java.time.LocalDate#isAfter ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.time.LocalDate#isAfter ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

public LocalDate getMostOldDatePaymentScheduleLine(
    List<PaymentScheduleLine> paymentScheduleLineList) {
  LocalDate minPaymentScheduleLineDate =;

  if (paymentScheduleLineList != null && !paymentScheduleLineList.isEmpty()) {
    for (PaymentScheduleLine paymentScheduleLine : paymentScheduleLineList) {
      if (minPaymentScheduleLineDate.isAfter(paymentScheduleLine.getScheduleDate())) {
        minPaymentScheduleLineDate = paymentScheduleLine.getScheduleDate();
  } else {
    minPaymentScheduleLineDate = null;
  return minPaymentScheduleLineDate;
源代码2 项目: rdf-delta   文件:
private void init(Path directory, String baseFilename) {
    List<Filename> filenames = FileMgr.scan(directory, baseFilename, patternFilenameDate);
    if ( filenames.isEmpty() )
        latestFilename = null;
    else {
        LocalDate dateLast = filenameToDate(Collections.max(filenames, cmpDate));
        LocalDate dateFirst = filenameToDate(Collections.min(filenames, cmpDate));
        int problems = 0;
        if ( dateLast.isAfter(current)) {
            FmtLog.warn(LOG, "Latest output file is dated after today: %s > %s", dateLast, current);
        if ( dateFirst.isAfter(current)) {
            FmtLog.warn(LOG, "First output file is dated after today: %s > %s", dateFirst, current);
        if ( problems > 0 )
            throw new FileRotateException("Existing files dated into the future");
        latestFilename = filename(dateLast);
源代码3 项目: Strata   文件:
 * Resolves the sequence to a list of steps.
 * @param existingSteps  the existing list of steps
 * @param rollConv  the roll convention
 * @return the steps
List<ValueStep> resolve(List<ValueStep> existingSteps, RollConvention rollConv) {
  ImmutableList.Builder<ValueStep> steps = ImmutableList.builder();
  LocalDate prev = firstStepDate;
  LocalDate date = firstStepDate;
  while (!date.isAfter(lastStepDate)) {
    steps.add(ValueStep.of(date, adjustment));
    prev = date;
    date =, frequency);
  if (!prev.equals(lastStepDate)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.format(
        "ValueStepSequence lastStepDate did not match frequency '{}' using roll convention '{}', {} != {}",
        frequency, rollConv, lastStepDate, prev));
private double valuationCompositionFactor() {
  LocalDate currentFixing = nextFixing;
  LocalDate currentPublication = computation.calculatePublicationFromFixing(currentFixing);
  if (rates.getValuationDate().equals(currentPublication) &&
      !(currentFixing.isAfter(lastFixingNonCutoff))) { // If currentFixing > lastFixingNonCutoff, everything fixed
    OptionalDouble fixedRate = indexFixingDateSeries.get(currentFixing);
    if (fixedRate.isPresent()) {
      nextFixing = computation.getFixingCalendar().next(nextFixing);
      LocalDate effectiveDate = computation.calculateEffectiveFromFixing(currentFixing);
      LocalDate maturityDate = computation.calculateMaturityFromEffective(effectiveDate);
      double accrualFactor = dayCount.yearFraction(effectiveDate, maturityDate);
      if (currentFixing.isBefore(lastFixingNonCutoff)) {
        return 1.0d + accrualFactor * fixedRate.getAsDouble();
      double compositionFactor = 1.0d + accrualFactor * fixedRate.getAsDouble();
      for (int i = 0; i < cutoffOffset - 1; i++) {
        compositionFactor *= 1.0d + accrualFactorCutoff[i] * fixedRate.getAsDouble();
      return compositionFactor;
  return 1.0d;
源代码5 项目: Strata   文件:
private static List<LocalDate> generateBackwards(
    PeriodicSchedule schedule,
    LocalDate start,
    LocalDate end,
    Frequency frequency,
    RollConvention rollConv,
    StubConvention stubConv,
    LocalDate explicitStartDate) {

