java.nio.file.Path#equals ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.nio.file.Path#equals ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: quarkus   文件:
public static boolean isTestClass(String className, ClassLoader classLoader, Path testLocation) {
    String classFileName = className.replace('.', File.separatorChar) + ".class";
    URL resource = classLoader.getResource(classFileName);
    if (resource == null) {
        return false;
    if (Files.isDirectory(testLocation)) {
        return resource.getProtocol().startsWith("file") && isInTestDir(resource);
    if (!resource.getProtocol().equals("jar")) {
        return false;
    String path = resource.getPath();
    if (!path.startsWith("file:")) {
        return false;
    path = path.substring(5, path.lastIndexOf('!'));

    return testLocation.equals(Paths.get(path));
源代码2 项目: buck   文件:
 * @param project a project
 * @param directory a process directory
 * @param command a command to execute (if empty string, the parameter is ignored)
 * @param doStartNotify true if the handler should call OSHandler#startNotify
 * @deprecated Use {@link BuckCommandHandler(Project, BuckCommand, boolean)}
public BuckCommandHandler(
    Project project, File directory, BuckCommand command, boolean doStartNotify) {
  this(project, command, doStartNotify);
  Path actualPath = commandLine.getWorkDirectory().toPath();
  if (!actualPath.equals(directory.toPath())) {
        "Running buck command \""
            + commandLine.getCommandLineString()
            + "\" from the work directory \""
            + actualPath.toString()
            + "\" and not in the requested directory \""
            + directory.toPath()
            + "\"");
源代码3 项目: bazel-buildfarm   文件:
public void start(Consumer<List<Digest>> onDigests) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  List<Dirent> dirents = null;
  try {
    dirents = readdir(root, /* followSymlinks= */ false);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "error reading directory " + root.toString(), e);

  ImmutableList.Builder<ListenableFuture<Void>> removeDirectoryFutures = ImmutableList.builder();

  // only valid path under root is cache
  for (Dirent dirent : dirents) {
    String name = dirent.getName();
    Path child = root.resolve(name);
    if (!child.equals(fileCache.getRoot())) {
      removeDirectoryFutures.add(Directories.remove(root.resolve(name), removeDirectoryService));

  ImmutableList.Builder<Digest> blobDigests = ImmutableList.builder();
  fileCache.start(blobDigests::add, removeDirectoryService);

源代码4 项目: tds   文件:
 * Register the given directory with the WatchService
public void register(Path dir) throws IOException {
  if (!enable)

  WatchKey key = dir.register(watcher, ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE, ENTRY_MODIFY);
  if (trace) {
    Path prev = keys.get(key);
    if (prev == null) {
      System.out.format("CatalogWatcher register: %s%n", dir);
    } else {
      if (!dir.equals(prev)) {
        System.out.format("update: %s -> %s%n", prev, dir);
  keys.put(key, dir);
源代码5 项目: buck   文件:
 * @param cellRoot Absolute path to the root of the cell the rule is defined in.
 * @param map the map of values that define the rule.
 * @param buildFilePath Absolute path to the build file the rule is defined in
 * @return the build target defined by the rule.
public static UnflavoredBuildTarget createFromRawNode(
    Path cellRoot, CanonicalCellName cellName, Map<String, Object> map, Path buildFilePath) {
  @Nullable String basePath = (String) map.get(InternalTargetAttributeNames.BASE_PATH);
  @Nullable String name = (String) map.get("name");
  if (basePath == null || name == null) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(
            "Attempting to parse build target from malformed raw data in %s: %s.",
            buildFilePath, Joiner.on(",").withKeyValueSeparator("->").join(map)));
  Path otherBasePath = cellRoot.relativize(MorePaths.getParentOrEmpty(buildFilePath));
  if (!otherBasePath.equals(otherBasePath.getFileSystem().getPath(basePath))) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(
            "Raw data claims to come from [%s], but we tried rooting it at [%s].",
            basePath, otherBasePath));
  return UnflavoredBuildTarget.of(
      CellRelativePath.of(cellName, ForwardRelativePath.of(basePath)), name);
 * @return a list of headers that represents a chain of includes ending in a particular header.
private List<Path> getPathToUntrackedHeader(
    SourcePathResolverAdapter pathResolver, List<String> includeLines, Path header) {
  // We parse the tree structure linearly by maintaining a stack of the current active parents.
  Stack<Path> active_parents = new Stack<Path>();
  for (String line : includeLines) {
    int currentDeepLevel = countCharAtTheBeginning(line, ' ') - 1;
        currentDeepLevel <= active_parents.size(),
        "Error parsing dependency file for %s",
        prettyPrintFileName(inputPath, true));
    while (currentDeepLevel < active_parents.size()) {
    Path currentHeader = filesystem.resolve(line.trim()).normalize();
    currentHeader =
            .getAbsolutePathForUnnormalizedPath(pathResolver, currentHeader)
    if (currentHeader.equals(header)) {
      return Lists.reverse(active_parents);
  return Collections.singletonList(header);
源代码7 项目: FastCopy   文件:
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
	if (dir.equals(sourcePath))
		return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
		return recursive ? FileVisitResult.CONTINUE : FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;
源代码8 项目: jmonkeybuilder   文件:
 * Open the asset folder.
 * @param newAsset the asset folder.
public void openAssetFolder(@NotNull final Path newAsset) {

