android.text.format.Time#set ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了android.text.format.Time#set ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: Android-RecurrencePicker   文件:
 * Returns the timezone to display in the event info, if the local timezone is different
 * from the event timezone.  Otherwise returns null.
public static String getDisplayedTimezone(long startMillis, String localTimezone,
                                          String eventTimezone) {
    String tzDisplay = null;
    if (!TextUtils.equals(localTimezone, eventTimezone)) {
        // Figure out if this is in DST
        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(localTimezone);
        if (tz == null || tz.getID().equals("GMT")) {
            tzDisplay = localTimezone;
        } else {
            Time startTime = new Time(localTimezone);
            tzDisplay = tz.getDisplayName(startTime.isDst != 0, TimeZone.SHORT);
    return tzDisplay;
源代码2 项目: FireFiles   文件:
public static String formatTime(Context context, long when) {
	// TODO: DateUtils should make this easier
	Time then = new Time();
	Time now = new Time();

	int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_NOON | DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_MIDNIGHT | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL;

	if (then.year != now.year) {
		flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE;
	} else if (then.yearDay != now.yearDay) {
		flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE;
	} else {
		flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME;

	return DateUtils.formatDateTime(context, when, flags);
源代码3 项目: opentasks   文件:
public Time apply(ContentSet currentValues, Time oldValue, Time newValue)
    Time reference = mReferenceAdapter.get(currentValues);
    if (reference != null && newValue != null)
        if (oldValue != null && !newValue.before(reference))
            // try to shift the reference value
            long diff = newValue.toMillis(false) - oldValue.toMillis(false);
            if (diff > 0)
                boolean isAllDay = reference.allDay;
                reference.set(reference.toMillis(false) + diff);

                // ensure the event is still allday if is was allday before.
                if (isAllDay)
                    reference.set(reference.monthDay, reference.month, reference.year);
                mReferenceAdapter.set(currentValues, reference);
        if (!newValue.before(reference))
            // constraint is still violated, so set reference to its default value
            reference.set(mDefault.getCustomDefault(currentValues, newValue));
            mReferenceAdapter.set(currentValues, reference);
    return newValue;
源代码4 项目: nfcspy   文件:
static CharSequence fmtHceDeactivatedMessage(long stamp) {
	Time time = new Time();

	return fmt(
			fmtTime(time), fmtDate(time));
源代码5 项目: android-chromium   文件:
private Time normalizeTime(int year, int month, int monthDay,
                           int hour, int minute, int second) {
    Time result = new Time();
    if (year == 0 && month == 0 && monthDay == 0 && hour == 0 &&
            minute == 0 && second == 0) {
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        result.set(cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE),
                cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.DATE),
                cal.get(Calendar.MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.YEAR));
    } else {
        result.set(second, minute, hour, monthDay, month, year);
    return result;
源代码6 项目: QtAndroidTools   文件:
public static long parse(String timeString)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {

    int date = 1;
    int month = Calendar.JANUARY;
    int year = 1970;
    TimeOfDay timeOfDay;

    Matcher rfcMatcher = HTTP_DATE_RFC_PATTERN.matcher(timeString);
    if (rfcMatcher.find()) {
        date = getDate(;
        month = getMonth(;
        year = getYear(;
        timeOfDay = getTime(;
    } else {
        Matcher ansicMatcher = HTTP_DATE_ANSIC_PATTERN.matcher(timeString);
        if (ansicMatcher.find()) {
            month = getMonth(;
            date = getDate(;
            timeOfDay = getTime(;
            year = getYear(;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    // FIXME: Y2038 BUG!
    if (year >= 2038) {
        year = 2038;
        month = Calendar.JANUARY;
        date = 1;

    Time time = new Time(Time.TIMEZONE_UTC);
    time.set(timeOfDay.second, timeOfDay.minute, timeOfDay.hour, date,
            month, year);
    return time.toMillis(false /* use isDst */);
源代码7 项目: opentasks   文件:
public Time apply(ContentSet currentValues, Time oldValue, Time newValue)
    Time reference = mReferenceAdapter.get(currentValues);
    if (reference != null && newValue != null && !newValue.after(reference))
        newValue.set(mDefault.getCustomDefault(currentValues, reference));
    return newValue;
源代码8 项目: phonegapbootcampsite   文件:
private JSONObject getStringtoDate(JSONArray options)throws GlobalizationError{
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    Date date;
        //get format pattern from android device (Will only have device specific formatting for short form of date) or options supplied
        DateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(getDatePattern(options).getString("pattern"));

