com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.BeanPropertyDefinition#getGetter ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.BeanPropertyDefinition#getGetter ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

public static Annotation[] collectAnnotations(BeanPropertyDefinition propertyDefinition) {
  List<Annotation> annotations = new ArrayList<>();
  if (propertyDefinition.getField() != null) {
    Collections.addAll(annotations, propertyDefinition.getField().getAnnotated().getAnnotations());
  if (propertyDefinition.getGetter() != null) {
    Collections.addAll(annotations, propertyDefinition.getGetter().getAnnotated().getAnnotations());
  if (propertyDefinition.getSetter() != null) {
    Collections.addAll(annotations, propertyDefinition.getSetter().getAnnotated().getAnnotations());
  return annotations.toArray(new Annotation[annotations.size()]);
源代码2 项目: dropwizard-guicey   文件:
 * Create item for property.
 * <p>
 * Almost always property declaration type is used as binding type (for future binding), but:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If property type is collection implementation, then collection interface used instead</li>
 * <li>If property is Object then type would be taken from value. This means binding type will be Object
 * when value null and actual type when value provided. Assuming this case will not happen (bad config).</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param root            root property (containing), may be null for roots
 * @param prop            jackson property descriptor
 * @param value           property value, may be null
 * @param genericsContext generics context
 * @return path item object
private static ConfigPath createItem(final ConfigPath root,
                                     final BeanPropertyDefinition prop,
                                     final Object value,
                                     final GenericsContext genericsContext) {
    // need generified type to resolve generics manually because jackson's generics resolution
    // couldn't handle all required cases
    final Type type = prop.getGetter() != null
            ? prop.getGetter().getAnnotated().getGenericReturnType()
            : prop.getField().getAnnotated().getGenericType();
    final Class typeClass = Primitives.wrap(genericsContext.resolveClass(type));

    // upper possible known type (for introspection): ideally type of actually used configuration value
    // note that even when value is null upper type could be different from lower type due to collection projection
    final Class upperType = value == null ? typeClass : value.getClass();
    final boolean customType = isCustomType(upperType);
    // either class declaration or value type (in both cases could be projected to collection interface)
    final boolean objectDeclared = Object.class.equals(typeClass);
    final Class lowerType = correctValueType(objectDeclared ? upperType : typeClass, customType);

    final List<Type> lowerGenerics =
            resolveLowerGenerics(genericsContext, type, typeClass, objectDeclared, lowerType);
    final List<Type> upperGenerics = lowerType.equals(upperType) ? lowerGenerics
            : resolveUpperGenerics(genericsContext, type, objectDeclared, upperType);

    return new ConfigPath(
            // as an example, enum constant type could lead to anonymous class
            upperType.isAnonymousClass() ? lowerType : upperType,
            fullPath(root, prop),
源代码3 项目: dropwizard-guicey   文件:
 * Use jackson serialization api to extract all configuration values with paths from configuration object.
 * Always analyze types, even if actual branch is not present at all (null value) in order to always bind
 * nulls and avoid "Schrodinger's binding" case. In short, bindings should not depend on configuration values
 * (presence).
 * <p>
 * Still, bindings may vary: for example, bound implementations may differ (best example is dropwizard server type),
 * as a consequences, parsed type may be different and so different properties paths could be recognized.
 * @param config  jackson serialization config
 * @param content currently parsed paths
 * @param type    analyzed part type
 * @param object  analyzed part instance (may be null)
 * @return all configuration paths values
private static List<ConfigPath> resolvePaths(final SerializationConfig config,
                                             final ConfigPath root,
                                             final List<ConfigPath> content,
                                             final Class type,
                                             final Object object,
                                             final GenericsContext genericsContext) {
    final BasicBeanDescription description = config.introspect(

    for (BeanPropertyDefinition prop : description.findProperties()) {
        // ignore write-only or groovy special property
        if (!prop.couldSerialize() || prop.getName().equals("metaClass")) {
        final Object value;
        // if configuration doesn't expect serialization and throws error on access
        // (like netflix dynamic properties) it should not break app startup
        try {
            value = readValue(prop.getAccessor(), object);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOGGER.warn("Can't bind configuration path '{}' due to {}: {}. Enable debug logs to see "
                            + "complete stack trace or use @JsonIgnore on property getter.",
                    fullPath(root, prop), ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), ex.getMessage());
            LOGGER.debug("Complete error: ", ex);

        final ConfigPath item = createItem(root, prop, value, genericsContext);
        if (root != null) {

        if (item.isCustomType() && !detectRecursion(item)) {
            // build generics context for actual value type (if not null)
            final GenericsContext subContext = prop.getGetter() != null
                    ? genericsContext.method(prop.getGetter().getAnnotated()).returnTypeAs(item.getValueType())
                    : genericsContext.fieldTypeAs(prop.getField().getAnnotated(), item.getValueType());

            resolvePaths(config, item, content, item.getValueType(),
                    item.getValue(), subContext);
    if (root != null) {
        // simple properties goes up and composite objects go lower (both groups sorted alphabetically)
        root.getChildren().sort(Comparator.comparing(o -> (o.isCustomType() ? 'b' : 'a') + o.getPath()));
    return content;