com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode#elements ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode#elements ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: qconfig   文件:
public EnumChecker(ObjectNode node) {

    if (isNullable()) {

    ArrayNode values = (ArrayNode) node.get(TemplateContants.VALUES);
    Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = values.elements();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        JsonNode next =;
        if (next.isTextual()) {
        } else {

源代码2 项目: syndesis   文件:
public static JsonNode sanitize(final JsonNode node) {
    if (node == null) {
        return null;

    if (node.isArray()) {
        ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) node;
        Iterator<JsonNode> elements = arrayNode.elements();
    } else if (node.isObject()) {
        ObjectNode objectNode = (ObjectNode) node;

        JsonNode formatNode = node.get("format");
        if (formatNode != null &&
                formatNode.isTextual() &&
                !isKnownFormat(formatNode.asText())) {

        Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = objectNode.fields();
        fields.forEachRemaining(field -> sanitize(field.getValue()));

    return node;
源代码3 项目: entando-core   文件:
 * Validate the provided jsonNode using Entando criteria
 * @param jsonNode
public void validatePatch(JsonNode jsonNode) {

    // Test if the json node is generically convertible to a Patch

    // Check if the operations are supported, can't access Spring PatchOperations as they are protected
    ArrayNode opNodes = (ArrayNode) jsonNode;

    for (Iterator<JsonNode> elements = opNodes.elements(); elements.hasNext(); ) {

        JsonNode opNode =;

        String opType = opNode.get("op").textValue();
        if (!ENTANDO_SUPPORTED_OPERATIONS.contains(opType)) {
            throw new PatchException("Not supported operation type: " + opType);
源代码4 项目: streams   文件:
 Override this to change how entity gets converted to objects.
protected List<ObjectNode> parse(JsonNode jsonNode) {

  List<ObjectNode> results = new ArrayList<>();

  if (jsonNode != null && jsonNode instanceof ObjectNode ) {
    results.add((ObjectNode) jsonNode);
  } else if (jsonNode != null && jsonNode instanceof ArrayNode) {
    ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) jsonNode;
    Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = arrayNode.elements();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      ObjectNode element = (ObjectNode);


  return results;
源代码5 项目: monasca-common   文件:
private static void buildConfigFor(String path, Map<String, String> config, JsonNode node) {
  for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> i = node.fields(); i.hasNext();) {
    Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> field =;
    if (field.getValue() instanceof ValueNode) {
      ValueNode valueNode = (ValueNode) field.getValue();
      config.put(DOT_JOINER.join(path, field.getKey()), valueNode.asText());
    } else if (field.getValue() instanceof ArrayNode) {
      StringBuilder combinedValue = new StringBuilder();
      ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) field.getValue();
      for (Iterator<JsonNode> it = arrayNode.elements(); it.hasNext();) {
        String value ="^\"|\"$", "");
        if (combinedValue.length() > 0)

      config.put(DOT_JOINER.join(path, field.getKey()), combinedValue.toString());

    buildConfigFor(DOT_JOINER.join(path, field.getKey()), config, field.getValue());
源代码6 项目: keycloak   文件:
private String searchEmail(String accessToken) {
	try {
		ArrayNode emails = (ArrayNode) SimpleHttp.doGet(EMAIL_URL, session).header("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken).asJson();

		Iterator<JsonNode> loop = emails.elements();
		while (loop.hasNext()) {
			JsonNode mail =;
			if (mail.get("primary").asBoolean()) {
				return getJsonProperty(mail, "email");
	} catch (Exception e) {
		throw new IdentityBrokerException("Could not obtain user email from github.", e);
	throw new IdentityBrokerException("Primary email from github is not found.");
源代码7 项目: keycloak   文件:
public Object deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException {
    JsonNode jsonNode = jsonParser.readValueAsTree();
    Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> itr = jsonNode.fields();
    Map<String, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> e =;
        List<String> values = new LinkedList<>();
        if (!e.getValue().isArray()) {
            values.add((e.getValue().isNull()) ? null : e.getValue().asText());
        } else {
            ArrayNode a = (ArrayNode) e.getValue();
            Iterator<JsonNode> vitr = a.elements();
            while (vitr.hasNext()) {
                JsonNode node =;
                values.add((node.isNull() ? null : node.asText()));
        map.put(e.getKey(), values);
    return map;
源代码8 项目: constellation   文件:
public void readObject(final int attributeId, final int elementId, final JsonNode jnode, final GraphWriteMethods graph, final Map<Integer, Integer> vertexMap, final Map<Integer, Integer> transactionMap, final GraphByteReader byteReader, ImmutableObjectCache cache) throws IOException {
    if (!jnode.isNull()) {
        final PerspectiveModel model = new PerspectiveModel();