  // validate
  if (rollConv.matches(end) == false) {
    throw new ScheduleException(
        schedule, "Date '{}' does not match roll convention '{}' when starting to roll backwards", end, rollConv);
  // generate
  BackwardsList dates = new BackwardsList(estimateNumberPeriods(start, end, frequency));
  LocalDate temp = rollConv.previous(end, frequency);
  while (temp.isAfter(start)) {
    temp = rollConv.previous(temp, frequency);
  // convert to long stub, but only if we actually have a stub
  boolean stub = temp.equals(start) == false;
  if (stub && dates.size() > 1 && stubConv.isStubLong(start, dates.get(0))) {
  return dates;
public HighlightInformation getHighlightInformationOrNull(LocalDate someDate) {
    if (selectedDate == null) {
        return null;

    if ((someDate.isAfter( || someDate.isEqual(
            && (someDate.isBefore(selectedDate) || someDate.isEqual(selectedDate))) {
        return new HighlightInformation(Color.GREEN, Color.BLACK, "selected period");
    return null;
源代码7 项目: finmath-lib   文件:
public double getDaycountFraction(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) {
	if(startDate.isAfter(endDate)) {
		return -getDaycountFraction(endDate,startDate);

	final double daycountFraction = getDaycount(startDate, endDate) / 365.0;

	return daycountFraction;
public void shouldDrawOneAsMinimum() {
    LocalDate date = LocalDate.parse("2012-01-01");
    LocalDate maxDate = LocalDate.parse("2013-01-01");
    while (true) {
        Draw draw = DrawingService.drawNumbers(date);
        if (draw.getNumbers().contains(1)) {
        date = date.plusDays(1);
        if (date.isAfter(maxDate)) {
            fail("didn't find 1 in the draw");
源代码9 项目: finmath-lib   文件:
public double getDaycount(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) {
	if(startDate.isAfter(endDate)) {
		return -getDaycount(endDate,startDate);

	return daysBetween(startDate, endDate);
源代码10 项目: finmath-lib   文件:
public double getDaycount(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) {
	if(startDate.isAfter(endDate)) {
		return -getDaycount(endDate,startDate);

	// Get actual number of days
	double daycount = DayCountConvention_ACT.daysBetween(startDate, endDate);

	 * Remove leap days, if any.
	for(int year = startDate.getYear() ; year <= endDate.getYear(); year++) {
		if (IsoChronology.INSTANCE.isLeapYear(year)) {
			final LocalDate leapDay = LocalDate.of(year,Month.FEBRUARY, 29);
			if(startDate.isBefore(leapDay) && !endDate.isBefore(leapDay)) {
				daycount -= 1.0;

	if(daycount < 0.0) {
		throw new AssertionError("Daycount is negative for startDate not after endDate.");

	return daycount;
public double getDaycountFraction(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) {
	if(startDate.isAfter(endDate)) {
		return -getDaycountFraction(endDate,startDate);

	 * Number of whole years between start and end, excluding start's year and excluding end's year.
	 * If start and end fall in the same year, this is -1 (there will be a double counting of 1 year below if start < end).
	 * If start and end fall in separate but consecutive years, this is 0 (for start and end the fractional parts are counted individually below).
	double daycountFraction = endDate.getYear() - startDate.getYear() - 1.0;

	 * Fraction from start to the end of start's year
	LocalDate startDateNextYear = LocalDate.of(startDate.getYear()+1,Month.JANUARY,1);

	if(isCountLastDayNotFirst) {
		startDateNextYear = startDateNextYear.minusDays(1);

	daycountFraction += getDaycount(startDate, startDateNextYear) / startDate.lengthOfYear();

