java.nio.file.Path#getNameCount ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.nio.file.Path#getNameCount ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: yajsync   文件:
public static Path subtractPathOrNull(Path parent, Path sub)
    if (!parent.endsWith(sub)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
                "%s is not a parent path of %s", parent, sub));
    if (parent.getNameCount() == sub.getNameCount()) {
        return parent.getRoot(); // NOTE: return null if parent has no root
    Path res = parent.subpath(0,
                              parent.getNameCount() - sub.getNameCount());
    if (parent.isAbsolute()) {
        return parent.getRoot().resolve(res);
    } else {
        return res;
源代码2 项目: PeerWasp   文件:
 * Appends a new component to the FolderComposite. Inexistent folders are added on the
 * fly. Existing items are replaced. Triggers updates of content and name hashes.
public synchronized void putComponent(Path remainingPath, FileComponent component) {
	remainingPath = stripOffPrefix(remainingPath, getPath());

	Path nextLevelPath = remainingPath.getName(0);

	// if we are at the last recursion, perform the add, else recursively continue
	if (remainingPath.getNameCount() == 1) {
		addComponentToChildren(nextLevelPath, component);
	} else {
		FileComponent nextLevel = children.get(nextLevelPath);
		if (nextLevel == null) {
			// next level does not exist yet, create it
			Path childPath = constructFullPath(nextLevelPath);
			nextLevel = new FolderComposite(childPath, updateContentHash);
			addComponentToChildren(nextLevelPath, nextLevel);
		Path newRemainingPath = remainingPath.subpath(1, remainingPath.getNameCount());
		((FolderComposite) nextLevel).putComponent(newRemainingPath, component);
源代码3 项目: mycore   文件:
private static MCRFile getMCRFile(SecureDirectoryStream ds, Path relativePath) throws IOException {
    MCRStoredNode storedNode = ds.resolve(relativePath);
    if (storedNode != null) {
        throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(ds.dirPath.resolve(relativePath).toString());
    //does not exist, have to create
    MCRStoredNode parent = ds.dir;
    if (relativePath.getNameCount() > 1) {
        parent = (MCRStoredNode) parent.getNodeByPath(relativePath.getParent().toString());
        if (parent == null) {
            throw new NoSuchFileException(ds.dirPath.resolve(relativePath.getParent()).toString());
        if (!(parent instanceof MCRDirectory)) {
            throw new NotDirectoryException(ds.dirPath.resolve(relativePath.getParent()).toString());
    return ((MCRDirectory) parent).createFile(relativePath.getFileName().toString());
源代码4 项目: sarl   文件:
private static File normalize(File filename) {
	final Path path1 = toFile(SARLConfig.FOLDER_SOURCE_SARL).toPath();
	final Path path2 = toFile(SARLConfig.FOLDER_SOURCE_JAVA).toPath();
	final Path path3 = toFile(SARLConfig.FOLDER_TEST_SOURCE_SARL).toPath();
	final Path path = filename.toPath();
	Path toRemove = null;
	if (path.endsWith(path1)) {
		toRemove = path1;
	} else if (path.endsWith(path2)) {
		toRemove = path2;
	} else if (path.endsWith(path3)) {
		toRemove = path3;
	if (toRemove != null) {
		final int nb = toRemove.getNameCount();
		File res = filename;
		for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
			res = res.getParentFile();
		return res;
	return filename;
源代码5 项目: jimfs   文件:
private void testSubpaths(Path path) {
  if (path.getRoot() == null) {
    assertEquals(path, path.subpath(0, path.getNameCount()));

  if (path.getNameCount() > 1) {
    String stringWithoutRoot = root == null ? string : string.substring(root.length());

    // test start + 1 to end and start to end - 1 subpaths... this recursively tests all subpaths
    // actually tests most possible subpaths multiple times but... eh
    Path startSubpath = path.subpath(1, path.getNameCount());
    List<String> startNames =
            .subList(1, path.getNameCount());

    new PathTester(pathService, Joiner.on('/').join(startNames))

    Path endSubpath = path.subpath(0, path.getNameCount() - 1);
    List<String> endNames =
            .subList(0, path.getNameCount() - 1);

    new PathTester(pathService, Joiner.on('/').join(endNames)).names(endNames).test(endSubpath);
源代码6 项目: localization_nifi   文件:
private void removeIncompleteContent(final String containerName, final Path containerPath, final Path fileToRemove) {
    if (Files.isDirectory(fileToRemove)) {
        final Path lastPathName = fileToRemove.subpath(1, fileToRemove.getNameCount());
        final String fileName = lastPathName.toFile().getName();
        if (fileName.equals(ARCHIVE_DIR_NAME)) {

        final File[] children = fileToRemove.toFile().listFiles();
        if (children != null) {
            for (final File child : children) {
                removeIncompleteContent(containerName, containerPath, child.toPath());


    final Path relativePath = containerPath.relativize(fileToRemove);
    final Path sectionPath = relativePath.subpath(0, 1);
    if (relativePath.getNameCount() < 2) {