    final EditorConfig config = EditorConfig.getInstance();
    final Path currentAsset = config.getCurrentAsset();
    if (newAsset.equals(currentAsset)) return;


    FX_EVENT_MANAGER.notify(new ChangedCurrentAssetFolderEvent(newAsset));
源代码9 项目: knox   文件:
 * Determines if <code>--force</code> should be used inorder to not accidentally overwrite a
 * real certificate.
 * <p>
 * <p>
 * All of the following must be met for <code>--force</code> to <b>NOT</b> be required:
 * <ul>
 * <li>The path to the keystore file is the default path: <code>[Gateway Keystore Directory]/gateway.jks</code></li>
 * <li>The alias name for the key is the default name: <code>gateway-identity</code></li>
 * <li>The relevant certificate does not exist or is self-signed</li>
 * <li>The relevant certificate has a subject name ending in "OU=Test,O=Hadoop,L=Test,ST=Test,C=US"</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param config the Gateway configuration
 * @param ks     a {@link KeystoreService} implementation
 * @return <code>true</code> if <code>--force</code> is required; otherwise <code>false</code>
private boolean isForceRequired(GatewayConfig config, KeystoreService ks) {

  // Test the path of the keystore file
  Path defaultKeystorePath = Paths.get(config.getGatewayKeystoreDir(), GatewayConfig.DEFAULT_GATEWAY_KEYSTORE_NAME).toAbsolutePath();
  Path actualKeystorePath = Paths.get(config.getIdentityKeystorePath()).toAbsolutePath();
  if (!defaultKeystorePath.equals(actualKeystorePath)) {
    // The path is not the default path: --force is required
    return true;

  // Test the alias name for the key
  if (!GatewayConfig.DEFAULT_IDENTITY_KEY_ALIAS.equals(config.getIdentityKeyAlias())) {
    // The alias name for the key is not the default name (gateway-identity): --force is required
    return true;

  // Test the certificate
  try {
    Certificate certificate = ks.getCertificateForGateway();

    if (certificate instanceof X509Certificate) {
      if (!X509CertificateUtil.isSelfSignedCertificate(certificate)) {
        // The relevant certificate exists and is not self-signed: --force is required
        return true;
      } else if (!((X509Certificate) certificate).getSubjectDN().getName().matches(".*?,\\s*OU=Test,\\s*O=Hadoop,\\s*L=Test,\\s*ST=Test,\\s*C=US")) {
        // The subject name of certificate does not end with "OU=Test,O=Hadoop,L=Test,ST=Test,C=US": --force is required
        return true;
  } catch (KeyStoreException | KeystoreServiceException e) {
    // A certificate was (probably) not previously created...

  // All indicators point to a previously created test certificate: --force is not required
  return false;
源代码10 项目: buck   文件:
private boolean areFilesTheSame(Path a, Path b) throws IOException {
  if (a.equals(b)) {
    return true;

  final long totalSize = Files.size(a);
  if (totalSize != Files.size(b)) {
    return false;

  try (InputStream ia = Files.newInputStream(a);
      InputStream ib = Files.newInputStream(b)) {
    final int bufSize = 8192;
    final byte[] aBuf = new byte[bufSize];
    final byte[] bBuf = new byte[bufSize];
    for (int toRead = (int) totalSize; toRead > 0; ) {
      final int chunkSize = Integer.min(toRead, bufSize);
      ByteStreams.readFully(ia, aBuf, 0, chunkSize);
      ByteStreams.readFully(ib, bBuf, 0, chunkSize);
      for (int idx = 0; idx < chunkSize; idx++) {
        if (aBuf[idx] != bBuf[idx]) {
          return false;
      toRead -= chunkSize;

