
下面列出了com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.BaseJsonNode#org.springframework.tuple.Tuple 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

@StreamListener( Sink.INPUT )
public void processNotification( final String json ) {
    log.debug( "processNotification : enter" );

    Tuple event = TupleBuilder.fromString( json );

    Assert.hasText( event.getString( "eventType" ), "eventType not set" );
    Assert.hasText( event.getString( "boardUuid" ), "boardUuid not set" );
    Assert.hasText( event.getString( "occurredOn" ), "occurredOn not set" );

    String eventType = event.getString( "eventType" );
    if( eventType.equals( "BoardInitialized" ) ) {
        log.debug( "processNotification : exit, no board should exist in cache if 'BoardInitialized' event is received" );


    this.service.uncacheTarget( UUID.fromString( event.getString( "boardUuid" ) ) );

    log.debug( "processNotification : exit" );
private BaseJsonNode toNode(Object value) {
    if (value != null) {
        if (value instanceof Tuple) {
            return toObjectNode((Tuple) value);
        else if (value instanceof List<?>) {
            return toArrayNode((List<?>) value);
        else if (!value.getClass().isPrimitive()) {
            return mapper.getNodeFactory().pojoNode(value);
        else {
            return mapper.valueToTree(value);
    return null;
源代码3 项目: event-store-demo   文件:
public void processDomainEvent( final Tuple event ) {
    log.debug( "processDomainEvent : enter" );

    log.debug( "processDomainEvent : event[{}] ", event );

    String eventType = event.getString( "eventType" );
    switch ( eventType ) {

        case "BoardInitialized":
            processBoardInitialized( event );

            processBoardEvent( event );

    log.debug( "processDomainEvent : calling publisher.sendNotification( event )" );
    this.publisher.sendNotification( event );

    log.debug( "processDomainEvent : exit" );
public static Tuple toTuple(Tensor tensor) {
	ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(tensor.numBytes());

	// Retrieve all bytes in the buffer
	byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.capacity()];

       buffer.get(bytes, 0, bytes.length);

	return TupleBuilder.tuple()
			.put(TF_DATA_TYPE, tensor.dataType().name())
			.put(TF_SHAPE, tensor.shape())
			.put(TF_VALUE, bytes)
public void longArray() {
	long[][] inLongArray = new long[2][2];
	inLongArray[0][0] = 0;
	inLongArray[0][1] = 1;
	inLongArray[1][0] = 2;
	inLongArray[1][1] = 3;

	Tensor inTensor = Tensor.create(inLongArray);

	Tuple tuple = TensorTupleConverter.toTuple(inTensor);
	Tensor outTensor = TensorTupleConverter.toTensor(tuple);

	long[][] outLongArray = new long[2][2];
	outLongArray = outTensor.copyTo(outLongArray);

	compareTensors(inTensor, outTensor);
	assertArrayEquals(inLongArray, outLongArray);
private MutableMessage<?> convertToMutable(Message<?> input) throws Exception{
    Object payload = input.getPayload();
    if (payload instanceof Tuple && !(payload instanceof MutableTuple)) {
            payload = TupleBuilder.mutableTuple().putAll((Tuple) payload).build();
    else if (payload instanceof String){
		String strPayload = input.getPayload().toString();
		Iterator<Entry<String, Object>> objects = new ObjectMapper().readValue(strPayload, Map.class).entrySet().iterator();
		TupleBuilder tuples = TupleBuilder.mutableTuple();
		while (objects.hasNext()){
			Entry<String,Object> entry =;
			tuples.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
		payload =;
    return new MutableMessage<>(payload, input.getHeaders());
public void process(Message<?> message) {
	Object payload = message.getPayload();
	if (payload instanceof String) {
		try {
			payload = jsonToTupleTransformer.transformPayload(payload.toString());
		catch (Exception e) {
			throw new MessageTransformationException(message, e.getMessage(), e);
	if (payload instanceof Tuple) {
		processTuple(computeMetricName(message), (Tuple) payload);
	else {
		processPojo(computeMetricName(message), payload);
public void testInsertion() {
	Tuple tupleA = TupleBuilder.tuple().of("a", "hello1", "b", 42);
	Tuple tupleB = TupleBuilder.tuple().of("a", "hello2", "b", null);
	Tuple tupleC = TupleBuilder.tuple().of("a", "hello3");
			"select count(*) from messages where a = ? and b = ?",
			Integer.class, tupleA.getString("a"), tupleA.getInt("b")), is(1));
			"select count(*) from messages where a = ? and b IS NULL",
			Integer.class, tupleB.getString("a")), is(1));
			"select count(*) from messages where a = ? and b IS NULL",
			Integer.class, tupleC.getString("a")), is(1));
@Publisher( channel = Source.OUTPUT )
public Message<String> sendNotification( Tuple event ) {

