javax.servlet.FilterRegistration.Dynamic#addMappingForServletNames ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了javax.servlet.FilterRegistration.Dynamic#addMappingForServletNames ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

 * Add the given filter to the ServletContext and map it to the
 * {@code DispatcherServlet} as follows:
 * <ul>
 * <li>a default filter name is chosen based on its concrete type
 * <li>the {@code asyncSupported} flag is set depending on the
 * return value of {@link #isAsyncSupported() asyncSupported}
 * <li>a filter mapping is created with dispatcher types {@code REQUEST},
 * {@code FORWARD}, {@code INCLUDE}, and conditionally {@code ASYNC} depending
 * on the return value of {@link #isAsyncSupported() asyncSupported}
 * </ul>
 * <p>If the above defaults are not suitable or insufficient, override this
 * method and register filters directly with the {@code ServletContext}.
 * @param servletContext the servlet context to register filters with
 * @param filter the filter to be registered
 * @return the filter registration
protected FilterRegistration.Dynamic registerServletFilter(ServletContext servletContext, Filter filter) {
	String filterName = Conventions.getVariableName(filter);
	Dynamic registration = servletContext.addFilter(filterName, filter);

	if (registration == null) {
		int counter = 0;
		while (registration == null) {
			if (counter == 100) {
				throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to register filter with name '" + filterName + "'. " +
						"Check if there is another filter registered under the same name.");
			registration = servletContext.addFilter(filterName + "#" + counter, filter);

	registration.addMappingForServletNames(getDispatcherTypes(), false, getServletName());
	return registration;
 * Add the given filter to the ServletContext and map it to the
 * {@code DispatcherServlet} as follows:
 * <ul>
 * <li>a default filter name is chosen based on its concrete type
 * <li>the {@code asyncSupported} flag is set depending on the
 * return value of {@link #isAsyncSupported() asyncSupported}
 * <li>a filter mapping is created with dispatcher types {@code REQUEST},
 * {@code FORWARD}, {@code INCLUDE}, and conditionally {@code ASYNC} depending
 * on the return value of {@link #isAsyncSupported() asyncSupported}
 * </ul>
 * <p>If the above defaults are not suitable or insufficient, override this
 * method and register filters directly with the {@code ServletContext}.
 * @param servletContext the servlet context to register filters with
 * @param filter the filter to be registered
 * @return the filter registration
protected FilterRegistration.Dynamic registerServletFilter(ServletContext servletContext, Filter filter) {
	String filterName = Conventions.getVariableName(filter);
	Dynamic registration = servletContext.addFilter(filterName, filter);

	if (registration == null) {
		int counter = 0;
		while (registration == null) {
			if (counter == 100) {
				throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to register filter with name '" + filterName + "'. " +
						"Check if there is another filter registered under the same name.");
			registration = servletContext.addFilter(filterName + "#" + counter, filter);

	registration.addMappingForServletNames(getDispatcherTypes(), false, getServletName());
	return registration;
 * Add the given filter to the ServletContext and map it to the
 * {@code DispatcherServlet} as follows:
 * <ul>
 * <li>a default filter name is chosen based on its concrete type
 * <li>the {@code asyncSupported} flag is set depending on the
 * return value of {@link #isAsyncSupported() asyncSupported}
 * <li>a filter mapping is created with dispatcher types {@code REQUEST},
 * {@code FORWARD}, {@code INCLUDE}, and conditionally {@code ASYNC} depending
 * on the return value of {@link #isAsyncSupported() asyncSupported}
 * </ul>
 * <p>If the above defaults are not suitable or insufficient, override this
 * method and register filters directly with the {@code ServletContext}.
 * @param servletContext the servlet context to register filters with
 * @param filter the filter to be registered
 * @return the filter registration
protected FilterRegistration.Dynamic registerServletFilter(ServletContext servletContext, Filter filter) {
	String filterName = Conventions.getVariableName(filter);
	Dynamic registration = servletContext.addFilter(filterName, filter);
	if (registration == null) {
		int counter = -1;
		while (counter == -1 || registration == null) {
			registration = servletContext.addFilter(filterName + "#" + counter, filter);
			Assert.isTrue(counter < 100,
					"Failed to register filter '" + filter + "'." +
					"Could the same Filter instance have been registered already?");
	registration.addMappingForServletNames(getDispatcherTypes(), false, getServletName());
	return registration;
 * Add the given filter to the ServletContext and map it to the
 * {@code DispatcherServlet} as follows:
 * <ul>
 * <li>a default filter name is chosen based on its concrete type
 * <li>the {@code asyncSupported} flag is set depending on the
 * return value of {@link #isAsyncSupported() asyncSupported}
 * <li>a filter mapping is created with dispatcher types {@code REQUEST},
 * {@code FORWARD}, {@code INCLUDE}, and conditionally {@code ASYNC} depending
 * on the return value of {@link #isAsyncSupported() asyncSupported}
 * </ul>
 * <p>If the above defaults are not suitable or insufficient, override this
 * method and register filters directly with the {@code ServletContext}.
 * @param servletContext the servlet context to register filters with
 * @param filter the filter to be registered
 * @return the filter registration
protected FilterRegistration.Dynamic registerServletFilter(ServletContext servletContext, Filter filter) {
	String filterName = Conventions.getVariableName(filter);
	Dynamic registration = servletContext.addFilter(filterName, filter);
	if (registration == null) {
		int counter = -1;
		while (counter == -1 || registration == null) {
			registration = servletContext.addFilter(filterName + "#" + counter, filter);
			Assert.isTrue(counter < 100,
					"Failed to register filter '" + filter + "'." +
					"Could the same Filter instance have been registered already?");
	registration.addMappingForServletNames(getDispatcherTypes(), false, getServletName());
	return registration;
源代码5 项目: molgenis   文件:
/** A Molgenis common web application initializer */
protected void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext, Class<?> appConfig, int maxFileSize) {
  // Create the 'root' Spring application context
  AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext rootContext = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();

  // Manage the lifecycle of the root application context
  servletContext.addListener(new ContextLoaderListener(rootContext));

  // Register and map the dispatcher servlet
  DispatcherServlet dispatcherServlet = new DispatcherServlet(rootContext);
  // instead of throwing a 404 when a handler is not found allow for custom handling

  ServletRegistration.Dynamic dispatcherServletRegistration =
      servletContext.addServlet("dispatcher", dispatcherServlet);
  if (dispatcherServletRegistration == null) {
        "ServletContext already contains a complete ServletRegistration for servlet 'dispatcher'");
  } else {
    final long maxSize = (long) maxFileSize * MB;
        new MultipartConfigElement(null, maxSize, maxSize, FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD));

  // Add filters
  Dynamic browserDetectionFiler =
      servletContext.addFilter("browserDetectionFilter", BrowserDetectionFilter.class);
      EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST, DispatcherType.ASYNC), false, "*");

  Dynamic etagFilter = servletContext.addFilter("etagFilter", ShallowEtagHeaderFilter.class);
      EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST, DispatcherType.ASYNC), true, "dispatcher");

  // enable use of request scoped beans in FrontController
  servletContext.addListener(new RequestContextListener());
