( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: Kettle   文件:
public SimpleHelpMap(CraftServer server) {
    this.helpTopics = new TreeMap<String, HelpTopic>(HelpTopicComparator.topicNameComparatorInstance()); // Using a TreeMap for its explicit sorting on key
    this.topicFactoryMap = new HashMap<Class, HelpTopicFactory<Command>>();
    this.server = server;
    this.yaml = new HelpYamlReader(server);

    Predicate indexFilter = Predicates.not(Predicates.instanceOf(CommandAliasHelpTopic.class));
    if (!yaml.commandTopicsInMasterIndex()) {
        indexFilter = Predicates.and(indexFilter, Predicates.not(new IsCommandTopicPredicate()));

    this.defaultTopic = new IndexHelpTopic("Index", null, null, Collections2.filter(helpTopics.values(), indexFilter), "Use /help [n] to get page n of help.");

    registerHelpTopicFactory(MultipleCommandAlias.class, new MultipleCommandAliasHelpTopicFactory());
public static Predicate<BlueTestResult> filterByStatus(String status) {
    String[] statusAtoms = StringUtils.split(status, ',');
    Predicate<BlueTestResult> predicate = Predicates.alwaysFalse();
    if (statusAtoms == null || statusAtoms.length == 0) {
        throw new BadRequestException("status not provided");
    for (String statusString : statusAtoms) {
        Predicate<BlueTestResult> statusPredicate;
        try {
            if (statusString.startsWith("!")) {
                statusPredicate = Predicates.not(new StatusPredicate(Status.valueOf(statusString.toUpperCase().substring(1))));
            } else {
                statusPredicate  = new StatusPredicate(Status.valueOf(statusString.toUpperCase()));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new BadRequestException("bad status " + status, e);
        predicate = Predicates.or(predicate, statusPredicate );
    return predicate;
源代码3 项目: codebuff   文件:
 * Returns an unmodifiable <b>view</b> of the difference of two sets. The
 * returned set contains all elements that are contained by {@code set1} and
 * not contained by {@code set2}. {@code set2} may also contain elements not
 * present in {@code set1}; these are simply ignored. The iteration order of
 * the returned set matches that of {@code set1}.
 * <p>Results are undefined if {@code set1} and {@code set2} are sets based
 * on different equivalence relations (as {@code HashSet}, {@code TreeSet},
 * and the keySet of an {@code IdentityHashMap} all are).

public static <E> SetView<E> difference(
  final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2) {
  checkNotNull(set1, "set1");
  checkNotNull(set2, "set2");
  final Predicate<Object> notInSet2 = Predicates.not(;
  return new SetView<E>() {
    public Iterator<E> iterator() {
      return Iterators.filter(set1.iterator(), notInSet2);

    public int size() {
      return Iterators.size(iterator());

    public boolean isEmpty() {
      return set2.containsAll(set1);

    public boolean contains(Object element) {
      return set1.contains(element) && !set2.contains(element);
源代码4 项目: codebuff   文件:
 * Returns an unmodifiable <b>view</b> of the difference of two sets. The
 * returned set contains all elements that are contained by {@code set1} and
 * not contained by {@code set2}. {@code set2} may also contain elements not
 * present in {@code set1}; these are simply ignored. The iteration order of
 * the returned set matches that of {@code set1}.
 * <p>Results are undefined if {@code set1} and {@code set2} are sets based
 * on different equivalence relations (as {@code HashSet}, {@code TreeSet},
 * and the keySet of an {@code IdentityHashMap} all are).

public static <E> SetView<E> difference(
  final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2) {
  checkNotNull(set1, "set1");
  checkNotNull(set2, "set2");
  final Predicate<Object> notInSet2 = Predicates.not(;
  return new SetView<E>() {
    public Iterator<E> iterator() {
      return Iterators.filter(set1.iterator(), notInSet2);

    public int size() {
      return Iterators.size(iterator());

    public boolean isEmpty() {
      return set2.containsAll(set1);

    public boolean contains(Object element) {
      return set1.contains(element) && !set2.contains(element);
源代码5 项目: codebuff   文件:
 * Returns an unmodifiable <b>view</b> of the difference of two sets. The
 * returned set contains all elements that are contained by {@code set1} and
 * not contained by {@code set2}. {@code set2} may also contain elements not
 * present in {@code set1}; these are simply ignored. The iteration order of
 * the returned set matches that of {@code set1}.
 * <p>Results are undefined if {@code set1} and {@code set2} are sets based
 * on different equivalence relations (as {@code HashSet}, {@code TreeSet},
 * and the keySet of an {@code IdentityHashMap} all are).