    final Path idPath = relativePath.subpath(1, relativePath.getNameCount());
    final String id = idPath.toFile().getName();
    final String sectionName = sectionPath.toFile().getName();

    final ResourceClaim resourceClaim = resourceClaimManager.newResourceClaim(containerName, sectionName, id, false, false);
    if (resourceClaimManager.getClaimantCount(resourceClaim) == 0) {
源代码7 项目: buck   文件:
private TreeNodeBuilder getMutableParentDirectory(Path pathFragment) {
  int segments = pathFragment.getNameCount();
  if (segments == getPathSegments() + 1) {
    return this;
  return getMutableDirectory(pathFragment).getMutableParentDirectory(pathFragment);
源代码8 项目: nifi   文件:
private void removeIncompleteContent(final String containerName, final Path containerPath, final Path fileToRemove) {
    if (Files.isDirectory(fileToRemove)) {
        final Path lastPathName = fileToRemove.subpath(1, fileToRemove.getNameCount());
        final String fileName = lastPathName.toFile().getName();
        if (fileName.equals(ARCHIVE_DIR_NAME)) {

        final File[] children = fileToRemove.toFile().listFiles();
        if (children != null) {
            for (final File child : children) {
                removeIncompleteContent(containerName, containerPath, child.toPath());


    final Path relativePath = containerPath.relativize(fileToRemove);
    final Path sectionPath = relativePath.subpath(0, 1);
    if (relativePath.getNameCount() < 2) {

    final Path idPath = relativePath.subpath(1, relativePath.getNameCount());
    final String id = idPath.toFile().getName();
    final String sectionName = sectionPath.toFile().getName();

    final ResourceClaim resourceClaim = resourceClaimManager.newResourceClaim(containerName, sectionName, id, false, false);
    if (resourceClaimManager.getClaimantCount(resourceClaim) == 0) {
源代码9 项目: quarkus-http   文件:
 * Returns true is some element of path inside base path is a symlink.
private SymlinkResult getSymlinkBase(final String base, final Path file) throws IOException {
    int nameCount = file.getNameCount();
    Path root = Paths.get(base);
    int rootCount = root.getNameCount();
    Path f = file;
    for (int i = nameCount - 1; i>=0; i--) {
        if (Files.isSymbolicLink(f)) {
            return new SymlinkResult(i+1 > rootCount, f);
        f = f.getParent();

    return null;
源代码10 项目: buck   文件:
private static boolean canMergeWithKeepingPackage(
    Path currentPath, Path parentPackage, IjFolder child, PackagePathCache packagePathCache) {
  Optional<Path> childPackageOptional = packagePathCache.lookup(child);
  if (!childPackageOptional.isPresent()) {
    return false;
  Path childPackage = childPackageOptional.get();

  int pathDifference = child.getPath().getNameCount() - currentPath.getNameCount();
  Preconditions.checkState(pathDifference == 1);
  if (childPackage.getNameCount() == 0) {
    return false;
  return MorePaths.getParentOrEmpty(childPackage).equals(parentPackage);
源代码11 项目: buck   文件:
public static int commonSuffixLength(Path a, Path b) {
  int count = 0;
  while (count < a.getNameCount() && count < b.getNameCount()) {
    if (!a.getName(a.getNameCount() - count - 1)
        .equals(b.getName(b.getNameCount() - count - 1))) {
  return count;
源代码12 项目: goclipse   文件:
protected Path validateRelativePath(Path path) throws ValidationException {
	if(path.getNameCount() != 1) {
		throw createException(Severity.ERROR, ValidationMessages.Path_NotAbsoluteNorSingle(path));
	return path;
源代码13 项目: spring-init   文件:
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
	if (file.getNameCount() > 2 && file.toString().endsWith(".class")) {
		// /modules/jdk.rmic/sun/tools/tree/CaseStatement.class
		String moduleName = file.getName(1).toString(); // jdk.rmic
		Path moduleRootPath = file.subpath(0, 2); // /modules/jdk.rmic
		if (!modules.containsKey(moduleName)) {
			modules.put(moduleName, moduleRootPath);
	return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
源代码14 项目: PeerWasp   文件:
public void testPutFileInSubfolder() throws IOException {
	Path fileSub = Paths.get("1", "2", "3", "file.txt");
	Path file = rootPath.resolve(fileSub);
	FileComponent f = createFile(file);
	rootFolder.putComponent(file, f);

	// check file
	FileComponent parent = rootFolder.getComponent(fileSub.getParent());
	assertEquals(parent, f.getParent());
	assertEquals(f.getPath(), file);

	// check ancestors -- for each element of the path:
	FileComponent previous = rootFolder;
	FileComponent current = null;
	for (int i = 1; i < fileSub.getNameCount(); ++i) {
		Path sub = rootPath.resolve(fileSub.subpath(0, i));
		// check parent
		current = rootFolder.getComponent(sub);
		assertEquals(previous, current.getParent());
		assertEquals(sub, current.getPath());

