java.nio.file.Path#of ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.nio.file.Path#of ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: pro   文件:
public static void resolve(String mavenId) throws IOException {
  var mavenLocalRepository = Path.of("target/deps/maven-local");
  var aether = Aether.create(mavenLocalRepository, List.of());
  var artifactQuery = aether.createArtifactQuery(mavenId);
  var dependencies = aether.dependencies(artifactQuery);
  var resolvedArtifacts = new ArrayList<>( ArrayList<>(dependencies)));
  var map =
    .flatMap(artifact -> findArtifactModuleName(artifact).map(name -> entry(artifact, name)).stream())
    .collect(toUnmodifiableMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue));
  for(var resolvedArtifact: resolvedArtifacts) {
    var artifactId = resolvedArtifact.getGroupId() + ':' + resolvedArtifact.getArtifactId() + ':' + resolvedArtifact.getVersion();
          .map(name -> name + '=' + artifactId)
          .orElse(artifactId + " is not JPMS compatible"));
源代码2 项目: uyuni   文件:
 * Get all installed cluster providers.
 * @return a list containing the metadata of all installed cluster providers
public static List<Map<String, Object>> getClusterProvidersMetadata() {
    try {
        return Files.list(dir)
                .map(p -> {
                    String provider = p.getFileName().toString();
                    Map<String, Object> m = getClusterProviderMetadata(provider);
                    m = new HashMap<>(m);
                    m.put("label", provider);
                    return m;
    catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Error loading providers metadata", e);
        return Collections.emptyList();
源代码3 项目: n4js   文件:
/** Test that [email protected] is installed from local verdaccio and then call n4js-cli --help */
public void testN4JSCliHelp() {

	// Step 1: Call npm install in PSingleTestNpm folder

	// Step 2: List all installed packages and check version of n4js-runtime
	ProcessResult npmListResult1 = npmList(PROJECT);
	assertTrue(npmListResult1.toString(), npmListResult1.getStdOut().contains("[email protected]"));

	// Step 3: Install [email protected] in the project 'PSingleTestNpm'
	npmInstall(PROJECT, "[email protected]");

	// Step 4: List all installed packages and check version of n4js-cli
	ProcessResult npmListResult2 = npmList(PROJECT);
	assertEquals(npmListResult2.toString(), 0, npmListResult2.getExitCode());
	assertTrue(npmListResult2.toString(), npmListResult2.getStdOut().contains("[email protected]"));

	// Step 5: Test that calling n4js-cli is OK
	Path runFile = Path.of(N4JSGlobals.NODE_MODULES, ".bin", "n4jsc");
	ProcessResult nodeResult = runNodejs(PROJECT, runFile, "--help");
	assertTrue(nodeResult.toString(), nodeResult.getStdOut().contains("Usage"));
源代码4 项目: shogun   文件:
private static Path createDummyJDK(String dummyVendor, String version) throws IOException {
    String home = System.getProperty("user.home");
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Path dummyJDKHome = Path.of(home + "/Downloads/shogun_dummyJDK" + time);
    Path bin = Path.of(home + "/Downloads/shogun_dummyJDK" + time + "/Contents/Home/bin");
    Path dummyJava = Path.of(home + "/Downloads/shogun_dummyJDK" + time + "/Contents/Home/bin/java");
    List<String> strings = Arrays.asList("#!/bin/sh",
            "echo openjdk version \\\"11.0.3\\\" 2019-04-16",
            String.format("echo OpenJDK Runtime Environment %s \\(build %s\\)", dummyVendor, version),
            String.format("echo OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM %s \\(build %s, mixed mode\\)", dummyVendor, version));
    if (bin.toFile().mkdirs()) {
        Files.write(dummyJava, strings);
    } else {
        System.out.println("failed" + bin.toFile());
    //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
    return dummyJDKHome;
源代码5 项目: ethsigner   文件:
void parseCommandSuccessfullySetDirectory() {
  final Path expectedPath = Path.of("/keys/directory/path");