public static <E> SetView<E> difference(
  final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2) {
  checkNotNull(set1, "set1");
  checkNotNull(set2, "set2");
  final Predicate<Object> notInSet2 = Predicates.not(;
  return new SetView<E>() {
    public Iterator<E> iterator() {
      return Iterators.filter(set1.iterator(), notInSet2);

    public int size() {
      return Iterators.size(iterator());

    public boolean isEmpty() {
      return set2.containsAll(set1);

    public boolean contains(Object element) {
      return set1.contains(element) && !set2.contains(element);
源代码6 项目: codebuff   文件:
 * Returns an unmodifiable <b>view</b> of the difference of two sets. The
 * returned set contains all elements that are contained by {@code set1} and
 * not contained by {@code set2}. {@code set2} may also contain elements not
 * present in {@code set1}; these are simply ignored. The iteration order of
 * the returned set matches that of {@code set1}.
 * <p>Results are undefined if {@code set1} and {@code set2} are sets based
 * on different equivalence relations (as {@code HashSet}, {@code TreeSet},
 * and the keySet of an {@code IdentityHashMap} all are).
public static <E> SetView<E> difference(final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2) {
  checkNotNull(set1, "set1");
  checkNotNull(set2, "set2");

  final Predicate<Object> notInSet2 = Predicates.not(;
  return new SetView<E>() {
    public Iterator<E> iterator() {
      return Iterators.filter(set1.iterator(), notInSet2);

    public int size() {
      return Iterators.size(iterator());

    public boolean isEmpty() {
      return set2.containsAll(set1);

    public boolean contains(Object element) {
      return set1.contains(element) && !set2.contains(element);
源代码7 项目: oopsla15-artifact   文件:
public static String measureAndReport(final Object objectToMeasure,
		final String className, DataType dataType, Archetype archetype,
		boolean supportsStagedMutability, int size, int run,
		MemoryFootprintPreset preset) {
	final Predicate<Object> predicate;

	switch (preset) {
		predicate = Predicates.not(Predicates.instanceOf(org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IValue.class));
		predicate = Predicates.alwaysTrue();
		throw new IllegalStateException();

	// System.out.println(GraphLayout.parseInstance(objectToMeasure).totalSize());

	long memoryInBytes = objectexplorer.MemoryMeasurer.measureBytes(
			objectToMeasure, predicate);

	Footprint memoryFootprint = objectexplorer.ObjectGraphMeasurer.measure(
			objectToMeasure, predicate);

	final String statString = String.format("%d\t %60s\t[%s]\t %s",
			memoryInBytes, className, dataType, memoryFootprint);

	final String statFileString = String.format(
			"%d,%d,%s,%s,%s,%b,%d,%d,%d", size, run, className, dataType,
			archetype, supportsStagedMutability, memoryInBytes,
			memoryFootprint.getObjects(), memoryFootprint.getReferences());

	return statFileString;
static AvgEntryCost averageEntryCost(Populator<?> populator, int initialEntries, int entriesToAdd) {
  Preconditions.checkArgument(initialEntries >= 0, "initialEntries negative");
  Preconditions.checkArgument(entriesToAdd > 0, "entriesToAdd negative or zero");

  Predicate<Object> predicate = Predicates.not(Predicates.instanceOf(

  Object collection1 = populator.construct(initialEntries);
  Footprint footprint1 = ObjectGraphMeasurer.measure(collection1, predicate);
  long bytes1 = MemoryMeasurer.measureBytes(collection1, predicate);

  Object collection2 = populator.construct(initialEntries + entriesToAdd);
  Footprint footprint2 = ObjectGraphMeasurer.measure(collection2, predicate);
  long bytes2 = MemoryMeasurer.measureBytes(collection2, predicate);

  double objects = (footprint2.getObjects() - footprint1.getObjects()) / (double) entriesToAdd;
  double refs = (footprint2.getReferences() - footprint1.getReferences()) / (double) entriesToAdd;
  double bytes = (bytes2 - bytes1) / (double)entriesToAdd;