		// check children
		FolderComposite folder = (FolderComposite) previous;
		assertTrue(folder.getChildren().size() == 1);
		assertEquals(folder.getChildren().get(sub.getFileName()), current);

		// check content hash -- parent includes hash of child
		String contentHash = computeHashOfString(current.getContentHash());
		assertEquals(previous.getContentHash(), contentHash);

		// check name hash
		String structureHash = computeHashOfString(current.getPath().getFileName().toString());
		assertEquals(((FolderComposite)previous).getStructureHash(), structureHash);

		previous = current;
 * In-thread code.
 * @return path to the downloaded data.
public DownloadResult call() throws Exception
   Path out_file_path;
   if (tempDir != null)
      out_file_path = Files.createTempFile(tempDir, null, TMP_FILE_SUFFIX);
      out_file_path = Files.createTempFile(null, TMP_FILE_SUFFIX);

   try (FileChannel output =, StandardOpenOption.WRITE))
      // Computes the data's md5 sum on the fly
      MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
      DigestIWC decorator = new DigestIWC(md, output);

      long delta = System.currentTimeMillis();
      HttpResponse response = http_client.interruptibleGet(this.urlToDownload, decorator);
      LOGGER.debug(String.format("Downloaded '%s' in %d ms",
            this.urlToDownload, System.currentTimeMillis() - delta));

      // If the response's status code is not 200, something wrong happened
      if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK)
         Formatter ff = new Formatter();
         ff.format("Cannot download from %s,"
               + " remote host returned message '%s' (HTTP%d)",
         throw new IOException(ff.out().toString());

      // Gets the filename from the HTTP header field `Content-Disposition'
      String contdis = response.getFirstHeader("Content-Disposition").getValue();
      if (contdis != null && !contdis.isEmpty())
         Matcher m = pattern.matcher(contdis);
         if (m.find())
            String filename =;
            if (filename != null && !filename.isEmpty())
               // Renames the downloaded file
               Path rpath = Paths.get(filename);
               if (rpath.isAbsolute() || rpath.getNameCount() != 1)
                  String msg = String.format("invalid filename '%s' from %s",
                        filename, this.urlToDownload);
                  throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
               Path dest = out_file_path.resolveSibling(rpath);
               Files.move(out_file_path, dest, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
               out_file_path = dest;

      DownloadResult res = new DownloadResult(

      return res;
   catch (Exception e)
      // cleanup if an error occured
      if (Files.exists(out_file_path))
      throw e;
源代码16 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
private static void rmdirs(Path path) throws IOException {
    while (path != null && path.getNameCount() != 0) {
        path = path.getParent();
源代码17 项目: buck   文件:
public static Pair<Path, Path> stripCommonSuffix(Path a, Path b) {
  int count = commonSuffixLength(a, b);
  return new Pair<>(
      count == a.getNameCount() ? emptyOf(a) : a.subpath(0, a.getNameCount() - count),
      count == b.getNameCount() ? emptyOf(b) : b.subpath(0, b.getNameCount() - count));
源代码18 项目: datacollector   文件:
public static Path getWildcardPath(Path path) {
  int nameCount = path.getNameCount();
  int wildcardIdx = 0;
  for (; wildcardIdx < nameCount && !hasGlobWildcard(path.getName(wildcardIdx).toString()); wildcardIdx++);
  return getSubPath(path, wildcardIdx, nameCount, false);
源代码19 项目: buck   文件:
 * Returns a child path relative to a base path. This is similar to `Path.relativize`, but
 * supports base paths that start with "..", even in Java 11. JCL implementations of
 * `Path.relativize` support base paths like this in Java 8, but not in Java 11.
 * @param basePath the path against which childPath will be relativized
 * @param childPath the path to relativize against {@code basePath}
 * @return {@code childPath} relativized against {@code basePath}
public static Path relativizeWithDotDotSupport(Path basePath, Path childPath) {
  if (basePath instanceof BuckUnixPath) {
    // Call our more efficient implementation if using Buck's own filesystem provider.
    return basePath.relativize(childPath);

  if (basePath.equals(childPath)) {
    return basePath.getFileSystem().getPath("");

  if (basePath.isAbsolute() != childPath.isAbsolute()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected paths to be of the same type");

  // Skip past equal prefixes.
  int idx = 0;
  while (idx < basePath.getNameCount()
      && idx < childPath.getNameCount()
      && basePath.getName(idx).equals(childPath.getName(idx))) {

  // Add ".."s to get to the root of the remainder of the base path.
  StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
  for (int i = idx; i < basePath.getNameCount(); i++) {
    if (!basePath.getName(i).toString().isEmpty()) {

  // Now add the remainder of the child path.
  if (idx < childPath.getNameCount()) {
  for (int i = idx + 1; i < childPath.getNameCount(); i++) {

  return basePath.getFileSystem().getPath(result.toString());
源代码20 项目: mycore   文件:
private static boolean isEmpty(Path test) {
    return test instanceof MCRPath && ((MCRPath) test).isEmpty()
        || (test.getNameCount() == 1 && test.getName(0).toString().isEmpty());