
下面列出了android.content.res.Configuration#diff() 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
 * Set new display override config and return array of ids of stacks that were changed during
 * update. If called for the default display, global configuration will also be updated. Stacks
 * that are marked for deferred removal are excluded from the returned array.
int[] setDisplayOverrideConfigurationIfNeeded(Configuration newConfiguration, int displayId) {
    final DisplayContent displayContent = getDisplayContent(displayId);
    if (displayContent == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Display not found for id: " + displayId);

    final Configuration currentConfig = displayContent.getOverrideConfiguration();
    final boolean configChanged = currentConfig.diff(newConfiguration) != 0;
    if (!configChanged) {
        return null;


    if (displayId == DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {
        // Override configuration of the default display duplicates global config. In this case
        // we also want to update the global config.
        setGlobalConfigurationIfNeeded(newConfiguration, mTmpStackList);
    } else {
        updateStackBoundsAfterConfigChange(displayId, mTmpStackList);

    final int stackCount = mTmpStackList.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < stackCount; ++i) {
        final TaskStack stack = mTmpStackList.get(i);

        // We only include stacks that are not marked for removal as they do not exist outside
        // of WindowManager at this point.
        if (!stack.mDeferRemoval) {

    return mTmpStackIds.isEmpty() ? null : ArrayUtils.convertToIntArray(mTmpStackIds);
源代码2 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
private int getConfigurationChanges(Configuration lastReportedConfig) {
    // Determine what has changed.  May be nothing, if this is a config that has come back from
    // the app after going idle.  In that case we just want to leave the official config object
    // now in the activity and do nothing else.
    final Configuration currentConfig = getConfiguration();
    int changes = lastReportedConfig.diff(currentConfig);
    // We don't want to use size changes if they don't cross boundaries that are important to
    // the app.
    if ((changes & CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE) != 0) {
        final boolean crosses = crossesHorizontalSizeThreshold(lastReportedConfig.screenWidthDp,
                || crossesVerticalSizeThreshold(lastReportedConfig.screenHeightDp,
        if (!crosses) {
            changes &= ~CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE;
    if ((changes & CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREEN_SIZE) != 0) {
        final int oldSmallest = lastReportedConfig.smallestScreenWidthDp;
        final int newSmallest = currentConfig.smallestScreenWidthDp;
        if (!crossesSmallestSizeThreshold(oldSmallest, newSmallest)) {
            changes &= ~CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREEN_SIZE;
    // We don't want window configuration to cause relaunches.
    if ((changes & CONFIG_WINDOW_CONFIGURATION) != 0) {

    return changes;
源代码3 项目: document-viewer   文件:
public void onConfigurationChanged(final Configuration newConfig) {
    final Configuration oldConfig = getResources().getConfiguration();
    final int diff = oldConfig.diff(newConfig);
    final Configuration target = diff == 0 ? oldConfig : newConfig;

    if (appLocale != null) {
源代码4 项目: Small   文件:
private boolean relaunchActivityIfNeeded(Message msg) {
    try {
        Field f = sActivityThread.getClass().getDeclaredField("mActivities");
        Map mActivities = (Map) f.get(sActivityThread);
        Object /*ActivityThread$ActivityConfigChangeData*/ data = msg.obj;
        Object token;
        if (data instanceof IBinder) {
            token = data;
        } else {
            f = data.getClass().getDeclaredField("activityToken");
            token = f.get(data);
        Object /*ActivityClientRecord*/ r = mActivities.get(token);
        Intent intent = ReflectAccelerator.getIntent(r);
        String bundleActivityName = unwrapIntent(intent);
        if (bundleActivityName == null) {
            return false;

        f = r.getClass().getDeclaredField("activity");
        Activity activity = (Activity) f.get(r);
        f = Activity.class.getDeclaredField("mCurrentConfig");
        Configuration activityConfig = (Configuration) f.get(activity);

        if (mApplicationConfig == null) {
            // The application config is not ready yet.
            // This may be called on Android 7.0 multi-window-mode.
            return false;

        // Calculate the changes
        int configDiff = activityConfig.diff(mApplicationConfig);
        if (configDiff == 0) {
            return false;

        // Check if the activity can handle the changes
        ActivityInfo bundleActivityInfo = sLoadedActivities.get(bundleActivityName);
        if ((configDiff & (~bundleActivityInfo.configChanges)) == 0) {
            return false;

        // The activity isn't handling the change, relaunch it.
        return ReflectAccelerator.relaunchActivity(activity, sActivityThread, token);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return false;