	 * Fraction from beginning of end's year to end
	LocalDate endDateStartYear = LocalDate.of(endDate.getYear(), Month.JANUARY, 1);
	if (isCountLastDayNotFirst) {
		endDateStartYear = endDateStartYear.minusDays(1);

	daycountFraction += getDaycount(endDateStartYear, endDate) / endDate.lengthOfYear();

	return Math.max(daycountFraction,0.0);
源代码12 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
private static void checkNotBefore(LocalDate notBeforeDate,
        LocalDate distrustDate, X509Certificate anchor)
        throws ValidatorException {
    if (notBeforeDate.isAfter(distrustDate)) {
        throw new ValidatorException
                ("TLS Server certificate issued after " + distrustDate +
                 " and anchored by a distrusted legacy Symantec root CA: "
                 + anchor.getSubjectX500Principal(),
                 ValidatorException.T_UNTRUSTED_CERT, anchor);
 * Calculates the present value of the fixed coupon bond trade from the clean price of the underlying product.
 * <p>
 * The present value of the trade is the value on the valuation date.
 * The result is expressed using the payment currency of the bond.
 * <p>
 * Coupon payments of the underlying product are considered based on the settlement date of the trade.
 * @param trade  the trade
 * @param provider  the discounting provider
 * @param refData  the reference data used to calculate the settlement date
 * @param cleanPrice  the clean price
 * @return the present value of the fixed coupon bond trade
public CurrencyAmount presentValueFromCleanPrice(
    ResolvedFixedCouponBondTrade trade,
    LegalEntityDiscountingProvider provider,
    ReferenceData refData,
    double cleanPrice) {

  ResolvedFixedCouponBond product = trade.getProduct();
  LocalDate standardSettlementDate = standardSettlementDate(product, provider, refData);
  LocalDate tradeSettlementDate = settlementDate(trade, provider.getValuationDate());
  Currency currency = product.getCurrency();
  RepoCurveDiscountFactors repoDf = DiscountingFixedCouponBondProductPricer.repoCurveDf(product, provider);
  double df = repoDf.discountFactor(standardSettlementDate);
  double pvStandard =
      (cleanPrice * product.getNotional() + productPricer.accruedInterest(product, standardSettlementDate)) * df;
  if (standardSettlementDate.isEqual(tradeSettlementDate)) {
    return presentValueFromProductPresentValue(trade, provider, CurrencyAmount.of(currency, pvStandard));
  // check coupon payment between two settlement dates
  IssuerCurveDiscountFactors issuerDf = DiscountingFixedCouponBondProductPricer.issuerCurveDf(product, provider);
  double pvDiff = 0d;
  if (standardSettlementDate.isAfter(tradeSettlementDate)) {
    pvDiff = productPricer.presentValueCoupon(product, issuerDf, tradeSettlementDate, standardSettlementDate);
  } else {
    pvDiff = -productPricer.presentValueCoupon(product, issuerDf, standardSettlementDate, tradeSettlementDate);
  return presentValueFromProductPresentValue(trade, provider, CurrencyAmount.of(currency, pvStandard + pvDiff));
public double getDaycountFraction(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) {
	if(startDate.isAfter(endDate)) {
		return -getDaycountFraction(endDate,startDate);

	int periodIndexEndDate = Collections.binarySearch(periods, new Period(endDate, endDate, endDate, endDate));
	int periodIndexStartDate = Collections.binarySearch(periods, new Period(startDate, startDate, startDate, startDate));

	if(periodIndexEndDate < 0) {
		periodIndexEndDate		= -periodIndexEndDate-1;
	if(periodIndexStartDate < 0) {
		periodIndexStartDate	= -periodIndexStartDate-1;
	} else {
		periodIndexStartDate	= periodIndexStartDate+1;

	final Period startDatePeriod = periods.get(periodIndexStartDate);
	final Period endDatePeriod = periods.get(periodIndexEndDate);

	final double periodFraction =
			getDaycount(startDate, startDatePeriod.getPeriodEnd()) / getDaycount(startDatePeriod.getPeriodStart(), startDatePeriod.getPeriodEnd())
			getDaycount(endDatePeriod.getPeriodStart(), endDate) / getDaycount(endDatePeriod.getPeriodStart(), endDatePeriod.getPeriodEnd())
			(periodIndexEndDate - periodIndexStartDate) - 1;