        final JsonNode root = jnode.get(LIST);
        if (root.isArray()) {
            final ArrayNode rootArray = (ArrayNode) root;
            for (final Iterator<JsonNode> i = rootArray.elements(); i.hasNext();) {
                final JsonNode element =;

                final String label = element.get(LABEL).textValue();
                final int oldRelativeTo = element.get(RELATIVE_TO).intValue();
                final int relativeTo = vertexMap.getOrDefault(oldRelativeTo, Graph.NOT_FOUND);
                final Vector3f eye = readVector(element, EYE);
                final Vector3f centre = readVector(element, CENTRE);
                final Vector3f up = readVector(element, UP);
                final Vector3f rotate = readVector(element, ROTATE);

                // Don't load dud values.
                if (label != null && eye != null && centre != null && up != null && rotate != null) {
                    final Perspective p = new Perspective(label, relativeTo, centre, eye, up, rotate);

        graph.setObjectValue(attributeId, elementId, model);
源代码9 项目: template-compiler   文件:
   * Format money using CLDR currency formatter
//  public static String getCLDRMoneyString(BigDecimal amount, String currencyCode, CLDR.Locale locale) {
//    return PluginUtils.formatMoney(amount, currencyCode, locale);
//  }

  public static void writeVariantFormat(JsonNode variant, StringBuilder buf) {
    ArrayNode optionValues = (ArrayNode) variant.get("optionValues");
    if (optionValues == null) {

    Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = optionValues.elements();
    List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      JsonNode option =;

    int size = values.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      if (i > 0) {
        buf.append(" / ");
源代码10 项目: link-move   文件:
private List<JsonNode> collectNodes(ArrayNode arrayNode) {

        List<JsonNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>();

        Iterator<JsonNode> iter = arrayNode.elements();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        return nodes;
源代码11 项目: spring-sync   文件:
 * Constructs a {@link Patch} object given a JsonNode.
 * @param jsonNode a JsonNode containing the JSON Patch
 * @return a {@link Patch}
public Patch convert(JsonNode jsonNode) {
	if (!(jsonNode instanceof ArrayNode)) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("JsonNode must be an instance of ArrayNode");
	ArrayNode opNodes = (ArrayNode) jsonNode;
	List<PatchOperation> ops = new ArrayList<PatchOperation>(opNodes.size());
	for(Iterator<JsonNode> elements = opNodes.elements(); elements.hasNext(); ) {
		JsonNode opNode =;
		String opType = opNode.get("op").textValue();
		String path = opNode.get("path").textValue();
		JsonNode valueNode = opNode.get("value");
		Object value = valueFromJsonNode(path, valueNode);			
		String from = opNode.has("from") ? opNode.get("from").textValue() : null;

		if (opType.equals("test")) {
			ops.add(new TestOperation(path, value));
		} else if (opType.equals("replace")) {
			ops.add(new ReplaceOperation(path, value));
		} else if (opType.equals("remove")) {
			ops.add(new RemoveOperation(path));
		} else if (opType.equals("add")) {
			ops.add(new AddOperation(path, value));
		} else if (opType.equals("copy")) {
			ops.add(new CopyOperation(path, from));
		} else if (opType.equals("move")) {
			ops.add(new MoveOperation(path, from));
		} else {
			throw new PatchException("Unrecognized operation type: " + opType);
	return new Patch(ops);
源代码12 项目: onos   文件:
 * Recovers from XOS record. Re-sets up the mapping between private IP
 * address and public IP address, re-calculates intents and re-installs
 * those intents.
private void statusRecovery() {"vBNG starts to recover from XOS record......");
    ObjectNode map;
    try {
        RestClient restClient =
                new RestClient(vbngConfigurationService.getXosIpAddress(),
        map = restClient.getRest();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.warn("Could not contact XOS {}", e.getMessage());
    if (map == null) {"Stop to recover vBNG status due to the vBNG map "
                + "is null!");
    }"Get record from XOS: {}", map);