    String payload = converter.convert( event );

    return MessageBuilder
            .withPayload( payload )
            .setHeader( "x-delay", 1000 )
public String convert( Tuple source ) {
    ObjectNode root = toObjectNode(source);
    String json = null;
    try {
        json = mapper.writeValueAsString(root);
    catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tuple to string conversion failed", e);
    return json;
private ObjectNode toObjectNode(Tuple source) {
    ObjectNode root = mapper.createObjectNode();
    for (int i = 0; i < source.size(); i++) {
        Object value = source.getValues().get(i);
        String name = source.getFieldNames().get(i);
        if (value == null) {
        } else {
            root.putPOJO(name, toNode(value));
    return root;
public Tuple convert(byte[] source) {
    if (source == null) {
        return null;
    try {
        return jsonNodeToTupleConverter.convert( mapper.readTree( source ) );
    catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e);
源代码13 项目: event-store-demo   文件:
@PostMapping( "/" )
public ResponseEntity saveEvent( @RequestBody String json ) {

    Tuple event = TupleBuilder.fromString( json );

    Assert.isTrue( event.hasFieldName( "eventType" ), "eventType is required" );
    Assert.isTrue( event.hasFieldName( "boardUuid" ), "boardUuid is required" );
    Assert.isTrue( event.hasFieldName( "occurredOn" ), "occurredOn is required" );

    this.service.processDomainEvent( event );

    return ResponseEntity
public GatewayFilter apply(Tuple args) {
	return (exchange, chain) -> exchange.getSession()
		.map(webSession -> {
			log.debug("Session id: " + webSession.getId());
				.forEach(entry ->
				log.debug(entry.getKey() + " => " +
			return webSession;
public GatewayFilter apply(Tuple args) {
	return (exchange, chain) -> exchange.getSession()
		.map(webSession -> {
			log.debug("Session id: " + webSession.getId());
				.forEach(entry ->
				log.debug(entry.getKey() + " => " +
			return webSession;
@ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "tensorflowOutputConverter")
public TensorflowOutputConverter tensorflowOutputConverter() {
	// Default implementations serializes the Tensor into Tuple
	return new TensorflowOutputConverter<Tuple>() {
		public Tuple convert(Tensor tensor, Map<String, Object> processorContext) {
			return TensorTupleConverter.toTuple(tensor);
private Tensor toFeedTensor(Object value) {
	if (value instanceof Tensor) {
		return (Tensor) value;
	else if (value instanceof Tuple) {
		return TensorTupleConverter.toTensor((Tuple) value);

	return Tensor.create(value);
public static Tensor toTensor(Tuple tuple) {
	DataType dataType = DataType.valueOf(tuple.getString(TF_DATA_TYPE));
	long[] shape = (long[]) tuple.getValue(TF_SHAPE);
	byte[] bytes = (byte[]) tuple.getValue(TF_VALUE);

	return Tensor.create(dataType, shape, ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes));
@Test(expected = MessageHandlingException.class)
public void testEvaluationIncorrectTupleInput() {
	Tuple incompleteInputTuple = TupleBuilder.tuple()
			//	missing data type
			.put(TF_SHAPE, new long[0])
			.put(TF_VALUE, new byte[0])
private void processValueForCounter(String counterName, Object value, String[] path) {
	String key = path[0];
	Object result = null;
	if (value instanceof List) {
		for (Object item : (List<?>) value) {
			processValueForCounter(counterName, item, path);
	else if (value instanceof Tuple) {
		Tuple t = (Tuple) value;
		if (t.hasFieldName(key)) {
			result = t.getValue(key);
	else if (value instanceof Map) {
		result = ((Map<?, ?>) value).get(key);
	if (result != null) {
		if (path.length == 1) {
			processValue(counterName, result);
		else {
			path = Arrays.copyOfRange(path, 1, path.length);
			processValueForCounter(counterName, result, path);
private MutableMessage<?> convertToMutable(Message<?> input) {
	Object payload = input.getPayload();
	if (payload instanceof Tuple && !(payload instanceof MutableTuple)) {
		payload = TupleBuilder.mutableTuple().putAll((Tuple) payload).build();
	return new MutableMessage<>(payload, input.getHeaders());
源代码22 项目: event-store-demo   文件:
private void processBoardInitialized( final Tuple event ) {
    log.debug( "processBoardInitialized : enter " );

