com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode#get ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode#get ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: flowable-engine   文件:
public List<String> getCurrentActivityInstances(ServerConfig serverConfig, String processInstanceId) {
    URIBuilder builder = clientUtil.createUriBuilder(MessageFormat.format(CURRENT_ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_LIST_URL, processInstanceId));
    HttpGet get = new HttpGet(clientUtil.getServerUrl(serverConfig, builder));
    JsonNode node = clientUtil.executeRequest(get, serverConfig);

    List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
    if (node.isArray()) {
        ArrayNode data = (ArrayNode) node;
        for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
            if (data.get(i) != null) {
    return result;
源代码2 项目: yosegi   文件:
public void T_write_equalsSetValue_withNestingArrayFromParser() throws IOException {
  JacksonArrayFormatter formatter = new JacksonArrayFormatter();
  JsonNode node = formatter.writeParser( new TestParentParser( true ) );
  assertTrue( ( node instanceof ArrayNode ) );

  ArrayNode parentNode = (ArrayNode)node;
  assertEquals( parentNode.size() , 1 );

  JsonNode childNode = parentNode.get(0);
  assertTrue( ( childNode instanceof ArrayNode ) );
  ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode)childNode;

  assertEquals( arrayNode.size() , 3 );
  assertTrue( arrayNode.get(0).isTextual() );
  assertTrue( arrayNode.get(1).isTextual() );
  assertTrue( arrayNode.get(2).isTextual() );
  assertEquals( arrayNode.get(0).asText() , "a" );
  assertEquals( arrayNode.get(1).asText() , "b" );
  assertEquals( arrayNode.get(2).asText() , "c" );
源代码3 项目: mobi   文件:
public void getRecordWithMoreThanOneObjectTest() {
    // Setup:
    String newIRI = "";
    Record recordWithAnotherObject = recordFactory.createNew(vf.createIRI(newIRI));
    recordWithAnotherObject.getModel().add(vf.createIRI(""), vf.createIRI(""), vf.createLiteral("test"));
    when(catalogManager.getRecord(any(Resource.class), any(Resource.class), any(OrmFactory.class))).thenReturn(Optional.of(recordWithAnotherObject));

    Response response = target().path("catalogs/" + encode(LOCAL_IRI) + "/records/" + encode(newIRI))
    assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200);
    verify(catalogManager).getRecord(vf.createIRI(LOCAL_IRI), vf.createIRI(newIRI), recordFactory);
    try {
        ArrayNode arr = (ArrayNode) mapper.readTree(response.readEntity(String.class));
        JsonNode firstRecord = arr.get(0);
        assertEquals(firstRecord.get("@id").textValue(), newIRI);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        fail("Expected no exception, but got: " + e.getMessage());
源代码4 项目: KeenClient-Java   文件:
public void testFilterValid()  throws Exception {
    setMockResponse(200, "{\"result\": 6}");

    Query queryParams = new Query.Builder(QueryType.COUNT)
                .withFilter(TEST_TARGET_PROPERTY, FilterOperator.LESS_THAN, 5)
                .withFilter(TEST_TARGET_PROPERTY, FilterOperator.GREATER_THAN, 1)
    String requestString = mockCaptureCountQueryRequest(queryParams);
    ObjectNode requestNode = (ObjectNode) OBJECT_MAPPER.readTree(requestString);
    assertEquals(2, requestNode.size());
    ArrayNode filtersNode = (ArrayNode) requestNode.get("filters");
    ObjectNode filter1Node = (ObjectNode) filtersNode.get(0);
    ObjectNode filter2Node = (ObjectNode) filtersNode.get(1);
    assertEquals(TEST_EVENT_COLLECTION, requestNode.get(KeenQueryConstants.EVENT_COLLECTION).asText());
    assertEquals(TEST_TARGET_PROPERTY, filter1Node.get("property_name").asText());
    assertEquals("lt", filter1Node.get("operator").asText());
    assertEquals(5, filter1Node.get("property_value").asInt());
    assertEquals(TEST_TARGET_PROPERTY, filter2Node.get("property_name").asText());
    assertEquals("gt", filter2Node.get("operator").asText());
    assertEquals(1, filter2Node.get("property_value").asInt());
源代码5 项目: XRTB   文件:
 * Returns the asset id in the bid request of the requested index
 * @param type String. The type of asset
 * @param subtype String. sub type of the asset
 * @param value int. The integer representation of the entity.
 * @return int. Returns the index in the asset object. If not found, returns
 *         -1
public int getNativeAdAssetIndex(String type, String subtype, int value) {
	JsonNode nat = rootNode.path("imp");
	if (nat == null || nat.isArray() == false)
		return -1;
	ArrayNode array = (ArrayNode) nat;
	JsonNode node = array.get(0).path("native").path("assets");
	ArrayNode nodes = (ArrayNode) node;
	for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
		JsonNode asset = nodes.get(i);
		JsonNode n = asset.path(type);
		JsonNode id = asset.path("id");
		if (n instanceof MissingNode == false) {
			if (subtype != null) {
				n = n.path(subtype);
				if (n != null) {
					if (n.intValue() == value)
						return id.intValue();
			} else {
				return id.intValue();
	return -1;
源代码6 项目: pinpoint   文件:
private String getDownloadUrl(ArrayNode assetsNode) {
    for (int i = 0; i < assetsNode.size(); i++) {
        JsonNode jsonNode = assetsNode.get(i);