        //attempt parsing string based on user preferences
        date = fmt.parse(options.getJSONObject(0).get(DATESTRING).toString());

        //set Android Time object
        Time time = new Time();

        //return properties;
        obj.put("year", time.year);
        obj.put("month", time.month);
        obj.put("day", time.monthDay);
        obj.put("hour", time.hour);
        obj.put("minute", time.minute);
        obj.put("second", time.second);
        obj.put("millisecond", Long.valueOf(0));
        return obj;
    }catch(Exception ge){
        throw new GlobalizationError(GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR);
private JSONObject getStringtoDate(JSONArray options)throws GlobalizationError{
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    Date date;
        //get format pattern from android device (Will only have device specific formatting for short form of date) or options supplied
        DateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(getDatePattern(options).getString("pattern"));

        //attempt parsing string based on user preferences
        date = fmt.parse(options.getJSONObject(0).get(DATESTRING).toString());

        //set Android Time object
        Time time = new Time();

        //return properties;
        obj.put("year", time.year);
        obj.put("month", time.month);
        obj.put("day", time.monthDay);
        obj.put("hour", time.hour);
        obj.put("minute", time.minute);
        obj.put("second", time.second);
        obj.put("millisecond", new Long(0));
        return obj;
    }catch(Exception ge){
        throw new GlobalizationError(GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR);
源代码10 项目: MiBandDecompiled   文件:
public static boolean isToday(long l)
    Time time = new Time();
    int j = time.year;
    int k = time.month;
    int i1 = time.monthDay;
    return j == time.year && k == time.month && i1 == time.monthDay;
源代码11 项目: opentasks   文件:
public Time get(ContentSet values)
    Long timestamp = values.getAsLong(mTimestampField);
    if (timestamp == null)
        // if the time stamp is null we return null
        return null;
    // create a new Time for the given time zone, falling back to UTC if none is given
    String timezone = mTzField == null ? Time.TIMEZONE_UTC : values.getAsString(mTzField);
    Time value = new Time(timezone == null ? Time.TIMEZONE_UTC : timezone);
    // set the time stamp

    // cache mAlldayField locally
    String allDayField = mAllDayField;

    // set the allday flag appropriately
    Integer allDayInt = allDayField == null ? null : values.getAsInteger(allDayField);

    if ((allDayInt != null && allDayInt != 0) || (allDayField == null && mAllDayDefault))
        value.set(value.monthDay, value.month, value.year);
        value.timezone = Time.TIMEZONE_UTC;

    return value;
源代码12 项目: UnityOBBDownloader   文件:
public static long parse(String timeString)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {

    int date = 1;
    int month = Calendar.JANUARY;
    int year = 1970;
    TimeOfDay timeOfDay;

    Matcher rfcMatcher = HTTP_DATE_RFC_PATTERN.matcher(timeString);
    if (rfcMatcher.find()) {
        date = getDate(;
        month = getMonth(;
        year = getYear(;
        timeOfDay = getTime(;
    } else {
        Matcher ansicMatcher = HTTP_DATE_ANSIC_PATTERN.matcher(timeString);
        if (ansicMatcher.find()) {
            month = getMonth(;
            date = getDate(;
            timeOfDay = getTime(;
            year = getYear(;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    // FIXME: Y2038 BUG!
    if (year >= 2038) {
        year = 2038;
        month = Calendar.JANUARY;
        date = 1;

    Time time = new Time(Time.TIMEZONE_UTC);
    time.set(timeOfDay.second, timeOfDay.minute, timeOfDay.hour, date,
            month, year);
    return time.toMillis(false /* use isDst */);
源代码13 项目: sms-ticket   文件:
private void addTestingTicket() {
    Ticket ticket = new Ticket();
    if (Locale.getDefault().toString().startsWith("en")) {
    } else {
    ticket.setHash("bhAJpWP9B / 861418");
    ticket.setText("DP hl.m.Prahy, a.s., Jizdenka prestupni 32,- Kc, Platnost od: 29.8.11 8:09  do: 29.8.11 9:39. Pouze v pasmu P. WzL9n3JuQ /" +
        " " +
    int second = 1000;
    int minute = 60 * second;
    int hour = 60 * minute;
    int day = 24 * hour;
    Time time = new Time();
    Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
    calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
    long nowFullMinute = calendar.getTimeInMillis();
    Time time2 = new Time();
    time2.set(nowFullMinute + 12 * minute);
    ticket.setValidTo(time2);, ticket);
源代码14 项目: travelguide   文件:
public static long parse(String timeString)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {

    int date = 1;
    int month = Calendar.JANUARY;
    int year = 1970;
    TimeOfDay timeOfDay;