  return true;
源代码11 项目: dekorate   文件:
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
  if (!dir.equals(basePath)) {
    tarArchiveOutputStream.putArchiveEntry(new TarArchiveEntry(basePath.relativize(dir).toFile()));
  return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
源代码12 项目: incubator-ratis   文件:
Path resolve(Path relative) throws IOException {
  final Path root = getRoot();
  final Path full = root.resolve(relative).normalize().toAbsolutePath();
  if (full.equals(root)) {
    throw new IOException("The file path " + relative + " resolved to " + full
        + " is the root directory " + root);
  } else if (!full.startsWith(root)) {
    throw new IOException("The file path " + relative + " resolved to " + full
        + " is not a sub-path under root directory " + root);
  return full;
源代码13 项目: netbeans-mmd-plugin   文件:
public static List<Topic> findTopicsRelatedToFile(@Nullable final File baseFolder, @Nonnull final File file, @Nonnull final MindMap map) {

  final List<Topic> result = new ArrayList<>();

  final Path theFile = file.isAbsolute() ? file.toPath() : new File(baseFolder, file.getAbsolutePath()).toPath();

  final boolean folder = file.isDirectory();

  for (final Topic t : map) {
    final ExtraFile linkToFile = (ExtraFile) t.getExtras().get(Extra.ExtraType.FILE);
    if (linkToFile != null) {
      final MMapURI uri = linkToFile.getAsURI();
      final Path linkFile = uri.asFile(baseFolder).toPath();
      if (folder) {
        if (linkFile.startsWith(theFile)) {
      } else if (linkFile.equals(theFile)) {

  return result;
源代码14 项目: Hadoop-BAM   文件:
 * Merge part file shards produced by {@link KeyIgnoringVCFOutputFormat} into a
 * single file with the given header.
 * @param partDirectory the directory containing part files
 * @param outputFile the file to write the merged file to
 * @param header the header for the merged file
 * @throws IOException
public static void mergeParts(final String partDirectory, final String outputFile,
    final VCFHeader header) throws IOException {
  // First, check for the _SUCCESS file.
  final Path partPath = asPath(partDirectory);
  final Path successPath = partPath.resolve("_SUCCESS");
  if (!Files.exists(successPath)) {
    throw new NoSuchFileException(successPath.toString(), null, "Unable to find _SUCCESS file");
  final Path outputPath = asPath(outputFile);
  if (partPath.equals(outputPath)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot merge parts into output with same " +
        "path: " + partPath);

  List<Path> parts = getFilesMatching(partPath, NIOFileUtil.PARTS_GLOB,
  if (parts.isEmpty()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not write bam file because no part " +
        "files were found in " + partPath);
  } else if (isBCF(parts)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("BCF files are not supported.");


  try (final OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(outputPath)) {
    boolean blockCompressed = writeHeader(out, outputPath, parts, header);
    mergeInto(parts, out);
    if (blockCompressed) {

源代码15 项目: datacollector   文件:
public void testFilter() throws IOException {
  File baseDir = new File("target", UUID.randomUUID().toString()).getAbsoluteFile();
  File nestedDir1 = new File(baseDir, "x");
  File nestedDir2 = new File(baseDir, "y");
  File file1 = new File(nestedDir1, "x.txt");
  final File file2 = new File(nestedDir2, "y.txt");
  File file3 = new File(nestedDir2, "x.txt");
  File file4 = new File(nestedDir2, "x.x");
  File dir5 = new File(nestedDir2, "d.txt"); // while i matches, because it is a dir, we ignore it
  GlobDirectoryStream dsRef;
  DirectoryStream.Filter<Path> filter = new DirectoryStream.Filter<Path>() {
    public boolean accept(Path entry) throws IOException {
      return entry.equals(file2.toPath());
  try (GlobDirectoryStream ds = new GlobDirectoryStream(baseDir.toPath(), Paths.get("*/*.txt"), filter)) {
    dsRef = ds;
    Iterator<Path> it = ds.iterator();
    Set<Path> found = new HashSet<>();
    Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(file2.toPath()), found);
  Assert.assertEquals(0, dsRef.getOpenCounter());
/** @param input the given input stream must be reset later on
 * @param path
 * @return either the path of the root node of the given docview xml or {@code null} if no docview xml given
 * @throws IOException */
private static Path getDocumentViewXmlRootPath(BufferedInputStream input, Path path) throws IOException {
    Path name = path.getFileName();
    Path rootPath = null;

    int nameCount = path.getNameCount();
    if (name.equals(Paths.get(Constants.DOT_CONTENT_XML))) {
        if (nameCount > 1) {
            rootPath = path.subpath(0, nameCount - 1);
        } else {
            rootPath = Paths.get("");
        // correct suffix matching
    } else if (name.toString().endsWith(".xml")) {