	return periodFraction / frequency;
源代码15 项目: micronaut-microservices-poc   文件:
public boolean contains(LocalDate eventDate) {
    if (eventDate.isAfter(to))
        return false;

    if (eventDate.isBefore(from))
        return false;

    return true;
源代码16 项目: coderadar   文件:
 * @param range Date range to test for
 * @param rc RevCommit to check
 * @return True if the commit was made within the date range, false otherwise.
private boolean isInDateRange(DateRange range, RevCommit rc) {
  LocalDate commitTime =
  return (commitTime.isBefore(range.getEndDate()) || commitTime.isEqual(range.getEndDate()))
      && (commitTime.isAfter(range.getStartDate()) || commitTime.isEqual(range.getStartDate()));
源代码17 项目: axelor-open-suite   文件:
public String getPfpValidatorUserDomain(Invoice invoice) {

  User pfpValidatorUser = getPfpValidatorUser(invoice);
  if (pfpValidatorUser == null) {
    return " in (0)";
  List<SubstitutePfpValidator> substitutePfpValidatorList =
  List<User> validPfpValidatorUserList = new ArrayList<>();
  StringBuilder pfpValidatorUserDomain = new StringBuilder(" in ");
  LocalDate todayDate = Beans.get(AppBaseService.class).getTodayDate();


  for (SubstitutePfpValidator substitutePfpValidator : substitutePfpValidatorList) {
    LocalDate substituteStartDate = substitutePfpValidator.getSubstituteStartDate();
    LocalDate substituteEndDate = substitutePfpValidator.getSubstituteEndDate();

    if (substituteStartDate == null) {
      if (substituteEndDate == null || substituteEndDate.isAfter(todayDate)) {
    } else {
      if (substituteEndDate == null && substituteStartDate.isBefore(todayDate)) {
      } else if (substituteStartDate.isBefore(todayDate)
          && substituteEndDate.isAfter(todayDate)) {

              .map(pfpValidator -> pfpValidator.getId().toString())
  return pfpValidatorUserDomain.toString();
源代码18 项目: Strata   文件:
 * Computes the present value curve sensitivity by simple forward rate estimation.
 * @param cmsPeriod  the CMS 
 * @param provider  the rates provider
 * @return the present value sensitivity
public PointSensitivityBuilder presentValueSensitivity(
    CmsPeriod cmsPeriod,
    RatesProvider provider) {

  Currency ccy = cmsPeriod.getCurrency();
  LocalDate valuationDate = provider.getValuationDate();
  if (valuationDate.isAfter(cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate())) {
    return PointSensitivityBuilder.none();
  LocalDate fixingDate = cmsPeriod.getFixingDate();
  double dfPayment = provider.discountFactor(ccy, cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate());
  if (!fixingDate.isAfter(valuationDate)) { // Using fixing
    OptionalDouble fixedRate = provider.timeSeries(cmsPeriod.getIndex()).get(fixingDate);
    if (fixedRate.isPresent()) {
      double payoff = 0d;
      switch (cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType()) {
        case CAPLET:
          payoff = Math.max(fixedRate.getAsDouble() - cmsPeriod.getStrike(), 0d);
        case FLOORLET:
          payoff = Math.max(cmsPeriod.getStrike() - fixedRate.getAsDouble(), 0d);
        case COUPON:
          payoff = fixedRate.getAsDouble();
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported CMS type");
      return provider.discountFactors(ccy).zeroRatePointSensitivity(
          cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate()).multipliedBy(payoff * cmsPeriod.getNotional() * cmsPeriod.getYearFraction());
    } else if (fixingDate.isBefore(valuationDate)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.format(
          "Unable to get fixing for {} on date {}, no time-series supplied", cmsPeriod.getIndex(), fixingDate));
  if (!cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType().equals(CmsPeriodType.COUPON)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to price cap or floor in this pricer");
  // Using forward
  ResolvedSwap swap = cmsPeriod.getUnderlyingSwap();
  ZeroRateSensitivity dfPaymentdr = provider.discountFactors(ccy).zeroRatePointSensitivity(cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate());
  double forward = swapPricer.parRate(swap, provider);
  PointSensitivityBuilder forwardSensi = swapPricer.parRateSensitivity(swap, provider);
  return forwardSensi.multipliedBy(dfPayment).combinedWith(dfPaymentdr.multipliedBy(forward))
      .multipliedBy(cmsPeriod.getNotional() * cmsPeriod.getYearFraction());
源代码19 项目: shimmer   文件:
public ResponseEntity<ShimDataResponse> getData(
        OAuth2RestOperations restTemplate,
        ShimDataRequest shimDataRequest)
        throws ShimException {