    Matcher rfcMatcher = HTTP_DATE_RFC_PATTERN.matcher(timeString);
    if (rfcMatcher.find()) {
        date = getDate(;
        month = getMonth(;
        year = getYear(;
        timeOfDay = getTime(;
    } else {
        Matcher ansicMatcher = HTTP_DATE_ANSIC_PATTERN.matcher(timeString);
        if (ansicMatcher.find()) {
            month = getMonth(;
            date = getDate(;
            timeOfDay = getTime(;
            year = getYear(;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    // FIXME: Y2038 BUG!
    if (year >= 2038) {
        year = 2038;
        month = Calendar.JANUARY;
        date = 1;

    Time time = new Time(Time.TIMEZONE_UTC);
    time.set(timeOfDay.second, timeOfDay.minute, timeOfDay.hour, date,
            month, year);
    return time.toMillis(false /* use isDst */);
源代码15 项目: Alite   文件:
public static long parse(String timeString)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {

    int date = 1;
    int month = Calendar.JANUARY;
    int year = 1970;
    TimeOfDay timeOfDay;

    Matcher rfcMatcher = HTTP_DATE_RFC_PATTERN.matcher(timeString);
    if (rfcMatcher.find()) {
        date = getDate(;
        month = getMonth(;
        year = getYear(;
        timeOfDay = getTime(;
    } else {
        Matcher ansicMatcher = HTTP_DATE_ANSIC_PATTERN.matcher(timeString);
        if (ansicMatcher.find()) {
            month = getMonth(;
            date = getDate(;
            timeOfDay = getTime(;
            year = getYear(;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    // FIXME: Y2038 BUG!
    if (year >= 2038) {
        year = 2038;
        month = Calendar.JANUARY;
        date = 1;

    Time time = new Time(Time.TIMEZONE_UTC);
    time.set(timeOfDay.second, timeOfDay.minute, timeOfDay.hour, date,
            month, year);
    return time.toMillis(false /* use isDst */);
源代码16 项目: Mi-Band   文件:
private boolean isAlarmForToday() {
    long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();

    long nextUpdateTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis + nextUpdate;
    Time nextUpdateTime = new Time();

    Log.v(TAG, "water time: " + nextUpdateTime.hour);

    //only between 8 am and 18 pm
    return nextUpdateTime.hour > 7 && nextUpdateTime.hour < 18;
源代码17 项目: opentasks   文件:
public Cursor getCursor()

    MatrixCursor result = new MatrixCursor(mProjection);

    Time time = new Time(mTimezone.getID());
    time.set(mTime.monthDay + 1, mTime.month, mTime.year);

    // today row (including overdue)
    long t2 = time.toMillis(false);
    result.addRow(makeRow(1, TYPE_END_OF_TODAY, MIN_TIME, t2));

    time.monthDay += 1;
    time.yearDay += 1;

    // tomorrow row
    long t3 = time.toMillis(false);
    result.addRow(makeRow(2, TYPE_END_OF_TOMORROW, t2, t3));

    time.monthDay += 5;
    time.yearDay += 5;

    // next week row
    long t4 = time.toMillis(false);
    result.addRow(makeRow(3, TYPE_END_IN_7_DAYS, t3, t4));

    time.monthDay += 1;

    // open future for future tasks (including tasks without dates)
    if (mProjectionList.contains(RANGE_OPEN_FUTURE))
        result.addRow(makeRow(4, TYPE_NO_END, t4, null));

    return result;
源代码18 项目: opentasks   文件:
public Cursor getCursor()

    MatrixCursor result = new MatrixCursor(mProjection);

    // get time of today 00:00:00
    Time time = new Time(mTimezone.getID());
    time.set(mTime.monthDay, mTime.month, mTime.year);

    // null row, for tasks without due date
    if (mProjectionList.contains(RANGE_NULL_ROW))
        result.addRow(makeRow(1, 0, null, null));

    long t1 = time.toMillis(false);

