( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: custom-tabs-client   文件:
 * Open the site settings for given url in the web browser. The url must belong to the origin
 * associated with the calling application via the Digital Asset Links. Prior to calling, one
 * must establish a connection to {@link CustomTabsService} and create a
 * {@link CustomTabsSession}.
 * It is also required to do {@link CustomTabsClient#warmup} and
 * {@link CustomTabsSession#validateRelationship} before calling this method.
 * @param context {@link Context} to use while launching site-settings activity.
 * @param session The {@link CustomTabsSession} used to verify the origin.
 * @param uri The {@link Uri} for which site-settings are to be shown.
public static void launchBrowserSiteSettings(Context context, CustomTabsSession session,
        Uri uri) {
    Intent intent = new Intent(TrustedWebUtils.ACTION_MANAGE_TRUSTED_WEB_ACTIVITY_DATA);

    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    BundleCompat.putBinder(bundle, CustomTabsIntent.EXTRA_SESSION, session.getBinder());
    PendingIntent id = session.getId();
    if (id != null) {
        intent.putExtra(CustomTabsIntent.EXTRA_SESSION_ID, id);
源代码2 项目: delion   文件:
 * Inserts a {@link Binder} value into an Intent as an extra.
 * Uses {@link BundleCompat#putBinder()}, but doesn't throw exceptions.
 * @param intent Intent to put the binder into.
 * @param name Key.
 * @param binder Binder object.
public static void safePutBinderExtra(Intent intent, String name, IBinder binder) {
    if (intent == null) return;
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    try {
        BundleCompat.putBinder(bundle, name, binder);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        // Catches parceling exceptions.
        Log.e(TAG, "putBinder failed on bundle " + bundle);
源代码3 项目: AndroidChromium   文件:
 * Inserts a {@link Binder} value into an Intent as an extra.
 * Uses {@link BundleCompat#putBinder()}, but doesn't throw exceptions.
 * @param intent Intent to put the binder into.
 * @param name Key.
 * @param binder Binder object.
public static void safePutBinderExtra(Intent intent, String name, IBinder binder) {
    if (intent == null) return;
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    try {
        BundleCompat.putBinder(bundle, name, binder);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        // Catches parceling exceptions.
        Log.e(TAG, "putBinder failed on bundle " + bundle);
源代码4 项目: custom-tabs-client   文件:
private void setSessionParameters(@Nullable IBinder session,
        @Nullable PendingIntent sessionId) {
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    BundleCompat.putBinder(bundle, EXTRA_SESSION, session);
    if (sessionId != null) {
        bundle.putParcelable(EXTRA_SESSION_ID, sessionId);

源代码5 项目: 365browser   文件:
 * Inserts a {@link Binder} value into an Intent as an extra.
 * Uses {@link BundleCompat#putBinder()}, but doesn't throw exceptions.
 * @param intent Intent to put the binder into.
 * @param name Key.
 * @param binder Binder object.
public static void safePutBinderExtra(Intent intent, String name, IBinder binder) {
    if (intent == null) return;
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    try {
        BundleCompat.putBinder(bundle, name, binder);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        // Catches parceling exceptions.
        Log.e(TAG, "putBinder failed on bundle " + bundle);
源代码6 项目: lyra   文件:
public void testDeserializeIBinder() {
    IBinder expectedValue = new Binder();
    BundleCompat.putBinder(bundle(), randomKey(), expectedValue);
    assertEquals(expectedValue, mCoder.deserialize(bundle(), randomKey()));
源代码7 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
 * Creates a {@link CustomTabsIntent.Builder} object associated with a given
 * {@link CustomTabsSession}.
 * Guarantees that the {@link Intent} will be sent to the same component as the one the
 * session is associated with.
 * @param session The session to associate this Builder with.
public Builder(@Nullable CustomTabsSession session) {
    if (session != null) mIntent.setPackage(session.getComponentName().getPackageName());
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle, EXTRA_SESSION, session == null ? null : session.getBinder());
源代码8 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
 * Creates a {@link CustomTabsIntent.Builder} object associated with a given
 * {@link CustomTabsSession}.
 * Guarantees that the {@link Intent} will be sent to the same component as the one the
 * session is associated with.
 * @param session The session to associate this Builder with.
public Builder(@Nullable CustomTabsSession session) {
    if (session != null) mIntent.setPackage(session.getComponentName().getPackageName());
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle, EXTRA_SESSION, session == null ? null : session.getBinder());
源代码9 项目: AndroidChromium   文件:
 * Creates a {@link CustomTabsIntent.Builder} object associated with a given
 * {@link CustomTabsSession}.
 * Guarantees that the {@link Intent} will be sent to the same component as the one the
 * session is associated with.
 * @param session The session to associate this Builder with.
public Builder(@Nullable CustomTabsSession session) {
    if (session != null) mIntent.setPackage(session.getComponentName().getPackageName());
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle, EXTRA_SESSION, session == null ? null : session.getBinder());
源代码10 项目: 365browser   文件:
 * Creates a {@link CustomTabsIntent.Builder} object associated with a given
 * {@link CustomTabsSession}.
 * Guarantees that the {@link Intent} will be sent to the same component as the one the
 * session is associated with.
 * @param session The session to associate this Builder with.
public Builder(@Nullable CustomTabsSession session) {
    if (session != null) mIntent.setPackage(session.getComponentName().getPackageName());
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle, EXTRA_SESSION, session == null ? null : session.getBinder());
源代码11 项目: lyra   文件:
 * Write a field's value into the saved state {@link Bundle}.
 * @param state      {@link Bundle} used to save the state
 * @param key        key retrieved from {@code fieldDeclaringClass#fieldName}
 * @param fieldValue value of field
public void serialize(@NonNull Bundle state, @NonNull String key, @NonNull IBinder fieldValue) {
    BundleCompat.putBinder(state, key, fieldValue);