  Map<Class<?>, Double> primitives = Maps.newHashMap();
  for (Class<?> primitiveType : primitiveTypes) {
    int initial = footprint1.getPrimitives().count(primitiveType);
    int ending = footprint2.getPrimitives().count(primitiveType);
    if (initial != ending) {
      primitives.put(primitiveType, (ending - initial) / (double) entriesToAdd);

  return new AvgEntryCost(objects, refs, primitives, bytes);
源代码9 项目: arcusplatform   文件:
public ModelPredicateMatcher not() {
   return new ModelPredicateMatcher(Predicates.not(selector), Predicates.not(matcher));
源代码10 项目: helix   文件:
 * Use the predicate to reject already selected zones or nodes.
private Predicate<Node> nodeAlreadySelected(Set<Node> selectedNodes) {
  return Predicates.not(;
源代码11 项目: helix   文件:
 * Use the predicate to reject already selected zones or nodes.
private Predicate<Node> nodeAlreadySelected(Set<Node> selectedNodes) {
  return Predicates.not(;
源代码12 项目: consulo   文件:
public static Predicate<ContentFolderTypeProvider> all(final boolean withExclude) {
  return withExclude
         ? Predicates.<ContentFolderTypeProvider>alwaysTrue()
         : Predicates.not(Predicates.<ContentFolderTypeProvider>equalTo(ExcludedContentFolderTypeProvider.getInstance()));
源代码13 项目: moon-api-gateway   文件:
private Predicate<String> paths() {
    return Predicates.not(PathSelectors.regex("/basic-error-controller.*"));
 * Use the predicate to reject already selected racks.
private Predicate<Node> getRackPredicate(Set<Node> selectedRacks) {
  return Predicates.not(;
源代码15 项目: UHC   文件:
protected boolean runCommand(CommandSender sender, OptionSet options) {
    final int page = pageSpec.value(options);
    final boolean emptyOnly = options.has(emptyOnlySpec);
    final boolean showAll = options.has(showAllSpec);

    if (showAll && emptyOnly) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You must provide -e OR -a, you cannot supply both");
        return true;

    final Predicate<Team> predicate;
    final String type;

    if (emptyOnly) {
        type = "(empty teams)";
        predicate = Predicates.not(FunctionalUtil.TEAMS_WITH_PLAYERS);
    } else if (showAll) {
        type = "(all teams)";
        predicate = Predicates.alwaysTrue();
    } else {
        type = "(with players)";
        predicate = FunctionalUtil.TEAMS_WITH_PLAYERS;

    final List<Team> teams = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(teamModule.getTeams().values(), predicate));

    if (teams.size() == 0) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "No results found for query " + type);
        return true;

    final List<List<Team>> partitioned = Lists.partition(teams, COUNT_PER_PAGE);

    if (page > partitioned.size()) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Page " + page + " does not exist");
        return true;

    final List<Team> pageItems = partitioned.get(page - 1);

    final Map<String, Object> context = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
            .put("page", page)
            .put("pages", partitioned.size())
            .put("type", type)
            .put("count", pageItems.size())
            .put("teams", teams.size())
            .put("multiple", partitioned.size() > 1)

    sender.sendMessage(messages.evalTemplate("header", context));

    final Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(", ");
    for (final Team team : pageItems) {
        final String memberString;
        final Set<OfflinePlayer> members = team.getPlayers();

        if (members.size() == 0) {
            memberString = NO_MEMBERS;
        } else {
            memberString = joiner.join(Iterables.transform(team.getPlayers(), FunctionalUtil.PLAYER_NAME_FETCHER));