    // open past row for overdue tasks
    if (mProjectionList.contains(RANGE_OPEN_PAST))
        result.addRow(makeRow(2, TYPE_END_OF_YESTERDAY, MIN_TIME, t1));

    time.monthDay += 1;
    time.yearDay += 1;

    // today row
    long t2 = time.toMillis(false);
    result.addRow(makeRow(3, TYPE_END_OF_TODAY, t1, t2));

    time.monthDay += 1;
    time.yearDay += 1;

    // tomorrow row
    long t3 = time.toMillis(false);
    result.addRow(makeRow(4, TYPE_END_OF_TOMORROW, t2, t3));

    time.monthDay += 5;
    time.yearDay += 5;

    // next week row
    long t4 = time.toMillis(false);
    result.addRow(makeRow(5, TYPE_END_IN_7_DAYS, t3, t4));

    time.set(1, time.month + 1, time.year);

    // month row
    long t5 = time.toMillis(false);
    result.addRow(makeRow(6, TYPE_END_OF_A_MONTH, t4, t5));

    time.set(1, 0, time.year + 1);
    // rest of year row
    long t6 = time.toMillis(false);
    result.addRow(makeRow(7, TYPE_END_OF_A_YEAR, t5, t6));

    // open future for future tasks
    if (mProjectionList.contains(RANGE_OPEN_FUTURE))
        result.addRow(makeRow(8, TYPE_NO_END, t6, MAX_TIME));

    return result;
源代码19 项目: opentasks   文件:
 * Format the given due date. The result depends on the current date and on the all-day flag of the due date.
 * @param date
 *         The due date to format.
 * @return A string with the formatted due date.
public String format(Time date, Time now, DateFormatContext dateContext)

    // normalize time to ensure yearDay is set properly

    if (dateContext.useRelative(now, date))
        long delta = Math.abs(now.toMillis(false) - date.toMillis(false));

        if (date.allDay)
            Time allDayNow = new Time("UTC");
            allDayNow.set(now.monthDay, now.month, now.year);
            return DateUtils.getRelativeTimeSpanString(date.toMillis(false), allDayNow.toMillis(false), DAY_IN_MILLIS).toString();
        else if (delta < 60 * 1000)
            // the time is within this minute, show "now"
            return mContext.getString(;
        else if (delta < 60 * 60 * 1000)
            // time is within this hour, show number of minutes left
            return DateUtils.getRelativeTimeSpanString(date.toMillis(false), now.toMillis(false), DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS).toString();
        else if (delta < 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
            // time is within 24 hours, show relative string with time
            // FIXME: instead of using a fixed 24 hour interval this should be aligned to midnight tomorrow and yesterday
            return routingGetRelativeDateTimeString(mContext, date.toMillis(false), DAY_IN_MILLIS, WEEK_IN_MILLIS,
                    dateContext.getDateUtilsFlags(now, date)).toString();
            return DateUtils.getRelativeTimeSpanString(date.toMillis(false), now.toMillis(false), DAY_IN_MILLIS).toString();

    return date.allDay ? formatAllDay(date, now, dateContext) : formatNonAllDay(date, now, dateContext);
源代码20 项目: opentasks   文件:
public Cursor getCursor()


    MatrixCursor result = new MatrixCursor(mProjection);

    // get time of today 00:00:00
    Time time = new Time(mTime.timezone);
    time.set(mTime.monthDay, mTime.month, mTime.year);

    // already started row
    long t1 = time.toMillis(false);
    result.addRow(makeRow(1, TYPE_OVERDUE, MIN_TIME, t1));

    time.hour = 0;
    time.minute = 0;
    time.second = 0;

    time.monthDay += 1;
    time.yearDay += 1;

    // today row
    long t2 = time.toMillis(false);
    result.addRow(makeRow(2, TYPE_END_OF_TODAY, t1, t2));

    time.monthDay += 1;
    time.yearDay += 1;

    // tomorrow row
    long t3 = time.toMillis(false);
    result.addRow(makeRow(3, TYPE_END_OF_TOMORROW, t2, t3));

    time.monthDay += 5;
    time.yearDay += 5;

    // next week row
    long t4 = time.toMillis(false);
    result.addRow(makeRow(4, TYPE_END_IN_7_DAYS, t3, t4));

    time.monthDay += 1;

    // open past future for future tasks (including tasks without dates)
    if (mProjectionList.contains(RANGE_OPEN_FUTURE))
        result.addRow(makeRow(5, TYPE_NO_END, t4, MAX_TIME));

    return result;