    ArrayNode array = (ArrayNode) map.get(VBNG_MAP_NAME);
    Iterator<JsonNode> entries = array.elements();
    while (entries.hasNext()) {
        ObjectNode entry = (ObjectNode);

        IpAddress hostIpAdddress =
        IpAddress publicIpAddress =
        MacAddress macAddress =
        String hostName = entry.get("hostname").asText();

        // Create vBNG
        createVbng(hostIpAdddress, publicIpAddress, macAddress, hostName);

源代码13 项目: constellation   文件:
public void callService(final PluginParameters parameters, final InputStream in, final OutputStream out) throws IOException {
    final String graphId = parameters.getStringValue(GRAPH_ID_PARAMETER_ID);
    final boolean completeWithSchema = parameters.getBooleanValue(COMPLETE_PARAMETER_ID);
    final String arrange = parameters.getStringValue(ARRANGE_PARAMETER_ID);
    final boolean resetView = parameters.getBooleanValue(RESET_PARAMETER_ID);

    final RecordStore rs = new GraphRecordStore();
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    final JsonNode json = mapper.readTree(in);

    // We want to read a JSON document that looks like:
    // {"columns":["A","B"],"data":[[1,"a"],[2,"b"],[3,"c"]]}
    // which is what is output by pandas.to_json(..., orient="split').
    // (We ignore the index array.)
    if (!json.hasNonNull(COLUMNS) || !json.get(COLUMNS).isArray()) {
        throw new RestServiceException("Could not find columns object containing column names");

    if (!json.hasNonNull("data") || !json.get("data").isArray()) {
        throw new RestServiceException("Could not find data object containing data rows");

    final ArrayNode columns = (ArrayNode) json.get(COLUMNS);
    final String[] headers = new String[columns.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
        headers[i] = columns.get(i).asText();

    final ArrayNode data = (ArrayNode) json.get("data");
    for (final Iterator<JsonNode> i = data.elements(); i.hasNext();) {
        final ArrayNode jrow = (ArrayNode);
        boolean txFound = false;
        boolean txSourceFound = false;
        for (int ix = 0; ix < headers.length; ix++) {
            final String h = headers[ix];
            final JsonNode jn = jrow.get(ix);
            if (!jn.isNull()) {
                if (jn.getNodeType() == JsonNodeType.ARRAY) {
                    rs.set(h, RestServiceUtilities.toList((ArrayNode) jn));
                } else {
                    rs.set(h, jn.asText());
            txFound |= h.startsWith(GraphRecordStoreUtilities.TRANSACTION);
            txSourceFound |= TX_SOURCE.equals(h);

        if (txFound && !txSourceFound) {
            rs.set(TX_SOURCE, API_SOURCE);

    addToGraph(graphId, rs, completeWithSchema, arrange, resetView);
源代码14 项目: hypergraphql   文件:
private String getSelectNonRoot(ArrayNode jsonQuery, Set<String> input, String rootType) {

        JsonNode firstField = jsonQuery.elements().next();
        String graphID = ((SPARQLEndpointService) schema.getTypes().get(rootType).getFields().get(firstField.get("name").asText()).getService()).getGraph();
        String parentId = firstField.get("parentId").asText();
        String valueSTR = valuesSTR(parentId, input);

        Iterator<JsonNode> queryFieldsIterator = jsonQuery.elements();

        StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder();

        while (queryFieldsIterator.hasNext()) {

            JsonNode field =;