        if (!jsonNode.isObject()) {

        JsonNode nameNode = jsonNode.get("name");
        if (!nameNode.isTextual()) {

        String name = nameNode.asText();
        if (!name.contains("pinpoint-agent")) {

        JsonNode downloadNode = jsonNode.get("browser_download_url");
        if (!downloadNode.isTextual()) {

        String download = downloadNode.asText();
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(download)) {
            return download;
    return null;
源代码7 项目: sqlg   文件:
public void testNotifyJson() {
    Map<String, PropertyType> properties  = new HashMap<>();
    properties.put("name", PropertyType.STRING);
    this.sqlgGraph.getTopology().ensureSchemaExist("A").ensureVertexLabelExist("A", properties);
    List<Vertex> logs = this.sqlgGraph.topology().V().hasLabel(Topology.SQLG_SCHEMA + "." + Topology.SQLG_SCHEMA_LOG).toList();
    assertEquals(1, logs.size());
    Vertex log = logs.get(0);
    JsonNode jsonLog = log.value(Topology.SQLG_SCHEMA_LOG_LOG);
    JsonNode schemas = jsonLog.get("uncommittedSchemas");
    assertNotNull("A", schemas);
    assertTrue(schemas instanceof ArrayNode);
    ArrayNode schemasArray = (ArrayNode)schemas;
    assertEquals(1, schemasArray.size());
    JsonNode aSchema = schemasArray.get(0);
    assertEquals("A", aSchema.get("name").asText());
    JsonNode uncommittedVertexLabels = aSchema.get("uncommittedVertexLabels");
    assertTrue(uncommittedVertexLabels instanceof ArrayNode);
    ArrayNode uncommittedVertexLabelsArray = (ArrayNode)uncommittedVertexLabels;
    assertEquals(1, uncommittedVertexLabelsArray.size());
    JsonNode vertexLabel = uncommittedVertexLabels.get(0);
    assertEquals("A", vertexLabel.get("label").asText());
    JsonNode propertiesJson = vertexLabel.get("uncommittedProperties");
    assertTrue(propertiesJson instanceof ArrayNode);
    ArrayNode propertiesArray = (ArrayNode)propertiesJson;
    assertEquals(1, propertiesArray.size());
源代码8 项目: jawampa   文件:
public WampMessage fromObjectArray(ArrayNode messageNode) throws WampError {
    if (messageNode.size() != 4
            || !messageNode.get(1).canConvertToLong()
            || !messageNode.get(2).isObject()
            || !messageNode.get(3).isTextual())
        throw new WampError(ApplicationError.INVALID_MESSAGE);

    long requestId = messageNode.get(1).asLong();
    ObjectNode options = (ObjectNode) messageNode.get(2);
    String topic = messageNode.get(3).asText();

    return new SubscribeMessage(requestId, options, topic);
源代码9 项目: jawampa   文件:
public WampMessage fromObjectArray(ArrayNode messageNode) throws WampError {
    if (messageNode.size() != 3
            || !messageNode.get(1).canConvertToLong()
            || !messageNode.get(2).isObject())
        throw new WampError(ApplicationError.INVALID_MESSAGE);

    long sessionId = messageNode.get(1).asLong();
    ObjectNode details = (ObjectNode) messageNode.get(2);
    return new WelcomeMessage(sessionId, details);
源代码10 项目: GreenBits   文件:
public WampMessage fromObjectArray(ArrayNode messageNode) throws WampError {
    if (messageNode.size() != 3
            || !messageNode.get(1).isTextual()
            || !messageNode.get(2).isObject())
        throw new WampError(ApplicationError.INVALID_MESSAGE);