    String boardUuid = event.getString( "boardUuid" );

    DomainEventsEntity domainEventsEntity = new DomainEventsEntity( boardUuid );

    DomainEventEntity domainEventEntity = new DomainEventEntity();
    domainEventEntity.setId( UUID.randomUUID().toString() );

    Instant occurredOn = Instant.parse( event.getString( "occurredOn" ) );
    domainEventEntity.setOccurredOn( LocalDateTime.ofInstant( occurredOn, ZoneOffset.UTC ) );

    domainEventEntity.setData( this.toJsonStringConverter.convert( event ) );

    domainEventsEntity.getDomainEvents().add( domainEventEntity ); domainEventsEntity );

源代码23 项目: event-store-demo   文件:
private void processBoardEvent( final Tuple event ) {
    log.debug( "processBoardEvent : enter " );

    String boardUuid = event.getString( "boardUuid" );

    this.domainEventsRepository.findById( boardUuid )
            .ifPresent( found -> {
                log.debug( "processBoardEvent : a DomainEventsEntity[{}] was found for boardUuid[{}]. ", found, boardUuid );

                DomainEventEntity domainEventEntity = new DomainEventEntity();
                domainEventEntity.setId( UUID.randomUUID().toString() );

                Instant occurredOn = Instant.parse( event.getString( "occurredOn" ) );
                domainEventEntity.setOccurredOn( LocalDateTime.ofInstant( occurredOn, ZoneOffset.UTC ) );

                domainEventEntity.setData( toJsonStringConverter.convert( event ) );

                found.getDomainEvents().add( domainEventEntity );
       found );


private void processTuple(String counterName, Tuple tuple) {
	String[] path = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(fvcSinkProperties.getFieldName(), ".");
	processValueForCounter(counterName, tuple, path);
public Tuple getTest() {
	return this.test;
public void setTest(Tuple test) {
	this.test = test;
源代码27 项目: event-store-demo   文件:
public void testProcessBoardInitializedEvent() throws Exception {

    this.service.processDomainEvent( TupleBuilder.fromString( BOARD_INITIALIZED_EVENT ) );

    verify( this.repository, times( 1 ) ).save( any( DomainEventsEntity.class ) );
    verify( this.notificationPublisher, times( 1 ) ).sendNotification( any( Tuple.class ) );

源代码28 项目: event-store-demo   文件:
public void testProcessBoardRenamedEvent() throws Exception {

    DomainEventsEntity domainEventsEntity = createDomainEventsEntity();
    when( this.repository.findById( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( Optional.of( domainEventsEntity ) );

    this.service.processDomainEvent( TupleBuilder.fromString( BOARD_RENAMED_EVENT ) );

    verify( this.repository, times( 1 ) ).findById( anyString() );
    verify( this.repository, times( 1 ) ).save( any( DomainEventsEntity.class ) );
    verify( this.notificationPublisher, times( 1 ) ).sendNotification( any( Tuple.class ) );

public void testSendNotification() throws Exception {

    BlockingQueue<Message<?>> messages = collector.forChannel( source.output() );

    Tuple event = TupleBuilder.fromString( BOARD_INITIALIZED_EVENT );
    this.notificationPublisher.sendNotification( event );

    assertThat( messages, receivesPayloadThat( is( BOARD_INITIALIZED_EVENT ) ) );

public void testSaveEvents() throws Exception {

    this.mockMvc.perform( post( "/" ).content( BOARD_INITIALIZED_EVENT ) )
            .andDo( print() )
            .andExpect( status().isAccepted() );

    verify( this.service, times( 1 ) ).processDomainEvent( any( Tuple.class ) );