        // we need to rely on a buffered input stream to be able to reset it later
        // analyze content
        // this closes the input source internally, therefore protect against closing
        // make sure to initialize the SLF4J logger appropriately (for the XmlAnalyzer)
        try {
            SerializationType type = XmlAnalyzer.analyze(new InputSource(new CloseShieldInputStream(input)));
            if (type == SerializationType.XML_DOCVIEW) {
                //  remove .xml extension
                String fileName = path.getFileName().toString();
                fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - ".xml".length());
                if (nameCount > 1) {
                    rootPath = path.subpath(0, nameCount - 1).resolve(fileName);
                } else {
                    rootPath = Paths.get(fileName);
        } finally {
    return rootPath;
源代码17 项目: helidon-build-tools   文件:
protected ProjectConfig projectConfig(Path dir) {
    if (projectConfig != null && dir.equals(projectDir)) {
        return projectConfig;
    Path dotHelidon = dir.resolve(DOT_HELIDON);
    projectConfig = new ProjectConfig(dotHelidon);
    projectDir = dir;
    return projectConfig;
private boolean srcIsCreatedUnderRootFolder(Path input) {
    return input.equals(folder.getRoot().toPath().resolve("src/main/java"))
           || input.equals(folder.getRoot().toPath().resolve("src/main/resources"));
public Optional<Map<String, String>> convert(HttpRequest httpRequest) throws MalformedURLException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    String requestUri = httpRequest.getUri();
    Path requestUriPath = Paths.get(requestUri);

    if (!((requestUri.startsWith(baseUrl)) || requestUri.startsWith("/"))) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("I am not responsible for this request URL: " + requestUri);

    if (requestUri.endsWith(LINK_INTERCEPTOR_MARKER)) {
        return Optional.empty();

    for (ApplicationActionConfiguration applicationActionConfiguration: applicationActionConfigurations) {
        ParameterConfiguration urlParameterConfiguration = applicationActionConfiguration

        // first the easy case; if the value is hardcoded in the configuration
        // and the current url matches, then we have found the action
        if (!urlParameterConfiguration.isExposed()) {
            Path expectedPath = Paths.get(baseUrl, urlParameterConfiguration.getValue());
            Path relativeExpectedPath = Paths.get(urlParameterConfiguration.getValue());
            if (expectedPath.equals(requestUriPath) || relativeExpectedPath.equals(requestUriPath)) {
                return Optional.of(ImmutableMap.of(EVENT, applicationActionConfiguration.getName()));
        } else {
            String[] urlParts = requestUri.split(baseUrl);
            if (urlParts.length < 2) {
                return Optional.empty();
            String urlContinuation = urlParts[1];
            return Optional.of(ImmutableMap.of(
                    EVENT, applicationActionConfiguration.getName(),
                    urlParameterConfiguration.getAlias(), urlContinuation

    return Optional.empty();
源代码20 项目: jsch-nio   文件:
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public UnixSshPath relativize( Path other ) {
    if ( other == null ) {
        throw new NullPointerException();
    if ( !(other instanceof UnixSshPath) ) {
        throw new ProviderMismatchException();

    UnixSshPath unixOther = (UnixSshPath) other;
    if ( isAbsolute() && !unixOther.isAbsolute() ) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( "this and other must have same isAbsolute" );

    if ( getNameCount() == 0 ) {
        return unixOther;

    Path relative = null;
    Path remainingOther = null;
    Iterator<Path> otherIterator = unixOther.iterator();
    for ( Path part : this ) {
        if ( relative != null ) {
            relative = relative.resolve( ".." );

        if ( otherIterator.hasNext() ) {
            Path otherPart =;
            if ( !part.equals( otherPart ) ) {
                remainingOther = otherPart;
                while ( otherIterator.hasNext() ) {
                    remainingOther = remainingOther.resolve(
                relative = new UnixSshPath( getFileSystem(), ".." );
        else {
            relative = new UnixSshPath( getFileSystem(), ".." );

    if ( relative == null ) {
        while ( otherIterator.hasNext() ) {
            if ( remainingOther == null ) {
                remainingOther = new UnixSshPath( getFileSystem(), "" );
            else {
                remainingOther = remainingOther.resolve(
        return remainingOther == null
                ? new UnixSshPath( getFileSystem(), "" )
                : (UnixSshPath) remainingOther;
    return remainingOther == null
            ? (UnixSshPath) relative
            : (UnixSshPath) relative.resolve( remainingOther );