    String signature = messageNode.get(1).asText();
    ObjectNode extra = (ObjectNode) messageNode.get(2);
    return new AuthenticateMessage(signature, extra);
源代码11 项目: mobi   文件:
public void getRecordTest() {
    Response response = target().path("catalogs/" + encode(LOCAL_IRI) + "/records/" + encode(RECORD_IRI))
    assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200);
    verify(catalogManager).getRecord(vf.createIRI(LOCAL_IRI), vf.createIRI(RECORD_IRI), recordFactory);
    try {
        ArrayNode arr = (ArrayNode) mapper.readTree(response.readEntity(String.class));
        JsonNode firstRecord = arr.get(0);
        assertEquals(firstRecord.get("@id").textValue(), RECORD_IRI);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        fail("Expected no exception, but got: " + e.getMessage());
源代码12 项目: crnk-framework   文件:
public List<FilterSpec> deserialize(JsonNode jsonNode, ResourceInformation resourceInformation, QueryContext queryContext) {
	// we support both the serialized FilterSpec (crnk-specific) and a more compact, user-friendly format
	if (isSerializedFilterSpec(jsonNode)) {
		ObjectMapper objectMapper = context.getObjectMapper();
		try {

			ObjectReader pathReader = objectMapper.readerFor(PathSpec.class);
			ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) jsonNode;
			List<FilterSpec> filterSpecs = new ArrayList<>();
			for (int i = 0; i < arrayNode.size(); i++) {
				JsonNode filterNode = arrayNode.get(i);

				JsonNode pathNode = filterNode.get("path");
				JsonNode opNode = filterNode.get("operator");
				JsonNode valueNode = filterNode.get("value");
				JsonNode expressionNode = filterNode.get("expression");

				FilterOperator operator = null;
				if (opNode != null && !opNode.isNull()) {
					operator = supportedOperators.get(opNode.asText());
					if (operator == null) {
						throw new BadRequestException("unknown operator " + opNode.asText());
					operator = defaultOperator;
				PathSpec pathSpec = pathNode != null && !pathNode.isNull() ? pathReader.readValue(pathNode) : null;
				Object value = valueNode != null && !valueNode.isNull() ? deserializeJsonFilterValue(resourceInformation, pathSpec, valueNode, queryContext) : null;
				List<FilterSpec> expressions = expressionNode != null && !expressionNode.isNull() ? deserialize(expressionNode, resourceInformation, queryContext) : null;
				filterSpecs.add(expressions != null ? new FilterSpec(operator, expressions) : new FilterSpec(pathSpec, operator, value));
			return filterSpecs;
		catch (IOException e) {
			throw new BadRequestException("failed to parse parameter", e);
	return deserialize(jsonNode, resourceInformation, PathSpec.empty(), queryContext);
private void parseNodeContractInput(ArrayNode inputArray, NodeBusinessObjectInput rootNodeInput) {
    for (int i = 0; i < inputArray.size(); i++) {
        JsonNode childNode = inputArray.get(i);
        if (childNode.has(REFERENCE)) {
            NodeBusinessObjectInput nodeContractInput = newNodeContractInput(childNode, rootNodeInput);
            parseNodeContractInput(childInput(childNode), nodeContractInput);
        } else {
            rootNodeInput.addInput(newLeafContractInput(childNode, inputType(childNode)));
源代码14 项目: constellation   文件:
public void callService(final PluginParameters parameters, final InputStream in, final OutputStream out) throws IOException {
    final String graphId = parameters.getStringValue(GRAPH_ID_PARAMETER_ID);
    final boolean completeWithSchema = parameters.getBooleanValue(COMPLETE_PARAMETER_ID);
    final String arrange = parameters.getStringValue(ARRANGE_PARAMETER_ID);
    final boolean resetView = parameters.getBooleanValue(RESET_PARAMETER_ID);

    final RecordStore rs = new GraphRecordStore();
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    final JsonNode json = mapper.readTree(in);

    // We want to read a JSON document that looks like:
    // {"columns":["A","B"],"data":[[1,"a"],[2,"b"],[3,"c"]]}
    // which is what is output by pandas.to_json(..., orient="split').
    // (We ignore the index array.)
    if (!json.hasNonNull(COLUMNS) || !json.get(COLUMNS).isArray()) {
        throw new RestServiceException("Could not find columns object containing column names");

    if (!json.hasNonNull("data") || !json.get("data").isArray()) {
        throw new RestServiceException("Could not find data object containing data rows");

    final ArrayNode columns = (ArrayNode) json.get(COLUMNS);
    final String[] headers = new String[columns.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
        headers[i] = columns.get(i).asText();