    FitbitDataType fitbitDataType;

    try {
        fitbitDataType = FitbitDataType.valueOf(shimDataRequest.getDataTypeKey().trim().toUpperCase());
    catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException e) {

        throw new ShimException("Null or Invalid data type parameter: "
                + shimDataRequest.getDataTypeKey()
                + " in shimDataRequest, cannot retrieve data.", e);

    LocalDate today =;

    LocalDate startDate = shimDataRequest.getStartDateTime() == null
            ? today
            : shimDataRequest.getStartDateTime().toLocalDate();

    LocalDate endDate = shimDataRequest.getEndDateTime() == null
            ? today
            : shimDataRequest.getEndDateTime().toLocalDate();

    if (usesDateRangeQuery(fitbitDataType)) {

        return getDataForDateRange(
    else {
          Fitbit's API forces you to make a request for each given day of data for some endpoints. Thus we
          make a request for each day in the submitted time range and then aggregate the response based on the
          normalization parameter.
        List<ShimDataResponse> dayResponses = new ArrayList<>();
        LocalDate indexDate = startDate;

        while (!indexDate.isAfter(endDate)) {

            dayResponses.add(getDataForSingleDate(restTemplate, indexDate, fitbitDataType,

            indexDate = indexDate.plusDays(1);

        return shimDataRequest.getNormalize()
                ? ok(aggregateNormalized(dayResponses))
                : ok(aggregateIntoList(dayResponses));
源代码20 项目: axelor-open-suite   文件:
 * Computes the duration in days of a leave, according to the input planning.
 * @param leave
 * @param employee
 * @param fromDate
 * @param toDate
 * @param startOn
 * @param endOn
 * @return
 * @throws AxelorException
protected BigDecimal computeDurationInDays(
    LeaveRequest leave,
    Employee employee,
    LocalDate fromDate,
    LocalDate toDate,
    int startOn,
    int endOn)
    throws AxelorException {

  BigDecimal duration = BigDecimal.ZERO;
  WeeklyPlanning weeklyPlanning = getWeeklyPlanning(leave, employee);
  EventsPlanning holidayPlanning = getPublicHolidayEventsPlanning(leave, employee);

  // If the leave request is only for 1 day
  if (fromDate.isEqual(toDate)) {
    if (startOn == endOn) {
      if (startOn == LeaveRequestRepository.SELECT_MORNING) {
        duration =
                        weeklyPlanning, fromDate, true, false)));
      } else {
        duration =
                        weeklyPlanning, fromDate, false, true)));
    } else {
      duration =
                      weeklyPlanning, fromDate, true, true)));

    // Else if it's on several days
  } else {
    duration =
            BigDecimal.valueOf(computeStartDateWithSelect(fromDate, startOn, weeklyPlanning)));

    LocalDate itDate = fromDate.plusDays(1);
    while (!itDate.isEqual(toDate) && !itDate.isAfter(toDate)) {
      duration =
                  weeklyPlanningService.getWorkingDayValueInDays(weeklyPlanning, itDate)));
      itDate = itDate.plusDays(1);

    duration =
        duration.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(computeEndDateWithSelect(toDate, endOn, weeklyPlanning)));

  if (holidayPlanning != null) {
    duration =
                fromDate, toDate, weeklyPlanning, holidayPlanning));

  return duration;