  commandLine.parse("--directory", expectedPath.toString());

  final ParseResult parseResult = commandLine.getParseResult();

  final Path path = multiKeySubCommand.getDirectoryPath();
源代码6 项目: loom-fiber   文件:
private static int installAndRun(String[] args) throws IOException {
  var specialBuild = specialBuild().map(build -> '-' + build).orElse("");
  var filename = "pro-" + platform() + specialBuild + ".zip";
  var cache = Path.of(userHome(), ".pro", "cache");
  var release = lastestReleaseVersionFromGitHub()
      .or(() -> latestReleaseVersionFromCache(cache, filename))
      .orElseThrow(() -> new IOException("no release found !"));
  System.out.println("require " + filename + " release " + release + " ...");
  var cachePath = cache.resolve(Path.of(release, filename));
  if (!exists(cachePath)) {
    retry(cachePath, 3, _cachedPath -> download(release, filename, _cachedPath));
  var releaseTxt = Path.of("pro", "pro-release.txt");
  if (!exists(releaseTxt) || !firstLine(releaseTxt).equals(filename)) {
    unpack(cachePath, Path.of("."));
    write(releaseTxt, List.of(filename));
  return exec("pro/bin/pro", args);
源代码7 项目: besu   文件:
public static TlsCertificateDefinition loadFromResource(
    final String resourcePath, final String password) {
  try {
    final URL sslCertificate = Resources.getResource(resourcePath);
    final Path keystorePath = Path.of(sslCertificate.getPath());

    return new TlsCertificateDefinition(keystorePath.toFile(), password);
  } catch (final Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load TLS certificates", e);
源代码8 项目: pro   文件:
private static void run(Path configFile, PropertySequence propertySeq, List<String> arguments) {
  //System.out.println("run with java " + configFile);
  var javaHome = Path.of(System.getProperty("java.home"));
  var args =
        Stream.of("-XX:+EnableValhalla").filter(__ -> System.getProperty("valhalla.enableValhalla") != null),
        Stream.of("-Dpro.exitOnError=true"), -> "-D" + entry.getKey() + '=' + entry.getValue()),
        Stream.of(arguments).filter(a -> !a.isEmpty()).map(a -> "-Dpro.arguments=" + String.join(",", a)),
      .flatMap(s -> s)
  //System.out.println("cmd " + String.join(" ", args));
  var exitCode = 1;
  try {
    var process = new ProcessBuilder(args)
    exitCode = process.waitFor();
  } catch (InterruptedException|IOException e) {
    System.err.println("i/o error " + e.getMessage() + "\n command " + String.join(" ", args));
源代码9 项目: Java-Coding-Problems   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        Path file1 = Path.of("file1.txt");
        Path file2 = Path.of("file2.txt");
        Path file3 = Path.of("file3.txt");
        Path file4 = Path.of("file4.txt");
        System.out.println("Mismatches between file1 and file2: " 
                + Mismatches.haveMismatches(file1, file2));
        System.out.println("Mismatches between file1 and file3: " 
                + Mismatches.haveMismatches(file1, file3));
        System.out.println("Mismatches between file1 and file4: " 
                + Mismatches.haveMismatches(file1, file4));
        System.out.println("Mismatches between file2 and file3: " 
                + Mismatches.haveMismatches(file2, file3));
        System.out.println("Mismatches between file2 and file4: " 
                + Mismatches.haveMismatches(file2, file4));
        System.out.println("Mismatches between file3 and file4: " 
                + Mismatches.haveMismatches(file3, file4));