    final ArrayNode data = (ArrayNode) json.get("data");
    for (final Iterator<JsonNode> i = data.elements(); i.hasNext();) {
        final ArrayNode jrow = (ArrayNode);
        boolean txFound = false;
        boolean txSourceFound = false;
        for (int ix = 0; ix < headers.length; ix++) {
            final String h = headers[ix];
            final JsonNode jn = jrow.get(ix);
            if (!jn.isNull()) {
                if (jn.getNodeType() == JsonNodeType.ARRAY) {
                    rs.set(h, RestServiceUtilities.toList((ArrayNode) jn));
                } else {
                    rs.set(h, jn.asText());
            txFound |= h.startsWith(GraphRecordStoreUtilities.TRANSACTION);
            txSourceFound |= TX_SOURCE.equals(h);

        if (txFound && !txSourceFound) {
            rs.set(TX_SOURCE, API_SOURCE);

    addToGraph(graphId, rs, completeWithSchema, arrange, resetView);
private void runTestFile(String testCaseFile) throws Exception {
    final URI testCaseFileUri = URI.create("classpath:" + testCaseFile);
    InputStream in = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
    ArrayNode testCases = mapper.readValue(in, ArrayNode.class);

    for (int j = 0; j < testCases.size(); j++) {
        try {
            JsonNode testCase = testCases.get(j);
            SchemaValidatorsConfig config = new SchemaValidatorsConfig();

            ArrayNode testNodes = (ArrayNode) testCase.get("tests");
            for (int i = 0; i < testNodes.size(); i++) {
                JsonNode test = testNodes.get(i);
                JsonNode node = test.get("data");
                JsonNode typeLooseNode = test.get("isTypeLoose");
                // Configure the schemaValidator to set typeLoose's value based on the test file,
                // if test file do not contains typeLoose flag, use default value: true.
                config.setTypeLoose((typeLooseNode == null) ? false : typeLooseNode.asBoolean());
                JsonSchema schema = validatorFactory.getSchema(testCaseFileUri, testCase.get("schema"), config);
                List<ValidationMessage> errors = new ArrayList<ValidationMessage>();


                if (test.get("valid").asBoolean()) {
                    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
                        System.out.println("---- test case failed ----");
                        System.out.println("schema: " + schema.toString());
                        System.out.println("data: " + test.get("data"));
                    assertEquals(0, errors.size());
                } else {
                    if (errors.isEmpty()) {
                        System.out.println("---- test case failed ----");
                        System.out.println("schema: " + schema);
                        System.out.println("data: " + test.get("data"));
                    } else {
                        JsonNode errorCount = test.get("errorCount");
                        if (errorCount != null && errorCount.isInt() && errors.size() != errorCount.asInt()) {
                            System.out.println("---- test case failed ----");
                            System.out.println("schema: " + schema);
                            System.out.println("data: " + test.get("data"));
                            System.out.println("errors: " + errors);
                            assertEquals("expected error count", errorCount.asInt(), errors.size());
                    assertEquals(false, errors.isEmpty());
        } catch (JsonSchemaException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Current schema should not be invalid: %s", testCaseFile), e);
源代码16 项目: openapi-generator   文件:
protected void merge(ContainerNode<?> dest, ContainerNode<?> src) {
    if (dest.getNodeType() == src.getNodeType()) {
        if (dest.isArray()) {
            ArrayNode destArray = (ArrayNode) dest;
            ArrayNode srcArray = (ArrayNode) src;
            for (int i = 0; i < srcArray.size(); i++) {
                // Only add a source element if it is not already present in the destination array.
                JsonNode srcElem = srcArray.get(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < destArray.size(); j++) {
                    if (destArray.get(j).equals(srcElem))
                        continue outer;
        } else if (dest.isObject()) {
            ObjectNode destObject = (ObjectNode) dest;
            ObjectNode srcObject = (ObjectNode) src;
            Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = srcObject.fields();
            while (fields.hasNext()) {
                Entry<String, JsonNode> field =;
                String fieldName = field.getKey();
                JsonNode srcChild = field.getValue();
                if (destObject.has(fieldName)) {
                    JsonNode destChild = destObject.get(fieldName);
                    switch (mergePolicy) {
                        case OVERWRITE_EXISTING:
                            destObject.set(fieldName, srcChild);
                            // Mark the cache as dirty as we've added items from another file.
                            isDirty = true;
                  "Existing root property '" + fieldName
                                    + "' has been overwritten by incoming data");
                        case MERGE_RECURSIVE:
                            if (destChild.isContainerNode() && srcChild.isContainerNode())
                                merge((ContainerNode<?>) destChild, (ContainerNode<?>) srcChild);
                        case KEEP_EXISTING:
                  "Existing root property '" + fieldName
                                    + "' will not be overwritten by incoming data");
                            // Nothing to do.
                } else {
                    destObject.set(fieldName, srcChild);
          "New property '" + fieldName + "' has been added from incoming data");
                    // Mark the cache as dirty as we've added items from another file.
                    isDirty = true;
    } else {
        LOGGER.warn("Cannot merge containers of differing types");
源代码17 项目: jlibs   文件:
static ArrayNode arrayValue(ArrayNode array, int index) throws InvalidMessageException{
    JsonNode node = array.get(index);
        throw new InvalidMessageException();
    return (ArrayNode)node;
void resolveReferences_WithSetOfNestedCategoryReferenceSetOfSomeNonExisting_ShouldOnlyResolveExistingReferences() {
    // preparation