            String subquery = getFieldSubquery(field);


        return selectQuerySTR(valueSTR + (whereClause.toString()), graphID);
源代码15 项目: tasmo   文件:
public void assertViewElementExists(List<ModelPathStep> path, int pathIndex, ObjectNode viewNode,
        Map<String, String> expectedFieldValues, List<AssertionResult> resultAccumulator) {

    if (viewNode == null) {
        resultAccumulator.add(new AssertionResult(false, "Supplied view node is null"));
    } else if (pathIndex == path.size() - 1) {
        resultAccumulator.add(assertLeafNodeFields(viewNode, expectedFieldValues));
    } else {
        ModelPathStep step = path.get(pathIndex);
        String refField = step.getRefFieldName();
        if (refField == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed model path - ref field not present in mid-path element");

        if (ModelPathStepType.backRefs.equals(step.getStepType())) {
            refField = "all_" + refField;
        } else if (ModelPathStepType.latest_backRef.equals(step.getStepType())) {
            refField = "latest_" + refField;
        } else if (ModelPathStepType.count.equals(step.getStepType())) {
            refField = "count_" + refField;

        JsonNode nextNode = viewNode.get(refField);
        if (nextNode == null) {
            resultAccumulator.add(new AssertionResult(false, "No view data exists for path element " + step));
        } else if (nextNode.isArray()) { //handles refs and all_backrefs
            ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) nextNode;
            if (arrayNode.size() == 0) {
                resultAccumulator.add(new AssertionResult(false, "Empty array element in view data for path element " + step));
            } else {
                for (Iterator<JsonNode> iter = arrayNode.elements(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    JsonNode element =;
                    if (element.isObject()) {
                        assertViewElementExists(path, pathIndex + 1, (ObjectNode) element, expectedFieldValues, resultAccumulator);
                    } else {
                        resultAccumulator.add(new AssertionResult(false, "Array element view data for path element " + step + " was not an object"));
        } else if (nextNode.isObject()) { //handles ref and latest_backref
            assertViewElementExists(path, pathIndex + 1, (ObjectNode) nextNode, expectedFieldValues, resultAccumulator);
        } else if (nextNode.isInt()) { //handles count
            resultAccumulator.add(assertCountField((IntNode) nextNode, refField, maxFanOut));
        } else {
            resultAccumulator.add(new AssertionResult(false, "Element view data for path element " + step + " was an unexpected type: " + nextNode));
源代码16 项目: tasmo   文件:
public void assertViewElementExists(List<ModelPathStep> path, int pathIndex, ObjectNode viewNode,
        Map<String, String> expectedFieldValues, List<AssertionResult> resultAccumulator) {

    if (viewNode == null) {
        resultAccumulator.add(new AssertionResult(false, "Supplied view node is null"));
    } else if (pathIndex == path.size() - 1) {
        resultAccumulator.add(assertLeafNodeFields(viewNode, expectedFieldValues));
    } else {
        ModelPathStep step = path.get(pathIndex);
        String refField = step.getRefFieldName();
        if (refField == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed model path - ref field not present in mid-path element");

        if (ModelPathStepType.backRefs.equals(step.getStepType())) {
            refField = "all_" + refField;
        } else if (ModelPathStepType.latest_backRef.equals(step.getStepType())) {
            refField = "latest_" + refField;
        } else if (ModelPathStepType.count.equals(step.getStepType())) {
            refField = "count_" + refField;

        JsonNode nextNode = viewNode.get(refField);
        if (nextNode == null) {
            resultAccumulator.add(new AssertionResult(false, "No view data exists for path element " + step));
        } else if (nextNode.isArray()) { //handles refs and all_backrefs
            ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) nextNode;
            if (arrayNode.size() == 0) {
                resultAccumulator.add(new AssertionResult(false, "Empty array element in view data for path element " + step));
            } else {
                for (Iterator<JsonNode> iter = arrayNode.elements(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    JsonNode element =;
                    if (element.isObject()) {
                        assertViewElementExists(path, pathIndex + 1, (ObjectNode) element, expectedFieldValues, resultAccumulator);
                    } else {
                        resultAccumulator.add(new AssertionResult(false, "Array element view data for path element " + step + " was not an object"));
        } else if (nextNode.isObject()) { //handles ref and latest_backref
            assertViewElementExists(path, pathIndex + 1, (ObjectNode) nextNode, expectedFieldValues, resultAccumulator);
        } else if (nextNode.isInt()) { //handles count
            resultAccumulator.add(assertCountField((IntNode) nextNode, refField, maxFanOut));
        } else {
            resultAccumulator.add(new AssertionResult(false, "Element view data for path element " + step + " was an unexpected type: " + nextNode));