        long mismatches12 = Files.mismatch(file1, file2);
        long mismatches13 = Files.mismatch(file1, file3);
        long mismatches14 = Files.mismatch(file1, file4);
        long mismatches23 = Files.mismatch(file2, file3);
        long mismatches24 = Files.mismatch(file2, file4);
        long mismatches34 = Files.mismatch(file3, file4);
        System.out.println("Mismatches between file1 and file2: " + mismatches12);
        System.out.println("Mismatches between file1 and file3: " + mismatches13);
        System.out.println("Mismatches between file1 and file4: " + mismatches14);
        System.out.println("Mismatches between file2 and file3: " + mismatches23);
        System.out.println("Mismatches between file2 and file4: " + mismatches24);
        System.out.println("Mismatches between file3 and file4: " + mismatches34);
源代码10 项目: pro   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  var mavenLocalRepository = Path.of("target/deps/maven-local");
  var aether = Aether.create(mavenLocalRepository, List.of());
  var artifactQuery = aether.createArtifactQuery("org.ow2.asm:asm-util:7.0-beta");
  var dependencies = aether.dependencies(artifactQuery);
  System.out.println("dependencies" + dependencies);
  var resolvedArtifacts = ArrayList<>(dependencies));
  System.out.println("downloaded " + resolvedArtifacts);
源代码11 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
 * Creates a finder from the module path that is the value of the given
 * system property and optionally patched by --patch-module
private static ModuleFinder finderFor(String prop) {
    String s = System.getProperty(prop);
    if (s == null) {
        return null;
    } else {
        String[] dirs = s.split(File.pathSeparator);
        Path[] paths = new Path[dirs.length];
        int i = 0;
        for (String dir: dirs) {
            paths[i++] = Path.of(dir);
        return ModulePath.of(patcher, paths);
源代码12 项目: L2jOrg   文件:
JavaExecutionContext(JavaScriptingEngine engine) {

    sourcePath = getSettings(ServerSettings.class).dataPackDirectory().resolve(requireNonNullElse(getProperty("source.path"), "data/scripts"));
    destination = Path.of(requireNonNullElse(getProperty("compiled.path"), "compiledScripts"));
    forceCompile =  Boolean.parseBoolean(requireNonNullElse(getProperty("force.compile"), "true"));

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("Could not compile Java Scripts", e);
源代码13 项目: shogun   文件:
private static Path createDummyGraal(File file) throws IOException {
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Path dummyJDKHome = Path.of(file.getAbsolutePath() + "/shogun_dummyJDK" + time);
    Path bin = Path.of(file.getAbsolutePath() + "/shogun_dummyJDK" + time + "/Contents/Home/bin");
    Path dummyJava = Path.of(file.getAbsolutePath() + "/shogun_dummyJDK" + time + "/Contents/Home/bin/java");
    List<String> strings = Arrays.asList("#!/bin/sh",
            "echo openjdk version \\\"1.8.0_212\\\"",
            "echo OpenJDK Runtime Environment \\(build 1.8.0_212-20190523183630.graal2.jdk8u-src-tar-gz-b03\\)",
            "echo OpenJDK 64-Bit GraalVM CE 19.1.0 (build 25.212-b03-jvmci-20-b04, mixed mode)");
    if (bin.toFile().mkdirs()) {
        Files.write(dummyJava, strings);
        //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored

        Path dummyGu = Path.of(file.getAbsolutePath() + "/shogun_dummyJDK" + time + "/Contents/Home/bin/gu");
        Path dummyNativeImage = Path.of(file.getAbsolutePath() + "/shogun_dummyJDK" + time + "/Contents/Home/bin/native-image");
        List<String> gu = Arrays.asList("#!/bin/sh",
                "echo echo Downloading: Component catalog from",
                "echo Processing component archive: Native Image",
                "echo Downloading: Component native-image: Native Image  from",
                "echo Installing new component: Native Image \\(org.graalvm.native-image, version 19.1.0\\)",
                "touch " + dummyNativeImage.toAbsolutePath()
        Files.write(dummyGu, gu);
        //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored

    } else {
        logger.debug("failed" + bin.toFile());

    return dummyJDKHome;
源代码14 项目: gcp-token-broker   文件:
 * Returns the name of a directory that doesn't yet exist.
private static Path getAvailableDirectory() {
    while(true) {
        String randomDirectory = "/tmp/" + RandomStringUtils.random(6, true, true);
        if (! Files.exists(Paths.get(randomDirectory))) {
            return Path.of(randomDirectory);
源代码15 项目: pro   文件:
public static void generate() throws IOException {
  var pluginDir = Path.of("target/image/plugins");
  var invalidPlugins = Set.of("convention", "uberpackager");
  var directory = Path.of("src/main/java/");

  var plugins = Plugins.getAllPlugins(pluginDir);

  System.out.println("generate builders to " + directory);
  template(directory, -> !invalidPlugins.contains(;
源代码16 项目: skara   文件:
static Repository clone(URI from) throws IOException {
    var to = Path.of(from).getFileName();
    if (to.toString().endsWith(".git")) {
        to = Path.of(to.toString().replace(".git", ""));
    return clone(from, to);
源代码17 项目: skara   文件:
public static PatchHeader fromRawLine(String line) {
    if (line == null || line.isEmpty() || line.charAt(0) != ':') {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Raw line does not start with colon: " + line);
    var sourceType = FileType.fromOctal(line.substring(1, 7));
    var targetType = FileType.fromOctal(line.substring(8, 14));

    var sourceHash = new Hash(line.substring(15, 55));
    var targetHash = new Hash(line.substring(56, 96));

    var rest = line.substring(97);
    var parts = rest.split("\t");
    var status = Status.from(parts[0]);

    Path sourcePath = null;
    Path targetPath = null;
    if (status.isModified()) {
        sourcePath = Path.of(parts[1]);
        targetPath = sourcePath;
    } else if (status.isAdded()) {
        targetPath = Path.of(parts[1]);
    } else if (status.isDeleted()) {
        sourcePath = Path.of(parts[1]);
    } else if (status.isUnmerged()) {
        sourcePath = Path.of(parts[1]);
    } else {
        // either copied or renamed
        sourcePath = Path.of(parts[1]);
        targetPath = Path.of(parts[2]);

    return new PatchHeader(sourcePath, sourceType, sourceHash, targetPath, targetType, targetHash, status);
源代码18 项目: skara   文件:
void multipleHunksShouldFail() {
    var targetHash = "12345789012345789012345678901234567890";
    var tag = "skara-11+22";

    var hunk1 = new Hunk(new Range(1, 0), List.of(),
                        new Range(1, 1), List.of(targetHash + " " + tag));
    var hunk2 = new Hunk(new Range(1, 0), List.of(),
                        new Range(2, 1), List.of(targetHash + " " + "skara-11+23"));
    var patch = new TextualPatch(Path.of(".hgtags"), FileType.fromOctal("100644"),,
                                 Path.of(".hgtags"), FileType.fromOctal("100644"),,
                                 Status.from('M'), List.of(hunk1, hunk2));
    var diff = new Diff(,, List.of(patch));
    var diffs = List.of(diff);

    var commitHash = "1111222233334444555566667777888899990000";
    var lines = List.of("Added tag " + tag + " for changeset " + targetHash);
    var commit = commit(new Hash(commitHash), lines, diffs);

    var check = new HgTagCommitCheck(new Utilities());
    var issues = toList(check.check(commit, message(commit), conf));

    assertEquals(1, issues.size());
    assertTrue(issues.get(0) instanceof HgTagCommitIssue);
    var issue = (HgTagCommitIssue) issues.get(0);
        assertEquals(HgTagCommitIssue.Error.TOO_MANY_CHANGES, issue.error());
    assertEquals(commit, issue.commit());
    assertEquals(check, issue.check());
    assertEquals(Severity.ERROR, issue.severity());
protected Path getTestDataDir() {
    return Path.of("accountBalances");
源代码20 项目: L2jOrg   文件:
protected Path getSchemaFilePath() {
    return Path.of("config/xsd/secondary-auth.xsd");