    final ProductVariantDraft withSetOfNestedCategoryReferenceSetWithSomeNonExisting =

    // test
    final ProductVariantDraft resolvedAttributeDraft =
    // assertions

    final JsonNode value = resolvedAttributeDraft.getAttributes().get(0).getValue();
    final ArrayNode setOfResolvedNestedAttributes = (ArrayNode) value;

    final JsonNode resolvedNestedAttribute = setOfResolvedNestedAttributes.get(0);
    final ArrayNode resolvedNestedAttributeAsArray = (ArrayNode) resolvedNestedAttribute;

    final Map<String, JsonNode> resolvedNestedAttributesMap = StreamSupport
        .stream(resolvedNestedAttributeAsArray.spliterator(), false)
        .collect(Collectors.toMap(jsonNode -> jsonNode.get("name").asText(), jsonNode -> jsonNode));

        createReferenceObject("nonExistingCategoryKey1", Category.referenceTypeId()),
        createReferenceObject(CATEGORY_ID, Category.referenceTypeId()));

        "nested-attribute-2-name", CATEGORY_ID, Category.referenceTypeId());

        "nested-attribute-3-name", "nonExistingCategoryKey3", Category.referenceTypeId());
源代码19 项目: json-schema-validator   文件:
private void runTestFile(String testCaseFile) throws Exception {
    final URI testCaseFileUri = URI.create("classpath:" + testCaseFile);
    InputStream in = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
    ArrayNode testCases = mapper.readValue(in, ArrayNode.class);

    for (int j = 0; j < testCases.size(); j++) {
        try {
            JsonNode testCase = testCases.get(j);
            SchemaValidatorsConfig config = new SchemaValidatorsConfig();

            ArrayNode testNodes = (ArrayNode) testCase.get("tests");
            for (int i = 0; i < testNodes.size(); i++) {
                JsonNode test = testNodes.get(i);
                JsonNode node = test.get("data");
                JsonNode typeLooseNode = test.get("isTypeLoose");
                // Configure the schemaValidator to set typeLoose's value based on the test file,
                // if test file do not contains typeLoose flag, use default value: true.
                config.setTypeLoose((typeLooseNode == null) ? false : typeLooseNode.asBoolean());
                JsonSchema schema = validatorFactory.getSchema(testCaseFileUri, testCase.get("schema"), config);
                List<ValidationMessage> errors = new ArrayList<ValidationMessage>();


                if (test.get("valid").asBoolean()) {
                    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
                        System.out.println("---- test case failed ----");
                        System.out.println("schema: " + schema.toString());
                        System.out.println("data: " + test.get("data"));
                    assertEquals(0, errors.size());
                } else {
                    if (errors.isEmpty()) {
                        System.out.println("---- test case failed ----");
                        System.out.println("schema: " + schema);
                        System.out.println("data: " + test.get("data"));
                    } else {
                        JsonNode errorCount = test.get("errorCount");
                        if (errorCount != null && errorCount.isInt() && errors.size() != errorCount.asInt()) {
                            System.out.println("---- test case failed ----");
                            System.out.println("schema: " + schema);
                            System.out.println("data: " + test.get("data"));
                            System.out.println("errors: " + errors);
                            assertEquals("expected error count", errorCount.asInt(), errors.size());
                    assertEquals(false, errors.isEmpty());
        } catch (JsonSchemaException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Current schema should not be invalid: %s", testCaseFile), e);
源代码20 项目: jlibs   文件:
static ObjectNode objectValue(ArrayNode array, int index) throws InvalidMessageException{
    JsonNode node = array.get(index);
        throw new InvalidMessageException();
    return (ObjectNode)node;