                String.format(FORMAT, team.getPrefix() + team.getDisplayName(), team.getName(), memberString)

    return true;
源代码16 项目: brooklyn-server   文件:
public static Predicate<NodeMetadata> except(final Predicate<NodeMetadata> predicateToExclude) {
    return Predicates.not(predicateToExclude);
源代码17 项目: brooklyn-server   文件:
protected Maybe<Entity> callImpl(boolean immediate) throws Exception {
    Maybe<Entity> entityMaybe = getEntity(immediate);
    if (immediate && entityMaybe.isAbsent()) {
        return entityMaybe;
    EntityInternal entity = (EntityInternal) entityMaybe.get();
    Iterable<Entity> entitiesToSearch = null;
    Predicate<Entity> notSelfPredicate = Predicates.not(Predicates.<Entity>equalTo(entity));

    switch (scope) {
        case THIS:
            return Maybe.<Entity>of(entity);
        case PARENT:
            return Maybe.<Entity>of(entity.getParent());
        case GLOBAL:
            entitiesToSearch = ((EntityManagerInternal)entity.getManagementContext().getEntityManager())
                .getAllEntitiesInApplication( entity().getApplication() );
        case ROOT:
            return Maybe.<Entity>of(entity.getApplication());
        case SCOPE_ROOT:
            return Maybe.<Entity>of(Entities.catalogItemScopeRoot(entity));
        case DESCENDANT:
            entitiesToSearch = Entities.descendantsWithoutSelf(entity);
        case ANCESTOR:
            entitiesToSearch = Entities.ancestorsWithoutSelf(entity);
        case SIBLING:
            entitiesToSearch = entity.getParent().getChildren();
            entitiesToSearch = Iterables.filter(entitiesToSearch, notSelfPredicate);
        case CHILD:
            entitiesToSearch = entity.getChildren();
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected scope "+scope);
    String desiredComponentId;
    if (componentId == null) {
        if (componentIdSupplier == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No component-id or component-id supplier, when resolving entity in scope '" + scope + "' wrt " + entity);
        Maybe<Object> maybeComponentId = Tasks.resolving(componentIdSupplier)
                .description("Resolving component-id from " + componentIdSupplier)
        if (immediate) {
            if (maybeComponentId.isAbsent()) {
                return ImmediateValueNotAvailableException.newAbsentWrapping("Cannot find component ID", maybeComponentId);
        // Support being passed an explicit entity via the DSL
        if (maybeComponentId.get() instanceof BrooklynObject) {
            if (Iterables.contains(entitiesToSearch, maybeComponentId.get())) {
                return Maybe.of((Entity)maybeComponentId.get());
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Resolved component " + maybeComponentId.get() + " is not in scope '" + scope + "' wrt " + entity);
        desiredComponentId = TypeCoercions.coerce(maybeComponentId.get(), String.class);

        if (Strings.isBlank(desiredComponentId)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("component-id blank, from " + componentIdSupplier);
    } else {
        desiredComponentId = componentId;
    Optional<Entity> result = Iterables.tryFind(entitiesToSearch, EntityPredicates.configEqualTo(BrooklynCampConstants.PLAN_ID, desiredComponentId));
    if (result.isPresent()) {
        return Maybe.of(result.get());
    result = Iterables.tryFind(entitiesToSearch, EntityPredicates.idEqualTo(desiredComponentId));
    if (result.isPresent()) {
        return Maybe.of(result.get());
    // could be nice if DSL has an extra .block() method to allow it to wait for a matching entity.
    // previously we threw if nothing existed; now we return an absent with a detailed error
    return Maybe.absent(new NoSuchElementException("No entity matching id " + desiredComponentId+
        (scope==Scope.GLOBAL ? "" : ", in scope "+scope+" wrt "+entity+
        (scopeComponent!=null ? " ("+scopeComponent+" from "+entity()+")" : ""))));
源代码18 项目: brooklyn-server   文件:
public static Predicate<Iterable<?>> notEmpty() {
    return Predicates.not(emptyOrNull());
源代码19 项目: bazel   文件:
 * Predicate for checking if a rule class is not in excluded.
public static Predicate<String> notContainsAnyOf(final ImmutableSet<String> excluded) {
  return Predicates.not(;
源代码20 项目: n4js   文件:
 * Sugar for negating the predicate with type-safety.
 * @param predicate
 *            the predicate to negate.
 * @return the negated predicate.
public static ProjectTypePredicate not(ProjectTypePredicate predicate) {
	return new ProjectTypePredicate(Predicates.not(predicate));