.println("file:" + p);
            throw new RuntimeException("could not find link to " + p);

源代码10 项目: vscode-as3mxml   文件:
public static String getPackageForDirectoryPath(Path directory, IASProject project)
    //find the source path that the parent directory is inside
    //that way we can strip it down to just the package
    String basePath = null;
    for (File sourcePath : project.getSourcePath())
        if (directory.startsWith(sourcePath.toPath()))
            basePath = sourcePath.toPath().toString();
    if (basePath == null)
        //we couldn't find the source path!
        return "";

    String expectedPackage = directory.toString().substring(basePath.length());
    //replace / in path on Unix
    expectedPackage = expectedPackage.replaceAll("/", ".");
    //replaces \ in path on Windows
    expectedPackage = expectedPackage.replaceAll("\\\\", ".");
    if (expectedPackage.startsWith("."))
        expectedPackage = expectedPackage.substring(1);
    return expectedPackage;
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {

    dir = dir.toAbsolutePath();

    // skip anything not in /home
    if (!dir.startsWith(getHomeDirectoryBasePath())) {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Not visiting non-home dir {}", dir.toAbsolutePath());
        return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;
    // skip paths that are excluded, as we may not want to scan some directories for various reasons.
    for (Path excluded : getExcludedPaths()) {
        if (dir.startsWith(excluded)) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("Not visiting excluded dir {}", dir.toAbsolutePath());
            return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;

    // skip anything that is more than homedir length+2 and not named .ssh
    final int dirCount = dir.getNameCount();
    if (dirCount > getHomeDirNameCount() + 1 && !dir.endsWith(".ssh")) {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Not visiting deep dir {}", dir.toAbsolutePath());
        return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;

    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
源代码12 项目: startup-os   文件:
private boolean removeWorkspace() {
  Path currentPath = Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath();
  if (!fileUtils.folderExists(workspacePath)) {
    System.err.println(RED_ERROR + "Workspace does not exist");
    return false;

  if (currentPath.startsWith(workspacePath)) {
    System.err.println(RED_ERROR + "Trying to remove active workspace");
    return false;
  return true;
源代码13 项目: js-dossier   文件:
private void checkSourcePrefix() {
  if (getSourcePrefix().isPresent()) {
    Path prefix = getSourcePrefix().get();
    for (Path source : concat(getSources(), getModules())) {
      if (!source.startsWith(prefix)) {
        throw new InvalidConfigurationException(
            "Input file does not start with <%s>: %s", prefix, source);
  } else {
    setSourcePrefix(getSourcePrefixPath(getFileSystem(), getSources(), getModules()));
源代码14 项目: Strata   文件:
private static Path validateZipPathName(Path rootPath, ZipEntry entry) throws ZipException {
  Path normalizedRootPath = rootPath.normalize();
  Path resolved = normalizedRootPath.resolve(entry.getName()).normalize();
  if (!resolved.startsWith(normalizedRootPath)) {
    throw new ZipException("ZIP file contains illegal file name: " + entry.getName());
  return resolved;
源代码15 项目: buck   文件:
 * Validates a {@code spec} and throws an exception for invalid ones.
 * <p>Ideally validation should happen as part of spec creation and some of them actually happen,
 * but others, especially those that require filesystem interactions, are too expensive to carry
 * for every single build target.
private void validateTargetSpec(TargetNodeSpec spec, String arg, Cell owningCell) {
  CanonicalCellName cellName = spec.getBuildFileSpec().getCellRelativeBaseName().getCellName();
  ForwardRelativePath basePath = spec.getBuildFileSpec().getCellRelativeBaseName().getPath();
  Path basePathPath = basePath.toPath(owningCell.getFilesystem().getFileSystem());
  Cell realCell = owningCell.getCellProvider().getCellByCanonicalCellName(cellName);
  if (!realCell.getFilesystem().exists(basePathPath)) {
    // If someone passes in bar:baz while in subdir foo, and foo/bar does not exist, BUT <root
    // cell>/bar does, tell the user to fix their usage. We do not want to support too many
    // extraneous build target patterns, so hard error, but at least try to help users along.
    if (!rootRelativePackage.isEmpty() && owningCell.equals(realCell) && !arg.contains("//")) {
      Path rootRelativePackagePath = Paths.get(rootRelativePackage);
      if (basePathPath.startsWith(rootRelativePackagePath)
          && owningCell
              .exists(rootRelativePackagePath.relativize(basePathPath))) {
        Path rootBasePath = rootRelativePackagePath.relativize(basePathPath);
        String str =
            "%s references a non-existent directory %s when run from %s\n"
                + "However, %s exists in your repository root (%s).\n"
                + "Non-absolute build targets are relative to your working directory.\n"
                + "Try either re-running your command the repository root, or re-running your "
                + " command with //%s instead of %s";
        throw new HumanReadableException(
    throw new HumanReadableException("%s references non-existent directory %s", arg, basePath);
源代码16 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件:
private static boolean isUnchecked(final Path testFile) {
    for (final String uncheckedDir : uncheckedDirs) {
        if (testFile.startsWith(uncheckedDir)) {
            return true;
    return false;
源代码17 项目: meghanada-server   文件:
public static Optional<String> pathToClassName(Path p) {

    if (p.startsWith(File.separator + "modules" + File.separator)) {
      // module path
      Path subpath = p.subpath(2, p.getNameCount());

      String s = ClassNameUtils.replaceSlash(subpath.toString());
      if (s.endsWith(".class")) {
        s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 6);
        return Optional.of(s);
    return Optional.empty();
源代码18 项目: vespa   文件:
public Path pathInNodeFromPathOnHost(Path pathOnHost) {

    if (! pathOnHost.isAbsolute())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected an absolute path on the host, got: " + pathOnHost);

    if (!pathOnHost.startsWith(pathToNodeRootOnHost))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path " + pathOnHost + " does not exist in the container");

    return pathOnHost.getRoot().resolve(pathToNodeRootOnHost.relativize(pathOnHost));
源代码19 项目: PeerWasp   文件:
protected Path stripOffPrefix(Path path, final Path prefix) {
	if (path.startsWith(prefix)) {
		path = prefix.relativize(path);
	return path;
源代码20 项目: jaybird   文件:
 * Resolves a relative path against the target directory, making sure the resulting path does not escape the target.
 * @param relativePath
 *         Relative path to resolve
 * @return Resolved path
 * @throws FirebirdEmbeddedLoadingException
 *         When resolving {@code relativePath} against the target directory escaped the target.
private Path safeResolve(String relativePath) throws FirebirdEmbeddedLoadingException {
    Path targetFile = targetDirectory.resolve(relativePath).toAbsolutePath();
    if (targetFile.startsWith(targetDirectory)) {
        return targetFile;
    throw new FirebirdEmbeddedLoadingException(
            getProviderName() + ": File " + relativePath + " escapes the target directory");